Whispering Verse

Chapter 756 Swordsmen in the Fog

After understanding his identity, the count was no longer the thin ordinary man. The old housekeeper covered his face and squatted down, crying.

Shade looked at Priest August:

"I definitely can't beat him. You said you could handle it."

Foreigners are very self-aware.

"You misunderstood. I didn't mean that I can deal with the person who resurrected from the dead. I meant that I can help you deal with him."

The priest said, taking the lead in the direction of the door. Shade gathered his Rhodes cards, picked up the long sword placed by the wall, and followed him:

"Xia De, remember, in the world of the living, I am just an old man who is aging and weak."

He had his back to Shade in the corridor, but when the priest turned around, the charred wings that spread out in that moment made the priest really look like an angel descending to the mortal world:

"All I can do is provide you with strength."

The dim sunlight penetrated the fog and fell on Rat Augustus from the window at the end of the corridor. His face was very serious:

"Shad Suellen Hamilton, do you know about angels?"

"Yes, there was even a mortal soul that sublimated into an angel in front of me."

Shade also answered seriously. This was the first time that a priest took the initiative to introduce his situation.

Priest Augustus was obviously shocked by Shade's answer, but luckily he adjusted his mood in time:

"Do you know the original angel?"

"Yes, angels belonging to the ancient god [Ancient Death] are also called angels of death."

Shade continued to answer, and the priest nodded:

"Although it sounds incredible, I possess part of the power of the original angel. Pray to me, Shade, and I will use this power to bless you, just like you did before you broke into the [Dark Realm]."

In other words, priests do not have outstanding combat effectiveness in the world of living people, but they can provide strength to others:

"What should I do?"

"Pray to the [Ancient Death] and the First Angel."

The priest said, biting his finger and using blood to draw a holy symbol on the palm of his left hand. That symbol represents the purest death:

"This is the holy symbol of the ancient god."

Shade nodded, drew the holy symbol in front of him on his chest, and then said softly:

"May the first death be with me, and may the angel of death bless me."

The wings behind Priest Augustus fully opened, and his right hand painted with the blood-red holy symbol covered Shade's head:

"May death be with you."

A chill, a chill that literally froze the soul, poured into the body from the top of the head. Then, the coolness that seemed to be able to extinguish all the flames in the world quickly combined with the soul. In that strange power, Shade seemed to have returned to the beach in front of the land of death, as if he once again looked up at the silver moon above his head with the thousands of souls on the water.

[Outlander, you feel the whisper. 】

Shade was almost certain that the source of Priest August's "Primary Angel" power should be the incident of a level 0 relic going out of control when he was young. It was in order to pursue this matter that the priest chose to become a correspondence ringman at St. Byrons instead of becoming a church ringman.

The illusory wings flashed behind Shade, and his body temperature gradually dropped with the influx of power.

Shade felt the power. Unlike the all-round reinforcement provided by the witch's jewelry, the blessing given by the August priest was more obviously reflected in the application of the power of "death". As long as he can withstand the chill that is the same as the most real death, even an ordinary person can become an extraordinary person who can control death.

The red butterfly from the fingertips flew out and landed on Shade's shoulder. The power of this second red butterfly was completely absorbed by Shade, and coupled with the blessing given by the priest, he was already confident to complete the next duel.

"how do you feel?"

The wings behind the priest disappeared, and he looked very tired.

Shade nodded:

"Don't worry, I won't lose."

Shake off the gray cloth wrapped around the long sword, hold the scabbard in your left hand, and slowly pull out the long sword with your right hand. The bright yellow rune of "My heart is clear, my sword kills demons" radiates light on the sword.

The priest leaning against the wall smiled:

"When I was young, I was more handsome than you. Go, Shade, I will wait for your good news."

After preparing the casting materials and putting on the required rings, Shade walked out of the mansion and came outside. The courtyard was hazy with mist. Standing at the door of the building, he couldn't even see the courtyard wall.

When they arrived at the courtyard, they saw Count Darak holding a bayonet and standing on the path in front of the fence gate, waiting for Shade.

He looked very different from a living person. He was at least 10 inches taller than before. There was no shadow in the fog, and the blue blood vessels on the back of his hands and face were trembling. Judging from his expression, he was suppressing his anger and desires in his heart.

Seeing Shade coming with a long sword in his hand, the earl's eyes turned completely white and quickly scanned his heart and throat. Then he raised the rapier and stood it in front of him:

"Mr. Watson, let's get started."

He walked towards Shade with the sword in his right hand, lunged with his left leg, and stabbed forward with his right hand. Shade did not dodge, and swung his sword forward——

Dang rang~

The stabbing sword was directly separated. When the count immediately retreated, Shade's sword slashed diagonally and fell at his feet.

