Whispering Verse

Text Chapter 802 The Coming Blood God

"Moonlight Great Sword!"

Miss Olanode's fighting skills allowed Shade to learn how to attach invisible spiritual weapons to physical weapons. The sword that the middle-aged witch transformed from a branch was shining with the light of the silver moon, and Shade stabbed the bat behind her in the blood mist.

The bats easily dodged Shade's attack, but because Shade stopped and counterattacked, the blood mist caught up with them.

The bats gathered together, and the woman who walked out summoned the eleven life rings without even speaking. The bloody sword, which was bigger than the surrounding trees, slashed out in the air, and Shade hurriedly swung his sword to counterattack.

In the harsh sound of metal collision, the sword in his hand flew out. But the bloody sword did not attack the enemy again. Instead, it turned into a giant hand and grabbed Grace and Helen:

"Sorry, you can't take away the Red Butterfly Twins!"

"Silver Moon Slash!"

Shade flew a kick in the air, but the arc-shaped light blade did not scatter the bloody hand.

But in the uneroded white mist, a new soul emerged at this time. He picked up the long sword that Shade had dropped, jumped up high and chopped the giant red hand into pieces. After drinking the magic potion, he swung forward and dispersed the blood mist in the distorted roar of the air.

The gray-haired old man's face gradually became clearer. He was wearing brown cloth armor and long-sleeved leather gloves. His face was full of weather-beaten cracks, but his eyes were particularly sharp.

It was the old man at the God's Wine Party. He was also the owner of [Night Watch] and finally died in the Sikal Mountain area.

"Sir, take the girls and leave."

Perhaps in his time, men could not become extraordinary. But by turning into a soul, accumulating anger, and holding a sword in hand, he also has the strength to fight:

"Girls, this is to repay you. Thank you, thank you for the pills (609) you gave me. After all these years, I finally have the opportunity to repay you!"

He faced the eleven-ring vampire with his sword, while Shade pulled Helen and Grace and ran further away:

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"

Over the city of Fort Midhill, more and more terrifying and twisted limbs stretched out from the huge cocoon. The giant cocoon squirmed like something disgusting inside wanted to break out immediately. Whenever those limbs are eliminated by the church, they grow back at a faster rate.

As more and more holes appeared in the cocoon, even Shade at the foot of the mountain could clearly guess how terrifying the monster hatched by the power of the narrow space in the cocoon would look.


Even though it has not yet been fully born, the terrifying howl that seems to come from the abyss is already deafening. Black thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the night sky above the white fog. At the same time, in the city below the giant cocoon, the traces of the ritual became brighter and brighter, and more and more ring warlocks appeared in the sky.

Shade still held Helen and Grace's hands and ran in the forest. Even though brave souls blocked the pursuing vampires for them, the blood mist and blood marks on the ground were still chasing them.

"Sir, it seems we can't escape."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Shade refuted without looking back:

"How could I be here if I didn't have the confidence to save you."

Grace and Helen's power was recovering. When they were running wildly in the forest, Shade couldn't even tell whether he was running or whether he had turned into a group of red butterflies and was flying forward.

But the dense forest is gradually becoming sparse, and it seems that they will soon leave this bloody forest.

"When this matter is over, I would also like to invite you to visit Saint Teresa Square and see my home in this era. I would also like to invite you to visit Tobesk together to experience the most developed industrial civilization in the world. The scenery of the Pearl of the North. I also want you to help my friend. I also know two other girls whose souls are connected to each other, but they can never meet..."

Shade rambled on about his thoughts, not only to give Helen and Grace confidence, but also to give himself confidence.

The girls in white skirts and black skirts followed him and looked at his back, thinking that everyone at the cocktail party would meet again tonight, and for a moment it felt like they might have never left the cocktail party at Night Manor.

When Shade finished telling the story of Dorothy and Lesia, the jungle had come to an end. Shade suddenly jumped out of the last bush, but what he saw in front of him stopped him.

He, Grace and Helen came to the shore of Lake Bena again. But this time, the lake water has really been transformed into blood red.

Blood mist lingered, and the thick smell of blood was filled with the aroma of wine. On the densely packed wooden piles standing by the lake, the original mummies have been transformed into nobles wearing gorgeous costumes from different eras.

They were impaled on the wooden stakes, but they did not wail. Instead, they faced the lake with solemn expressions, as if waiting for the arrival of the noble one.

The blood-red lake water is still calm, and even the lake water beside the tidal flat is still. But the antique coffins that were originally floating in the lake were gradually drifting towards the shore.

There was only a faint blood mist on the lake at this time. In the center of two small hills in the distance, the scarlet full moon seemed to be about to fall into the lake in the next second.

The red moon was so clear and beautiful. Just looking at it, your eyes seem to be attracted by a black hole, and you can't look away at all.

The red moon is like a flawless transparent bead, but it is also like a disgusting mass of flesh covered with sarcoma. The red light shone on the faces of the three people who had just escaped from the bushes. The expressions of Helen and Grace gradually became peaceful, but Shade felt his eyelids unconsciously wanting to droop.

He was too tired and left the House of the Blind in the afternoon. He fought many battles one after another, and also went to the past time in the middle, and then the battle in death happened again. After walking away from death, he rushed to the auction house without stopping, and then experienced a battle in the mountains.

But now, looking at the increasingly clear scarlet moon, Shade subconsciously wanted to close his eyes motionlessly.


She held on to her strength and held Helen and Grace's hands tightly, turning around to return to the forest. Unexpectedly, after diving into the dense forest, the shore of Lake Bena shrouded in red moon and blood mist was still in front of me.

