Whispering Verse

Chapter 448 The Last Priest

"Old God - Earthshaking Worm?"

Shade was quite surprised to hear about this god, because he had actually heard of this old god.

The old god [Earth-Shaking Worm] also has another well-known name, which is the "God of Earthquakes". Unlike the old god "Earthly Serpent" that the doctor once mentioned was related to sand and mud, the main power of the old god "earth-shaking worm" is earthquakes.

Shade once read in his textbook that in the old days when civilization was still uncivilized, once there was an earthquake, the local people would find believers of this god and organize large-scale prayer and sacrificial activities.

But this old god is gone, and like Shad's acquaintance [The Creator of Innocence], he left in the Fifth Age. Moreover, [Earth-Shaking Worm] is not a good god. This is a real evil god. When he uses sacrifices to appease the "wrath of the earth", he must perform a living sacrifice.

Shade glanced at the kind old man in front of him. She looked very different from the fish people who also worshiped the evil god.

"Not only the last member of the order, but I think the last generation of priests."

Old Mrs. Ilar smiled and shook her head, and Miss Aurora also smiled back:

"The purpose of our coming this time is also stated clearly in the letter. It is this person, Hamilton..."

She pointed to Shade holding the cat:

"I want him to feel the power of the great one you believe in."

"Oh, the young people from the city are all good-looking."

The old man praised Sha De's appearance, then reached out and grabbed his hand. After a moment, he nodded:

"No problem, there is no conflict between his power and my lord's."

Ring Warlocks cannot master any spiritual runes. The conflict with their own core spiritual runes and the characteristics of the soul may lead to the rejection of certain spiritual runes.

Old Mrs. Ilar probably used some kind of magic to confirm Shade's affinity for the power of the old god [Earth-Shaking Worm]. This kind of magic is very common, and the Zhengshen Church also has similar magic, which is used to confirm whether they are suitable for learning magic when cultivating ring magicians.

"Very good. I can feel that Mr. Hamilton is very suitable to become a priest of the gods. If he could have appeared fifty years earlier, I would have let him join the order at all costs."

"Oh, that's not okay."

The witch still maintains that smile:

"Mr. Hamilton is my man."

"That would be a shame."

The old man shook his head, and the two maids finally boiled the hot water and began to pour tea for the three of them. The maids had cleaned the teacup, but there were still stubborn yellow stains on the surface. Shade noticed that Miss Aurora didn't even touch the cup of tea, so she just picked it up symbolically and didn't drink it.

In the subsequent chat, Shade also confirmed that his understanding was correct. Old Mrs. Ilar is the last believer of the long-gone old god - [Earth-Shaking Worm]. At least excluding individual believers, she is the last believer of the cult.

As the final priest and keeper of secrets, she is responsible for watching over the Order's property and knowledge. Since it was almost impossible to find new believers, and she did not feel comfortable leaving the position of priest to strangers, she decided to end the history of the entire order in her own generation.

Miss Aurora met her five years ago, and after thinking about it, Mrs. Ilar decided to leave the property and secrets of the order to this powerful witch.

Apart from helping to guard the temple and the murals that wrote the history of the order, and preventing strangers from breaking in and destroying them, the old man did not make any other demands on the witch. She believed that instead of letting those properties be buried deep in the ground and letting the knowledge remain dusty forever, it would be better to let a more powerful ring wizard obtain them and pass on the power of the Order.

This can be regarded as an alternative method to continue the history of the Order.

For the witch, this is equivalent to getting a large sum of property and all the knowledge and secrets of the entire cult after the death of the old man in front of her.

Shade was very envious of Miss Aurora's experience.

After chatting for a while, the old man confirmed that what Shade wanted to obtain was the [Shock] Spirit Rune, and after briefly asking him about his views on "earthquakes", he told Shade that they were going to the old temple.

The real temple of the God of Earthquakes is underground, specifically located underground in the ruins outside the town of Hekils.

The ruins of Hekils Town are left behind by the early civilization of the Sixth Age. When the archaeological team from the Kingdom of Delarion came to investigate decades ago, the old lady Ilar served as a guide. When she talked about that incident, she happily showed the photos taken at that time to Shade and the Witch. Shade actually saw her acquaintance in the photos, who lived in Mao Tail Lane, Tobesk University District. Professor Manning's figure.

Professor Manning looked even older decades ago than he does now. He stood with his companions, holding a shovel and smiling silly at the camera. And the old lady Ilar looked younger than she does now. At least she didn't use crutches in the photo, so she could stand there and take pictures by herself.

And when he heard that Sha De actually knew the people in the photos, the old man actually took out all the photos of the archaeological activity in the album and gave them to Sha De:

"Give these to your friends."

This was simple for Shade, but Shade asked hesitantly:

"Don't you want to keep them? These are memories."

"The memories are here, not in the photos."

The old man smiled kindly, pointed to his head, and then said:

"After I die, these photos will probably be thrown away as trash. Rather than doing this, it is better to give them to someone who can take good care of them."

Miss Aurora winked at Shade, and then Shade took the photo:

"Okay, I will send them to Professor Manning. I think the professor will be very happy when he sees these photos and thinks of his experience in this town."

Old Mrs. Ilar opened her mouth and smiled, revealing a row of yellow teeth that were about to fall out.

The gods who have gone away still have believers in the material world, and what kind of feelings these believers have in continuing to believe in the gods, Xia De is completely unable to understand.

He once met the last believer of the old god [Innocent Creator], but he turned into an angel and flew away on the spot. The situation faced by the old lady Ilar in front of her was even worse. When Ms. Gina Angela Sewell was determined to seal the underground ruins in Tobesk, she had at least two companions with her, and the old lady Ilar only myself.

But at least she didn't seem sad or unable to accept it. After chatting with Shade and Miss Aurora for a while, she got up and took them to the ruins.

The town does not have the city's taxi system, so the group walked on foot. Fortunately, the town is not big, and the ruins are not far from the town.

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