Whispering Verse

Chapter 421 Lesia’s Ambition

"I got some information about the Chosen One in Cold Water Port, but instead of telling Miss Jalina, I was forced to tell Miss Sivi Avrola."

Shade admitted honestly.

"I heard from the young lady that the witch spoke highly of you."

The maid lady said with a smile.

"Oh, I did help her, so what?"

"Your information was obtained in Cold Water Port, and she could understand that you failed to inform the lady in time. What really makes her a little angry is that Ms. Sivi Avora actually took the initiative to contact you, and you also left her Very good impression.”

Shade tilted his head from behind the newspaper to look at the maid sitting across from him suspiciously. The maid smiled and told Shade a very unfortunate news:

"Mr. Hamilton, your existence is equivalent to directly challenging the rules of the witch's curse that have always existed. For such a secret, the young lady hopes that only she knows. But now, because of your risky actions, another witch also knows. She thinks , other witches stole her secrets and treasures."


Shade didn't expect that the red-haired duchess would think like this. But if you think about it carefully, if he knew a secret, he would probably want to keep it to himself.

"Miss Servit, is there anything that Miss Carina likes? I think maybe I can bring some gifts for this visit."

Even when the maid smiles, she can still maintain her elegant look:

"There are many things that Miss likes, but you probably can't come up with them."

"how about this?"

Shade thought for a moment, took out the handkerchief, and then put his hand into the inner pocket of his coat. Then, he took out a milky-white pearl that was more than half the size of his fist from his clothes. The divinity stored inside the pearl was perfectly absorbed by Shade. Unlike dolls made by gods to store divinity, the pearl was a real object, so it was preserved, but unfortunately the volume was reduced by half, and it could not be stored again. Divine.

The smile on the black-haired maid's face disappeared. She stretched her head slightly, widened her eyes and looked at the treasure held by Shade in surprise:


A moan-like exclamation came from her mouth. Although Miss Tifa Servitt was well-informed and was a ring magician herself, no woman would be able to refuse such jewelry.

In fact, men probably can’t refuse.

Shade held the pearl. When he saw Miss Carina in the manor's study, the duchess originally wanted to raise her head to say something, but when she saw what he was holding, she put down the pen in surprise:

"Although I have thought that one day you will give me gifts such as jewelry, is this too exaggerated? There are pearls bigger than this in my collection, but one as round as yours is really the first Where did you get this from when I first saw it?”

"I picked it up at Coldwater Port. I also went into the sea early yesterday morning. After the ancient ruins of the fishmen collapsed, all kinds of messy things fell down. Now the Orthodox Church of the Lenghwater Port Diocese is still searching for abnormal items in the entire sea area."

Shade handed the pearl to Miss Carina. After the latter took it, she seemed to like it very much, but after looking at it, she handed it to Shade again:

"Instead of giving it to me, why don't you keep it for yourself. Recently, you will have the opportunity to use this thing. Don't sell it at home. Wait until I give you a reminder before you give it away."

"To whom?"

Shade wrapped the handkerchief around the pearl, turned it back into a toy and threw it into his pocket.

"Queen Diana, she has a birthday at the end of this month."

Miss Carina handed the document signed by herself to the secretary, and the secretary sent the document out. She closed the cap of the pen and looked at Shade:

"There will probably be several political incidents in Tobesk recently."

The duchess frowned slightly, not knowing what she was thinking of:

"Shad, when the time is right, I will ask you to give this gift to Queen Diana. Although you have no intention of participating in politics, the next turmoil will inevitably affect you. After all, you saved Queen Diana. Sometimes Do the right thing and you will be hated, and Queen Diana will bring greater benefits to your life in Tobesk."

"But I have you."

Shade joked, Tifa standing behind Miss Carina smiled, and the witch also looked very happy:

"But after all, I am the Duchess of Saladir, not the Duchess of Tobesk. Queen Diana has a greater influence in this country than me. As for the turmoil in Tobesk in the next few weeks, I will also You should understand that it’s not convenient to interfere.”

Standing up and walking towards the sofa, Shade also stood up and changed places:

"I heard from Ms. Aurora that the murderer behind the murder of the queen has been found? It's Saxe Cavendish."

Shade asked tentatively, and Miss Carina nodded:

"Yes, MI6 finally played some role this time. As the powerful duchess, I cannot easily interfere in this matter."

"Because it has something to do with the succession of the throne?"

