Whispering Verse

Chapter 584 Fort Midhill City

At the time of signing, in 1765, Delarion was still engaged in an all-out war with Carsonrik. This tower was probably the outpost of the Royal Army back then, but as the front line advanced and new borders were established, it would be abandoned.

The traces of fire that Shade saw in the tower just now should have been left by hunters who passed through this place a long time ago.

“This is really Fort Midhill!”

This is what excites Shade the most.

In addition to Priest August, Shade's friend Captain Rades is also serving on the Windy Trail, and Miss White's "missing" sister Miss Black, whom he is looking for, is also on vacation in Fort Midhill.

"I wonder if there's a chance I'll meet someone I know."

Without leaving immediately, Shade walked around the tower again and found that the lighthouse was actually near the mountainside of Sikal Mountain. Behind the tower is a cliff slope that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. But standing here, looking past the leafy forest trees and towering rocks, you can actually see the huge steam city stretching down the mountain to the north.

The city at the foot of the mountain is divided into small squares by streets. Under the sun, the city built at the foot of the mountain extends toward the plains in the distance. The chimneys spewed black mist into the sky, and if you squinted your eyes, you could barely see the small black dots moving around the city.

The railway passes through the west of the city, connecting the northern plains of the kingdom with the entrance to the Rommel Mountains. This is the most important railway line in the southeastern region of Delrayon. Through this railway, the trade goods and travelers between Delrayon and Kasenlik do not have to go around the giant building that straddles the central and eastern part of the old continent. There is no need to climb mountains. It can be said that in 1853, a time of peace, both Delrayon and Carsonlik valued this city very much.

Compared to when he stretched his head under the sea of ​​Coldwater Port and glimpsed the Coldwater Port pier for the first time, the sight of the giant city lying under the mountain from the forest gave Shade even more shock:

"It seems that the area of ​​Fort Midhill is no smaller than Tobesk."

Because of the distance, it was difficult for Shade to identify the buildings in the city. The only thing that could be seen clearly was the huge church outside the city center square. He knew that it was the natural church of the [God of Nature and Evil Thoughts]. He had inquired about the history of Fort Midhill and knew that the first person to establish faith in this city was the God of Nature [Lord of All Things] among the five gods. 】.

"After I rescue the priest, I can take a walk here."

Following the instructions on the old tower, Shade trudged forward in the forest with no road at all. Moving in this primitive forest was more difficult than he thought, but fortunately he didn't go in the wrong direction. After about twenty minutes, he finally saw an obvious road in the forest.

Although the sign on the ruined tower called this road a "small road" in 1765, in fact it should now be the main road leading into the mountains from the city. The weeds and trees have been cleared, and the road should be smooth enough for a carriage to travel easily.

Although there were no street signs, Shade at least knew to follow the downward direction. During this period, he didn't meet anyone on the road. About twenty minutes later, he saw a house and smoke in the distance. After more than ten minutes, he finally arrived at the foot of the mountain and entered the southeastern area of ​​Fort Midhill.

Midhill Castle is built on a mountain. It is a city at the foot of the Sikal Mountains, an important mountain range in the Rommel Mountains that stretches across the central and eastern parts of the Old World. Originally, this was a castle built to defend against the attacks of the Kasenrik people. However, as the relationship between the two countries changed and the border moved southward several times, Fort Midhill eventually evolved into a large city in the southeast of the kingdom and became an important transit point for entering and exiting the two kingdoms from the eastern part of the Old World.

Unlike Tobesk and Coldwater Port, the terrain of the "Mountain City" Fort Midhill is generally uneven. Because it is located in the northwest of the Sikal Mountain, the entire city has a high southeast and northwest The direction is low and then extends towards the plain.

The foot of the mountain is not a village, but directly the outskirts of the city built on the mountain. And because of the need for trade through the Sikar Mountain Pass, the infrastructure of the old city at the foot of the mountain is very well maintained, and there are many official city hall agencies. Even the Fort Midhill Railway Station is at the foot of the mountain, and you can't see it at all. Out here is the original urban area of ​​​​Midhill Fort.

The urban style of this inland city near mountains is also completely different from the coastal seaport and the capital of the kingdom. Although chimneys spewing black smoke can still be seen everywhere in the city, at least the greening here is better than the two cities where Shade has been. Much.

Although the sky is still covered with a layer of mist due to the steam industry, there are street trees on almost every street that can accommodate two horse-drawn carriages running side by side.

It's a pity that Shade is not in the mood to experience the city scenery of the mountain city this time. He is still thinking about Priest August.

Because he had never been to Fort Midhill before, after Shade took a carriage into the city on the outskirts of the city, he first inquired about the location of the post office from passers-by, and then purchased a local tourist map at the post office.

The special border location means that there are many foreigners in this city. When buying the map, the uniformed Fort Midhill post office staff thought that Shade was also on vacation from the southern capital, and enthusiastically introduced him to the local area. landscape.

But when Shade started to ask about the location of Dawn Church in a standard Tobesk accent, the other party realized that this was someone from the capital city.

Although outsiders never think that living in the Royal Capital is more noble than other places, in fact, cities such as Fort Midhill and Coldwater Port are indeed considered "rural places" compared to Tobesk.

Priest August once said that after the old priests and priests summoned by the Five Gods Church arrived at Fort Midhill, they would temporarily live in the local church, and then further arrangements would be made. Although they were nominally summoned for "meetings and collective study," no matter how you looked at them, you knew that this was wrong.

Shade believed that the church had discovered the disappearance of Priest Augustus. Since the church failed to save the priest, it meant that the problem was far more troublesome than he imagined.

"What we encountered in Coldwater Port was a huge tsunami that flooded the city, and what we encountered in Tobesk was a divine wave. I don't know what will happen to Fort Midhill. It can't be more extreme than Tobesk, right?"

He hurriedly looked at the map and moved towards the local Dawn Church two blocks away, while the voice in his heart whispered:

[There should be nothing more dangerous than facing the evil god directly, right? 】

Shade looked at the map and continued walking. He waited until the trading company with a metal sign on the corner of the block that purchased lumber turned to the residential block with three-story apartments on the other side before giving an answer:

"Yes, I can even attend the evil god's cocktail party. Why should I be afraid of the gods coming? Therefore, what happened to Priest Augustus will definitely be solved smoothly. When the priest is rescued, I will let him take me here. Take a look around the city, didn’t the priest say before he left that he had been to Fort Midhill when he was young?”

Walking down the misty streets, people of all kinds of accents and languages ​​passed by. Shade looked down at the map, a little confused as to why he didn't even have a night's rest after the players in the big city finished, and then plunged into the adventure again:

"After rescuing the priest, I must let him treat me to dinner at the best restaurant in the city."

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