Whispering Verse

Chapter 782 Sister of Thorns


The high-level warlocks from the Peace Church and everyone around looked at Shade with strange eyes. Of course, Iluna's "balance" ability has been used many times, so the church and Iluna both know what kind of people will have what kind of results.

And according to the results just now


Mr. Landau's tone became respectful. People who have such a tendency towards good order are worthy of respect everywhere:

"I guess it turned out okay."

"Is this an alignment test?"

Shade asked pretending to be curious, and Iluna nodded:

"I think it's okay too."

"Then sir, please come with us into the church. If you want to help, we sincerely invite you to join us in resisting the next enemies. The church will not treat any kind-hearted person who helps."

So Shade gained trust in this way.

"No problem, but on the way here just now, I met a short, deformed man, he said"

Shade informed the church that the final attack would be coming in half an hour. Mr. Landau did not doubt Shade's words, but asked him to describe Joey Barton's characteristics in more detail.

The group of people entered the narrow natural church through the main entrance of the church. Compared with when Shade came to rescue Priest August, there was not much change here.

There is almost no fog in the room. What you can see are white candles of different heights and elegant golden candlesticks. Colorful religious murals and various styles of sculptures create a sacred atmosphere. Silver threads shuttled above the head, intertwined with each other, and these metal threads were hung with metal, stone, wooden and even bone charms, as well as a series of items with strong miraculous elements such as holy symbols and holy bells.

When Shade stepped into the threshold, the holy bell sounded like a wind chime. The sound was extremely sweet, and it also made everyone who was watching him carefully breathe a sigh of relief.

The only difference from the last time was that some of the rows of wooden benches that should have existed were temporarily moved to the wall to make it easier to apply the ritual matrix on the ground. Now there is a strong bonfire burning in the center of the main chapel, and the fire is very warm. Just by being illuminated by the firelight, Shade actually felt that the spirit and physical strength in his body were recovering.

The Zhengshen Church has mastered the method of reviving souls in a narrow room. This bonfire is equivalent to a resting point in the church.

The room was filled with the smell of high-end spices, which seemed to be a mixture of a large number of ritual materials. Shade expected to see many people here, but after a quick glance, including the dozen or so people who returned to the church with him, there were no more than twenty people in the main chapel.

"These people shouldn't be the only ones. It seems they are scattered throughout the church."

The ghost I saw last time did not show up this time, and except for Iluna, there are no other low-level warlocks here. The low-level warlocks assigned to the narrow room are at least 7th level. In the sixth era of the material world, apart from the three major thaumaturgy academies, only the Zhengshen Church has so many manpower.

Mr. Landau politely asked Shade not to leave the main chapel, and then arranged for Iluna to lead Shade to the bonfire for rest and treatment. And he needs to communicate with the real world and pass on the information that Shade just shared.

After getting close to the campfire, my physical strength and spirit began to recover at a level far beyond that in the real world. After sitting down by the campfire, the sense of comfort even made Shade feel that even his mental fatigue was being healed.

Everyone seemed to have something to do, and everyone subconsciously lowered their voices to speak in this solemn church. This made it seem like countless people were whispering something in the empty and holy church.

Although they had just repelled a wave of attacks, only a few people were resting around the campfire. Among them was a young nun wearing a crown of thorns and a white robe.

She knelt down on a dark red cushion, clasped her fists and lowered her head, praying quietly in front of the bonfire. Judging from the few passages that Shade heard, she is a ring sorcerer from the Church of Nature. When Shade sat down, because of the closer distance, Shade even judged that the other party was a high-level warlock, either nine or tenth level.

In the firelight, Shade could barely make out the other person's closed eyes, which seemed to be disabled. Because there were continuous thorn patterns on her two eyes, the patterns even penetrated under the eyelids. Normal people's eyes could not do this.

"This cannot be the divine body of the Church of Nature, Sister of Thorns."

Shade thought with some horror, and the weird sense of holiness on the other party also made him initially confirm his guess.

Now he understood why the church did not arrange for thirteen-ring warlocks to be stationed here.

"Ms. Shirley Winster."

Iluna called softly, then introduced the outsider to the nun who raised her head, took out a water bottle, and asked her to help with treatment. Ms. Shirley Winster did not speak. She took the water bottle, shook it slightly, and handed it to Iluna.

Iluna motioned to Shade to roll up the sleeve of his right hand, and then poured the warm water from his shoulder onto his arm.

It was obvious that the bones had not been reset, but when the water in the water bottle fell along the skin, Shade actually felt that his right arm had completely recovered.

Then, the nun wearing the crown of thorns called out the corner of the life ring, and while the [Healing] miracle spirit rune flashed, she also used magic to shed some green light. Small light spots jumped into Shade's body, and all the injuries since entering the narrow realm of life and death were healed.

Shade finally breathed a sigh of relief. He chose to take the risk and meet the church. It seemed that he was right. His current state had returned to the same state as when he left the House of the Blind.

Thinking about how to avoid other people communicating with Iluna, the nun spoke at this moment:

"Sir, may I borrow your sword?"

She spoke Kasenric, but with a much lighter accent than the owl. .


"No problem at all."

With that said, he handed over the [Night Watchman].

Sister Shirley Winster held the sword in both hands, brought it to her side, carefully pulled it out of the scabbard, and ran her fingers over the runes on the sword:

"It turns out to be the [Night Watchman]."

