Whispering Verse

Chapter 778 Ghost-faced Spider and the Blood-sucking Festival

After sending away the owl who didn't like the cat food very much, but still reluctantly accepted it, Shade avoided the eyes of these churches and broke through the white mist all the way to the outskirts of the city. Compared with the relatively quiet central area of ​​the city, the damage here is more serious. Because not everyone has a house to live in.

When Shade was passing through the Mortiny Alley in the slums, he saw a body that looked like it had been dried for a long time at the entrance of the alley. He was worried about the corpse's resuscitation, so he went to check it out. Then he found that the corpse was still warm, and it was obvious that it had just died.

Continuing forward in the planned direction, soon I saw dense black spider webs deep in the alley. I picked up the kerosene lamp in my hand to explore the way, and the cobwebs actually melted in the light of the fire.

Along the way, Shade saw a terrifying scene that had turned into a spider nest at the entrance of the illegal opium den at the end of the alley.

The dense cobwebs completely covered the entire building and the surrounding alleys. From what he could see, there were more than two digits of ordinary people bound by the cobwebs in the thick fog. . The owner of the spider web is a human-faced spider that wraps the building with peeling walls in spider web and "watches" its prey from a high place.

It was a black spider, with six or seven shads stacked on top of each other, so it would be roughly the size of it. The chest and abdomen are covered with black hair, and the six pairs of appendages have a weird translucent yellow appearance.

"Ghost-faced spider?"

Shade was a little surprised. The ghost-faced spider was a very rare undead like the "mirror ghost" that once appeared in his home. Only special circumstances can give birth to such terrifying spirits, and these evil spirits with separate names are also very powerful.

The huge spider obviously noticed Shade, and climbed down along the cobweb while the cobweb trembled. Although the speed is not very fast, this look is really frightening.

"Silver Moon!"

He drew an arc with his hand and neatly cut off the cobwebs in the air. Amidst the hissing sound of the spider, dense black spider silk spurted downward from its mouthparts.

"Feliana's Witch's Light!"

He raised his left hand to the sky, and a translucent golden arc appeared above his head, melting the spider silk. At the same time, Shade jumped upwards and reached the air with the help of the power of the spell.

The giant spider clinging to the wall also rushed towards Shade at this moment, but Shade disappeared in the air and then appeared above the spider.


The swords held in both hands pierced the back of the ghost-faced spider, and then gravity brought both of them to the ground. The force of falling to the ground caused [Night Watch] to penetrate further into the spider's body, and Shade's arm even came into contact with the down:

"Silver Moon!"

Press the blade of the sword with your fingers and use [Night Watcher] to perform magic. The light of the silver moon radiated from the sword, and then dense cracks appeared on the surface of the wriggling spider. The moonlight shone through the cracks until the entire spider exploded into dust with a fishy smell.


Shade's legs went weak and he almost fell over. Only then did he notice that his hands were black, obviously due to poisoning. He immediately used the elf's detoxification technique to treat himself, and then raised his hand to shoot out a ray of sunlight to burn away the cobwebs blocking the front.

He raised his sword and pointed it at the sky, hoping to use the light of the silver moon to attract the nearby team of ring warlocks from the Zhengshen Church to rescue these poor people entangled in spider webs. Although it is foggy now, with the [Night Watch] amplification magic, Shade is not worried that the church will not notice it.

But before he could perform his magic, a cocoon tightly wrapped in black spider web squirmed nearby.

"Is the little spider going to hatch?"

Shade was shocked, but when he put on the mask and burned the cobwebs with solar rays, he discovered that it was the man in the cocoon who had awakened.

The reason why the other party woke up so quickly was because he was a vampire. The little bat mark above his head clearly proved this.

The man was confused for a few seconds, and soon understood what had just happened. After being pulled up by Shad, he enthusiastically told him the process of the ghost-faced spider crawling out of the narrow room, and how many dangerous creatures were nearby, and even Show Shade the way out of the immediate area.

When Shade asked about the other party's plan, the middle-aged vampire with a slovenly beard looked at the heavy fog in the sky and shook his head:

"The city is really too dangerous. I plan to leave the city for a while. My compatriots, I mean my friends, have already left the city. The festival is about to start. If I had known I would be so unlucky, I should have left early."


Xia De said suspiciously, and the middle-aged vampire didn't hide it either:

"It's something about Sikal Mountain, but please don't worry, it won't have any impact on this city. I can guarantee it with my soul. Sir, if you are also interested, don't forget to look up at Sikal tonight At the top of the mountain, there will be scenes that mortals may not see once in their lifetime."

