Whispering Verse

Chapter 551: Corpse Robbery Case

Because Miss God's hometown is a coastal town in the eastern part of the Old World, which is too far away from Tobesk City. In order to let the client receive the letter as soon as possible, Shade finished writing the letter and immediately took Mia to the Tobesk post office.

The reason why he didn't throw it into the mailbox at the corner of Saint Teresa Square was because he wanted to go to the post office to order some magazines. After getting rid of the dilemma of not having enough money when he first came to this world, Shade also wanted to improve his quality of life.

Since there was nothing else to do today, after Shade finished sending the letter, he took Mia to Dawn Church and listened to Bishop Owen's sermon with Priest August.

I went home after lunch at the church. I had planned to borrow the potion workshop of Priest Augustus in the afternoon to prepare the potion that can change the color of hair introduced in the second-year course, but I didn't expect that I had just walked to St. Teresa. In the square, I saw Iluna standing in front of the door.

She wore a brown coat over the white women's shirt with ruffled cuffs, a simple black skirt underneath, and the small black leather shoes she usually wore.

"Did something happen?"

Shade hurriedly walked over. Iluna shook her head and waved the kraft paper bag in her hand to Shade:

"Detective, do you mind if I take up an afternoon of your time to complete a commission together?"

the seventeen-year-old girl asked.

"What commission?"

Shade asked as he took out the key to open the door. The two walked in the door together. Mia jumped off Shade's shoulders happily and jumped up the stairs.

"Find a missing body."

Blackstone Security Company is always able to receive strange tasks from the church, and in addition to the tasks of the church, the tasks entrusted by ordinary citizens are always full of all kinds of strange content.

On the Tuesday after Darkness's death, Iluna, who had temporarily escaped from the subsequent events, finally submitted her full report on "The Godcaller and Feliana" and also completed the investigation of the area where the Dark Realm had descended. Search mission.

On her first day back at her workplace, Blackstone Security Company, she was handed a commission case by the captain.

"I see that you have been quite busy recently. Since you have just come back, let's deal with this matter by yourself first. After the two-day deadline, you can spend the rest of your time freely."

In other words, this is equivalent to giving Iluna a holiday. This commission has been proven to have nothing to do with the mystery. Iluna can finish it after a little investigation.

"Looking for a body?"

Shade nodded in surprise:

"Of course I can help, but are you sure this matter really has nothing to do with the mystery?"

"Our team has investigated it and it has absolutely nothing to do with it."

"Okay, but I need to look at the information first. Speaking of which, why don't you let the police at Ridwich Field deal with this kind of thing? In Delrayon, stealing corpses is a felony."

"It's because the police couldn't find it, so they entrusted it to a private security company like us."

In this era, it is not just ring warlocks who steal corpses. Crazy scientists, doctors who need experimental materials, weirdos with special hobbies, or ordinary people who explore the occult will entrust corpse thieves or commit such crimes themselves.

This kind of thing can even be said to be very common, so cremating the body and then burying it, which was not very popular in the first place, has become popular in recent decades. For example, Sparrow Hamilton's body was cremated, and he had absolutely no worries about someone opening the coffin for an autopsy.

The client who searched for the body was Mr. Hank Fennell, who lived in the west part of the city, and the body he was looking for was his wife, Peggy Fennell. Mr. Fennell works at the Golden Gear Steam Engine Manufacturing Factory and is a well-known mechanical engineer in the west of the city.

Half a month ago, his wife passed away due to illness and was buried in Section 3 of the Tobesk Public Cemetery. A week ago, on the ninth day after the poor woman was buried, grave robbers encountered grave robbers in No. 3, and three bodies were dug up and stolen from the graves.

The police at Rydwich Field immediately launched an investigation, but there was still no news. Therefore, Mr. Fennell was introduced by a friend and hired Blackstone Security Company to entrust him, hoping to find traces of his wife's body.

Blackstone Security Company confirmed that this incident had nothing to do with the Ring Warlocks, because local Ring Warlocks would never use local stolen corpses as materials. As for the foreign ring warlocks, because of the Darkness incident, they are being closely monitored and investigated by the Righteous God Church. At present, no one has been found to have bought the three corpses from local tomb robbers, so it is judged that this is a crime committed by ordinary people. The tomb robbery case.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem. But I want to make sure. Are you sure that this is not a case committed by Mr. Fennell himself?"

Shade asked as he sat on the sofa and flipped through the documents. In his hand was the file that Iluna had obtained directly from Ridwich Field.

