Whispering Verse

Chapter 596: White Mist Mountain Forest

Shade stopped in the thick fog, looked around and asked in his heart:

"Is there a problem?"

This is naturally formed fog, which is very different from the fog behind the white fog door. Not only is the concentration far inferior to the latter, but it also feels very "real".

【No. 】

Shade then took a sharp breath. The humidity in the fog was extremely high, and there was an indescribable smell of putrefaction, which made him cough uncontrollably:

"Is there any problem now?"

[Extremely weak elements, all four elements are present. 】

"In other words, these fogs may also be related to the [Chasm of Life and Death]."

Thinking of continuing to move forward, Shade was worried that he would get lost in the mountains and forests without the sun's guidance.

Before taking a few steps, Shade stopped again. Because in the white mist ahead, a strange humanoid figure appeared vaguely, looking like it was floating in the air.

"what is that?"

He raised his eyebrows.

As the cold wind moved through the thick fog, the figure suddenly moved towards Shade. Not a physical entity, but a pure spirit. It was barely possible to tell that it was a male soul. It had its legs dangling in the air, as if it was being hung up with a rope around its neck. In a few flashes of light in the white mist, it had already arrived in front of Shade.

"Evil spirit? So, the negative effect of that hair has not disappeared yet?"

With a stroke of his finger in the air, the bright silver moon light swept forward in a line parallel to the ground. The pure moonlight directly hit the evil spirit's body and split it into two parts. The moonlight continued to fly backwards, splitting the big trees behind, and then continued to fly deeper into the thick fog.

It would be difficult for a ring warlock of the same level to take on Shade's moonlight, let alone an evil spirit.

As the big tree fell to the left and made a heavy sound, the lower half of the soul's body also turned into fly ash and disappeared, but the upper half of the body was still floating towards Shade.

As the other party approached, Shade felt that his neck was being strangled as if a rope was tied, but while his breathing was not smooth, he took the initiative to hold his breath. With his physical condition, he wouldn't have a problem if he didn't breathe for dozens of minutes.

The feeling of being strangled around his neck became stronger and stronger, but Shade did not use the moonlight anymore. Instead, he took out the "Psychic Crystal Ring" from his pocket and put it on his right index finger:

"I've actually always been curious about the effect of [Psychic Explosion] on spiritual bodies."

He endured the pain in his neck and took two quick steps towards the floating evil spirit. Then he pushed forward with his right hand and pressed down on the cold spirit body with one hand.

Resentment, along with the evil spirit's wonderful soul power, tried to invade Shade's body, but was easily blocked by Shade's spirit.

The thaumaturgy [Soul Echo] allows Shade to directly contact the spirit body, and this seems to enhance the effect of [Psychic Explosion]. Transparent fluctuations appeared in his palm, and then the evil spirit, which was suspected of hanging to death, suddenly floated back as if it had been hit hard, and at the same time some black traces of light appeared on its body.

The outer shell of the evil spirit disappeared, and the original appearance of the soul was actually revealed on the inside.

"The cooperation between these two magic arts is so effective?"

Shade was surprised when he saw the soul reaching out to him, as if wanting to get the final salvation from him:

"I saw a huge flying bird"

Kassenrik spoke, and only half a sentence was left before the soul completely disappeared:


Shade looked up at the sky covered in white mist:

"Also, where did this evil spirit come from?"

Shade frowned slightly, looked at the thick fog around him, and came up with a new guess:

"Could it be that this abnormal white mist also drifts from the space between life and death under the Xikal Mountain?"

This speculation is very possible, because when Shade went down the mountain, he actually encountered three evil spirits in the dense foggy forest. One looked like his head had been blown to pieces by a shotgun, the other had his whole body broken into pieces. It was unknown whether he was crushed by a heavy object or fell from a height. The last one had no apparent cause of death, but his combat power was much stronger than the first two. Shade's [Psychic Explosion] exploded twice before it shattered.

I don't know if it is because of the influence of Shade's thaumaturgy, but every soul will leave some strange words before dissipating. Some are about oneself, some are experiences before death, and some are completely meaningless.

Each of them emerged from the fog and rushed directly towards Shade. Although the negative impact of the hair section will attract evil spirits, when Shade took this path a few days ago, it was always safe. This shows that the appearance of these evil spirits is definitely related to Bai Wu.

Because he took the wrong road and was delayed by evil spirits in the mountains, it wasn't until 4:13 in the afternoon that Shade finally arrived in the city, taking twice as long as it would have taken him without fog.

He has made preparations for this trip, and except for the [God's Gift Box] and the [Soul Fishing Rod], he has brought most of the relics with him. Therefore, after entering the city, he did not wander around the city, but went directly to the House of the Blind.

Ms. Michelle is already waiting for Shad:

"The carriage will take you to Sister Devlin."

There was a carriage parked at the back door of the Blind Home. Shade was very fortunate that the driver did not cover his eyes in any way:

"Sister Devlin will be here soon?"

Shade was very curious.

"Yes, Sister Devlin will perform the ceremony for you."

Ms. Michelle said, seeing that Shade was a little confused, she explained:

"This ritual of communicating between life and death is best conducted by the most spiritual individual, so Devlin is the most suitable candidate. Besides,"

She hesitated, then stood by the trash can at the back door of the three-story house of the Blind House, pulled the door handle and whispered:

"Whether this ritual is successful or not, whether you can successfully rescue Priest Augustus is a great experience for the Order. After all, few people are willing to risk themselves and have the ability to enter the souls of the dead. The world to save one's friends or relatives."

The "entrance" that the cult found and fixed was just outside the city, more specifically, in an abandoned mansion at the foot of the mountain. You can almost see the mountains and forests of Mount Sikal from nearby, but this is definitely not a remote area of ​​Fort Midhill. Because the environment is very good, local nobles like to divide the forest land at the foot of the mountain to build their own manors or mansions. Nobles from other places also like to buy manors nearby. Even the royal family has its own holiday manor at the foot of Sikal Mountain. This is somewhat similar to Sophia's mansion in Coldwater Harbor.

As for the mansion this time, it is a famous local haunted manor. After Shade knew his destination, he remembered that the information about Fort Midhill provided by Lesia mentioned this house, which was called "Russell Manor" by the locals.

Its last owner was Viscount Russell, who was eccentric and had no relatives. He lived in the mansion with two servants. About 58 years ago, because the manor had not paid its gas bill for half a year, the gas company sent people from the city to check on the situation. Only then did they see that the viscount and the servants had died in the manor, and even the bodies were almost completely decomposed.

No one knows what happened here, maybe it was a robbery incident, maybe it was something else terrible. But since then, the manor has been abandoned, and the ownership here was sold to the Midhill Castle City Hall by the viscount's distant heir. No one dared to take over after that. Apart from the workers who come regularly for maintenance, almost no one else sets foot here.

"It sounds terrible. Wait, isn't this similar to No. 6, Saint Teresa Square?"

Shade thought as he sat in the carriage, of course, the evil reputation here is not as bad as that of No. 6, Saint Teresa Square.

After all, the Shade family had many dead and missing owners. The cumulative death toll definitely exceeded three digits, so much so that the church had to purchase the ownership and seal it for many years. Even after the sealing ended, another owner died. As for Russell Manor, only three people died.

"It's nothing spectacular."

Thinking of this, Shade had no interest in the haunted manor.

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