Whispering Verse

Chapter 870 Moon, Locks and Snakes

Because the Pantanal Voodoo Club poisoned the Earl a few days ago, there were church magicians present at this banquet, so even if Shade heard about the Truth Society and the cultists a few hours ago, it was not special. worry.

He calculated the time and was going to go to the courtyard of the manor at almost nine o'clock to return the pair of earrings in his hand to Princess Margaret. It happened that Mr. Bernhardt had nothing to do, so he planned to go with Shade. After all, leaving the banquet hall alone was a bit irritating.

Although tonight's banquet was an indoor banquet due to weather conditions, there were actually some people in groups in the courtyard "viewing the moon" with wine glasses. Of course, it’s hard to say whether there will be secret conversations while admiring the moon, or in-depth exchanges between young people.

Shade and Mr. Bernhardt came to the yard talking and laughing together. The two of them looked up at the moon above their heads almost at the same time, and then smiled in unison. Shade bathed in the moonlight and felt refreshed. The vampire bathed in the moonlight and felt that the fatigue caused by the noisy banquet was swept away.

There was some music playing behind the scenes, and when I entered the quiet courtyard, I felt as if I had entered another world. Seeing that the princess's maid hadn't arrived yet, Shade invited Mr. Bernhardt to take a walk. Of course, Mr. Bernhardt was also willing to be quiet for a while.

In such an early winter season, except for a few evergreen plants in the courtyard, most of them have withered. However, in the hands of the outstanding gardeners and gardeners of the royal family, the quiet moonlight courtyard is still so beautiful. Looking at the courtyard of the large manor, Shade inevitably recalled the first large-scale banquet he attended after coming to this world, which was the Lakeview Manor banquet.

He heard a lot of things at that banquet and met many people, until at the end of the banquet, he kicked the ball under the moon. Thinking about it now, that experience is still so incredible.

“Once winter comes, the weather in Huntington is even better at night than it is in the summer.”

Mr. Bernhardt said on the side, and he and Shade walked to the knight fountain in the courtyard. The water flowed, and in this quiet night, there was a bit more loneliness.

"Yes, I didn't expect to be able to see such a beautiful starry sky and moon from the city."

Both of them have thaumaturgy related to the "moon", so once the topic is opened, they can find a lot to talk about.

For example, the "Moonlight Slash" controlled by Shade is a relatively basic thaumaturgy of the Moonlight series. Not only Silver Moon, but also Yellow Moon and Red Moon can be used. It just corresponds to the three types of moons. Silver Moon's moonlight slash is biased against evil and has "sacred" attributes; Red Moon's moonlight slash is biased towards flesh and blood destruction, and has a very strong effect on physical destruction; and Yellow Moon's moonlight slash is biased towards flesh and blood destruction, and has a very strong effect on physical destruction. The Moonlight Slash does not have outstanding attribute characteristics, which makes the purest destructive effect of spirit and energy more vivid.

Mr. Bernhardt is a seven-ring warlock, and his experience has greatly inspired Shade. And Shade has mastered the "Silver Moon" and "Yellow Moon" that Mr. Bernhardt has not mastered, so his experience is also of great value to vampires.

When sharing the experience of "Moonlight Slash", Shade of course also mentioned the three-form changes he made to this magical technique, which is the most basic slash, leaving a cross arc of light in the air with a slow but powerful casting speed. An extremely powerful slash. Clap your hands together and then quickly cast a spell to draw out a slash of light arc.

"You are really talented at the moon."

Mr. Bernhardt said sincerely:

"Now that you have the power of the yellow moon and the silver moon, if you get the red moon, maybe all your lunar magic will have a qualitative change."

In fact, Shade's four rings already have the "Red Moon" spiritual rune, which is the power of blasphemy. But in order to save the twin red butterflies, Hongyue was temporarily sealed, and he had not yet found a suitable way to restore the power of this spiritual rune.

"For 'Moonlight Slash', I don't have the talent like you to develop so many forms."

