Whispering Verse

Chapter 441 Decoration Trivia

Seeing that Shade didn't understand this at all, Priest Augustus stopped and looked with Shade in the corridor at the early morning scenery of Dawn Square outside the side window:

"Xia De, you obviously can't stay at home all day long to supervise the construction workers. Although the construction team I recommended to you is very reliable and will not cause you trouble, how are you going to deal with the problems during the construction process? Give them a day Report it once? And do you really trust a group of strangers staying in your home?"


The old priest patted Shade on the shoulder:

"Ha, young people are indeed unreliable in their work. In this way, I will send you an overseer from the church as your representative to assist you in handling matters during the house repair and construction process."

"So how do I pay my salary? Daily or weekly?"

Shade asked immediately.


Priest Augustus looked at him curiously:

"Why pay?"


"The church helps believers for free most of the time. Not to mention just overseers, even if you want to find someone to help you exorcise demons, or want to participate in a believer's fellowship organized by the church, or help you conduct weddings and funerals, does the church Will I take your money?"

In fact, we will still charge some, but very little.

"Hamilton of Rejed, you are the core believer of Dawn Church in Tobesk Diocese. There is no need to talk about money in this matter."

The priest concluded the conversation and led Shade to find someone for help. The young priests and nuns passing by in the corridor would greet Reverend Augustus respectfully, and his reputation in the diocese was very high.

"However, after all, your house is a 'haunted house' registered with the church. If there are any problems in the future, it is best not to deal with it 'yourself' but to ask the church to deal with it."

He reread some of the words, and Shade nodded in understanding:

"But once I've lived here for a few years and it's been safe, No. 6 can't be called a haunted house, can it?"

"It's hard to say."

The priest is not optimistic about this:

"You see, the former detective Sparrow Hamilton also lived in it for three years before something happened. So if you want to prove that your house is not a haunted house, you must at least live in it longer than Detective Sparrow and be able to move in a healthy way. go out."

Shade calculated that he had only lived in No. 6 for two months. And if he wanted to sell the house at the price of the normal houses of his neighbors, he would have to live in it at least until the summer of 1856 in the Universal Calendar.

"But I have full confidence in you. The current situation for you is a process of rapid appreciation of wealth. This is more reliable than any investment, even the most profitable investment project rumored by the nobles, the adventure of participating in the New World Expedition Group, there will be no such generous returns as the real estate in St. Teresa Square."

Priest August said with a smile, and the strangers believed it:

"Yes, I have forgotten that not only the house, but the real estate on No. 6 is also mine. No matter where you are, no matter what era you are in, real estate is the most valuable investment."

"It's not easy for young people to realize this."

said the priest, stroking his chin.

Because we don’t have a house in our hometown, foreigners don’t have any experience in building maintenance and decoration.

He thought it would be a simple matter, just sign a formal contract and meet with the overseer sent by the church. Unexpectedly, after the construction started, he would have to make decisions on all aspects of the layout of the house, because in addition to renovations, he also wanted to carry out renovations.

In addition, the horse-drawn truck transport team sent by Miss Carina that afternoon blocked half of Saint Teresa Square and almost caused traffic chaos in nearby neighborhoods.

Shade didn't expect that the maid would get him so much furniture. All he wanted was a simple wardrobe, bed and table. Unexpectedly, the maid was so meticulous that she even chose the style of curtains, gas lamps and oil paintings on the wall.

The furniture was first transported to the basement to be furnished after renovation.

In addition to the furniture transport team, Miss Carina also hired masons to renovate the decorative walls and fireplace in Shade's house, and sent carpenters from the manor to build shelves and a small amount of off-the-shelf furniture for Shade. .

So the masons and carpenters who were responsible for maintaining the noble manor, the decoration team recommended by the August priest invited by Shade, and the pipe laymen from the gas company and the steam company met together and agreed on a new house decoration. plan.

Of course, this is free of charge, after all, Xia De already paid a premium.

Because of these complicated and messy things, Shade spent the whole day on Monday working at home with his cat, without any leisure time. This is even more tiring than venturing to Coldwater Port, where at least you can have some free time.

But fortunately, the house decoration documents were approved. I don't know who helped Xia De greet him at the city hall, and all the documents were stamped and filed within one day.

And when everyone left No. 6 in the evening, the specific decoration and maintenance plan was also formulated. After that, you just need to follow the plan. As long as there is no heavy rain that affects the roof waterproofing construction, it is expected that the project will be completed within this week. At that time, all the rooms in No. 6 Saint Teresa Square will be open to Shade.

Although such a large-scale decoration did not cost Shard any extra expenses, it attracted the attention of his neighbors. Although there is no neighbor mutual aid committee in Saint Teresa Square, the neighborhood decoration requires the consent of the neighbors due to the possible long-term noise and the coming and going of strangers.

So in the evening, Shade visited his neighbors with letters of opinion. And because of Shade's unusual working hours, it was the first time for him to meet his neighbors.

Among them, a Smith couple in their fifties who live at No. 5 St. Teresa Square have three small dogs at home. They politely invited Shade for a cup of tea. After knowing that it was just a simple decoration, they signed their names on the document.

The two knew Detective Sparrow, who had lived here for three years, but it was only from Shade that they heard that Detective Sparrow had passed away. After all, the detective's relationship with his neighbors wasn't very close when he was alive.

As for Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith, the former is a retired civil servant of the Kingdom and used to work as a secretary in the Kingdom’s Ministry of Finance. The framed medals on the wall are all the honors he has received. The only ones Shade knows are the "St. George Loyalty Medal of the Knights of the Order of the Delray Lyon" and the "Kingdom Special Contribution Medal". In Delarian's five-level medal system, both are third-level medals, and the latter is a second-level medal. This means that Mr. Smith was definitely not an ordinary department secretary before his retirement.

Mrs. Smith is an employee of the non-profit public welfare department of Tobesk City. She is a volunteer worker who only receives the minimum salary.

Their two children also live in Tobesk, but they have their own families, so they only visit occasionally.

The Smiths knew about "Rejed's Hamilton", praised him for his loyalty, and wanted to invite Shade to stay for dinner, but Shade declined.

From the conversation, Shade also knew that the two old men had met him before, but had never spoken to him, so he naturally accepted his taking over the detective agency.

Fortunately, Detective Sparrow did not let the original owner, Shad, come into contact with too many people, otherwise someone would have realized that Shad Hamilton's face shape and temperament had changed so much in just a few months.

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