Whispering Verse

Chapter 642 Souvenir of the Time Key

When Shade walked backwards from the bedroom door holding two leaves, the cat lying next to the pillow just meowed lazily, saying hello to Shade whom he hadn't seen for three seconds. .

From the looks of it, he doesn't intend to get up now. This cat has an extremely regular schedule. He will never get up before six-thirty. At six-thirty, he will wake up Shade and ask him to make breakfast.

[Outlander, you have returned to the present time. 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

【Infinite time protects you. 】

Listening to the voice in his ears, Shade looked at the two leaves and the entangled black and white hair ribbon in his hand with some melancholy. Hair ties have been successfully brought to the present, proving that they are just ordinary items:

"Something feels wrong this time."

【What's wrong? 】

"There was no conspiracy, no final surprise attack, and there was not even a task that I couldn't solve...Although this time it took a week, and there was an interval of three weeks before it ended, this cocktail party was actually so peaceful. it's over."

[Do you want to pursue drama, or end up fighting a blood-sucking god? 】

"No, it's just."

Shade had an indescribable feeling. He always felt that this matter was not over yet, but the two leaves in his hands undoubtedly showed that the time key of Fifth Epoch 3014 had been perfectly solved.

"Am I too worried?"

He walked to the window and looked outside. It was still early and there was no one in Saint Teresa Square. He looked at the leaves in his hand again, randomly selected one and placed it in front of his right eye.

The veins of the leaves turned golden in an instant. The miraculous aura flowed along the veins of the leaves, until the little bits of light all poured into Shade's eyes.

"I see, the thaumaturgy - Silent Moonlight, is really simple."

[Silent Moonlight], an active thaumaturgy.

When using thaumaturgy, if it is daytime or at night without moonlight or indoors, an invisible moon-like light source will appear above your head; under moonlight at night, the effect of being illuminated by moonlight will be more obvious.

The above is the light and shadow effect that comes with thaumaturgy. The real effect is that within the range shrouded by the strange light and shadow, the spiritual and physical recovery speed of the ring warlock selected by the caster can be greatly enhanced, and this area All sounds inside are automatically muted, and other unnatural light sources except moonlight will be attenuated.

In other words, no matter who uses "Light" or "Feliana's Witch's Light" or other thaumaturgy in the "Silent Moonlight" area, the scope and effect will be severely weakened. And when Shade used this thaumaturgy in the daytime sun, it was equivalent to him suddenly automatically entering a shadow zone without sound.

The muting and matting effects of thaumaturgy are range-wide, while the recovery of physical strength and spirit can only be effective on other people. But in the "divine afterglow" state, it can also take effect on itself. In other words, even if Shade enters the [Challenge of Life and Death] again, he can rely on this miraculous technique to offset the negative effects of the difficulty in recovering his spiritual and physical strength to a certain extent.

Because the cost of casting this thaumaturgy is extremely low.

But [Silent Moonlight] is also the first thaumaturgy that Shade mastered through [Eternal Youth Leaf] that requires casting materials. The required material is a mineral called "moonstone". Fortunately, this stone is not very rare. It is often used in various moon-related rituals, spells, and thaumaturgy, and the price is also very cheap.

"This ability is really good."

Shade whispered, then looked at the second leaf and placed it against his right eye.

After a moment, he let out a cry of pain, held onto the window sill to steady himself, and startled the cat that was secretly looking at him with squinted eyes.

The second leaf is [A piece of real information - Elf], which contains at least three times more information than the last [Dark Dungeon].

When Shade frowned and took the leaf away from his eyes, he learned about the alien creatures - elves. In the ancient era, more than 80% of the population believed in the "Father of the Infinite Tree". He learned about many strange elven customs and He knew the artistic style of the elves and the racial talents of this creature. He even knew that now in 1853 of the Sixth Age, the elves live together with the three major thaumaturgy academies because the material world is no longer suitable for the survival of alien creatures.

The three major thaumaturgy academies, St. Byrons Comprehensive College is located north of the great ice cap in the far north, Serkses Higher Medical School is in the abyss of the deep sea, and Zaras Conjuration Academy is on the floating island in the sky. .

Although it is an academy, every place is a huge city with the academy at its center. The elves have been protected by the three major academies, so although there are only legends left in the material world, in fact this race still exists safely.

Among them, the number of elves living together with Zaras Conjuration Academy is the largest, accounting for about three-quarters of the total population of elves in the material world. Therefore, among Zaras' ring magician students, the elves have the largest number of students.

"[Father of the Infinite Tree] told me what to do with this, asked me to write a "Test of Ancient Elf Folklore", or did he want me to summarize the student status of the three major thaumaturgy academies?"

In addition to enriching Shade's understanding of the world and the three major thaumaturgy academies, this information also contains the knowledge of the elves, which may be helpful when he gets involved in rituals involving life, time, etc. in the future.

But judging from the current situation, this knowledge is of little use for the time being.

"If I really go to St. Byrons to be a teacher in the future, I might be able to publish a book."

Thinking in his mind, Shade sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the headbands given by the twin girls:

"It's actually another souvenir. Feliana's notes from Thousand Trees, the card [Future Man] from Dreadfort, and the black and white headband from Night Manor. It seems that except for Hope Town, I can get the key to time mission every time. When you’re done, get some souvenirs.”

[Are you really sure that there are no souvenirs in Hope Town? 】

She asked with a slight smile. Shade thought about it for a while and then laughed dumbly:

"Oh, it's [God's Gift Box]! Because I can't bring extraordinary items from the past back to the present, that's why I got that gift box in the Sixth Age."

He lowered his head and looked at the headband in his hand. Because it had been carried by the twin girls Grace and Helen since they were young, even though the material of the headband itself was special, after carrying it for more than ten years and being brought to the present by Shade, Already yellowed and worn.

"I hope they can successfully escape their fate, and the danger they were originally trying to seal can also be successfully resolved."

Shade thought in his mind, but that was something in the distant past, and he couldn't be sure how the story of the twin girls would develop.

The story of the past has ended long ago, but for outsiders, the story of the present will continue.

PS: This chapter is Chapter 99 of this volume. This time, we must strive to finish this volume in around 200 chapters.

PS2: In addition, as of the current point in time, Xia De has three [Eternal Youth Leaves] in his hand.

In addition, Lesia got a piece at Sophia's mansion in Coldwater Port and it has always been in her hand; Dorothy returned the leaf in her hand to Shade in front of the Dark Realm, but got it again after the incident. One piece; Luvia got one piece in the Dark Realm, and then wanted to return it to Shade, but he refused, so she also had one piece.

PS3: The previous article has been modified. The level of [Corpse Mirror] has been raised from poet level (level 5) to clerical level (level 4).

PS4: The previous article has been modified. The name of the ring to fight against demons is [Demon Hunting Seal]. The author wrote "Demon Hunting Ring" in more than 20 places, which has been corrected.

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