Whispering Verse

Chapter 858 Early Winter Morning

Although the [Golden Lucky Rabbit Leg] brought too much luck to Shade who successfully arrived in Huntington, it not only allowed him to find Mr. Bernhardt, but also allowed him to get acquainted with Sylvie without any risk. Miss Ya, but Shade will not forget the negative characteristics of the relic.

Before he rested in the guest room of Carina Manor that night, he was still anxiously thinking about what kind of dream he would have tonight, so Miss Carina smiled and asked if Shade wanted to come to the sofa in her bedroom. Rest, but rejected by Shad:

"That dream shouldn't be so dangerous."

Staying in the manor was just to be on the safe side. He wasn't worried that his mind would be twisted by the crazy rabbits or even lose control. He was just worried that the nightmares at night would affect his energy during the day, causing delays in getting down to business.

But no matter what, Shade always has to sleep. After washing up in the bathroom of the guest room, I closed the door and turned the main gas light valve in the room next to the revolving door to extinguish the gas lights on the wall and the gas chandelier overhead.

After climbing into bed, he touched little Mia who was already lying next to the pillow, then pulled up the soft and smooth quilt, and closed his eyes uneasily. The curtains were not closed, and the March light shone into the somewhat empty room. The gentle light fell on the pillow, but it did not disturb Shade and Mia.

The quality of the beds and quilts in the manor was obviously better than those in Shade's home. The soft and warm quilt made Shade fall asleep quickly, and the negative characteristics of the relics took effect almost immediately.

Shade realized that he was dreaming, and saw countless pairs of rabbit eyes glowing red in the darkness, staring at him.

He felt a little scared, because it was not an ordinary rabbit, but a rabbit similar to the one illustrated in a children's storybook. Standing on two legs, the ears are longer than the body. The rabbit's head grows on the human body. The rabbit's mouth makes a sound similar to chanting a mantra in unison, but even Shade cannot understand the meaning of those words. , because it was just unconscious murmuring.

Those rabbits were getting closer and closer to Shade in the dream, carrying crazy emotions, trying to drag Shade in the dream into the abyss of madness.

But in this deep dream, as the first ray of fire appeared on Shade's fingertips and spread to the cracks in his body, the faint light of the first fire radiated out in the form of the remaining parts, and the fiery red light spots were on the hem of his clothes. Falling slowly.

The crazy rabbits were frightened by the fire and hesitated to move forward, leaving only pairs of scarlet eyes watching him in the extreme darkness.

Shade didn't want to fight back in the dream. In the dream, his thinking was a little slow and chaotic. He just subconsciously raised his head, and then the light appeared again in the dark dream. The huge silver moon seemed to break through the darkness above the head and appeared above. As the moonlight irradiated the surroundings, the vast wilderness spread out to the surroundings.

Shade stood on the ridge of the field, his body gleaming with the remnants of the first fire, looking up at the moon, and the malicious rabbits around him seemed to be assimilated by Shade, and they were forced to raise their heads and talk to him. Together he looked up at the moon.

The light in the scarlet eyes extinguished and turned into pure silver. Thousands of rabbits in the wilderness are silent, illuminated by the silver moon, but they seem to be worshiping the strangers on the field ridge.

In reality, in the dim and quiet bedroom with the moonlight illuminating the window, Miss Carina, who was wearing a nightgown, and Tifa standing aside looked at Shade and the cat on the bed. She saw Shade sleeping soundly, and the moonlight shone on the cat-ball-like Mia's back at some point, making the orange and white hair even more shiny.


The duchess made a silent gesture to her maid, and after confirming that Shade was safe, she wanted to leave. But suddenly he stopped, moved as slowly as possible in the darkness, and kissed Shade on the forehead:

"Good night, my knight."

With a rare blush on her face, Carina Cavendish turned and walked towards the door, as if she was worried that Tifa would see her expression.

The black-haired maid chuckled and wanted to follow her master. But then he turned to look at Sha De, and put his right index finger and middle finger together in front of his red lips. While winking at Sha De with his left eye, he threw his fingers at Sha De, and then walked out of the bedroom in a good mood.


Mia murmured in her sleep, squirmed to her feet, crawled to the quilt on Shade's chest and lay down in confusion. Suddenly he lay up again, exposing his belly. He squinted his eyes and fluttered his four little paws randomly a few times. Then his body tilted and slid down to the pillow.

So, in his dream, Shade watched the silver moon with countless rabbits all night. In the middle of the journey, I also dreamed of the inexplicable fragrance of flowers and that my chest was pressed by a boulder, but when I woke up, the dream became vague.

