Whispering Verse

Chapter 474: The Maid Who Rolls the Dice

“Anyone want to be the dealer?”

The two sides sat down, and the onlookers gradually lowered their voices, so Mrs. Sangmei shouted.

Then, an elderly gentleman behind the crowd raised his hand:

"Why don't I come!"

He pushed his way to the front of the crowd and introduced his identity. He was also a regular customer of the Three Cats Hotel and the owner of a nearby antique shop.

"So what rules are you going to play? The basic rules are best-of-three? Exhaust the deck and compare the victory points? Or do you have other ways to play?"

Shade asked, holding up the deck with his left hand and pulling up with his right hand, causing the 54 cards to oscillate back and forth in his left and right hands, and then shuffled the cards smoothly, which aroused people's enthusiastic discussion.

Because of the thaumaturgic power of [Treasure Objects], he can now easily perform the card shuffling technique that can only be shown in film and television works in his hometown. This made him look more professional, and also made the maid behind him raise her eyebrows, probably wondering whether Shade was a gambler.

"Since we are playing cards with new opponents, why not let's play some fresh ways."

Mrs. Sangmei was also shuffling the cards with the same skill. Then, she took out a dice from her pocket and threw it to the table. It was a six-sided metal dice, and she looked at her opponent across the table with piercing eyes:

"Detective, since you also brought a companion, why not do this? You and I each select our own representatives and throw the dice once before each round. The sum of the two people's numbers divided by two is our draw for this round. For the number of cards, if the odd number is rounded down. Best of three is too boring. The number of games is determined by the two people who throw the dice. No matter which side throws a 6 during the throwing of the dice, then that game is the end of the game. By After the game is over, the side with more card wins wins, how about that?"

Although it sounds a bit complicated, it is just an additional step of throwing dice to determine the number of cards drawn. And the amount is determined by the dice points of both parties, so it is considered fair.

This is Shade's first exposure to this kind of gameplay, and he is happy to try it:

"Then my assistant, Miss Tifa Servit, will help me throw the dice."

While traditional superstition holds that having a woman deal cards brings bad luck, there isn't much to say about throwing dice.

"Okay, little James, come and help me throw the dice."

The female shopkeeper called over the young helper who came from the kitchen to watch the excitement. He was a tall and thin young man who looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old. Although he was dressed like a hotel servant, no matter which aesthetic standard he used, he was considered a very handsome young man.

"Mr. Hamilton, what points do you need me to throw out?"

Before the game started, Miss Servit bent slightly behind Shade and whispered in his ear.

Shade turned his head in surprise, and happened to look into the pair of smart eyes close at hand:

"You mean you don't have to, you don't have to, anything."

He is very confident in his luck in playing cards, and when it comes to special cards, he is not willing to use cheating methods to hurt others.

So the game officially began. The dice were not thrown directly. The female shop owner, Mrs. Sangmei, found a brown wooden dice cup. The first is the young man known as "Little James". He picked up the dice cup and shook it a few times before putting it down. When he opened it, it showed the number three.

Then came Miss Servit, who held the dice cup in her white hands, then glanced at Shade and winked at him. Gently shake the instrument in your hand, letting the dice make a sound when it hits the inner wall of the container, then put it down and open it with a look of anticipation.

Number 1.

She looked at Shade again and winked at him. Shade understood that this was a number she had deliberately shaken out.

So the number of cards drawn in the first round was two. The game had just begun and neither side had drawn any special cards. Mrs. Sangmei's 1+9=10 points, Shade's sun 5, flower 10, won the first game.

"Detective, it seems that you are very lucky today. But people always think that the party that wins first in a gambling game will hardly win the final victory."

People were talking softly, and Mrs. Sangmei said some superstitious saying she had heard from somewhere. She threw the two cards in her hand aside and motioned for little James to continue shaking the dice cup.

The first dice number that appeared in the second game was 5, and Tifa, who was smiling with her lips pursed, winked at Shade again and rolled out a 2.

People lamented the luck of this beautiful girl. She still maintained her pursed and smiling expression. Shade also looked at her. He didn't expect that the maid lady could follow him and play the role of shaking the dice in the gambling game.

So in the second round, both sides drew three cards each.

Mrs. Sangmei carefully took the cards dealt by the antique shop owner, opened them one by one, and smiled.

7 stars, 5 moon, 4 sun. Although it was 16 points, since Shade only drew 3 cards, this already had a high chance of winning.

I don’t know if Tifa’s dice “luck” exhausted Shade’s card luck. Even after taking out the Founding Series from the deck, there were still 6 special cards in the deck, but Shade still didn’t draw any. One piece.

This round was a draw, and all three of Shade's cards were of the flower suit. Flower 13, Flower 2 and Flower 1 are also 16 points.

The onlookers sighed together, which made the situation a little more complicated, but it also made the game more enjoyable to watch.

"I'm still one game ahead."

Shade smiled and said to Mrs. Sangmei. He held the cards between his index and middle fingers on his right hand and flicked the three cards aside.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a round."

She was still very confident, and the onlookers were discussing the card game last week in which the Sangmei woman won even though she was chasing two.

But at the beginning of the third game, little James, who was helping Mrs. Sangmei shake the dice cup, actually got a six.

Not only the onlookers, but also Shade were surprised.

The young man helping in the kitchen looked at his boss with an ugly expression, but Mrs. Sangmei's expression did not change:

"It doesn't matter. If I win this round, it will be a draw. We can add a deciding round to decide the outcome."

"But it could be a win for me or a draw again."

Shade said, motioning for Tifa to shake the dice cup.

The smile on the black-haired girl's face became more obvious. She shook it gently and glanced at Shade when she put down the dice cup.

Shade suddenly guessed what number she would give.

"Oh, it's actually six o'clock too!"

People started making noise again, which meant that both sides had to draw 6 cards. Under the rules of blackjack, the probability of drawing six cards without busting is probably lower than the probability of both players rolling a six.

And once both sides bust their cards, which is a draw, then Shade wins directly.

Now Mrs. Sangmei's face finally looked a little ugly.

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