Whispering Verse

Chapter 844 Waiting in Yodel Palace

Chapter 841 Waiting in Yodel Palace

On Wednesday morning, Shade was woken up by the cat waiting for breakfast as usual. Yawning, when I went downstairs to get milk and newspapers, I found the letter thrown on the floor mat.

The stamp with the scenery of Lake Tees on the envelope is very beautiful, and the mailing address is a small town on the east coast of the Old Road, on the shores of Lake Tees. This is a letter from Miss Mia Sand Gold:

"It's already the middle of the Frost Moon, and Miss Gothe's letter has finally arrived! I thought she had encountered some problem."

Shade took his eyes away from the letter, turned to Mia the cat, who was waiting for him at the top of the stairs, and said:

"Look, a letter from your master, Miss Gold."


The cat licked its paws but had no reaction.

Miss Gold's letter was supposed to be sent at the beginning of each month, and the reason for this delay was also mentioned in the letter.

It was very unfortunate that a plague that had been brought under control occurred in that declining town last month. The church stationed in the town discovered some terrible signs and urgently sought help from the churches in the big city. Although the local residents don't know what happened, Miss Gothe has heard some unrealistic rumors.

Although her family was "in decline", which was mentioned many times in the letter, it was still a prominent old family in the town, so it was well-informed. According to Miss Gold, someone discovered something strange in the harbor cave on the coast. Later, the church's investigation team and the police from the big city discovered the source of the plague in the ancient sewer system of the town. Something related.

Miss Gothe believed that the church had everything under control, but Miss Gothe herself had been recovering from illness throughout the autumn due to a cold infection, and this incident only worsened her condition.

But she still wrote to Tobesk in person, promising to pick up her pet cat Mia next spring.

This made Shade very worried, not only worried about Miss Mia Gold's physical condition, but also worried that little Mia would be separated from him.

But he couldn't take advantage of Miss Gao De's serious illness to put forward conditions to buy Xiao Mia. Therefore, I responded to the letter very seriously, using three pages of letter paper to express my best wishes to Miss Gothe, and attached the current life situation of Mia Cat.

Because she was worried that what happened in the remote coastal town was related to the ring magician and the relics, Shade suggested that Miss Gold could go to the local church frequently. Since the church has noticed what is going on in the town, there must be a ring warlock from the church stationed in the church, which is much safer than the "eerie, desolate and dilapidated" old family home of the Gothe family described by Miss Gothe in her letter.

"No matter what, I wish Miss Gothe can regain her health in the winter."

Shade expressed his heartfelt wishes, then sealed the envelope with glue and wax. Patting the head of little Mia who was squatting obediently beside her, she was actually a little worried about the arrival of next spring.

After breakfast, I finished writing my reply. I planned to go out and mail the letter, but I said goodbye to the cat who was unwilling to go out. When I opened the door, I saw my boss whom I hadn’t seen for a long time, the director of MI6, Dark Anlos. Sir comes.

This very ordinary-looking gentleman was wearing an inconspicuous black coat, with his hands in his pockets and a black top hat on his head. Behind him, followed a very feminine-looking man.

"The eunuch of the Yodel Palace."

Shade understood immediately.

"Good morning, Mr. Hamilton."

Mr. Anlos said hello and shook hands with Shade:

"Ready to go out?"

"Oh, I have nothing to do. I plan to send a letter to a client far away."

Shade patted the coat pocket where the envelope was.

"Then I'll send the letter later. Your Majesty has something to do and will see you in an hour."

With that said, Director Anlos introduced the palace attendant behind him, who just greeted Shade respectfully, but didn't say much. Although Shade knew that there would be this meeting two weeks ago, he still pretended to be curious and asked Director Anlos about the purpose of meeting His Majesty the King.

But Director Anlos, who has always been friendly to Shade, did not give an answer this time. He frowned and shook his head, obviously not wanting to discuss these issues with Shade in front of the king's guards.

St. Teresa's Square is actually quite close to Yodel Palace, just one street away, but the three of them still took a carriage. Because Director Anlos was interviewed after Shade, before a very strict body search, Shade temporarily handed over the two guns and his clothes filled with various toys to Director Anlos for safekeeping. .

