Whispering Verse

Chapter 664 Eight-Gun Captain

The two of them ordered drinks each, then found a table and sat down to continue talking.

During this period, Captain Rades not only told about the awards he received at the Red Water Camp after the serial murder case was solved, but he also gave 90% of the reward, which was 90 pounds in banknotes, to Shade as agreed.

"Captain, after you returned to the camp, did anyone mention the matter of 'Captain Eight Guns' in front of you again?"

Captain Rades had already moved on from this incident, so Shade dared to ask this question. Sure enough, this middle-aged officer only looked sad, but not depressed:

"Of course some people will mention it, but the situation is much better than I thought. After all, I came back because of my meritorious service in Tobesk. It did happen that I was captured by those Kasenrik people, so I Accept this reality."

"Speaking of which, I've always been curious, where did you enter the battlefield? I haven't heard of a war breaking out in the Sikal Mountain area in the past six months."

Shade asked in a low voice. Captain Rades looked around before answering:

"Although there is no war, we and the soldiers on the other side of the mountain will occasionally have conflicts. Let's not talk about it anymore. It is a very shameful thing. Let it pass."

The captain originally planned to take Shade into the mountains for hunting, but it had rained a few days ago and the muddy roads in the mountains were difficult to walk, so he had no choice but to give up. But Shade still asked the captain about the topography of Mount Sikar, hoping to get the witcher's sword before Miss Aurora arrived.

But Captain Rades could not show him the militarized map in the camp because the map and sand table were in Brigadier General Carter's barracks. Although he could also describe it orally and use water to describe the general appearance of the mountainous area on the table, this was not intuitive after all.

So, Shade asked the location of Brigadier General Carter's barracks in a subtle way. . Captain Rades probably didn't understand, or rather he understood but pretended not to understand, and drew a detailed diagram of the Red Water Camp for him.

There were almost every functional building in the military camp, such as a blacksmith shop, a kitchen, a prayer room, etc. However, Brigadier General Carter's barracks was not in the center of the military camp, but right next to an almost vertical cliff.

If you enter from the entrance of the military camp, you have to go through the entire training ground and pass three checkpoints before you can get there. It can be said that except for the few buildings that Captain Rades did not want to disclose, this barracks with an accurate map of Sikal Mountain and a sand table is located in the deepest part of the Red Water Camp.

The two didn't talk much about the camp. Instead, they sat there and talked about the differences between this place and Tobesk. This kind of talk can easily kill time. By the time someone hurriedly opened the door of the tavern and told Captain Rades to hurry back to the camp, it was already half past four in the afternoon.

"what happened?"

The captain patted the young corporal on the shoulder:

"Did Lieutenant Shorten, who was discovered by his superiors and had stolen the camp's finances, escape? This is not possible. The person escorting him back to Tobesk hasn't arrived yet."

"That's not the case. Captain, there was something wrong with the steam engine that broke down a few days ago. Some fool used No. 1 thermal coal and No. 3 thermal coal together."

"Oh, my God, when will those young people who have just joined the army remember to bring their brains and luggage with them from their hometown?"

The captain stood up cursing, said goodbye to Shade, and hurriedly followed the sweaty corporal back to the camp.

Shade sat there and drank the cider in his hand slowly before getting up and leaving the traveler's camp.

Standing under the sign of Fengqi Trail, I looked up at the Red Water Campground standing on a high ground.

【what do you want to do? 】

"What do you think?"

Shade left the road and walked into the forest.

The unnamed hill where Red Water Camp is located is about 50 feet (about 15.24m), which is as high as a five-story building. Except for the side with stairs, planks and corridors, the other sides are all slopes with an angle of more than 70 degrees between the mountain and the ground. The cliff behind Brigadier Carter’s barracks is almost completely vertical to the ground, even for little Mia. No flexible animal can climb up easily.

[Maybe you shouldn't underestimate that cat. 】

she said with a smile.

When Shade walked around the hill in the forest and came to the bottom of the vertical cliff, he found that the situation was much better than he thought. Although the cliff is indeed very steep, the soil layer of this hillock does not contain much loose soil. Instead, there are lumpy rocks protruding from the cliff.

So, about five minutes later, at the top of the wooden fence erected on the cliff behind the barracks, a pair of hands quietly appeared.

Then, a human head slowly "rose" from behind the fence on the other side of the cliff. Shade, who completed the mountain climbing activity using "Raglai's Leap" and "Frog's Leap", looked around very cautiously, trying to make sure if anyone had seen him.