He introduced warmly, thanked Sha De again for his life-saving grace, and even gave Sha De all the banknotes in his wallet. Before leaving, he pulled a bundle of spider silk from the ground and wrapped it around his arm. Only then did Shade remember that the silk of the "Ghost Faced Spider" was a very special semi-physical substance, a top-notch undead material. .

"I knew that whenever something big happened, there would be gold pounds everywhere."

But Shade was in a hurry and didn't have time to remove all the nearby spider silk. So I just imitated the behavior of the vampires who had left, took a large bundle of spider silk and put it in my pocket. Then he raised his sword to the sky, and after confirming that the Ring Warlock team from the Zhengshen Church had been attracted, he left in a hurry.

If there is enough time, Shade believes that he may be able to make his savings exceed 10,000 pounds today.

"Since you have so much money, should you consider investing? It would be good to get some fixed property for yourself, even buying a building to collect rent every month."

While the Chosen One's business is important, so is livelihood.

At 5:40 in the afternoon, the panting Xia Decai finally saw the huge black shadow of the Mechanical College Castle in the fog. After approaching the castle, we found that the college had been blocked by a barbed wire fence and no entry or exit was allowed. This is a building protected by the city hall.

But these obstacles couldn't stop Shade, and he actually entered the castle without wasting much effort. He then joined the three nuns in the castle who wore high rings with silver blindfolds and went to the location they found best suited to open the door.

Coincidentally, it was the basement where valuables from the auction were stored during the Fire Worship Festival Charity Banquet. Shade even remembered the vampire Mr. Armand Bernhardt taking an antique coffin from here.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with opening the door.

Because Hazama is getting closer to the material world, this ceremony does not need to be as complicated as the last time. Using bells, bone bonfires and a piece of black cloth as symbols, the three nuns stood around the bonfire in an equilateral triangle with the help of the power of the spiritual runes whisper-[Door], miracle-[Death] and blasphemy-[Phantom].

As the bell shook, the red flame turned blue with a sharp crack. The black gauze hanging on the wall actually swayed in the windless basement.

The nuns were chanting something in a low voice, but it sounded like singing. In this somewhat weird atmosphere, the wall behind the gauze seemed to disappear, and wisps of white mist were seeping out:

"Mr. Watson, please be careful along the way."

The nuns blessed, and Shade thanked him softly, knowing that his adventure was about to officially begin.

He approached the wall, stood in front of the gauze curtain and took a few deep breaths to adjust, then lifted up the black gauze and walked in.

The momentary step made Shade feel unbalanced, but when his raised right foot touched the solid ground, he knew that he had entered that strange world again.

He sincerely hoped that this would be the last time he came to this ghost place.

[Stranger, you have left the world of the living. 】

[You feel the miracle, the blasphemy, the enlightenment, the whisper. 】

[Please note that further changes have occurred in Hazama. 】

[The power of death overwhelmingly surpasses the power of the living, and any magic related to life and light will be weakened. 】


Shade was shocked. The moonlight series of thaumaturgy and the newly acquired [solar ray] were his most advantageous means to fight against the undead.

[This effect is invalid for you. A little radiance of divinity dispels the power of death. 】

Shade breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately received a new reminder:

[Outlander, you have suffered a death curse that haunts your soul. This curse has no effect on you, but the recovery of physical strength and spirit is further weakened, so please pay attention to safety. 】

"I see."

The narrow room still looks the same. The black, white and gray basement looks like it has gone through thousands of years of wind and frost. Corpse grass grows in the gaps in the walls, and disgusting black mud appears in patches on the ground. There was even a mummy leaning against the wall on the other side of the basement.

When Shade looked at it, the mummy actually started to move.


Lift your fingers a little, and a beam of sunlight-colored light flies out from between your fingers. It was obviously just a very thin light, but after leaving a small hole in the head of the mummy, it immediately melted its entire head. The body sat slumped against the wall, motionless this time.

[Solar Ray] is the nemesis of the undead and dark creatures. Coupled with the witch's golden necklace and the increase in Shade's soul power in the narrow room, it is normal to have this effect.

It's just that compared to the first time he entered the narrow room, Shade's power in the narrow room was greatly reduced. The power of death became more and more intense, restricting Shade, who was still essentially a living person.

When rescuing Priest Augustus, he was even able to use the Mystic Lock incompletely once. But in this narrow space, even if all the spirit is exhausted, it will not be able to achieve that effect.

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