Whispering Verse

Chapter 822 Sha De’s big plan

Chapter 819 Sha De’s big plan

Miss Danister and Shade talked about a lot of things, so it wasn't until half past ten that Shade ended the projection and returned to the guest room of Miss Carina's mansion.

The small orange cat lying on the soft bed had become impatient for a long time and jumped onto the carpet with a meow. Shade bent down and picked up the cat. He originally thought Mia wanted to play with him for a while, but then he realized that the cat most likely wanted a midnight snack.

Foreigners in their hometown and in this world have heard horrific rumors about the weight of orange cats, so they have always been very measured when feeding cats. But since this cat was adopted by him in the summer, not to mention the weight, even the change in body shape has been almost unobservable. Sometimes Shade envies Mia's physique of not getting fat even if she eats anything, but then he thinks that even [Gluttony] cannot affect me, and I don’t gain weight no matter what I eat.

He pushed the door open and left the room, wanting to get some late-night snacks and check to see if Lesia and Miss Carina had finished talking. Just as he followed the maid around the corner of the corridor, he saw Lesia coming with a group of maids, with Tifa leading the way.

The night is already quite late. Miss Carina will go to the city tomorrow morning to attend a report in the parliament, and for the sake of her skin, it’s time to rest. The witch now went to take a bath, and Tifa led Lesia to see Shade.

Only then did Lesia learn that the so-called guest room where Shade lived was right next to the witch's big bedroom.

She stared at the detective holding the cat for a long time, then snorted and said nothing.

Afterwards, he and Shade went to the restaurant. Of course, Her Highness the Princess will not eat again so late. This is not only because of good habits, but also to keep in shape.

Tifa also wanted to go to Miss Carina, so she quickly said goodbye and left, but left behind the old butler of the manor.

Lesia sat next to Shade, watching him eat and feed the cat, while asking what happened at Fort Midhill on Wednesday night. But Shade did not tell his own experience, but asked:

"I have two stories here, one about love between life and death, and one about family love spanning two eras. Do you want to listen to the story, Lesia?"

Lesia asked with a smile:

"Is it a true story?"

"Of course it is true. Maybe I will appear in the story, but I am just a passer-by in the story, providing insignificant help to the protagonists."

Lesia nodded, gently lifted her hair and tucked it behind her ears. Then she put her right arm on the table and supported the side of her face with her hand:

"You can start talking now."

Holding the teacup, Shade first told the story of Joey Barton's life and what happened in his death. He concealed many unimportant details, especially the details of the battle. The focus of the story is Joey Barton's love and crazy obsession.

When she heard that Barton wanted to resurrect the dead and break the balance between life and death, Lesia couldn't help but shake her head; when she heard that Barton abandoned his body and entered the waters of death with his soul, Lesia was moved, but she still felt that he had done something wrong; After hearing that Barton was defeated, he curled up on the water and cried loudly. Then when he looked up and saw the beloved he had been thinking about all day long, Lesia suddenly turned her head and looked at the window, not letting Shade see her expression:

"Don't worry about me. You can continue the story. It's an interesting story and Dorothy will like it very much."

Even Xia De knew that this sentence should be understood as "I like it very much". Although she and Dorothy both hate tragedy, the touching love story is still particularly attractive.

What happened after Marilyn Handel appeared is impressive. The departing soul wants to leave with that curse, leaving the living with thoughts and memories that time cannot take away. But the living people voluntarily sacrificed their bones, flesh and souls, and finally the two of them walked out of death together, bearing the curse of death to pay for their sins.

The life of a person who is reborn is in flashback, but when he finally comes to the end of his life, he gets the opportunity to rely on his true love and walk the path of his life again. All things are mortal, but at least he really changed the course of life.

Even though this is a story that he experienced as a bystander, after telling the story again, Xia De still felt endless melancholy in his heart:

"So people are very complicated, and it's difficult to define a pure good guy and a pure bad guy. Joey Barton is a good example. Lecia, what Mr. Barton did is undoubtedly wrong, but only as far as the story is concerned. , do you think this ending is a tragedy or a comedy?"

Lesia was still looking at the starry sky outside the window. The air in the suburbs was very good. On the late autumn night, there were thousands of stars above her head:

"It's hard to evaluate, but it is indeed a good story. When Dorothy knows this story, she can write it into "Hamilton Detective Stories" and serialize it as a long novel, or just write it in a published book as a special As a means of attracting book purchases, what about the second story?”

Her voice was very soft, and her mood was affected by the story.

"The second story is related to the red butterfly I once talked about. Do you still remember the cocktail party in the fifth era? That is the origin of the red butterfly nursery rhyme. I have told the first half of this story, but please forgive me, this time Let’s start from that cocktail party.”

