Whispering Verse

Chapter 849 [Golden Lucky Rabbit’s Foot]

"Increase your luck and choose the one that is most beneficial to you among countless possibilities. Yes, I think this relic should meet your requirements."

In Old John's Pawn Shop on Thursday morning, Father John sat behind the counter and stuck his head out from behind the newspaper. The page of the newspaper in his hand facing outward is the news of Margaret Anjou's imminent arrival. This news is the front page of most serious newspapers today:

"You are lucky, I really found it. However, those who play with fate will eventually be played by fate, so if it is not absolutely necessary, young man, I do not recommend you to do this."

The old man flipped through the newspaper and said lazily, this was a kind reminder.

"Which relic did you find?"

Shade also knew that John's father was right. He had experienced it many times in the "Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny" and "The Puppet Operator's Notes".

"Or, isn't it a relic? Is it a special ancient era transfer ritual? Or a so-called lucky potion?"

"Detective, please think carefully. If I had the lucky potion and the transfer ritual, wouldn't I have sold it to Schneider a long time ago? It's a relic, Keeper level, [Golden Lucky Rabbit's Foot]."

Shade thought for a while:

"never heard of that."

Dad continued to read the newspaper and introduced in a lazy voice. In early winter, the smog in Tobesk is particularly serious. You can see the gray streets from the window. Most people walk forward with their heads lowered, wearing hats and covering their mouths. However, the auction house indoors is warm. And comfortable:

"This is not a very famous relic, its characteristics are very simple:

Touch the relic to gain luck, and every choice you make after that will lead to the best option. When you feel you don't need the extra luck, pour cold water over the head to terminate the properties. The negative characteristics are also quite simple. The more luck you borrow, the more rabbits you will dream about in your dreams at night. Therefore, this characteristic is not completely controlled, because people often do not know the value of the best choice among the choices they make. "

Shade nodded, and then asked suspiciously:

"Rabbit in a dream?"

He only dreamed of cats in his dreams.

"Yes, swarms of rabbits will invade your dreams and drive you crazy in your dreams. The impact of this relic on ordinary people and ring magicians is no different. As long as you borrow luck, you can't escape the swarm of rabbits. "

Old John nodded and continued to read the newspaper.

"Is that the only way? Then how did you get the rating of Secret Keeper Level (Level 3)?"

Shade had had many weird dreams, and he didn't think that the group of ordinary rabbits in the dream could be given such a high risk rating.

"Just borrowing a little luck to complete a crucial choice will only make the mentally fragile guys who touch the rabbit's legs go crazy for a few days and like eating carrots for a period of time. But if you are greedy, Use Luck too many times while the Luck effect is in effect, then."

Old John raised his eyes from behind the newspaper and looked at Shade:

"You may have heard that there are a large number of evil things sealed in the subspace next to the material world. Among them is an evil thing born in the fourth era. Its image cannot be described. Even if it can be described, I can't say Let me tell you, but in the eyes of mortals, it has a body of flesh and blood like an ugly rabbit. It is good at getting into dreams and manipulating destiny. That thing is even more terrifying than the undead aggregation that appeared in Middleburg last month.

If too much power of [Golden Lucky Rabbit's Foot] is borrowed, then it is possible to summon the projection of that terrifying evil thing. "

He sighed and finally closed the newspaper:

"So, the danger level of this relic is actually not low. It mainly depends on whether the user is greedy. Maybe the holder of the relic can always stay rational and refuse temptation, but how to ensure that everyone who touches the relic, How can they all maintain their sanity? The containment conditions are not harsh, just cut off a small piece of rabbit meat every few days and eat it, but what kind of determination does the person responsible for taking care of it have to exert in order to be able to control both himself and others? Where are the others?"

"Rabbit visit dreams and changes in recipes? I think I should be able to handle that."

It sounds like it would be safest for this relic to be contained in the Zhengshen Church. But now, the owner of the relic is old John's friend, Mr. Logan Rodriguez, a historian whose apparent identity is a visiting scholar of the Kingdom of Carsonlik.

Old Logan was also a member of the Priory. After Old John confirmed that Shade wanted to borrow this relic, he asked him to pay a usage fee of 10 pounds and asked him to temporarily help look after the pawn shop, so he grabbed his coat and borrowed it. .

The Keeper-level relic [Golden Lucky Rabbit Foot] is not the dried rabbit leg less than the size of a palm as Shade imagined, but a strong fresh rabbit leg as big as half a pig, with fluffy white hair to the touch. It's very textured, and there's even traces of fresh blood on the broken parts of the rabbit's legs.

Father John put it in a box and asked Shade to carry it laboriously from the carriage into the pawn shop.

When the old shop owner wiped his sweat and lamented that he was getting older after all, Shade opened the box. For a moment, he saw a pair of eyes staring at him from the white rabbit fur, but when he looked again, there was nothing.

"The soul is too sensitive, the inspiration is too high."

Muttering in his heart, Shade smelled the smell of flesh and blood, and stretched out his hand to touch the rabbit leg. The touch of white soft rabbit fur is nothing compared to the gentle and cute little Mia's cat fur.

