Whispering Verse

Chapter 864 Huntington’s Banquet

For formal large-scale banquets, formal attire is required. Lesia took the carriage directly to the clothing store on Silver Cross Avenue. She prepared more than one dress for Shade in advance for the wedding banquet next Tuesday. Today I just wanted to let him try on one set, and if it doesn't fit, he can change it.

So, with the help of Lesia, Shade packed up for a long time before officially setting off for the red wine capital of the South.

The dinner was quite large and was expected to start at seven o'clock. When Shade walked out of the underground wine cellar of the White River Valley Vineyard, half of the sunset could still be seen in the western sky, hanging at the end of the wilderness.

Mr. Bernhardt and Shade made an appointment to meet here, because his manor was nearby, but when Shade came, the middle-aged Viscount had not arrived yet, so Shade walked around the manor, feeling in his heart I thought I would find Miss Sylvia again if I had the chance, and ask Princess Margaret whether this place could be sold. Although he had no plans to run the vineyard himself, the hidden walls in the cellar were worth spending his savings.

The Vallée Blanc Vineyard is a small area that includes the estate, cellars and nearby land. On weekdays, it is managed and maintained by two or three servants of Mr. Bernhardt. As for the winemaking and grape planting, it is Mr. Bernhardt's own workers. His family is also famous for wine.

Mr. Goodwin, the old servant who looks after the manor and warehouse, is also a vampire and is deeply trusted by Mr. Bernhardt. Although he didn't know why Shade always appeared in the underground wine cellar, he was very loyal and just pretended that he didn't know anything, and even introduced Shade to the nearby situation.

Standing on the high ground of the manor and looking at the surrounding vineyards and farmland, the scenery is particularly pleasant even in early winter. Shade planned to find time to take his cat to see the scenery here before the first snow fell. It's a pity that the cat doesn't like to go out very much, and currently, Huntington is not a safe place.

[At least, it is safer than Fort Midhill. 】

The voice of "her" came to his ears, and Shade nodded, listening to the old servant praising the scenery here.

"Speaking of which, when I arrived at Coldwater Port in the summer, the Scarlet Order had already started the sea return ceremony; when I arrived at Fort Midhill in early autumn, the problem of the narrow space had already begun to appear. And now in Huntington, in addition to There is nothing special except for the illegal organizations that exist in every city.”

Tobesk, Coldwater Port and Fort Midhill, where foreigners set foot, all encountered major changes. When Shade, the "audience", arrives in the city, a story will surely begin to unfold. But this time, Shade didn't notice any local problems.

“Wishing the city of Huntington all the best.”

He was thinking silently in his heart, facing the slightly cold wind at the turn of autumn and winter, and heard "her" laughter.

Mr. Bernhardt attached great importance to this banquet. Not only did he hang the large metal coat of arms of the Bernhardt family on the side of the carriage he was riding in, but the dress he wore was also very expensive. Because the temperature was a little low at night, his formal clothes had a fur collar and thickening.

However, Shade, who has knowledge of the vampire race, clearly remembers that the vampire race is not afraid of the cold at all compared to humans.

The banquet was held at the Rothschild Manor in the center of Huntington, where the princess stayed. The manor is the local private property of the royal family and occupies a large area even in the city center where land is expensive.

On the way from the eastern suburbs of the city to the large manor, Mr. Bernhardt excitedly talked to Shade about the rumors he had heard about the banquet, and was sure that this banquet would be enough for the nobles of Huntington City. Discussed for many years:

"The cost of the banquet was borne by the royal family. In order to show the importance of this visit, quite high-end ingredients were specially prepared. In fact, the luggage of Her Royal Highness Margaret has been transported to the airship. After the banquet, they We will set off immediately, and I really hope that we can hold the banquet on the deck of the steam airship as originally planned, but it is a pity that the weather is too cold."

Mr. Bernhardt said enthusiastically, and planned to introduce his vampire friends to Shade later.

The airship prepared for Princess Margaret of Anjou and her delegation had landed this morning, and after maintenance in the afternoon, it was ready to depart. Therefore, the banquet will not be held very late and is expected to end at ten o'clock, giving the princess and her party enough time to board the airship.