But this position was completely blocked by the two-story stone building in front of him. Shade couldn't see anyone, and no one could see him.

"very good."

Jump over the fence and put on your mask, then change out of your clothes as well. This unpainted, very simple-looking small building is the barracks of Brigadier General Carter, the military commander here. According to Captain Rades' description, the sand table and map should be on the second floor.

"There's no reason for me to enter from the first floor."

So, after climbing the mountain, Shade started climbing the wall again. Simply compared to the 50-foot-high cliff just now, he could almost reach the height of the two-story building with a single jump.

Still holding on to the window with both hands, he only dared to climb through the window after making sure no one was around.

Because of the help of Captain Rades, he found the right window, and the sand table was placed in the center of the room. The towering sand explained the terrain, and small flags and various metal models referred to the iconic buildings on Sikal Mountain. The map was hung on the west wall, beneath which were cabinets containing mirrors, pens, letters and a pistol.

Shade walked to the wall and hurriedly glanced at the map:


【remember. 】

"Okay. There are footsteps!"

He took out the [Corpse Mirror] from his arms, then reached out to touch the mirror on the cabinet and walked in. A few seconds later, a tall, thin middle-aged man wearing leather boots and military uniform came in, glanced at the window, walked to the wall and took off his binoculars, then walked out again, closing the door very ethically.

"Go quickly, go quickly."

Having achieved his goal, Shade "jumped" out of the mirror, turned around and was about to jump in a standard diving posture, jumping directly out of the window. But at this time, there was a huge noise outside. Shade thought he had been discovered, but the sound seemed to come from the training ground outside.

"what happened?"

After hesitating for a while, out of curiosity, he came to the window on the side of the wall facing the camp. He leaned against the wall and opened a gap in the tightly drawn curtains to look outside.

Brigadier General Carter's barracks is located at the highest point of the entire Red Water Camp. Except for the defensive tower, there is no taller building in the camp. From here, you can see the training ground in the distance at a glance. You can see a group of people gathering on the training ground, and there is a pile of grain next to it.

Although Shade couldn't hear what was specifically said, he could see Captain Rades and another officer he didn't recognize standing together, each holding a gun and pointing it at the sky, while people around him were cheering. .

"What is this doing?"


The strange officer's gun sprayed bullets, and Shade realized that they were shooting at birds in the sky. Now is the season for migratory birds to fly south, and although sparrows do not fly south, they are also more active in autumn. A convoy of five carriages was unloading goods on one side of the training ground. The rice was scattered on the ground, attracting bold animals to attack from the sky.

Therefore, even a pistol has the potential to hit a target high in the air.

The unknown officer's first shot missed the target. The sound of the gunfire caused the animals that coveted the food to fly higher into the sky, but soon they dropped again.

Shade saw that Captain Rades was also preparing to aim and shoot, so he smiled and took out the mind crystal ring from his pocket:

"Let me help a bunch of captains."

Point your finger at the low-flying birds. [Psychic Blast] is closer to the target and more powerful. And at such a long distance, even if the opponent is just a poor sparrow with weak mental strength, at most it will only stop their movements for a moment, but that is enough.

"Mind blast!"

Seizing the opportunity for Captain Rades to fire, Shade, who was hiding behind the window, used [Psychic Blast] to "point" the air outside at just the right moment. Mind Blast can only attack one target at a time, but under "Divine Afterglow" it can attack multiple targets at a time. As Shade took action, although the sparrows did not fall into a collective coma, they were unable to make any dodge movements sensitively for a moment.


Cheers came from the training ground outside. Captain Rades's marksmanship was still very accurate. It was not difficult for him to shoot at the "fixed target" aimed at the sky.

Shade behind the window also laughed. When he saw the captain raising his gun again and the unfamiliar officer waiting aside, he stretched out his finger again:

"Mind blast!"

There was another gunshot, and then the sparrows that were about to steal the food fell to the ground. The onlookers cheered together again. The captain smiled and scratched his head, and raised his pistol for the third time.

"Okay then, Captain Eight Gun? Captain, remember to thank me."

Muttering quietly in his heart, Shade cooperated with Captain Rades and fired six more shots, allowing the captain to hit eight sparrows with eight bullets in total. Then he left, and it was none of his business whether the captain continued shooting.

But from today on, another story related to "Captain Eight-Gun" will probably spread in the Red Water Camp. Shade sincerely hopes that what he does can make his friends' lives better. Captain Rades is a good man, and good men deserve better. This is what the stranger has always thought, even in this strange world of steam and mist, he still thinks so.

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