Whispering Verse

Chapter 831 The Impermanence Card of the Prophet Association

"Because [destiny] is too difficult to obtain."

Iluna complained softly.

Luvia agreed with a smile:

"Yes, [Destiny] is the most difficult spiritual rune to reach."

But among the purple-eyed girl’s four core spiritual runes [Nobility], [Destiny], [Destroyer] and [Doom], there is [Destiny]. Luvia is the so-called "natural diviner", and her core spiritual runes directly point to the profession of "divineer". Otherwise, the Prophet Association would not give her the precious joint training qualification.

Iluna said to Shade again:

"Tomorrow morning, the Diocese of Fort Midhill will help me hold a ceremony for sublimation. In this way, I can officially become a middle ring, so I will be one level higher than you."

"Ever since I've known you, you've always seemed to be one level above me."

Shade was also very happy for her. As for Luvia, she looked at the two of them with a smile:

"Although there were many accidents along the way, the matter of the third selected candidate has finally come to an end. Shade, I need you to talk to Sister Devlin next week and tell her what we are doing. Things. Although the relationship between Sister Devlin and us cannot be like that of Iluna, after all, she is a trustworthy friend. "

These words made Iluna look even happier. The three were still three, and she was still the only chosen one among them. This was very important to her.

"Going to Fort Midhill this time is really tiring. I really hope that the fourth chosen one will not show up so soon."

Iluna leaned on the sofa and looked at Shade's home comfortably:

"When I return to Tobesk, shall we go to the opera together? It's been a long time since we went to relax together."

She suggested, and of course Shade and Luvia nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of which, how is Priest August doing now?"

Shade asked again.

"I know this. The old priests mobilized from the Old World will return to their original parishes in batches on Thursday. The church is worried that the strong smell of death in Fort Midhill will affect them. Although I will take the steam airship tomorrow, But it’s possible that Father Rat Augustus will be back here sooner than I am.”

Shade nodded. He had not forgotten that the priest wanted to talk to him about "angels".

Iluna and Luvia continued to talk about the chosen one. Sister Devlin did not show up again after the Battle of Fort Midhill, but the church already knew this [Spiritual Cult Order] based on Iluna’s description. ]’s contemporary leader is Death’s Chosen One.

[Spiritual Cult] Although it behaves strangely, it is generally a good-aligned group of ring magicians. According to Iluna, the church is trying to find a way to contact the Order - this is not difficult, and Sister Devlin, who is currently in contact with the Witch Council, probably won't mind contacting the church again.

As they talked about this, Shade took out his Rhodes deck from his pocket. [Origin·Death] flew out automatically and then hovered in front of Luvia. The purple-eyed girl focused her eyes for a moment before seeing the nearby card clearly, and reached out to "pick" it off:

"Xia De, how many times do I have to say it, even if you gain the power to control the Impermanence Card, it is absolutely impossible."

"No, what I mean is that I will go to the Prophet's Association with you later. This card must be appraised before it can be used, right?"

Iluna could not stay in Tobesk for a long time, let alone leave No. 6 Saint Teresa Square to wander around the city. She quickly returned from the basement to the ruined tower in the Sikal Mountain.

Shade held little Mia in his arms, and went to Silver Cross Avenue with Luvia under an umbrella to eat. At 1:30 in the afternoon, he sent Luvia back to the Prophet Association to work, and then found Mark, the vice president of the association.

The Prophet's Association was still bustling on a rainy day, and the Rhodes Brand Appraisal Office on the first floor had the same long queue as when Shade first arrived in midsummer.

Many people recognized the Ayutthaya player champion and waved to him. Vice President Mark was originally dealing with a counterfeit Rhodes card on the first floor. When he heard that Shad was coming, he temporarily put down his work and walked upstairs with him:

"Mr. Hamilton, I haven't seen you in a few weeks. What have you been up to lately?"

Vice President Mark was still so enthusiastic and invited him to sit in the office upstairs.