Just as Mr. Bernhardt said, this extremely important farewell banquet invited many prominent nobles from Willendale and Huntington. When the carriage the two of them were riding in was traveling along the ramp toward the heights of the city center, Shade had already noticed that many nobles' private carriages were traveling with them. Mr. Bernhardt was able to identify the ownership of those carriages quite familiarly, and introduced the past events and traditions of these families to Shade.

Although Mr. Bernhardt is only a viscount, the Bernhardt family is the oldest aristocratic family in the area. According to this rather upper-class vampire, the Bernhardt family had already taken root in this land before the emergence of the United Kingdom of Kasenrik.

The carriage drove through the streets of the city, gas lamps on both sides lit up as the sun set. When Mr. Shade and Mr. Bernhardt arrived at their destination facing the last ray of sunset, the gas street lamps on both sides of the newly decorated Rothschild Manor had all been lit.

The dim yellow light illuminated the city in the dark night and the manors standing above the horizon. Gentlemen and ladies in formal clothes passed under the street lights and chatted with each other. The gas street lamp in Huntington is shaped like three gas lamps hanging at different heights on a street lamp pole. This elegant black gas street lamp is also popular in Delrayon, but it is only in Huntington that Shade is inexplicably reminded of grapes.

Carriages were not allowed to drive directly into the manor, and since they didn't arrive particularly early, they still had to walk dozens of meters. After getting off the carriage, Shade and Mr. Bernhardt visually inspected each other's collars and buttons, and then the two gentlemen walked to the door of the manor with humility.

The royal guards stood straight on both sides of the manor's fence gate, while the old housekeeper of the manor was responsible for greeting the guests and arranging servants to lead them into the manor. When Viscount Bernhard appeared, the old butler with a stooped back recognized him immediately, but he did not recognize "Mr. Holmes" who came from out of town.

Mr. Bernhardt wanted to use his own invitation letter to bring Shade in, but Shade took out the one given by Miss Sylvia.

The old housekeeper glanced at the invitation and looked at him in surprise:

"I didn't expect you to specially invite distinguished guests. Please come inside."

With that said, the young servant led the two of them towards the manor courtyard. On the outside of the trail paved with square stone bricks, there are evergreen bushes that are still green in early winter. In the center of the trail is a fountain statue of a knight reining in his horse, which divides the trail into two roads on the left and right, and then closes behind the statue. The fountain was still working, with four slender streams of water spraying out from the top of the knight's helmet, his eyes, and the mouth of his horse. Amidst the splashing sound, the faint sound of violins coming from the mansion could be heard.

As other guests walked on the trail together, Mr. Bernhard lowered his voice and asked in surprise:

"Is it the invitation letter given to you by Miss Sylvia?"

He knew that Shade didn't know many people locally.


Shade nodded cautiously and observed the nobles of Kasenrik, while Mr. Bernhardt exclaimed:

"You are really powerful. You can provoke that kind of lady...but why am I not surprised at all?"

Although he has lost part of his memory of the night of the Battle of Middleburg, the events that left a deep impression on Mr. Bernhardt still affect his judgment in his mind. Compared to Shade who was pursuing the angel-level relics, the Red Butterfly Twins, the witch certainly couldn't surprise him.

"That Miss Sylvia admires me."

Shade explained softly and added:

"I appreciate my talent."

He saw a middle-aged man wearing clergy clothing walking in front of him. He seemed to be a high-level warlock. Then he saw a middle-aged lady with a small bat symbol floating above her head and a pearl necklace hanging on her chest coming from behind and greeted Mr. Bernhardt warmly. This was the Central Warlock. Later, at the entrance of the mansion, a young man holding a wine glass and arguing about the rise and fall of Kasenlik's traditional culture passed by them. He was a low-level warlock.

"Where do so many ring warlocks come from?"

Together with Mr. Bernhardt, Shade formally entered the decorated and splendid hall. They saw the crystal chandelier hanging from a high place, saw the dazzling array of gold and silver utensils placed on the long table, and saw the stairs going up on the left and right. On the platform, the venue has been set up for the princess’s next speech:

"This banquet will probably be quite interesting."

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