Mr. Bernhardt said softly, looking around to make sure there were no young men and women having an affair in the bushes nearby:

"My family, oh, I don't mean the Bernhardt family, is a vampire clan. We have more skills to use this ability."

The Ring Warlock has never been a supernatural profession that works behind closed doors. Priest Augustus said a long time ago that the Ring Warlock is actually more like a scholar. Sometimes other people's notebooks are more useful than one's own dedicated study for a month:

"Moonlight Slash can not only be used with hands to cast spells, but theoretically, as long as it is a part of one's own body, any part can be cast."

As he spoke, the gentleman lightly kicked forward, and Shade saw a scarlet blade of light sweeping along the ground. Because he deliberately controlled his power, the trace of light disappeared when it touched the base of the fountain.

"I tried to do that too."

Shade nodded. The kick he kicked under the moon was an application of [Moonlight Slash] with his feet:

"But except for the hands and feet, it is difficult to cast spells on other parts. This is all I can do at the moment."

After speaking, he opened his mouth, flicked his tongue, and a small silver streak of light flew out. Shade never showed this move to anyone after he learned it, because it had no practicality, the power was too weak, and it was too shameful.

Mr. Bernhardt didn't feel anything was wrong. They were purely academic discussions:

"Yes, this is really difficult. Our race has the talent of transforming into a bat, so in the bat form, we use the wings to cast spells. As for using the tongue like you, some people have tried it, but the power is very poor. After all, the tongue itself is not An aggressive organ.”

After saying that, he suddenly smiled:

"Just because I have time today, I will show you the special [Moonlight Slash] technique, which the clan developed from the vampire talent."

The two walked from the footpath in the center of the courtyard to the path in the courtyard. After confirming that it is far enough away from the mansion


Mr. Bernhard clenched his fists under the moon and raised his arms toward the upper left and upper right respectively:


Bring your arms back and cross them in front of your chest in a fist-clenching motion:

"Moonlight Slash!"

With a low cry, the middle-aged vampire turned into a bright red arc and rushed forward, but without hitting any target, he came back panting.

He gasped for air and explained to Shade:

"Among the magical arts inherited by our race, there is an 'incarnation blood blade' related to the [blood] spirit rune, which uses one's own blood to cut down the opponent. The form change of [Moonlight Slash] uses a similar principle to incarnate oneself Moonlight attacks the enemy. But its weaknesses are also obvious."

Herr Bernhardt looks very exhausted:

"You can see the consumption of this move by looking at me like this. In addition, if the Moonlight Slash is interrupted by the enemy during the attack, you will suffer considerable damage. Moreover, this form change is essentially just There is no specific learning method for the application form of thaumaturgy, you can only feel it by yourself. This not only requires a high affinity for the moon, but also requires an affinity for the light itself. Very few people below the high level can directly master it."

Having said this, Mr. Bernhardt felt a little proud, and Shade also praised him heartily:

"It is indeed very powerful. This can be said to be the final form change of [Moonlight Slash] thaumaturgy."

After all, [Moonlight Slash] is only a thaumaturgy that can be learned at low levels. After Shade developed three forms, he understood that the changes in thaumaturgy had reached its limit. He plans to develop the last form of this thaumaturgy at the last level of the lower fourth level. After being promoted to the middle level, he can seek other moonlight attack thaumaturgy.

The two did not go far, but continued chatting from a position where they could see the manor house. But before Princess Margaret appeared, there was a sudden flash of light in the garden behind the manor. That light was extremely conspicuous in the middle of the night. Not only Shade and Mr. Bernhardt saw it, but anyone in the manor who looked out of the window would definitely be able to see it.

"Light spell?"

Mr. Bennhardt hesitated:

"Aren't you afraid of attracting the church's ring magicians when you use the light spell here?"

"Perhaps it is to attract the church's ring warlocks, and those ring warlocks had to separate some people to check the situation."

Shade, who was well-informed, whispered. The two were quiet for a while and looked towards the back of the mansion, but there was no other movement for a long time. So, Shade looked at the door of the mansion not far away:

"Why hasn't Princess Margaret's maid arrived yet?"