They could no longer leave, and the bell of midnight was about to strike, and this scene at the foot of Mount Sikar was so sacred, solemn, and weird.

The vampires in black robes prayed in unison, and the sacrifices impaled on the wooden stakes loudly praised the blood and the moon. The sound almost shattered Shade's eardrums. The scarlet lake water seems to have the blood of thousands of people dripping into it, but it is just a glass of wonderful red wine.

The smell of blood and wine was so intoxicating that when the hymn of unknown origin sounded in his ears, Shade did not immediately look for the source of the song.

"Can't you leave? It's really the worst case scenario..."

He took off the fishing rod from his back, stood still and listened to the songs praising the blood moon. Childish singing was mixed together, but it was not like the grand holiness expressed by the Zhengshen Church choir. Instead, it had a strange sense of holiness.

The calm blood lake surged into waves, causing the coffin to slowly approach the shore. A beam of bloody skylight penetrated the blood mist above the head, fell from the high sky, enveloped the coffin, and moved with it.

Everything in front of you has a double image. Sometimes the kneeling person is a vampire, sometimes it is a mummy whose blood has been drained; sometimes there is a blood mist forest behind you, sometimes it is a red rose garden surrounded by thorns; and in front of you is a red rose garden surrounded by thorns. On Lake Bena, the water emits a red halo, stimulating Shade's [Echo of Blood] to run on its own.

The metal coffin, shrouded in red light pillars, had arrived in the nearshore waters. The mental pressure increased little by little, and the chaotic and out-of-control blasphemous power penetrated little by little.

It was obviously just a coffin, but in Shade's eyes, it was "bigger" than the entire Sikal Mountains and the entire Rommel Mountains. The surface of the coffin reflected the light of the red moon. The originally rusty metal was repaired bit by bit under the red moon until the entire body turned into pure silver.

A huge reverse cross appears on the surface of the silver coffin, and rows of fine carvings are adding more external decoration to the coffin. Later, the surface of the silver metal coffin was sunken, showing nine grooves for placing items.

Holding the fishing rod in his left hand and taking out the blood brew made from a quarter of Joey Barton's soul in his right hand, Shade did not try to escape anymore, but walked forward.

Helen and Grace followed him unconsciously until the three of them arrived at the lake.

The sterling silver coffin did not reach the shore, but stopped in the shallow water. The scarlet lake suddenly rose into waves, and layers of blood continued to cover the surface of the pure silver coffin amid the louder chants.

There was more blood in the silver, and as the lake water washed it, it completely turned into a blood-colored metal coffin.

Pulled by the invisible force, the coffin stood upright and lifted slightly into the sky in the red sky. The eight relics held by the mummies impaled by the wooden stakes and the bloody thorn scepter from the depths of the jungle flew out at the same time and were embedded on the surface of the coffin.

For a moment, Shade seemed to hear the "clicking" sound of gears turning. He didn't know what it meant, but he knew He was coming. A bell rang in an unknown distance, and large swarms of bats flew from the blood moon in the valley to the woodland.

[It’s midnight. 】

"She" sighed softly in Shade's ear.

In the distance over Fort Midhill, the undead and the ring warlocks seemed unable to see the blood mist and light pillar at the foot of the mountain. Penetrating cracks appeared on the surface of the giant cocoon. After the last black lightning hit the giant cocoon, the white mist cocoon completely shattered.

What was revealed before the eyes of the Ring Warlocks was an undead behemoth that could not be described in detail, surrounding a terrifying giant head with countless weird limbs growing around it. The black giant hand, the wriggling disgusting tentacles, the gray-white bone dragon head, and even the slender body of the underground worm. The giant beast seemed to have sewn all the powerful beings who died in the Sikal Mountain area to its body, and as the giant head roared, the black ripples spread rapidly, shooting down all the enemies surrounding it.

The night fog in Fort Midhill is getting thicker and thicker.

And by Lake Bena, above the Blood Lake, under the blood mist, in the blood moon——


With the clear sound of a rotating shaft, the blood-colored metal coffin standing in the air was pushed open a gap.

Shade stretched out his hand to block the two girls behind him. Even though the afterglow of divinity was still there, but without divinity, the exploding headache he felt at this moment still made him almost comatose.

And in the illusion that the whole world was about to be filled with blood, the metal coffin opened little by little.

A boy dressed in old-fashioned aristocratic decorations, Lester Bernhardt, the "nephew" of Mr. Armand Bernhardt, was sleeping in the coffin with his eyes closed. The hymn that praises the blood and the moon in unison has reached its climax.

The battle over Fort Midhill behind him erupted with endless light and brightness, but at this moment, the blood moon over Lake Bena was still so peaceful. The two places are obviously in the same world, but they are so different.

The blood surged and the hymns resounded. The whispered prayer finally turned into a deafening cry at this moment. In the coffin with the lid opened, the boy's eyelashes trembled, and then he opened his eyes.

Time has stopped at this moment, and fate and years have frozen at this moment. Shade couldn't describe his feelings at this time. Even if he closed his eyes that shed tears of blood, he could still "see" the boy opened his eyes, and the blood coffin turned into red light and covered him with clothes.

In that ray of skylight, the boy walked towards the shore in the void, and the nine relics were integrated into his body. With every step the boy took, his body grew larger until—

When He finally stood on the surface of the Blood Lake, looking at Sha De from a distance on the lakeside, that familiar figure, that sacred body, that magnificent power, that indescribable appearance...

The blood-sucking god-Vampire Duke Loel Saint form has arrived.

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