Whispering Verse

Chapter 425 Letter from the Princess

Regarding Darkness, the progress of things so far is still as expected by Shade and Luvia.

Darkness's identity has been exposed. Induced by the demon inhabiting her body, Darkness betrayed the Blood Spirit School and stole many relics.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will learn that his chosen ceremony needs to be performed in Tobesk. The three of Sha De will see him around the end of this month.

"The trouble now is not only the weird dark power, but the devil in him is even more troublesome."

Shade told what he heard from Miss Aurora, the witch's summary of Darkness's fighting methods:

“He uses his Ring Warlock power and the demon in his body as his core combat power, and uses the chosen person’s unique [Darkness] talent to perform self-healing, defense and movement.

Under normal conditions, do not take off the red gloves and fight as a human Ring Warlock;

If you encounter an enemy that you cannot deal with, take off your red gloves and use the mouth on your palm to assist in the fight;

After obtaining the relic [Fish Training Ring], the mouth on the palm has the ability to speak, and can even occupy his arm and form a half-body demon. This is the third state;

The most terrifying thing is the fourth state. When Darkness encounters a fatal danger, darkness and demons will corrode his body at the same time, forming a terrible dark pus, demon... My friend calls it The pus of humanity. "

Shade recalled the scene where Darkness punched and shattered the floor of the fish-man temple:

"According to my friends in Coldwater Port, in this last state, Darkness's physical fitness is difficult for even a twelve-level sorcerer. At the same time, his thaumaturgy, spells, and control of dark talents will be greatly enhanced. He has the ability to mentally contaminate himself, and the dark pus in half of his body can cause extremely terrible corrosion and infection effects on anyone who comes into contact...but my moonlight can remove that thing."

Since Shade's Silver Moon was unusual, he was not sure whether other thaumaturgic spells like "Flash" could also produce such outstanding effects.

"Four combat states..."

Luvia thought with a sullen face.

"The lady with the twelve rings has only seen and summarized four states. She does not rule out the possibility that the other party will become stronger."

Shade reminded:

"It's really tricky. We are friends with Iluna and we don't need to consider dealing with her, so we didn't encounter such trouble at first. But to deal with Darkness, even with Iluna's dark talent of suppressing the chosen one, that one The devil must also be faced head-on by us.”

The demons in this world are divided into two categories. The first category is the commonly recognized demon alien species, and the second category is like a combination of demons, demons, evil spirits and weird evil things known to outsiders.

"But have you noticed, Shade. He is obviously the chosen one, but he does not use his chosen talent as the core to delve into. Instead, he prefers to rely on the power of the devil in his body."

Luvia reminded, Shade thought about it, and it was indeed like this:

"He went the wrong way?"

"It's hard to say. I'll write to Iluna later, and we'll meet at your house on Sunday morning to discuss the matter again."

"no problem."

Shade nodded:

"But what are we going to do with Ivan Darkness? Just capture him? Kill him after he becomes the Chosen One? Kill him before he completes the ritual and waits for the second candidate for the second Chosen One. Someone shows up?”

Shade asked, Luvia shook her head:

"It's too early to think about this now. We can do whatever we can, but no matter what, we can't let him occupy the second position. In addition, I have found some information about the devil in him within the association. The other party's The name is difficult to say in common language, but its main ability is to absorb negative emotions to strengthen itself, swallow energy and matter, and read minds to a certain extent.”

Although the high-end combat effectiveness of the Prophet Association is far inferior to that of the Witch Council, the information and documents stored by the ancient fortune-teller organization are even the envy of the Zhengshen Church.

"These abilities have been demonstrated in the Darkness battle. It seems that we really need to formulate a serious plan to deal with him."

Shade stroked the cat and said, and then asked:

"Luvia, I've heard something else recently. Do you still remember the spaces left by the thirteen ancient gods? Recently I learned that some people call them shelters, which are the last ones left by the ancient gods to us when the end comes. Hope for survival.”

"So when will the end come?"

Luvia asked with a smile, looking at Shade with her purple eyes.

"have no idea."

Shade shook his head and laughed himself:

"I understand. After all, the other party is an organization that believes in doomsday theory. It's normal to say this. It's getting late. Do you want to have dinner together?"

He invited again, Luvia thought for a while:

"It's really rare that you will invite others to dinner. Okay, but I have to go to the lounge to touch up my makeup, please wait a moment."

"no problem."

Shade wanted to wait in the hall downstairs, so he took Mia to the door first. But when he held the door handle, he thought of another thing, so he turned around and asked softly:

"Luvia, is this the sixth era?"

Luvia was still sitting at the table, with her back to the window and the setting sun, so her face seemed to be covered by a shadow, and her purple eyes seemed to be emitting charming colors:


She looked at Shade:

"The Sixth Age."

