Whispering Verse

Chapter 531: Witch’s Light

An absolutely lucky chance won from the gambling gods comes into play here. The dice rolled in the air, and when it fell into the palm of the hand, the upward side was exactly twenty points.

He raised his eyebrows, waiting for luck to bring the final push to the formation of the mystery lock, just like Shade turning around to save the little girl at the door of the house that was about to be taken away by God.

The Mystic Lock can isolate the power given to Darkness by the Dark Realm. Using the Mystic Lock in conjunction with the best state of the divine afterglow at this time, and coupled with the gradual recovery of Iluna, he believes that he is enough to defeat his opponent. After all, when the last mythical lock was formed, he directly forced away the evil god's gaze.

But this time the luck didn't seem to be reflected in the acquisition of Mystic Lock Thaumaturgy, because after the dice fell into the palm of his hand, Shade didn't feel anything. After being stunned for half a second, two voices said at the same time:

[Look at your chest. 】

"Shad, your chest is glowing!"

Tifa grabbed his arm with difficulty and reminded him, so Shade took out the poem manuscript pages on his chest. It shines because the college sent a notice

[Shad Hamilton, is it possible to receive the "St. Byrons Comprehensive Academy Dream" now? 】

"Ah? What's this? Isn't it a mythical lock? Oh, I remembered, today is Saturday, and the college said it would be delivered over the weekend."

Shade pressed his finger to the glowing word "YES."

The page flashed with light, and a delicate snuff bottle with enamel filigree, the size of a palm, fell into Shade's hands.

The body of the pot is generally blue, with bright yellow sunflowers painted on it, connected with each other by golden lines, which reminds people of the joyful time in summer.

The darkness is close at hand, and Darkness, who has completely transformed into a demon, is working towards them as his minions.

In the surprised eyes of Iluna and Tifa, Shade opened the lid of the snuff bottle.

The last time it was opened by a doctor, the snuff bottle took effect immediately. The colorful smoke that spread out allowed him to see the basic situation of St. Byrons and St. Byrons in his dream.

But this time, Shade's hand opened the lid of the pot, and what came out was red-gold warm smoke with fragrance.

Time really stopped at this moment.

The darkness solidified, the demons surrounding him on all sides solidified, and the gurgling pus on the ground solidified.

The red-gold smoke enveloped the three people and protected them. The three people in the smoke heard a voice at the same time. It was the gentle voice of a woman. She was asking questions.

Although both Tifa and Iluna could only understand individual words in the language she used, they both thought of similar images.

Tifa seemed to have returned to the days when she was thirteen years old, listening to the nineteen-year-old Miss Carina explaining the basic rules of witch power in front of the small blackboard; Iluna seemed to have returned to the time when she was training in the Holy See, in the staircase hall. In the auditorium, bathed in the summer sunshine, I listened to the old priest's monotonous lectures with my friends.

Shade understood the question.

"What was the last lesson I taught you in the Forest of a Thousand Trees?"

The voice seemed to ring close to his right ear, as if the witch was in the darkness behind Shade at this moment.

Shade felt in a trance. At this moment, he was also standing side by side with the two ladies. He was also facing the darkness. Time seemed to have gone back dozens of centuries, to the moment when he and the two witches parted. .

The dark talent of the chosen one has already connected history. Darkness used the dark talent to lift the curtain of history and summon the demons. At this time, the warm red-gold mist floated through the corner of the curtain. Shade really He felt the breeze from the ancient past blowing on the side of his face.

The power of the Darkness of the Ancient God Ambush already contains history, and history and time have never had boundaries. He took a deep breath, and the thaumaturgy [Breath of Time] touched the power in the snuff bottle. He just moved the snuff bottle back in time for a second. Everything was different because of the touch of the power of time.

The boundaries of time are blurred because of Darkness' wanton manipulation of power. He should not use this power so ungratefully.

[No matter what kind of darkness you face in the future, you must believe in your own light]

"Her" voice sounded close to Shade's left ear, giving him a reminder, but there was no way Shade could forget what the witch said:

"That is the purest power that we, as extraordinary human beings, possess."

Time flows again, the light under the tree is completely extinguished, everything falls into darkness, but everything is strangely quiet, even the overwhelming roar of the devil is gone.

Because in this darkness, that gentle voice whispered;

"correct answer."

Iluna and Tifa froze in place, thinking that the darkness would completely swallow them up, but suddenly a warm golden light like the sun came from behind.

The warm halo spread out and opened up a hemispherical area under the tree.

They all heard "Correct answer" spoken in the common language of Delarion, and this voice actually came from behind the three of them.

A transparent hand shining with golden light rested on Shade's shoulder. Shade had completely forgotten about the mystery lock. He took a big breath, followed this hand, turned his head tremblingly and looked back.

What reflected in his eyes was a witch wearing a hooded robe that exuded holy white light. Her skin was as white as milk and her long golden hair was extremely dazzling. She still looked like she was only twenty-three or four years old.