He still remembered being surrounded by rabbits with red eyes in the dark, but he couldn't remember what happened next:

"Did I dream about little Mia, and the cat defeated the rabbit?"

He thought suspiciously, and when he recalled the dream, the details in the dream were even more vague. Sitting up from the bed, he first glanced at the bright morning light outside the window, and then looked down at Mia, who was sleeping curled up like a cat ball. She always felt that her sleep last night was more comfortable than usual.

Today is Friday, so breakfast is naturally eaten in the witch's manor. During breakfast, Miss Carina also asked Shade what he dreamed about last night. When Shade mentioned the strange fragrance of flowers, Miss Carina smiled for some reason, but when Shade asked her, she smiled. And said nothing.

"What did she do to me last night?"

Shade asked in his mind as he lowered his head and spread butter on the bread with a silver table knife.

[She kissed you. 】

"She" chuckled in his ears, and Shade looked up again to see Miss Carina sitting there. The lazy witch seemed to know what Shade was thinking, and turned to the maid beside her and said:

"Tifa, go peel an egg for the detective."

Tifa's face immediately turned red and she lowered her head without moving. Shade coughed violently and did not dare to ask any more questions.

It is possible that the fragments of the poem will be obtained in the near future, and of course Shade will inform Luvia about this. Shade set off directly from Miss Carina's manor in a carriage. When he arrived at Silver Cross Avenue, the Prophet's Association had just opened for business.

His appearance surprised Vice President Mark, who had just come to work:

“In order to find Anat’s divination, you actually came earlier than me?”

This hard-working gentleman took out his silver pocket watch and took a look at it:

"It's only 8:20 in the morning, and I'm even here early. Mr. Hamilton, you really worked hard!"

He showed an expression of great admiration:

"When I was young, in order to pursue my wife, I just sent her a few love letters, quietly chatted with her outside the fence of her house at night, and gave her a few beautiful roses. Today's young people are really amazing. Ah, the love of young people is always so enviable."

He said with a nostalgic expression.

"Mr. Mark, is there any news from the Association about the two [Original] series Rhodes cards collected by the Association?"

Shade has not forgotten this incident, and Mr. Mark shook his head with regret:

"I'm sorry. Mr. Schubert, the current president of the Prophet Association, also wrote you a letter to express his apology. I will give you the letter later. As for those two cards, I don't think there will be any in a short time. Got it somehow."

The other party's politeness is also related to Shade's status as "Big City Players 1853 Champion". He is now a hot promotional material for the Prophet Association.

Luvia did not go to work early like Vice President Mark, but showed up at the door of the Prophet's Association ten minutes late on time. Fortunately, the Prophet's Association did not have a clock-in system, and most of the fortune-tellers were lazy, so There will be no deduction from basic salary.

At that time, Shade had been arranged to wait in the divination room on the second floor. Luvia changed clothes in the association's dressing room, and then came to the divination room to find him:

"Xia De, you came so early, didn't you ask me to watch the opera tonight?"

She smiled and sat down, looking like she was in a good mood this morning.

Shade shook his head and briefly described Princess Margaret of Anjou and the "Secret of Agelessness". Luvia immediately became serious, not for the fragments of the poem, but for the book:

"It turns out that the "Secret of Agelessness" is in Serkeses."

"Is this book famous?"

"Yes, this is the method that the witches of the Fifth Age have summed up to make themselves look immortal. It contains information on a variety of thaumaturgy, spells, rituals and relics. It is the most complete containment record of [Youth Leaves]. , in that book. The type of this book is very similar to the "Pink Book" in your hand. It does not refer to the content, but to the two books, both of which are aggregation of extraordinary knowledge for certain specific purposes. "

Luvia glanced at Shade's cat:

"Time will leave traces on any mortal thing. Even the great witches will worry about their appearance getting older. It is said that some people have really obtained the secret of never aging through the "Secret of Agelessness". This is not the case. The technique of applying pearl powder on the face, Shade, no one will refuse the temptation of agelessness.”

As he spoke, he touched his face.

"Miss Carina asked Miss Sylvia to bring that book to the Council. Not only is it a relic of the Witch Emperor, but the great witches also want the knowledge in it. Luvia, your skin is really good, then , do you need me to copy the contents of that book for you?"

Shade asked, and the purple-eyed fortune teller immediately smiled:

"If it is convenient, thank you very much, knight."

The two did not talk more about the fragment of the poem. After all, it was only a fragment at the moment. It has been a month since the Fort Midhill incident ended, and no clues about the fourth candidate have been revealed yet.


PS: Thank you reader @Shiti for becoming the 19th alliance leader in this book. Thanks for the support.

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