Because of the strange light and shadow on her face, Shade couldn't see her mouth moving clearly, and could only hear the sound coming out. This scene was a bit scary, but Shade didn't care, he just nodded in surprise:

"I'll wait for you downstairs. If you don't find me, I might be playing Rhodes with someone else."

He opened the door and walked out, leaving Luvia sitting there.

Shade didn't close the door, so the cat on his shoulder looked back:


The cat tilted its head with a curious expression. It clearly saw that behind the sitting human woman, there was an almost identical human with a transparent body, wrapping his arms around her neck and talking in her ear. What.

The transparent figure seemed to feel something and raised its head to look outside the door, but at this time the cat had already turned around.

Little Mia doesn't care about such strange things.

So Thursday, a slightly leisurely day, passed like this. When he woke up early on Friday morning, Shade realized that things in Coldwater Port were completely over, and he actually had nothing else to do for a while.

Calculating the time, the Flower Moon is about to reach the middle of the month, and Detective Sparrow's letter will be sent in more than half a month. Considering that there has been little business recently, Shade planned to use the money saved in his hands to renovate the third floor of St. Teresa Square before Darkness arrived in Tobesk, and by the way, he would renovate the remaining items of Detective Sparrow. The other two commissions have also been solved, which can be regarded as a complete end to everything left by the previous detective.

This morning when I went downstairs to get newspapers and goat's milk, I found a little surprise. Someone sent a letter to Shade, and there was a wad of banknotes in the letter. Brand new banknotes, with serial numbers, totaling 20 pounds.

Because there were no stamps or a return address on the envelope, Shade was initially horrified to think that this was a scammer who was making counterfeit banknotes randomly selecting unlucky guys to test whether the banknotes they printed were enough to deceive others, but there was another letter in the envelope. A letter that smells like perfume.

It was a very high-end letter paper. After looking through it, Xia De realized that he had thought wrong.

The letter was sent by Princess Agelina Cavendish whom they met yesterday, and the banknotes were to thank Shade and little Mia for finding the "real murderer." In her letter, she expressed her gratitude to Shade politely and praised the loyalty and wisdom of Rejed's Hamilton Knight.

The content of the letter was quite satisfactory, but in the note after the signature, the princess wrote this line:

[Compared to the last time I saw you, you are more interesting this time. 】

"Last time? When did I see Princess Agelina?"

Shade thought suspiciously while sitting at the dining table. He poured the goat's milk into the bowl of cat food and pushed it to the waiting cat with wide eyes. Then he narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Wait, isn't it the original owner Shade who has seen her? The tramp and the princess, the man huddled in the corner and the noble girl looking out from the carriage, and then...could this be what I have been worried about , someone who really knows the original owner? No, this is not possible, even if she is Lesia’s sister, but if..."

His thoughts suddenly strayed far away.

[Outlander, I want to remind you, please think carefully whether you have ever met her. 】

The appearance of the voice in his ears made Shade's thoughts shift away from whether the space behind the basement wall could accommodate a bed and cabinets. He tried hard to remember, and the female voice in his ear also smiled and gave a few key information tips such as [noble girl] [red hair] [likes to attend banquets and salons].

"Oh ~ Lakeview Manor!"

Now Shade remembered that on that rather magical night at Lakeview Manor, due to the influence of wonderful luck, he experienced many things that he could not see at the time, but actually had a significant bearing on him.

That night, shortly after Shade entered the manor, he saw Miss Tifa Servit. When he stood at the long table in the manor courtyard and looked up, he saw several girls standing on the terrace on the second floor of the manor, wearing formal dresses and chatting with each other.

One of the red-haired girls holding a glass of wine noticed Shade looking at them, and pointed out Shade's location to her friends (note).

At that time, Shade was worried about getting into trouble, so he left quickly without paying much attention to the girls upstairs. But now that he thinks about it, the red-haired girl he saw at that time was most likely Agelina Cavendish. And because the other party is looking from high to low, the possibility of being able to remember Xia De's appearance is not small.

[Yes, judging from the height and shape, it’s her. 】

"Tobesk is really small, I can touch him like this."

He sighed quietly, collected the bills in the envelope, and threw the letter aside.

In the letter, Princess Agelina politely invited Shade to attend her salon when she had time. The princess was probably very interested in Shade, who was rumored to have an inappropriate relationship with Miss Carina, but Shade did not What kind of underage princess are you interested in making friends with?

He also has to deal with a demon-possessed guy and renovate his own house. Of course, the reason for not having contact with Agelina Cavendish was to avoid being regarded as a frivolous person by Lesia, who would soon return to Tobesk City.


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