"Do you recognize this sword?"

Shade asked curiously:

"This sword is not my original sword, but I found it in the mountains after I came to Midhill Fort."

"Yes, this sword is very ancient. It is a relic of the demon hunters of the Third Age. There are not many angel-level swords inherited in the material world. Although this one is not famous, we have recorded it."

She handed the sword back to Shade:

"The church has recorded this sword, and the famous astrologer of the Fifth Age also performed divination for this relic. It will become the key to solving a catastrophe, and now it appears here. When you get it, do you get it? Any additional information?"

"Its last holder was a ring warlock hundreds of years ago. The other party seemed to think that this sword could not leave the Sikal Mountain area. So, this time I took it into the narrow room."

The nun wearing a crown of thorns nodded:

"It is rumored that [Night Watch] has the power to enhance the effects of thaumaturgy, spells and rituals. If it is inserted into the center of the 'Scar of the Holy Tree' ritual. Sir, after the battle, can you talk to us? talk."

Shade understood what she was thinking:

"Okay, let's wait until the ceremony comes to an end."

"Thanks for your help, you will gain the friendship of the Church of Nature."

The "friendship" at this time obviously means that the church will not take Shade's sword in vain.

Not long after, the others who had rested stood up and left. They all had their own tasks to be responsible for, and the Sister of Thorns also walked towards the depths of the church.

Shade looked at her leaving figure and temporarily placed the fishing rod on his back and the lantern on his waist on the ground. Then, he carefully took out a Silence Charm from his pocket. But Iluna stopped him, shook her head slightly, drew a circular symbol on the ground with her fingers, and then asked Shade to put the spell in it.

"There are too many warning rituals here. Don't rush to use alchemical items without magical marks."

Although she was speaking, her mouth was only slightly opened so that others could not see that she was speaking:

"Don't worry about me sitting here alone with you. I'm here to monitor you. Although you passed the camp test and received great trust, you are a stranger from the outside after all. If there are no accidents, during your stay in the church, You can't leave our sight. But other than that, you can use all the equipment here, you can get some charms over there, the nuns next to you can add some useful enhancements to you, and the atonement room on the right can now be used as a magical It is used in the medicine workshop, and as for the alchemy tools, they are behind the pile of long chairs on the left."

Iluna introduced in a low voice that the main hall of the church has now been completely transformed into a war preparation room:

"You can take a rest first and join me in fighting the undead at the main entrance of the church for a while. The pressure here is much less than on the mountain. While waiting for Joey Barton to appear, if you kill enough undead, you can still receive gifts in the church. The rewards include high-purity holy water, and I have my eye on a very good set of alchemy jewelry. This is the reward system during wartime, and we all must abide by it."

"You are really well prepared. Can you exchange it for gold pounds? Ahem, I mean, let you follow me all the time? Wouldn't that be better?"

Shade stretched out his hand to light the fire and responded softly.

Iluna carefully controlled the high-spirited smile on her lips, her pretty face was illuminated by the firelight, and she added:

"It's because you passed the camp test almost perfectly that you get this kind of treatment. Otherwise, you can only get some food and water. However, don't worry too much about the situation here. There are many middle-level warlocks in the narrow church, and there are 30 high-level warlocks. There are many people, including 5 in the 12th Ring. Don’t look at the few people here, but one-third are actually sent out to clean up the surrounding evil spirits in advance, and to detect the direction of the next wave of undead.”

After all, the undead did not appear suddenly, but swarmed from a certain direction, so peripheral investigation was very important.

"In addition to the high-level warlocks from the Church of the Five Gods, three of the high-level warlocks are diviners from the [Prophet Association], two are professors from Serkses Higher Medical School, oh, and two are from the underground. The elders from [Apna Library] came here. The diviners are at the top of the side tower, and the professors from the college are on the second floor responsible for maintaining the 'Natural Light' ceremony in the center of the church. I don't quite understand, it's nature. It's something from the church. Two elders from the library are assisting in setting up the formation for the 'Scar of the Holy Tree' sealing ceremony in the basement. No one except you can enter the gate in front of the [Death Door] without protection. passages, so the work underground is complicated.”

"Apna Library" is a group of ring magicians who have good relations with the Church of the Five Gods, and are similar in size to the [Blood Spirit School]. It is said that the headquarters is in an underground cave somewhere in the Old World. Their purpose is to protect knowledge, but together with Old John and the Tower Keeper Mr. Edmond, they belong to the "Guiding Priory" to collect knowledge before the end of the world. Different from protecting civilization, the "Apna Library" purely takes collecting and preserving knowledge as its mission.

A member of the Apna Library, many believe in the true god [God of Creation and Destruction] - the Lady of Creation, but also have other weird beliefs. Their shadows are behind many black markets that trade knowledge in the Old and New Worlds.

However, the relationship between the "Apna Library" and the three major thaumaturgy academies is very bad, and even somewhat hostile.

This is not because there is a conflict of purpose between the two, but because the academy wants all the collections in the library, and the library also wants the knowledge and books spanning two eras in the libraries of the three major thaumaturgy academies.

Both sides believe that the other is coveting their knowledge - although this is indeed the case, hence the subtle hostility.

Of course, this hostility has little to do with the correspondence magicians.

In addition, the "Apna Library" also trains its own students in the form of the Academy of Thaumaturgy, but because it is not very famous, Shade only heard Dr. Schneider mention it.

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