Whispering Verse

Chapter 463: Relics of Downgrade

The following Sunday, Shade wanted to go to a mental sanatorium with the doctor to look for objects that could make spiritual crystals, but No. 6 Saint Teresa Square was renovated and he needed to personally inspect and accept it.

The acceptance process and letting the workers move the furniture from the basement to the upstairs and arrange it took a whole morning. By the time all the workers evacuated, it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon, and Shade also left the house with Mia. .

He locked the door first, put the key in his pocket, then took out the key and opened the door with a smile.

Although he could open the door without a key, it was now a ritual.

He opened the door and walked in with the cat. Turn around and close the door, facing the stairs in front of you and taking a deep breath:

"Look, Mia, this place is all ours!"

He laughed himself, put the key into the biscuit box in the shoe cabinet, and then walked into the basement behind the stairs with the cat in his arms, who was wondering what he wanted to do.

He reached out and turned on the gas light switch on the wall, and a bright light illuminated the room in front of him. The basement walls have been painted and are now filled with a handful of building supplies such as metal pipes and stone bricks. There are still several wooden frames standing by the wall that Shade asked the carpenter to help build. When he transforms this place into an underground alchemy workshop or a potion studio in the future, the stone bricks and shelves can be used.

"It's really good."

He said, and then took the cat to the first floor.

Different from the floors above, the first floor is not divided into room one and room two. It is a residence as a whole. Now the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, and study room on the first floor are all decorated, and the water pipes, gas pipes, and steam pipes are all connected. The gas lamps and curtains are all the styles that Tifa chose for Shad. The fireplace in the living room has been connected to the chimney on the roof, and it will be fully usable in the winter in a few months.

Although Shade and Mia have been living on the first floor this week, he still walked through every room on the first floor with joy. Finally, he opened the curtains and stood in front of the window behind the sofa, looking out at the lively scene outside. Saint Teresa Square:

"It's really good."

There was no change on the second floor, so he led Mia to the third floor from the second floor.

The structure of the third floor is exactly the same as that of the second floor. After a week of renovations, gas lamps and waterproofing of the walls were installed. Now it is completely different from the terrible appearance of a week ago when there were mold spots everywhere.

Opening the two newly installed wooden doors on the third floor, there was no furniture inside the doors, but they were as empty as Room 2 on the second floor downstairs. Since Schade still believed that the house in St. Teresa Square might have hidden dangers that he had not noticed for the time being, he planned to use the two rooms on the third floor as functional rooms instead of decorating them as guest rooms, and the three bedrooms on the first floor as The guest room is just fine.

Of course, this also makes it easier for Mia to run around.

"It's really good."

Finally, we climbed up to the attic through the stairs at the end of the corridor on the third floor. The area of ​​the attic was about two-thirds of the area downstairs, but it was a little low.

Shade lowered his head and climbed up. Now there was only a small cardboard box in the corner.

The smile faded from his face, he put the cat aside and knelt down to open the carton. Mia didn't run around, probably because she noticed the change in Shade's mood. The small cat waited with big eyes, watching Shade's movements.

The ordinary box in front of me was found by workers behind the original decorative wall of the attic when they were renovating the third floor. Of course, that useless wall has now been torn down.

There wasn't much in the carton, just travel postcards and old photos from various parts of the Old World. Although the photos were all landscape photos with no people visible, Shade was inexplicably sure that these must have been left by Detective Sparrow. In addition to the fact that the house had only been used by Detective Sparrow in recent decades, it was also because of intuition. Apart from spies who were hiding their identities, he could not think of anyone else who would take so many pictures of landscapes without people while traveling.

Detective Sparrow knew that he would die. Since he had time to train Shade, he must have disposed of sensitive items such as pistols and personal letters that might reveal his identity. As for his personal belongings before coming to Tobesk, he must have destroyed some of them, but in the end he did not choose to destroy these photos that represented memories.

Shade looked through the postcards and the landscape photos that did not include Detective Sparrow himself. When he thought about it carefully, the locations of the postcards included almost all well-known cities in the Old World. Come to think of it, Detective Sparrow must have had very colorful experiences when he was young.

He planned to carry the box down and put it in the study. Compared with the false diaries complaining about no business and reduced savings, these photos were the real relics of Detective Sparrow. Detective Sparrow's failure to destroy the photos also allowed Shade to see another side of the late middle-aged man for the first time in an image other than the "Carson Rick spy".