Perhaps this idea may be darker, but Shade still hopes to rule out one possibility first.

"At least the case information obtained from Ridwich Field did not mention anything unusual about the client. Moreover, if it was really him and the police couldn't find any clues, shouldn't he be more happy? Why would he entrust us? "

Iluna said, then hugged the reluctant Mia and asked curiously:

"When you receive a commission, do you always doubt your client immediately? I thought that detectives always investigate cases without any subjective opinions."

"Where did you get this statement?"

"The Steambird Daily Serial of Hamilton's Detective Stories."

Iluna said with a smile, and teased Shade again:

"I heard Luvia say that the author is your friend? Oh, detective, you have to show off your detective skills this time."

After Shade sorted out the materials, he set off with Iluna, first going to the public cemetery in the east of the city to conduct on-site investigations and inquiries.

Shade visited Cemetery No. 3, where the crime occurred, two months ago, and witnessed the settlement of a family grudge half a century ago, and even played a game of Rhodes with the ghost. When I returned here two months later, I didn’t expect that it was still related to the commission.

The arrival of autumn has brought the temperature to the point where you need to put on extra clothes when going out. It is still foggy in the city today, even in the cemeteries in the eastern suburbs.

After getting off the carriage, the two walked along the gravel path towards the iron gate at the entrance of the cemetery. Shade was still holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He planned to go to see Detective Sparrow who was sleeping here first, and told the detective that the fifth day of the Harvest Moon was coming. It was also a gift to Sparrow Hamilton. explain.

The seventeen-year-old girl looked at the cemetery getting closer and closer, moved closer to Shade without leaving a trace, and whispered:

"I'm not a timid person, but I've always disliked coming to cemeteries."


Shade was curious about this. Iluna was assigned to this diocese after finishing her studies in the Holy See in the first half of this year. There should be no dead friends in the Tobesk public cemetery.

"I hate death. No, I'm not afraid of death, but I hate the sadness that death brings."

She whispered to Shade, and the two of them walked through the entrance of the tomb area and entered the tomb area through the iron fence door decorated with iron thorns on both sides. I don't know if it's an illusion, but the temperature inside the tomb is slightly lower than outside.

"This is normal. Infecting yourself with the sadness of strangers shows that you are a person who can easily empathize with others."

Shade commented.

I heard that Shad wanted to visit Sparrow Hamilton, and Iluna was also happy to go with him. So the two entered Tomb No. 2 while chatting. After placing the bunch of white daisies in front of the tombstone embedded in the ground, Shade sighed and thought about the time when he first came to this world.

Passing through the fence gate between the two cemetery areas, looking up into the lingering fog, it is easy to see the white chapel standing in the center of the cemetery:

"Iluna, next to the church is the tombkeeper's hut. If we are lucky, we might be able to find the tombkeeper chatting with the priest. But, what identity should we use to inquire about the situation?"

"Don't forget, I am Iluna Bayas, the female police officer on the alias of Ridwich Field."

Iluna reminded, rummaging through her handbag to find the ID:

"Look, wasn't this the identity I used when I first visited Saint Teresa's Square?"

On Tuesday afternoon, the priest was taking a nap in the church, but at the door of the church, the two met the old tombkeeper who was carrying a toolbox, humming a tune, and preparing to trim the trees in the cemetery with his apprentice.

The old tombkeeper, wearing a one-piece overalls, stopped hesitantly when he saw the two people walking towards him in the fog. After Iluna took out her ID and explained her purpose, the old tombkeeper looked at Iluna's too young face with suspicion, but still slowly helped:

"We don't have any clues here. I was the one who discovered that the body was stolen. Because I have encountered similar things before, I immediately found someone to notify the police. No one heard any unusual noises the night before. We We haven’t found the ruts used by the corpses, but there are indeed unusual footprints, but they can’t be traced based on the footprints. If you want to find clues, you can go and take a look at the dug grave.”

"It's been a week, hasn't the tomb been filled again?"

Shade asked. The old gravekeeper nodded and glanced at Shade, seeming to recognize the detective who had visited in midsummer:

"After the body was found, it had to be reburied, so there was no filling in it. It was a newly opened grave, and there were no other buryers nearby, so there was no need to worry about other people's protests."


Iluna wrote down these things in a small notebook, and then asked:

"Do grave robberies occur frequently in this park?"

"Of course it's not high. This is the third case this year. Do you think I'm a freeloader?"

The old tombkeeper said rather displeasedly, and Iluna also knew that she had said the wrong thing and smiled sheepishly.

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