Whispering Verse

Chapter 801 It should not be pure death

While St. Teresa's Square was busy, it was cold and quiet in death. Five people were sitting around a bonfire in front of the stone gate. The firelight spread shadows around, shaking like monsters in fairy tales.

Everyone looked at Shade, who continued:

"The 'Scar of the Holy Tree' ritual is almost completed, but the problem of Hazama is still unresolved. I think there should be a fierce fight outside. We need the power of the chosen ones to end everything tonight. But it was Who should be the chosen one?"

Joey Barton has lost his qualifications. Even if he had not lost his qualifications, Shade would not let him become the chosen one. But now everyone came here from the narrow room on their own initiative, which is equivalent to everyone committing suicide in the narrow room on their own initiative.

"Whoever walks out of here first will be the chosen one. Because all the other people in the order are dead."

Shade repeated again, then looked at Sister Devlin. Sister Devlin also understood this fact. She was the second in line after Joy Barton, but the nun shook her head slightly:

"I have embarked on the path of guarding the flame. Death is not suitable for me. Now I am not the only one who can be the chosen one. Perhaps, you can consider other candidates."

So Shade looked at Priest August again. The priest hesitated for a moment and put down the pipe that was lit by the first fire:

"What is the Chosen One?"

he asked curiously.

"In the Fifth Era, the "Mumbling Psalms" prophesied by the Witch mentioned that thirteen chosen ones will appear in the Sixth Era. They are the protagonists of the Era, and their stories will together constitute the unknown destiny stage of the Sixth Era. , and affect the future of the entire world. And the chosen ones of death have the power of the ancient god [Ancient Death]."

Shade introduced:

"Priest, maybe you could consider it"

"No, I don't want to take on such a responsibility. The troubles in the church are enough for me. At such an old age, I have to care about the accommodation of the children in the choir and assist in the church's financial review every quarter. I also have to participate in event planning every year on the Feast of Holy Prayer. Detective, I have enough things on my hands, and those boring responsibilities belong to you young people."

The priest shook his head firmly:

"Don't involve me in this kind of thing."

In fact, Shade was not willing to involve Priest Augustus in this matter. Being the chosen one was equivalent to being forced into the whirlpool of fate. Priest Augustus, who now had an arm at his feet, obviously preferred it. calm life.

"Then we can only consider the fourth overall candidate."

Shade said, then looked at Iluna.

The seventeen-year-old girl also looked at him and blinked in confusion:

"The fourth candidate? Who is that? Didn't you say last time that you were not sure about the fourth candidate?"

But Shade still looked at her, so Iluna turned her head and looked behind her suspiciously, as if she thought there was someone else around her. But after confirming that Shade was indeed looking at her, she opened her mouth slightly and pointed at herself incredulously:

"You mean me?"

"As of your arrival at Fort Midhill, there were four."


“Eyes that can see through darkness.”

"But that's for you."

"I am an audience outside of fate. I cannot be the chosen one. Apart from me, a total of four people will die tonight, so why, Iluna, will you appear here?"

Although this reason was unreasonable, Iluna was still stunned for a moment, and then quickly shook her head:

"Shad, are you mistaken? I am the chosen one of 'Balance', and I have even performed the ceremony."

"But no one has ever said that the qualification to be selected cannot appear in the same person repeatedly."

Shade said, and Iluna thought for a moment, and seemed to be unable to refute.

"It's indeed her."

The spirit of Mr. Barton, sitting next to Ms. Marilyn Handel, whispered:

"After losing my power, my feelings about death became more real, as if I had melted into death. This young lady with brown hair is indeed the fourth candidate."

Shade felt relieved now that his guess was not wrong.

But Iluna still didn’t want to accept it:

"Both this nun and Priest August are more suitable than me. After performing the trial just now, I obtained some new information. Except for the first candidate, even if the other candidates hold the ceremony, the power they gain will be Weaker. The later the pick is, the weaker the final strength will be. No matter from any point of view, in order to deal with the continuous troubles that will follow, it is better for the selected person to take on the responsibility. "

This is new information.

"Miss Bayas, you should look at it this way."

Priest August took another puff of his pipe. The old priest's expression was very kind:

“Everyone here has selfish motives except you.

Barton over there died to resurrect his beloved, I offered help for this hand bone, Shade dueled with a quarter of his soul for the Rhodes card, and the nun witnessed this scene for the firewood. But only you, Iluna Beas, only you, asking for nothing, only for the sake of justice and mercy, took part in this matter.

I dare say that although you are the youngest, at least in this matter, you are the noblest one among us. "

Others nodded. The old priest was indeed the oldest and his words made sense.

Iluna was also a little embarrassed by what Priest August said. She was a little moved, but she still shook her head. This is not a humble excuse, but a real unwillingness to accept it.

Looking at Xia De, the seventeen-year-old girl whispered:

"Xia De, the responsibility of the chosen one is too heavy. It's not that I don't want to bear it, but sometimes I also think that one person should not monopolize all the responsibilities and power. You all say that I am the protagonist of the era, but I actually I'm just an ordinary person. If I can, I hope that more candidates can appear instead of letting me face all this alone."

Power comes at a price, and Shade also understands Iluna's thoughts. She is not greedy and wants to monopolize all the power. She realizes her own limits and understands her position. Very few people can do this. Iluna's inheritance of "balance" is definitely not an accident.

So, Shade looked at Priest August and Sister Devlin again. The former shook her head quickly: Gu Si

"Don't think about me, I have a lot on my plate."