Miss Carina's mouth curved in a touching arc:

"It's good that you thought about it. I didn't expect you to be so sensitive to politics. I won't talk about too many political topics. Let's talk about Cold Water Port. I have learned from her about the matter between you and Sivi Avrola. I heard that she stole the show in the parliament this time."

He picked up the teacup and looked at Shade:

"I was indeed a little angry when I wrote to you, but it doesn't matter if you think about it carefully. I'm not a stingy person."

This statement is different from Tifa's statement. Shade squinted at the maid standing behind the duchess. The black-haired maid looked straight in the direction of the door, not looking at Shade.

"But there is a question I want to confirm. The so-called 'God Caller', did you use the power used in Lakeview Manor again, or did the thirteen-ring warlock really recover from his serious injury. This pair of parliament members Arrangements for coming down are very important.”

"It wasn't me. I was washed to the bottom of the sea by the tide."

Shade has already thought about this problem. There is no need for him to admit that he did it. In this way, the next time they are forced to use their divinity, people will take it for granted that the "god caller" has recovered, so it is not a problem to call the god again.

Miss Carina thought about it:

"That's a bit troublesome. Although there is more than one thirteen-ring warlock with an unknown identity, this one can summon gods. The first time there may be a second time. What is it in the fish-man temple that can summon gods? To heal injuries caused by calling on the gods?”

Shade was careful not to speak and looked at the afternoon tea snacks on the coffee table. There are no icing pancakes that Lesia used to entertain him here. They are a delicacy in Coldwater Port, and the afternoon tea in the Royal Capital is more popular for sweet desserts with exquisite shapes.

And just when Shade was thinking about the taste of snacks, Miss Carina asked an unexpected question:

"Shad, what is your relationship with my grandniece Lesia?"


Shade was stunned. The witch leaned on the back of the sofa and smiled:

"Don't say you are just friends. Xiwei told me that you were caught hiding in the closet of Lesia's lounge and you were still wearing a garter?"

"No, it's nepotism, and I can explain it."

"Lesia is Zalas's ring sorcerer, I know this. If she hadn't been discovered earlier, I would actually have wanted her to become a witch. Shade, I don't care how you met her or what your future plans are. You must be careful about any relationship you develop, she is a very ambitious woman."

This was the first time Shade heard someone commenting on Lesia like this.

"Ambition? Does Lesia want to be crowned as Her Majesty the Queen of Delarion?"

Shade joked:

"Where does she have this kind of time? Attending meetings, giving speeches, touring the country, even with a staff team, Lesia doesn't have that much time. Unless she is willing to give up her identity as a ring magician, but how is this possible?"

"Of course I won't give up."

Miss Carina carefully organized her words. She squinted at Shade's confused face:

"She doesn't have time to be the queen, but others have time, and my nephew Larousse III has quite a few children. It's not difficult to find a few who are willing to listen to her. Lesia doesn't Even if you need to become a queen, you still have a way to gain power."

Shade immediately understood what she meant, and he looked at Carina Cavendish in surprise:

"You want to say that Lesia wants to support Li?"

The witch stretched out her slender fingers and made a silencing gesture in front of her mouth to tell Shade to stop talking:

"I don't have any idea about that position, and I don't want to get involved in the succession of the kingdom, so don't talk about this kind of thing in front of me. If you are interested in this, you should ask Lesia. You don't have a good relationship with her. ?"

Her right hand was by her ear, twirling her red hair, and her tone was full of ridicule.

Shade nodded. He didn't expect the red-haired girl to have such great ambitions.

The Witch Council is still tracking Darkness. Although it is extremely difficult to divine the chosen one, with the help of that boot, the Council at least confirmed that the other party did not go to the New World, but moved inland from the west coast.

New information would have to wait a while, but there was no way Darkness could come to Tobesk without blowing his trail. Miss Carina did not expect the possibility of him coming to Tobesk, and Shade did not say anything. The witch should know about this "surprise" within half a month.

After bidding farewell to Miss Carina, the carriage took Shade into the city. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon when he returned home. Shade took Nekomata to the Prophet's Association to find Luvia, wanting to talk about Coldwater Port and the escaped Darkness.

It's just an unfortunate coincidence that Luvia is not in the association this time, but she should be back before evening.

Since there was nothing else to do today, Shade wanted to check out the latest Rhodes decks in the association and inquire about the big city players next month. But when he turned around and put the cat on his shoulder, he saw Vice President Mark and Mr. Addis Stein, the president of the Tobesk branch, getting off the carriage and entering the door.

"Now something has happened."

Shade greeted him.

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