Whispering Verse

Chapter 713 Physical Examination

The Prophet's Association was very busy at noon. Even if it was close to lunch break, there was a constant flow of guests coming and going in the foyer on the first floor.

While Shade was waiting on the first floor, he happened to encounter Vice President Mark and a group of people carrying leaflets before the release of the next edition of Rhodes Cards. Seeing Sha De standing here waiting for someone, Vice President Mark smiled and asked:

"Mr. Hamilton, are you looking for Luvia Anat again?"

Because Shade came so often and asked Luvia for divination almost every time, all the receptionists on the first floor knew Shade. Everyone laughed when they heard Vice President Mark's teasing.

"I've come to invite Miss Anat to join us for lunch."

Shade said rather embarrassed, and then patted his cat to make it more honest.


Vice President Mark took out his pocket watch and took a look:

"It's eleven-fifteen, so you can go with Miss Anat now. There are still five minutes until lunch break, so I think it's okay to let her get off work early."

"Why are you so embarrassed? I'll wait for another five minutes."

Shade shook his head firmly and refused, not to be polite, but because he had already waited for fifteen minutes, and there was nothing wrong with waiting for the remaining five minutes.


The cat in his arms rubbed against Shade's chest, squirming and trying to change its position to lie down.

"Okay, then why don't you come to my office and sit down, we can talk about the next edition of Rhodes Cards."

So, while having dinner at the Canary Restaurant on Silver Cross Avenue at noon, Shade told Luvia the interesting story of his encounter with Vice President Mark while the food was being served.

Silver Cross Avenue is the central street of Tobesk, and consumption here is extremely high. The Canary Restaurant is a high-end restaurant. Because he wanted to talk about important things, Shade even chose a corner location.

"But, how about the trip to Sin Mansion?"

After the waiter who served the food left, Luvia asked, and Shade recounted what happened throughout the morning. After Shade encountered [Desire] by chance in Coldwater Port last time, he had informed Luvia about this level 0 relic, so Luvia also knew what it was.

After hearing that Shade encountered [Desire] again, she was even more surprised than Shade when he obtained the third spiritual rune of the three rings:

"You always say that you can't find ownerless relics, and you even complained that [Blood Money] also appeared as soon as I appeared in Sikal Mountain. Look, you encountered [Desire] again, and it seemed to be targeting you."

She asked in detail about all the details of Sha De's trip to [Sin Mansion] this morning. After lunch, she insisted on taking Sha De to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square for a physical check-up to confirm that [Desire] had not happened to Sha De. hands and feet.

The first step in the physical examination was to ask Shade to take off his shirt in the bedroom. However, when Shade lowered his head and unbuttoned his shirt, he discovered that Luvia was holding the doorknob behind her hands, and she was holding the door open as she stepped back. Closed.

"Well, what is this going to do? Mia seems to be still outside."

Because of the light, little Mia’s nap place is usually the windowsill or the back of the sofa in the living room, at least in summer and autumn.

"I want to check your body."

The girl with purple eyes said with a smile.

"But you haven't been recently."

"Oh, young gentleman, some basic common sense. It's not like that period will last forever."

So Shade blinked, and sure enough he saw that Luvia's blood had dissipated a lot.

[Did you use this thaumaturgy like this? 】

"Since it's a physical examination, of course it needs to be more in-depth."

Luvia said with a smile, pointing at the curtains, and the curtains on both sides automatically closed towards the middle with a clatter.

Therefore, it took the two of them an entire afternoon to check their bodies. When the sun set and the sound of the cat scratching the door could be heard outside, Luvia confirmed that there was nothing abnormal about Shad's body:

"Yes, it's completely normal. In fact, your physical condition is better than before."

"The power of the phoenix flame was used by me to carry out the sin of [Gluttony], but the flame burned my body after all, so the increase in physical fitness is normal. This is what the story says."

Shade stepped on his slippers and walked to the door. After opening the door, the aggrieved cat meowed immediately.

He smiled and knelt down to pick up the cat, and pinched a small flame with his fingers. Then the flame transformed into the shape of the cat, and Mia's attention was immediately attracted.

Luvia, who had reapplied lipstick in front of the small mirror at the desk, also stood up. She glanced at the sheets and decided to take them back to wash them herself. She would not let Carina Cavendish's maids wash them. Plant sheets.

"The story also says that bathing in dragon blood can make you stronger, but who would do such a stupid thing? Shade, have you ever found that your body is abnormal? Devouring the flesh and blood of desire, experiencing the burning of the phoenix's flame, It can make you stronger, and every time you get promoted, your physical fitness will improve far beyond the normal level, which is not normal at all."

Luvia asked. Although she had been in the house all afternoon, her expression was surprisingly good. She was raising the collar of her white shirt to cover her neck.