"I have a bad feeling."

Mr. Bernhardt said with some concern, and then suggested:

"Let's go back and take a look at the situation. Whatever it was just now, it must be related to the Ring Warlock. Maybe those crazy people from the Truth Society really dare to act here."

Shade also agreed with him. The two of them walked quickly back to the door of the mansion, but Shade pushed the door but failed to push it open:


He felt like he was trying to push up a mountain.

Mr. Bernhardt saw this and came to help, but he also failed to push the door open. Listening carefully to the sounds inside the door, the music was normal, and the chatter and laughter did not seem to be fake, because they could clearly hear the two people at the door having a heated debate about navigation:

"Someone locked the door?"

Mr. Bernhardt said doubtfully, and Shade reached out and used the [Door Key] to try to open the door. This thaumaturgy did work, but the process of unlocking was like wrestling with a dragon. He could open the door, but he had to concentrate on using the thaumaturgy:

"Mr. Bernhardt, wait a moment, I'm opening the lock."

"The banquet is still going on normally. This 'lock' is obviously the power of the Ring Warlock. The person who set this lock just doesn't want outsiders to enter in a short time, and he doesn't want to attract more people's attention. Five Gods Church To directly provide protection to the royal family, shouldn’t the Truth Society directly take action against Princess Margaret? What are they doing?”

Mr. Bernhardt analyzed that after waiting for nearly five minutes, Shade finally opened the lock. After pushing open the golden door, the two people quickly entered. The dance was still going on as usual, with exquisitely dressed gentlemen and beautiful ladies still dancing and enjoying themselves. The melodious music was so relaxing, and sailing topics were discussed at the door. The two gentlemen just glanced at them, and no one seemed to realize that something unusual was happening.

But Princess Margaret had already disappeared into the corner of the sofa in the banquet hall. After a little inquiring, she found out that someone had summoned her away not long ago, but when asked who summoned the princess, ordinary people could not tell clearly.

"Sure enough, something happened."

Shade nervously whispered to Mr. Bernhardt:

"I'll go find the witch. With her here, there will be no problem."

Mr. Bernhard nodded, but did not want to follow Shade:

"I'm going to find my fellow tribesmen and ask what happened just now. You and the lady will come to me directly in a while. Maybe you already know where the princess has gone."

So the two of them split up. Shade left the banquet hall while preparing the casting materials, and walked along the left corridor to find Miss Sylvia. But after turning the corner of the corridor, in the empty corridor, I saw a tall man standing in the middle of the corridor, as if he was deliberately waiting for Shade.

Shade had not seen him at the banquet just now, because this man had a dark green vertical line on both sides of his cheeks extending downward from his cheeks. His skin was a little dark, and his eyes were sunken into the sockets. He was obviously waiting for Shade:

"Did you open the 'lock' from the outside?"

The strange man spoke Kasenlik with a heavy accent and looked at Shad with gray eyes:

"Sir, no matter who you are, what happened tonight has nothing to do with you. If you can pretend not to know about it, I am willing to pay 100 crowns."

Shade was also sizing him up. The opponent was a low-level warlock, probably a third-level warlock, so the "lock" just now was not set by him:

"Pantanal Voodoo Club?"

He asked hesitantly, but unexpectedly the man actually nodded:

"Yes, Mr. Delarion. But this matter has nothing to do with the Voodoo Society. We are just accepting employment from others to do something."

"Who hired you?"

Shade asked again, but the man just shook his head:

"Do you think I'm going to tell you?"

"I just don't understand. Truth has always looked down on country bumpkins like you, so why would it be willing to hire you?"

Shade was just testing. Unexpectedly, the strong man's expression changed:

"It seems that you are really here to protect Margaret of Anjou. Don't worry, neither we nor the Truth Society dare to attack members of the royal family. We are just looking for an item."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"If I can't stop you, I must at least ensure that this operation will not involve the Inquisition of the Five Gods Church."