Although the story of Grace and Helen spans a longer time, it is far less complex than the previous story.

Shade narrated while eating his midnight snack, Lesia's expression remained consistent throughout. Even if Shade praised their lessons when introducing the secret lock of "Sleeping Princess" at the end, it really worked. When the characteristics of "Sleeping Princess" are very similar to the author and the princess's magical magic, Lesia's His expression remained unchanged.

Finally, the story came to the cliff on the top of the mountain hanging upside down by the Milky Way. Shade looked at the girls, watching the illusory red butterflies flying out of their bodies, along the path of broken light leading to the night sky, and countless The souls flew together to the silent waters in the sea of ​​stars:

"It's a pity that I'm not good at painting, otherwise I would have painted that scene. It was so beautiful, and I will remember it for many, many years."

Shade said regretfully, and Lecia spoke very softly at this moment:

"So, you were indeed in the city where the gods descended on Wednesday night, and you were even in the central audience of the story, the audience in this scene. Seeing that your mood was very high, I think you finally saved them, right? Because of the kiss?”

This topic was a bit awkward, but Shade still nodded. Although he didn't mention the gods, Lesia should have guessed that the appearance of the gods was related to the red butterfly twins. However, Lesia wouldn't ask for more details, she knew there were things she shouldn't know.

"The unknown old god should have saved them, and I just did a very small job to make them stay."

Lift your right thumb and index finger together, leaving only a small gap:

"That's pretty much it."

"So in the early hours of Thursday morning, you took great risks and returned to Sikal Mountain just to save them?"

Lesia then turned her head and moved her gaze from the window to Shade's face.

"That's just one of the reasons."

Shade showed an excited expression:

"There is a more important reason, Lesia, this is a surprise for you. I deliberately left it until the end. Although I didn't expect to meet you here, I always carry it with me."

Shade placed the heavy red metal pendant in his pocket on the table. It was a pieced together red butterfly pendant. Although there were no traces of rust on the surface, the traces of simplicity and erosion over time were It can't be covered up no matter what.

"This is."

The red-haired princess was a little hesitant. She guessed the truth but couldn't believe it at all.

"Grace and Helen can help you, which is why I went up the mountain that night. Of course, not wanting to see them die is also an important reason."

Shade said, pushing the pendant to Lesia. Mia glanced at the pendant and was not interested.

"This is the gift the Geminis received at the end of the fifth era cocktail party. They used this as a certificate to get help from the Gemini Gods. Later, this pendant was always held in the hands of Grace and Helen, accompanying them through their experiences. He has gone through countless reincarnations, from the fifth era to the sixth era."

This is the complete story of the red butterflies. As Shade told it, the whispering elements on the pendant seemed to affect reality. Shade immediately stopped the story:

"Now, this belongs to you and Dorothy. I named it the sage-level relic - [True Red Butterfly]. With it, you and Dorothy can have completely normal contact every 21 days A full day without having to pay any price.”

Shade had a smile on his face:

"There should be other effects besides this, but you need to explore it yourself. I participated in the story of Hongdie not to get paid, but I still got this gift in the end. It's just that compared to me, this gift It would be better suited in the hands of you and Dorothy.”

Shade was really happy. Although this did not completely solve the problem between Dorothy and Lesia, it was at least a good start:

"Look, I said I would help you, and I did."

Lesia looked down at the relics in front of her, then looked up at Shade:

"come here."

She said to Shade, so Shade stretched his head over, and Lesia hugged Shade and hugged him tightly.

Shade was quite embarrassed:

"It doesn't have to be like this, this is what I should do."


Shade felt as if his shoulders were wet. Needless to say, he knew that Lesia was crying.

"But I suggest that you don't go to Dorothy directly. You can give her a surprise. A dramatic ceremony can avoid wasting my hard work in bringing this relic. This is a story that spans two eras."

Shade said again, and the red-haired girl hugged him tightly, which even made Shade a little breathless.

"Across two eras, just for."

"Lecia, I have come up with a good plan, very dramatic, but it requires your cooperation. Tomorrow is Saturday. After leaving Dr. Schneider's in the afternoon, I will temporarily hold her back. You come. Oh, I I’m really out of breath.”

Lesia loosened her arms slightly, and then kissed Shade. Although it was not the first time that Shade tasted a kiss that tasted like tears, the feeling was different every time.


Lesia really kissed her seriously. Even if Miss Carina, who was wearing a nightgown, stood at the door of the restaurant and coughed softly, she seemed not to hear it at all.

"You see, Ray Jade's Hamilton is indeed very powerful. You have only been away for less than half an hour, and he has already deceived silly little Lesia."

The witch shook her head and said to the smiling Tifa.

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