Two rays of light flashed continuously in the white mist, which were the silver light of the [Night Watch] and the light of the stabbing sword. When the clanging sounds of collisions occurred one after another, Shade relied on the sword skills taught by the [Night Watch], and the Earl relied on his years of training skills. For a moment, no one had the upper hand with just his sword skills.

"Mr. Watson, have you also practiced swordsmanship?"

"Yes, I practiced for three hours on the mountain yesterday."

He dodged the stabbing sword sideways, then held the [Night Watch] with both hands, swung the low-hanging long sword upward, and blocked the stabbing sword. While the count's body was unbalanced, he took a step forward, turned around and struck back. Before the silver sword marks in the air dissipated, the sword blade had already made an oblique mark on the front of the earl's black coat.

"If that's the case, I won't be polite."

The earl said in a low voice, and after speaking, he took a step back, his body became lighter in color, and his whole body dispersed in the mist.

【left. 】

Shade held his breath and concentrated. The blade of the [Night Watchman] sword drew a trace of light in the fog. The unique sound of the collision of cold weapons could not be heard very far in the fog. The sweeping long sword accurately deflected the stabbing sword. Then Shade twisted his wrist, swung the sword with one hand, and pressed the stabbing sword to the ground:

"The other party is not stronger than me!"

He thought in his mind, and when the count tried to wrestle with him, he raised his left foot and kicked forward, kicking the count into the fog again.

The resurrected soul disappeared, and Shade closed his eyes. When the voice in his ear gave the prompt, he turned around and slashed diagonally. [Night Watch] glowed slightly the moment it touched the stabbing sword. Shade, who opened his eyes, held the sword with both hands. While using up all his diagonal slashing force, he relied on his strong physical strength to sweep diagonally upward.

Count Darak, who became more and more inhuman, had to retreat. Shade took another step closer with his right foot, and slashed down with the long sword held high:


The icy coldness gathered along the arm and converged into the sword, and the sword light composed of dark light was swung forward. A cold black light suddenly appeared, and all the white mist it came into contact with was wiped away. This sword light originated from the angelic power, passing directly through Count Darak's body.

The latter groaned and his body became more transparent. He immediately drifted backwards and disappeared into the mist again.

"he got hurt."

Shade snorted, stood there with a serious face, and suddenly rolled forward——


Where Shade was originally standing, the tall Earl dropped from the sky with his sword in both hands and struck down hard. As the ground shook slightly, spider web-like cracks quickly spread around.

Shade, who was rolling to avoid having time to get up, heard an inhuman roar coming from the earl's mouth. He squatted on the spot and pointed at Shade with his mouth wide open. As Shade rolled sideways again, a gray beam of light broke through the white mist and shot out from his mouth, sweeping from left to right. The yellow lawn on the ground and the trees next to the yard began to decay rapidly under the contact of the gray light beam, as if the growth cycle was accelerating.

Shade did not dare to try what it was. After standing up with one hand on the ground, he jumped into the air with the help of the power of the spell:

"Isn't it a sword fight?"

The gray beam of light immediately swept towards the sky, as if it was about to cut through the curtain of white fog, but Shade in the sky had already disappeared.

While the crouching earl closed his mouth in surprise, the stranger who appeared behind him slashed diagonally with the long sword attached to the black light in his hand, letting the blade slash down on his neck until it got stuck in his hard shoulder blade. Only then did he stop.


The Earl turned his head 180 degrees to look at Shad, and when the [Night Watchman] touched his body, black smoke with the smell of corpses came out.

"Do you admit defeat? It seems that I won. I can let you leave with dignity."

Shade looked at him.

"If I were you, I would also say this. But I am really unwilling to do so. Why are you all still alive?"

He seemed to be almost unable to suppress his emotions. Black mist floated out of his pores, and his whole figure seemed to be swollen and about to explode.

Shade immediately retreated, and his suppressed anger finally burst out at this moment. Black air burst out from the earl's body, and the powerful impact in an instant even leveled the lawn, sending Shader flying to a distance with his sword. He rolled twice on the ground before getting up with the help of his strength.

Looking up again, the dark fog wrapped around Count Darak's body, making him look extremely strong despite his thin appearance. The black mist is even eroding the white mist around Transformation. In that mist, densely packed wailing human faces are surging.

As the earl stood up with the rapier, his feet lifted off the ground and floated in the air. With a wave of his left hand, black fog bombs in the shape of human faces shot out like a series of raindrops amidst the sonic boom.

"Is this getting stronger?"

Shade hurriedly dodged to the side, but the black fog bomb hit the ground and splashed stone chips, but it still scratched his right leg. Fortunately, it was just a skin injury.

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