Whispering Verse

Chapter 446: Voting Rights

"We can't explain that it was Xiwei who was able to come here, make conjectures, and want to conduct this experiment. Oh, by the way, I'm sorry for not telling you the subject of this experiment in advance... This idea was also Xiwei's. Proposed."

Miss Carina pointed at the brown-haired witch, who was quite surprised that she was given so many "ideas" at once.

The Duchess explained:

"Xiwei believes that since you are exempt from the witch's curse, you may have a deeper connection with the witch. That's why we will try to bring you in. Regardless of whether we succeed or not, we can get new ideas about your characteristics. However, no one expected that it would actually succeed and there would be no obstacles at all.”

"This is very interesting. No one has thought about bringing people without witch powers into this place before, but there has never been any successful example."

Miss Aurora thought about it and looked Shade up and down:

"Hamilton, forget it, let's call you 'Shad'. Shad, forget what happened today and never mention it to anyone. Carina and I will try to figure out your specificity. Compared to You are exempt from the Witch's Curse, and entering the Parliament is the only thing that can really get you into trouble."

"I see."

Shade nodded cautiously and put his hand on the stone table casually.

"That's it for today, you can leave. If Shade has any ideas and wants to enter again, I will find a chance next time. But remember, no one should reveal what happened today, or even take the initiative to talk about it."

Miss Carina looked at Miss Aurora.

"You don't need to remind me of this, Carina. You regard him as your treasure, and I will not regard him as an ordinary man."

The two ladies stood up, and Miss Carina handed the book she was holding to Miss Aurora:

"What I promised you last time."

Behind their chairs, in front of the dilapidated stone steps leading up, a white mist door appeared.

"You can choose to use any door, but you can only return to the place you came from, so you cannot use this space to jump. Members of the parliament still need to rely on steam trains to meet in reality."

Miss Aurora said, taking Shade's hand to prevent him from getting lost as he left. After saying goodbye to Miss Carina, who looked worried, Shade followed Miss Aurora into the door behind her seat.

"Any information?"

He asked in his mind while passing through the white mist door.

[Yes, stranger, you gained more information by touching that stone table. By sacrificing a drop of divinity within the "Witch Council", you can obtain voting rights representing two votes. This is a consumable item, not a permanent two votes. 】

Shade followed Miss Aurora through the door and back to the corridor of the manor.

"Sacrificing divinity in [Space Labyrinth] can obtain a brand new road sign. But in addition to divinity, there is also [White Stone Crystal] as other options. I don't think the Parliament also wants White Stone Crystal? What does the Parliament want? "

[Foreigners, you can collect "Witch Reverberation" to obtain two expendable voting rights. Multiple reverberations can be stacked on top of each other to gain more votes. 】

"What is this? It doesn't sound like a tangible substance like white stone crystal."

I thought I wouldn't get an answer, but I didn't expect to know the answer right away:

[Look for the death place of the witches who once had the right to vote. Since you already have the "Echo" spirit rune, that space provides information that absorbs the reverberations they left in history and civilization. Once you succeed, the mark of the reverberation will be left in your soul, which is the "witch reverberation". In addition to voting rights, this also gives you access to some witch knowledge. 】

Shade nodded, but was not very interested.

Even if they have the right to vote, the number of great witches present in the council needs to exceed the minimum amount before the meeting can be opened. Therefore, even if Shade obtained a hundred "Witch Reverberations" and had two hundred weighted voting rights, more witches would have to participate in order to use the power of the council.

Shade didn't want to deal with any more witches.

However, if there is really a chance to obtain the "Witch Reverberation", he will not give up. After all, he is still very interested in the knowledge of witches.

"When you have time to travel in the future, in addition to paying attention to local cult myths, you should also pay attention to whether there are rumors of witches."

He was thinking in his mind and said:

"Miss Aurora, since the ancient god, the Chaos Witch, left this kind of space, did other ancient gods also leave similar things? If so, what is the significance of the existence of these spaces?"

He asked the worried Miss Aurora again, who led Shade to the study and gave a very simple answer:

"The Thirteen Ancient Gods all have similar legacies. Each space has a unique function, but the Council is not very interested in other spaces. As for the meaning, I'm sorry, after experiencing the turmoil of the era and the destruction of the witch civilization in the fifth era, some The confidential information is lost, so I can't give an answer. Most of the information in the parliament is in the hands of the first chair. I just know that these locations are very important."

But since the Witch Council can control the [Witch Council], other dimensions may also be found and used by a certain force. For example, the [Creation Delivery Room] of [Twilight Creator], it is said that [Blood Spirit School] has made great progress.

As for the Prophet Association, as a gathering organization of believers of the ancient god [Mr. Huan], Shade even speculated that they might also control the space corresponding to their destiny.

"Well...it's so complicated."

Shade did not engage in other activities that day. Before dinner, he used the space of Aurora Manor to try to use the ritual in the paper to enhance the effect of [time perception]. But this enhancement only made his perception of the current time more accurate, but it did not help him get the answer he wanted.

What Shade tried today was the relatively simple method described in the paper. He will also try other methods that are stringent or require rare ritual materials in the future.

Just looking at the conclusion of the paper, the St. Barons student who wrote this article did not mention that he had doubts about the time of the Sixth Epoch while making the attempt. However, the author only tried part of the content in the article, and the rest were hypotheses based on principles, so Shade needed to try those hypothesized parts.

Even if there is no result, it will at least allow him to come up with an article for publication. Correspondence students can receive many rewards by publishing articles.

After returning home, Shade took advantage of the night to visit Dr. Schneider and Priest Augustus, and gave the two of them the special medicinal wine of Coldwater Port.

Of course, he has not forgotten that on the open first floor of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square, he tried to sing the witch's song, trying to see if he could enter the ancient corridor in front of the White Mist Gate by himself.

But after trying three or four times, Shade got nothing except the not-so-beautiful singing voice, which almost annoyed Mia. Obviously the conditions for entering that corridor are not as simple as singing.

"Could it be that I don't sing well?"

Shade has also considered this possibility, but obviously the witches cannot all be as good singers as Miss Aurora... Considering the common charisma and figure of the witches, they are also good at singing. The characteristics of a witch don't seem impossible.

"The Corridor of Time, the Labyrinth of Space, the Creation Delivery Room, the Judge's Court, and the Silver Moon Library are already the sixth one. There are really more and more things that are unclear...couldn't the Dark Dungeon be the same? ?”

He hugged the cat and yawned, looking at the moon outside the window. When Mia also started to yawn, Shade decided to go to the study to read for a while before going to bed.

Foreigners are also very diligent.

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