After walking around the house, Shade felt so wonderfully satisfied that he almost wanted to take Mia out for a big meal to celebrate the complete opening of the house. But he resisted the urge, after all, overeating was wrong.

The doctor had gone to the mental sanatorium alone, so Shade went to Luvia in the afternoon to ask about Mr. Riddell, the fortune teller of the fifth era.

Tonight, we can enter the winter of 1784 in the Fifth Epoch for the second time, and Shade doesn't want to waste time. When he found Luvia, she was performing divination for others, so Shade could only wait for a while.

Luvia gave pretty good news:

"I have obtained part of Sledge Riddle's life document and copied down the parts that may be helpful to you."

She handed the heavy document bag to Shade, with a somewhat troubled expression on her face:

"This gentleman's life experience is very trivial, and the association is only willing to open part of it to me. You want to find eight major events he experienced, but I summarized the information and found that there are only four events."

"It doesn't matter. The first time is two experiences, and the second time is four experiences. This can at least help me complete this adventure."

Shade squeezed the document bag in his hand and judged from the thickness that he might have to spend the rest of the day reading these materials.

"But what about the third time? Do you have to wait until my application can be approved? Or do you have other documents? Is this person mentioned in Miss Feliana's notes?"

"of course not."

Shade shook his head:

"We already know from the sixth era that that gentleman must have successfully left the Dreadfort, so even if my mission fails, it will not cause Mr. Riddle to die there. This is really tricky. Except for the Prophet Association, there is no one There are other ways. No matter how rich his life experience is, he is just an ordinary man from the Fifth Age. Other organizations will not record this kind of information. In this way, I think I can wait half a month."

"You gave up when you had no other options for half a month?"

Luvia raised her eyebrows. She didn't think Shade was the kind of person who gave up easily.

"Of course not. Darkness will be here in half a month. Since we have decided to deal with him, we will definitely get some valuable information about him by then. You will report this information to the association, and then use the history The Association will not refuse Lech Riddle’s information as a reward.”

"That's a good idea."

Luvia nodded, then frowned:

"Also, I was very curious about the level 0 relic you mentioned that can summon the gods, so I did a little research."

"Did you find the information?"

"Found it."


Shade smiled in surprise. Neither the Prophet's Association nor St. Byrons would easily release the information on level 0 relics, so he didn't even think about checking the information on that table.

"When you mentioned that relic, I felt like I had heard it before. Shade, is this it?"

Luvia took out another photo and handed it to Shade. The black and white photo was already a little yellowed. The photographer's skills were poor and the lighting of the scene was poor. From the angle, the photographer seemed to be tilting the camera to shoot, but in the dark the appearance of the table against the wall was completely captured, and Shade could clearly see the twenty grooves on it.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the Dreadfort, challenging the gods on the table with Mr. Riddle. But soon he realized that he had only seen the relic in the photo, and the person next to him now was not a sloppy middle-aged man who hadn't taken a shower for who knows how long, but a beautiful girl he was familiar with.

But traveling through eternity, nearly fifty centuries later, this table was actually seen by Shade again.

"That's it, but what camera can take photos of level 0 relics?"

He was even more surprised, while Luvia shook her head:

"This is not a level 0 relic, nor can it summon the projection of gods. This is a keeper-level relic [Life Gambling Table]. In 721 of the Sixth Era, the association was in the flea market of the capital of the Slavic Principality in the southern part of the Old Continent. Contain it.”

The Slavic Principalities were extinct countries. In 721, the United Kingdom of Kasenlik had not yet appeared to unify the south.

"When two ring warlocks with a level difference of no more than two levels sit on both sides of the gambling table, they can trigger the characteristics of the relic. Through the gambling method you mentioned, the winner can obtain a spiritual rune of the loser, and the loser will Die directly. But the winner also has to pay the price. Abnormal ways of obtaining spiritual runes will pollute one's own spiritual elements, making it more difficult to improve in the future."

Luvia said, tapping her finger on the table. This is a habit to avoid happening to herself when she thinks of bad things:

"But the most important function of this relic is to allow the ring warlock to show the specific appearance of the enemies he has encountered and confirm what those unknown enemies are. As long as the gambling party announces that he will give up the bet at the end of the game, then Both of them only need to pay the spirit that starts the gambling game.”

"This is a good use, but how could the function of calling the gods disappear? Where is the table now?"

Shade immediately asked, if he really couldn't win the gamble, maybe he could win in other ways by relying on his knowledge of the gambling table.

[That is, cheating. 】

There was a voice in her ears, but Shade ignored her.

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