Shade smiled and explained his work in the past two months:

"In the autumn, I was dealing with the last commission I received before Uncle Sparrow left. You can't imagine what problems I encountered. Some accidents happened along the way. I was forced to have an undignified fight with a drunkard by a lake in the countryside. But in the end, I kicked him away, allowing me to retrieve the two precious butterflies."

Shade complained about his work, and Vice President Mark said with emotion:

"The profession of detective is really not easy. Mr. Hamilton, you must pay attention to your safety."

Shade nodded and came to the third floor with Vice President Cyndia Mark. Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, he whispered:

"I'm here to identify the Rhodes cards."

The tall and thin middle-aged man blinked, stopped and stood against the wall:

"You came all the way. Those are definitely not ordinary cards. A very ancient card? Or a very rare special card?"

"Very old playing cards."

Shade replied. Vice President Mark took a deep breath, and then slowly adjusted his breathing rate to suppress the rapid beating of his heart:

"Older than that devil card?"


Shade nodded again, and the gentleman in front of him widened his eyes;

"It seems like it's big business again this time. Now, you can hand me that card."

Shade took out [Origin·Death] from his pocket and handed it over. The gentleman immediately leaned back after seeing the card. But fortunately, behind him is the wall that the association repainted during the Ayutthaya players, so he did not fall:

"Oh, that's true"

Breathing heavily, his face flushed with excitement, his trembling hands raised the card under the gas lamp, as if he was holding a peerless treasure. In fact, the Founding Series Rhodes cards are indeed priceless and peerless treasures.

"Mr. Mark, please leave this card to the association for appraisal. I will come back to pick it up in three days. The association is so familiar with me, and I trust you very much."

Shade can draw [Origin·Death] from the deck at any time, so there is no possibility of losing balance, darkness and death.

"No problem, of course no problem. Oh, Genesis Death, I really didn't expect it, tsk tsk, it's so beautiful."

Shade smiled and looked at the oil painting above Vice President Mark's head. The painting showed a scene of a middle-aged professor imparting knowledge to students:

"There is a high probability that this card is genuine. I hope the association can issue an identification certificate as soon as possible."

"Of course. Mr. Hamilton, this is already the fourth Rhodes card in the founding series in your hand, right? Silver Moon, Balance, Darkness, Death."

Vice President Mark groaned and continued to walk to the office with Shade:

"Let's have a couple of drinks to celebrate. I have the 1843 vintage wine produced by the Huntington Winery in the "Red Wine Capital" of Kasenlik."

"Yes, four. I would like to find out if there are any plans to sell the two [Foundation] series collected by the association? Of course I can't afford them, but I still want to know about them."

Sha De asked again. Vice President Mark was not surprised by Sha De's thoughts. Instead, he smiled and said:

“Detective, you are not the first Rhodes player to want to buy those two cards from the association, and you are definitely not the last.

The cards are currently being guarded by the Association's highest level of security at the General Assembly of the Prophet's Association in Lane City, the capital of the Principality of Ragson in the center of the United Kingdom. The association has stipulated long ago that the two cards are not for sale and do not accept any other form of barter. "

Shade was not surprised. If those two [Original] cards were not for sale, they would have been bought long ago. There are many wealthy and fanatical Rhodes players:

"In other words, there is no possibility that I can get those two cards?"

"That's the case so far. However, I can ask President Stan to ask. We will jointly write a letter to the General Assembly to find out the current status of those two cards for you."

He opened the door to the office. The room was well lit, but it was still raining outside the window.

"Please come in."

"Okay, I don't know who the two cards collected by the association are."

Mr. Mark recalled:

"One piece is [Origin and Destiny] found in the ancient fortune teller's notes."

The ancient soothsayer was Mr. Riddle, the "luckiest mortal" who once played cards with the God of Gamblers in the Horrible Fortress of the Fifth Age with Shad.

"There is another one, found by Mr. Chanem Rhodes, the president of the Prophet Association who created the Rhodes card game a hundred years ago. That is [Creation·Knowledge]."

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