Her golden eyes looked at Xia De tenderly, her beautiful face showed youthful charm, and her eyes seemed to be able to see directly through his soul:

"Long time no see, Shade."

Miss Myrna Feliana stood in the year 1853 of the Sixth Age and said with a smile. valley

Shade, who was trembling all over, controlled his mood at this time, and responded in a hoarse voice:

"Long time no see. I never thought that I would have the chance to see you again in this life. Teacher Miss Feliana."

Iluna, whose physical condition was gradually recovering as she was illuminated by the light from Miss Feliana, was stunned for a moment:


Tifa opened her mouth in surprise, but years of training as a maid made her quickly cover her mouth.


Mia, who jumped on Shade's shoulder, was still a little afraid of the surrounding environment, but still said hello to the witch. It had also seen the witch before and knew that the witch was very powerful.

"What's this expression? Shade, are you surprised to see me?"

The witch said with a smile, and the golden light that reached the sky rose from her body like a beam of light, breaking through the darkness above her head, breaking through the dense tree canopy, and directly breaking through the sky above the dark realm.

In the dark realm, no matter where they were, the ring warlocks all raised their heads and looked towards the core of the realm. Just now, I was still preventing the spread of crystals, but now everything has stopped.

They all saw the extraordinary golden light pillar, and this power seemed not to belong to this era, nor to the Ring Warlock.

The pus on the ground rippled, and all the surrounding crystals had cracks. The demons are roaring with resentment, anger and fear. They feel the terrible power that should not be here.

"I really didn't expect to see you again."

"I didn't expect to see you in your time. What I originally left for you was just some spirits and knowledge that could be absorbed, but the darkness and the years connected the present and the past. The nature of this special area made time It wasn't solid anymore, so I showed up. Specifically, I thought I was dreaming."

She looked up and looked around, seemingly curious about everything around her:

"It's really rare to see so many demons. My student, Shade Suellen Hamilton, it seems that you have encountered some minor troubles again."

She suddenly looked at Iluna with a smile. The seventeen-year-old girl wisely took a step to the side, letting the golden and transparent figure come to Shade from behind:

"I'm glad you still remember what I said, so now let me fulfill my responsibilities that I failed to fulfill in the past, and the real professor will give you something."

She stood in the golden pillar of light and stretched out her left hand to point to the sky. Shade breathed heavily and also stretched out his right hand to point to the sky:

"Get ready, my students, I'll shout"

Everything seemed to have really gone back to the past, to the Forest of Thousand Trees.

But this time it was slightly different, because before the countdown began, Miss Feliana grabbed Shade's right hand with her raised left hand. The palm of the hand is placed on the back of Shade's hand, the thumb, middle finger, ring finger and little finger grasp his hand, and the index finger of the left hand overlaps with the index finger of Shade's right hand.

Tifa continued to cover her mouth in surprise, while Iluna pursed her lips and held the scale, looking at Shade suspiciously.


She said softly, the golden light on her fingertips overlapped with the silver moonlight on Shade's fingertips.


Not only do the fingers fit together, but parts of the transparent golden arms overlap with Shade's arms. The golden hair caresses the side of Shade's face, reminding Shade that this moment is not his dream.


A golden and silver halo rose at the fingertips, and Shade suddenly heard the sound of water drops, and a drop of water fell into his heart. This momentary touch finally allowed him to touch the light after being infected by fear, oppressed by darkness, Priest August's understanding of darkness, and everything he had experienced in the past few months.

That was Miss Feliana's light, like a bond, passing on the power of the past.

[In the dark forest, sitting around a bonfire under the tree, you meet Him and them. Across history and years, when you touch this light again, you understand that this is her dream, but this is your reality. 】

[You have touched the witch's light of the fifth era, connecting the fifth and sixth eras, running through the long river of history and time, and you have inherited the enlightenment of the past years. 】

The halo that erupted from the overlapping fingertips was not bright, but unusually firm. The demon was fearful, roaring, and rushing towards the people in the light before foreseeing its impending demise.

The light from the fingertips, the divine afterglow, and the brass-colored spiritual light on the automatically emerging life rings illuminated the surroundings. During the steam gush, the light erupting from the fingertips of the two people merged into the life rings.

This is the power of light, a power of light that should never appear in this era. The strange light gathered at the point of the life ring. As the life ring gradually slowed down, the eighth spiritual rune belonging to Shade appeared.

[Outlander, you are engraved with the brass enlightenment rune - Witch's Light. 】

[Outlander, you have obtained the thaumaturgy - Feliana's Witch's Light. A power that does not belong to the Sixth Age, the spreading light melts everything. 】

So in this open space surrounded by overwhelming demons, between the long darkness, fear and weird intertwined pus, Shade shouted out his new power:

"Feliana's Witch's Light."

Standing in the darkness, raising your arms and looking at the twisted group of demons above, it's like facing the entire dark world.

The golden halo made their shadows sway on the ground, and the girls reached out to grab the clothes on his back. In this oil painting style scene, the light began to spread.

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