Then, under the guidance of the guard wearing a red coat and black trousers, Shade set out from the waiting room and walked through the complex, maze-like third-floor corridor of the main building of Yodel Palace. The armored guard holding a spear, who seemed to have traveled from hundreds of years ago, stopped in front of the door guarded.

Shade couldn't go in immediately because Larus III in the study was still talking to others. The soundproofing of the walls and the double metal door was so good that you couldn't hear anything from outside.

But Yodel Palace itself is not quiet. It is not only the residence of the royal family, but also the administrative and management center of the entire kingdom. When Shade came in from the first floor just now, he saw many faces that often appeared in newspapers. And what was very strange was that most of those people actually knew him, and when they greeted him, they seemed to have known Shade for a long time.

The originally scheduled summoning time was 10:30 in the morning, but Shade waited until almost 11 and still didn't see the door open. I wanted to chat with someone, but the eunuch attendants in red clothes and serious faces did not look like good chat partners. The guards at the door looked more like sculptures than living people, let alone Will chat with Shade about the recent weather.

"Really unpunctual."

Shade complained in his heart, but since he was receiving someone else's generous salary, it didn't matter if he waited. Just when I was bored and looking at the expensive paintings on the wall, I remembered that Director Anlos planned to give him a weekly salary increase in the autumn. Shade is currently receiving a major-level weekly salary and reimbursement allowance. Since he cannot be promoted continuously, Director Anlos seems to want to find another way to get him a Tobesk city subsidy - this is a special benefit for people living in Tobesk. Housing allowance for officers in the core urban area of ​​Besko.

If it weren't for Shade himself being "illiterate," he would even be able to get a degree subsidy.

I was thinking about my income, and also thought about whether I should spend the savings in my hands as soon as possible, or keep them for emergencies.

At this time, a series of footsteps came from the other end of the corridor, and it was obvious that someone was walking over.

Turning around and looking, the person walking at the front on the red carpet was a tall red-haired man in his thirties. Although his body was a bit fat, he was generally strong:

"I have said many times that personnel appointments for the Pioneer Legion need to be approved by the House of Representatives. I know that my father is determined to train you two, but he must not bypass the House of Representatives!"

Behind him was another young man with red hair, who looked like he was in his mid-twenties, thin and wearing glasses, with a frown on his face and a sad look on his face:

"It will take at least a month for the process in the House of Representatives to go through, but now the mining of purple gold in Area 28 of the New World is imminent. Kasenrik's spies have also discovered those open-pit mineral deposits, and we must start construction as soon as possible."

Behind her was the red-haired Lesia, who was also frowning slightly, obviously having encountered something unhappy:

"There is no problem with logistics at the moment, but I need a report on the specific size of that large mine before I can allocate new mining equipment. What are those vampires in the Ministry of Finance hiding? Are those civil servants too satisfied with their jobs? ?Also, why did the House of Representatives withhold my shipyard project report again? I have even negotiated a general plan with the Avora family. Do you know how powerful Dame Sivi Avora is? Difficult?"

The princesses and princes of Delarion, followed by their respective entourages and servants, argued as they walked along the corridor to the door of the study.

When they saw Shade, they immediately stopped discussing. Lesia, who was walking at the end, smiled. Although she had used Dorothy's body to meet Shade four days ago on Saturday night, at this time she was using her own body and in her own home. . She wanted to say hello to Shade, but she could only wait for her brothers to speak first.

PS: The detective incident "The Missing Third Gold Coin" mentioned in the previous chapter will appear as a side story, with more than 5,000 words. The editor said there was an event, so I asked me to give it to him. You will probably be able to see it soon.

Also, the time jump in the first few chapters is because not everything needs to be written in detail, and occasionally you need to have time to breathe. Of course, there will also be daily descriptions, and we must also look at the lives of ordinary people in this world from Shade's perspective, such as the flower-selling girl in the previous volume. But it will be interspersed with various events, and it will not be a daily routine for twenty or thirty consecutive chapters. The author will keep the details under control, and there will only be a similar time jump at the turn of the two volumes. You can also see how tight the time in the volume is.

Furthermore, as for the description of love, isn't it that Xia De has just confirmed the relationship, and it is impossible for it to cool down immediately. In the volume, business matters are more important, and similar descriptions will not appear so frequently again. For example, after confirming the relationship with Luvia, the whole volume is only mentioned occasionally.

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