Whispering Verse

Chapter 840 Yellow Moon Night

Chapter 837 Yellow Moon Night

When Shade returned home that night, the full yellow moon was already hanging in the center of the night sky. Tonight is the full moon phase of the Yellow Moon, which has a deep symbolic meaning in mysticism.

However, Shade didn't have time to consider Huang Yue's academic significance. When the carriage delivered him to his door, the detective who stepped out of the carriage was wearing a white shirt and put a black formal jacket on his arm. He also had his own coat on it. Black tie:

"The personalities of Lecia and Dorothy are really very different."

Mia stood on her shoulder and yawned, then raised her head excitedly and looked at the yellow moon. The amber eyes reflected the moonlight. The cat blinked and looked up at the second floor of the house.

Although the home was deserted, Xia De still felt the warmth of home as he walked up the stairs. He was in a very good mood at this time. This was certainly not because of what happened in the top box of the King's Opera House de la Rion, but at the end of the opera, Shade softly asked Lesia what she thought of Luvia, and what she thought of Luvia. When he expressed his greedy opinion, Her Royal Highness the Princess gave a definite answer:

"Dorothy regards Luvia as a friend, and so do I. Our relationship will definitely change because of your relationship with us, but I still regard her as a friend. Knight, I don't know What method did you use to make Luvia not mind your greed, but since she didn't scold, curse or even fight Dorothy and me, then I respect her and respect her for being the first to succeed."

As he spoke, he waved his hand to restore the light of the gas lamp in the room. Of course, the sorceress of the fifth ring used illusions, and the light changes here cannot be seen from the outside.

When she said this, she didn't seem very willing, but she still respected the basic "rules of the game" and got up to call Agelina in the next room to arrange for someone to tidy up the sofa.

Shade, who was sitting on the sofa, didn't know what to say at that time. He understood his sin but refused to let go. Her Royal Highness the Princess understood his expression and snorted slightly, with a mocking expression on her face:

"Be kind to Dorothy, she is far more fragile than me. As for your marriage, we won't discuss it until I achieve my goal. After all, there will be a long time to come. Are two people worse than each other? Just one?"

Recalling that conversation, Shade turned on the light in the living room on the second floor, thinking about washing up a little and going to rest. After all, he had to go to Tobesk Railway Station tomorrow to welcome the returning Priest August.

But as soon as he walked into the living room of Room 1, the cat on his shoulder immediately jumped down. It ran to the door between Room 1 and Room 2, and got into the next room through the gap in the door.

Shade looked at it:

"Speaking of which, in addition to scratching the wall next door, Mia also likes to run around on the third floor in autumn. But since last Wednesday, she has never taken the initiative to play on the third floor."

Subconsciously, I walked towards the side where I had slept for half a year, and then I remembered that I had moved into the big bedroom. He turned around and walked towards the master bedroom on the other side, intending to put the formal suit in the closet, but after thinking about it, he looked up again and looked upstairs:

"Suppose that Mia was originally interested in the third floor, but now she suddenly lost interest. It was because the cat was keenly aware that the boundaries of the home affected by the narrow space were gradually getting out of control. And now the boundaries have disappeared, so It is no longer interested in the third floor. So, why is little Mia interested in the second room next door and often scratches the wall? "

A chuckle came to my ears, and amid the creaking sound of the closet door opening, a murmur sounded:

【Who knows? 】

"Can I still have two boundaries between life and death in my home?"

Shade murmured suspiciously. After putting away his clothes, he returned to the living room, passed the door installed in the two rooms during the renovation, and came to the still empty room 2 on the second floor:

"No matter what, this house does have more than one problem, so it's better to be cautious."

Because Miss Carina's maids come to clean every week, the room is very clean. The thick blackout fabric curtains in the living room were opened to both sides, and the bright yellow moon's light shone on the floor and the white painted walls of the living room.

Mia was currently squatting on the bright floor, her tail pressed against the floor, staring at the wall illuminated by the moon. The cat had his back to the window, and the cat's shadow was reflected on the wall, like a huge alien monster.

"Mia, go to bed."

Shade bent down and clapped his hands. The orange cat looked at the wall with some regret, and then ran towards Shade happily. Shade was clearly more attracted to it than anything else here.

The young detective smiled and hugged the cute cat, thinking that it was the beginning of the month again, and maybe he would receive a new letter from Miss Mia Gold in the next few days. He doesn't plan to make a long trip to the remote coastal town where Miss Gold's family lives in the winter, but he can plan ahead for the spring trip.

Holding the cat, which kept squirming to find a more comfortable position, he walked toward the door between the two rooms, but suddenly stopped, turned his head slightly, and looked through the window at the unusually bright yellow moon in the night sky. In March, the yellow moon represents "guidance", so the yellow moon when it is full is the brightest moon.

"Speaking of which, weird things have happened in every floor and room of this house. When I first took over this house, only Room 1 on the second floor was open, while Room 2 on the second floor was locked by a big lock. Enter. What happened in Room 2 on the second floor is..."

Shade carried Mia back to Room 1, recalling the terrible accidents that had happened in his home. He turned around and pulled the door handle to close the door, but blinked again.

[Echo of Blood] took effect, and under the bright moonlight, large areas of bloody halo piled up together. Although seventy years have passed and it has undergone several cleanings, faint traces can still be seen.

[Mass suicide. 】

"Yes, mass suicide (Chapter 43)."

Shade nodded, looked at the bloody light and hesitated for a moment. He took out the night watchman and walked around Room 2 with it. After confirming that there were no abnormal reactions, he closed the door in a good mood:

"I don't know what travel souvenirs Priest August will bring us. Although I can go to Middlesbrough to buy them at any time, receiving gifts and buying them myself are different feelings."

The empty Room 2 on the second floor regained its tranquility. The yellow moonlight shone on the wall that Mia was looking at just now. In the center of the white wall, the circular traces were like the moon in the night sky, the confused, yellow moon.

PS1: No. 6, Saint Teresa Square, can be compared to the home system in the game. Most rooms have their own plots, and functions can be unlocked only after passing the plots.

PS2: This chapter is not bad, it is short. The volume ends and the normal update speed of 5K per day is restored.

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