"Maybe this has something to do with my biggest secret that I haven't revealed to you yet."

Shade refers to the secret of divinity. He believes that the divinity deep in the soul is subtly affecting the body, coupled with the insignificant specialness of the outsider's soul, which causes this result.

"Well, it's not a bad thing anyway, and"

She walked towards the bedroom door and put her short brown hair behind her head with both hands. The curtains have been opened, and under the light of the setting sun, the purple-eyed girl's skin is rosy and shiny.

She kissed Shade's side face at the door of the bedroom, and then looked at Shade closely with her purple eyes:

"I'm also a beneficiary, right? Well done, knight."

Although the intimate relationship with Luvia had begun for more than a month, Shade still blushed a little, which made the purple-eyed girl laugh:

"I just hope that the impact of the level 0 relic [Desire] on you really only slightly enhanced your desire. I am obviously one level higher than you, but I already feel a little unable to handle it. Also, What are you going to do with the "Pink Book"? Keep it yourself, or find a reason to sell it to the academy?"

The sun was setting outside, and the two of them decided to go out for dinner after working hard all afternoon. The time agreed upon by Shade and Sister Devlin was eight o'clock in the evening, so there was no need to rush.

"Stay here, the spell above is very valuable. I already have more than seven thousand pounds in savings, so I won't be short of money during this time."

"Indeed, if you exclude those weird uses, this can almost be regarded as a basic encyclopedia of spells."

Luvia also supported Shade's idea, but reminded Shade to check his mental state after each reading. She was still worried that [Desire] had tampered with Shade or in the parchment, and this worry was definitely not unnecessary.

After dinner, the two went to the university district to walk the cat together. Among the six districts of Tobesk, the University District has the best and quietest environment.

Shade wanted to take advantage of the time now to go to the Black Raven Library to look for thaumaturgy related to [Laziness] to add power to the new spiritual runes, but Luvia told him not to worry.

"It was mentioned in the first-grade knowledge that spiritual runes will also affect ring warlocks in reverse. Unlike [Gluttony] and [Greed], [Laziness] is not your major sin at all. Are you sure you can adapt to its power? If you delve too deeply into its power without preparation, [Laziness] will definitely directly affect you.”

Stepping on the embankment of the University District, Luvia gave some advice, that is, wait until Shade reaches the fourth ring before considering the [Lazy] thaumaturgy.

What she said made sense. Shade believed that [Gluttony] and [Greed] were all in line with his character, but [Laziness] was completely inconsistent with his character. Moreover, [Laziness] is evidence that it is not a completely suppressed power, and there are still only [Gluttony] and [Greed] rune chains on the [Crimson Chain].

Although he gained the power of [Sloth], he did not master this power.

In fact, this is the normal state of the Ring Warlock. After obtaining the spiritual rune, he must understand and polish its power, and finally gain complete control. Shade's previous spiritual runes fit him too well, so there was no such trouble.

By the time we returned to Saint Teresa Square, the gas lamps around the square were already on. Shade and Luvia also began to formally talk about the "Death Chosen One".

"The information provided by Sister Devlin is very interesting. The suspicion of 'Reverse Rebirth' Joey Barton has now increased infinitely."

Shade put two brand new blood coins, the previous blood money and the [upright coins] on the coffee table, while Luvia took out the [Dragon Blood Money] and the [Soothsayer's Silver Coin].

"Finally we can do divination."

Luvia said and was about to start, but was stopped by Shade:

"I remember you once said that as long as you see the chosen one, to be precise, the first candidate of the chosen one, you will know that 'it is him'."

"Yes, that's how I found Iluna."

Luvia nodded, and Shade said:

"You can't see Joy Barton, but Sister Devlin will be here in more than an hour. You can meet her."

"What a great idea."


Mia threw herself at the coins on the table and was hugged by Shade in the air:

"If you extrapolate this way, Priest August will not be the first candidate, because you have seen him countless times."


Luvia rejected Shade’s idea:

"Only when the chosen one develops his or her talent to the limit, enough to support the ritual, can I detect clues based on the perception of the unique talent when I see him or her. Moreover, this requires at least one minute of gaze."

"That is to say, the suspicion of Priest Augustus still cannot be ruled out. No problem. Today I will meet with Sister Devlin. Tomorrow I will go into the city with the key and let you take a look at the priest."

Therefore, the six coins were not used for the time being. If Luvia can rule out the suspicions of Priest August and Sister Devlin, or confirm their identities, then the price of divination will be much lower.

If there is a surplus of coins, Luvia can not only continue the divination of this chosen person ceremony, but also have the opportunity to divination the solution to the narrow room problem.

PS: There are still five thousand left in the evening.

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