He put his hand into his pocket and took a deep look at Shade, as if he was making some kind of decision:

"I pursue the way of the wild and have a keen sense of power. I can feel how terrifying you are. Even if you are not a high-level warlock, you will definitely not be inferior to a high-level warlock. I can't stop you, but don't even think about it. Pass easily. Those professors who claim to be civilized people have given us valuable knowledge, and we will do our best to help them."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of snake skin-like thing from his pocket. The strong whisper elements were immediately vented in all directions, and Shade heard a roaring sound of "hiss, hiss" in his ears.


Shade was startled and waved his hand to spit out a ray of moonlight. The three-ring warlock didn't dodge at all, and when the moonlight almost snapped him in half from the waist with precision, he swallowed the snake skin into his stomach:

"This is a clerical relic [Immortal Snake Slough]. Praise Pantanal! Praise the Immortal Snake! So, please die!"

The last few words completely turned into a strange snake-like language, but they were still translated by Shade.

Blood spurted out from the man's waist. He had fallen to the ground due to serious injuries. His whole body was shaking and he was about to die.

But Shade's expression changed greatly and he kept backing away. As the snake skin was swallowed by the man, the gas lights in the entire corridor quickly became dim. The whispering elements became more obvious and clear, but a gap opened on the top of the man's "corpse". In Shade's surprised eyes, a black man as thick as a man's waist, with scarlet eyes and a body covered with mucus. The snake emerged from the corpse.


The scarlet letter was spit out from the snake's snout, and the mucus flowed on the surface of the snake's body. Gradually, Shade could clearly see the pattern on the snake's body that looked like a tapeworm.

Its body was larger and longer than the corpse behind it. It turned around and swallowed the human corpse, and then crawled towards Shade, leaving wet traces on the carpet as it crawled. Even though he had seen many snakes in the Sikal Mountains in autumn, Shade still felt a chill when being stared at by this thing.

"He swallowed the relic? The relic got out of control?"

This reminded Shade of the Ring Warlock who turned into a fish-man because his fish-man scales were out of control.

[It’s not about losing control. Swallowing that piece of snake skin should be the triggering method of the relic’s characteristics. 】

"It's so disgusting."

He pulled out the moonlight sword from the air with his right hand and rushed towards the snake. The giant python with a huge body and slow movements also rushed towards Sha De. It suddenly bent its body to accumulate strength, and like a flying arrow, it shot at Sha De in the increasingly dim corridor.

It was extremely fast, but in the end it failed to hit Shade. Instead, it passed through a large group of red butterflies.

When the python landed, the butterfly group gathered again. Shade, who was holding the "Moonlight Sword", turned around and slashed, and the sword slashed at the snake's head, but the sword with the holy silver light actually passed through the snake's body and slashed to the floor.


It was not an illusion, because the python swung its tail and slapped Shade's waist with great force. Shade originally thought that this sword could at least severely damage the opponent, but he did not expect that his attack would fail. Therefore, like a ball hit by a club, the tail was whipped into the wall.


The light in the corridor continues to fade and darkness is falling. The dark giant python turned around, supporting its body with its tail, and opened its snout to reveal its fangs. Its scarlet eyes looked at Shade who was getting up, as if he wanted to bite off Shade's head.

The coming of darkness made the snake become more powerful, and at the same time, the darkness was like a thick liquid, making Shade feel that his movements became slower and slower. But it bit forward, but failed to hit Shade. Instead, his head hit the wall hard, crashing through the wall and entering the empty room on the other side.

Shade, who used [Rage's Jump] to transfer, appeared in the distance of the dark corridor.

The giant snake swam out of the hole in the wall, spitting out letters and observing Shade, obviously planning to kill him with one blow. But the obvious sound just now failed to attract anyone's attention. It seemed that this operation was really trying every possible way to avoid attracting attention.

Shade relied on dark vision, in an almost completely dark environment, staring at the giant snake that was almost integrated with the darkness, and asked in his heart:

"Why can't I attack it and it can attack me?"

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