[Outlander, you have gained temporary luck. 】

"Is this okay?"

Shade quickly retracted his hand, and other than "her" prompts, he didn't notice any changes in himself.

"What else do you want? A golden light glowing all over your body, or hearing the sound of music playing in your ears?"

Old John asked with a smile, and then asked Shade to carry this thing onto the carriage together.

"I paid 10 pounds, and I always wanted to make some noise."

After leaving Old John's Auction House, he immediately returned home. Preparations for the trip have been made, but the relics carried this time do not include the [Night Watch]. This sword is currently a bit sensitive. Shade will make plans after confirming the specific conditions of this destination.

After greeting the cat who was sleeping on the sofa on the second floor, he put on his hat and entered the basement holding the white stone crystal.

"May the original crack protect me in the infinite space."

After the words fell, Shade, who touched the statue of the ancient god, successfully entered the white mist-filled space maze.

[Space Maze] is different from most other spaces left by ancient gods. You must not walk around here at will, otherwise you may be involved in a disorderly space. The safe area in the white fog is the fog trail, where there are now three old road signs corresponding to the basement of St. Teresa Square in Tobesk, the Sea Cliff Cave in Coldwater Port and the ruined tower in the mountains of Fort Midhill.

Although it is not certain that there is a statue of the ancient space god near the city of Huntingdon, this adventure for the sake of divinity cannot be delayed.

Holding the white stone crystal in both hands:


[New information has been obtained and new road signs can be searched. Please select the general direction. 】


The crystal melted silently into the fog, and the fog that diffused on the path dispersed, revealing the fourth signpost.

The old piece of wood was stuck diagonally in the fog, with a wooden arrow nailed to it, and the number four was written crookedly on the arrow.

Shade walked over, adjusted his mood to face the new adventure, and then put his hand on the new road sign:

"Now, let's go."

[The original rift will guide you. 】

The whispering in his ears fell, and the white mist around him also dissipated. What comes into view is a circular space that is almost exactly the same as the one hidden behind the wall in the basement of my home.

But there are no debris piled up by Shade on the wall here. There is only a human skeleton leaning against the wall with almost completely rotten clothes.

The two-headed ancient god statue in the center of the space radiated light and illuminated the place as Shade watched, while the skeleton just leaned quietly against the wall without any movement.

"If there are undead so close to the statue of the ancient god, then I should wonder if I haven't woken up."

The first thing Shade did was neither to investigate the skeleton nor to leave here. Instead, he took out the water bottle toy from his pocket. After restoring it, he poured the full bottle of water on his hair.

The good luck given by the lucky rabbit leg ended immediately. Shade still breathed a sigh of relief, wiping his hair with a towel while approaching the skeleton by the wall.

There were no texts or letters around the skeleton, and the severely damaged clothing did not allow Shade to determine the identity of the body. There was nothing special about the skeleton itself. Relying on his superficial knowledge, Shade could only judge that it was a male. Although the specific time of death could not be determined at all, judging from the degree of decay, it was definitely not within the past 10 years.

Every circular hidden space where the statue of the ancient god is located is almost exactly the same, so Shade left different marks in different locations as identification. The skeleton in front of him was obviously not a good symbol, but Shade did not touch it. Instead, he wanted to explore where this place was first and make sure that no one knew about this space like other places. Bury it.

"I'm going to start exploring again. I hope it's not too far from a civilized area, and I don't need to dive or swim. Climbing mountains is fine, but I remember that there are great plains near Huntingdon, and there are no mountains."

Shade prayed quietly in his heart, drew Mr. Dawn's holy symbol on his chest, then summoned his life ring, and used the aura of the [Time and Space] spirit rune to illuminate the wall pointed by the statue.

The hidden wall revealed a dark passage, and the good news was, it was pitch black outside and there was no sound.

"It's morning now, and there's no light, which means there aren't even windows around. This time, it's still underground? Speaking of which, it seems that every hidden wall is below the ground."

He did not go out immediately, but sniffed a few times. The air outside the passage flowed behind the hidden wall, and Shade smelled the smell of red wine:

"Is there a drunkard drinking here recently? No, the air is very dry, and the aroma of the wine is very mellow."

Not only the aroma of wine, but if you smell it carefully, there is also the smell of oak and hay.

After confirming that no one was outside, Shade walked out of the wall cautiously, but did not immediately call for moonlight. Instead, he relied on dark vision to look around in the darkness. What he saw were neatly arranged oak barrels.

The area of ​​the current space is about three times the area of ​​Shade's master bedroom. The floor is covered with hay, and oak barrels of the same standard are neatly arranged along the wall. Each wine barrel is equipped with a copper-colored faucet, and the only shelf is filled with tools such as crowbars, measuring cylinders, flints, wine cups, and wooden spoons.

The current room is roughly divided into two floors, but the upper floor is just a circle of wooden boards surrounding the wall. In addition to the wine barrels arranged on the wooden boards, there are only narrow walkways and railings. Although it expands the space, it doesn't look very safe.

There was no light at all, the walls were unpainted and the rough surface was exposed, while the wooden fence door was locked with hinges. The air is dry and dull, but this environment allows these red wines to ferment better.

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