He kicked the arm next to his feet:

"Shad, when I return to Tobesk in a few weeks, I want to talk to you about something. Regarding those wings, I have many stories and responsibilities."

The priest seems to want to confess his secret to Shade, just like Dr. Schneider two months ago:

"Sister Devlin, you can actually try to take on this responsibility. Although I don't understand the original fire, but you seem to be looking for firewood? Fire is life, but fire is also death. Taking on the power of this ancient god is blind. Peering into death in the darkness may be of great help to you."

The nun did not shake her head this time and hesitated for a moment:

"It is my responsibility to look after the First Fire. I can bear the power of death, but I cannot bear all of it. Inheriting death will bring you closer to death. If Joey Barton becomes the chosen one, the collision between death and rebirth will make him Staying the same, maybe that’s what it means to be a contrarian.”

Mr. Button's soul showed a wry smile:


"It seems to be true. Will living people inherit death and gradually transform into undead or living dead? This is a problem."

Shade pondered, and Joey Barton spoke again:

"Mr. Hamilton, if you want to solve this problem, you only need to make the power of the chosen one less pure."

"What's the meaning?"

"The qualification of the candidate must only belong to one person. There is no qualification for two people. This cannot be changed. The young lady over there is already an official candidate, but she has still become another candidate. She may be able to obtain Part of the power of death, then death will no longer be pure, and the nun who inherits the qualification will not slowly transform into the dead."

Shade looked at him suspiciously, he seemed to know too much.

Mr. Barton held the hand of the lady beside him tightly and looked at Shade calmly:

"Mr. Hamilton, since you said that the requirement of the ceremony for the deceased chosen one is that all others die, then what will happen if the candidate in the lower order is suddenly 'resurrected' when the ceremony is held for the candidate in the lower order?"

Iluna suddenly realized:

"If I perform a ceremony, but the ceremony is not completed, and Sister Devlin returns to the narrow room from here, then Sister Devlin will be the chosen one to die. But I have also gained part of the power, rarely The power of the nun. In this way, the power of the nun is incomplete."


Barton then stopped talking.

Only the dead chosen ones should be able to do this, after all, it is impossible for other chosen candidates to "resurrect from the dead".

Shade glanced at Mr. Barton suspiciously, but did not raise the question in his heart. He had indeed lost his qualifications as a chosen one, but Shade felt that this man who was burdened with a curse had gained something else. Maybe it's because of Iluna's trial and his sins, maybe it's because he is really talented in death, but these are not what Shade needs to care about. He has already made a judgment about the chosen one:

"Sister, is this possible? You come to be the chosen one of death, but Iluna gets a small part of the power to make death no longer pure?"

In fact, after the death of the Dark Chosen One, Iluna also gained part of the power of darkness, as evidenced by the dark vortex. From this point of view, Iluna was able to obtain the power of the chosen one three times in a row each time, even if only the balanced power was intact.

"This is good."

The nun nodded.

"Sister, do you understand death and the end?"

Shade asked again worriedly.

"In the dim light of the flame, I glimpsed the world after the flame was extinguished. Yes, I understand all this."

Shade then smiled, clapped his hands to signal everyone to look over, and announced his final decision:

"Then do this - Iluna, you will leave here first, and Sister Devlin will leave later. The Witch Council will be very happy that the nun will become the third chosen one. Iluna, you should follow the instructions just now We made up, I mean, retold stories to tell the church what was going on here, as to who Sister Devlin was."

"You don't know me. Suffice it to say: That's a blind nun with an eyepatch."

Sister Devlin said proactively, not intending to hide her identity from the church.

Joy Barton didn't care about the qualifications that once belonged to him, Ms. Handel couldn't understand their words at all, Priest Augustus squinted his eyes and enjoyed the tobacco, Sister Devlin sat on the stone expressionlessly, and Iluna still Somewhat uneasy, Shade sat by the campfire and looked at the dark moon on the water in the distance. The moonlight shone on Shade's face, but there was no excitement or joy on his face.

He lowered his head slightly and his face was covered with large shadows; his eyes were narrowed and his brows were furrowed to express concern.

[Do you know what will happen next? 】


[Then why do you need to consume that drop of divinity in advance? That is the last drop of your divinity. 】

"Because I'm afraid that the Duke won't come tonight because of fear. I can't be by their side at any time, but He is always peeking. Tonight is the best opportunity, because tonight their duties will probably end. This is a conspiracy that lasts for two eras, involves many gods, affects several eras, runs through the fate of countless people, and indirectly leads to this scene tonight. Compared with the epic of the chosen one, since the reception, , the story that continues to this day is more like a myth, a terrible and gloomy myth. And I will never allow this story to end in tragedy."

Shade's brows furrowed deeply:

"Even I only realized when I saw that hook that the blood-sucking Duke has been manipulating all this behind the scenes since the last era. He just wanted to... Therefore, the evil god is the evil god."

[He is not for the narrow space or the chosen ones, why do you want to stop it? 】

"Just like the first time I blocked."

Then a chuckle was heard:

[I see, you have never changed. But foreigner, are you confident? If He is really coming, you, in your mortal state, will not be able to forcibly obtain divinity with just your ‘soul fishing rod’. 】

The first drop of divinity from [Lord of the Blood Feast], the god at that time had just stepped into the shadow, so Shade could succeed. The second drop of divinity from [Lord of the Blood Feast], Shade was in a state of deification at that time, so he could succeed. But if the relic is only used in mortal form, the possibility of success is extremely low, and gods will not resist.

"I understand, but I'm definitely not the only one who is kind."

Shade stopped thinking when he heard the sound of the door opening.

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