Whispering Verse

Chapter 946 Climbing the Tower

"Can cats also use this relic?"

Shade asked curiously.

"Of course, any creature with a normal digestive system and mouth structure can theoretically use this relic. You can pay the spirit in advance, and your cute pet is just an ordinary animal."

Miss Teresa pushed up her glasses and said, Miss Violet and the young maid behind her also looked over with interest.

Shade then held the food bag in both hands and handed it to Xiao Mia. The cat stretched out its head unceremoniously and dived into the food bag. If Shade hadn't grabbed its tail, the greedy cat would have completely gotten into the bag. in.

The front half of the cat's body was squirming in the food bag. When Shade pulled out the dissatisfied little Mia, it had a piece of dried sausage in its mouth. After Shade's inspection, it was confirmed that this was an ordinary beef sausage.

This made Miss Violet extremely disappointed. She also expected more interesting scenes.

"Funny scenes mean danger."

Shade pointed this out as he stood up from the campfire.

"To me, there is no danger."

The thirteenth-level witch said quite confidently.

Just like last time, six maids stayed here to guard the camp. Miss Violet set off with the tenth-level Miss Teresa and Shade.

The next section of the road would be very dangerous, so Shade turned Mia, who was chewing dried sausage, into a toy along with the dried sausage and put it in his pocket. Miss Violet led the way holding the relics [Lost Compass] and [Lucky Iron Cross], while Miss Theresa and Shade holding [Night Watch] followed behind her.

The heavy fog on the island in the middle of the Lost Lake was as scary as last time, but fortunately, this time there was nothing as scary as the "giant thing falling from the sky" last time. But Shade found that the island in the middle of the lake seemed to be different. Although he could occasionally see plants around when he went deep into the fog last time, most of them were low and withered. They were different from the Pantanal swamp in the west of Huntington in early winter. The scenery in the area is very similar.

But this time when I followed the witch deep into the island, I found that the place was filled with undulating, hard yellow thorn bushes. These thorns are even harder than the special alloy used in the steam engine pressure chamber, and as long as you touch them with your hands, your fingers will immediately bleed.

The witch's flames couldn't even burn them in a short time. Shade, who was holding the [Night Watch], used the "Moonlight Sword" to attach the moonlight sword to the solid silver sword to open a path, so that he could barely delay his journey.

These thorn bushes appeared shortly after Shade left last time, when Miss Violet and Miss Theresa had returned to the bonfire camp by the lake. With a muffled sound on the ground, lichen, green grass, flowers, and then small ferns grew out of the originally barren land, until bushes, then trees, and shrubs appeared.

Because it is difficult to judge time here, the eight witches cannot tell how long it took for the "plant evolution" in the eyes of the eight witches. But those plants did not appear to green the place, but to absorb nutrients from the earth, and after the scene of the primeval forest appeared, they gave birth to terrifying evil things like "evil tree men".

In Miss Violet's words, they were moveable plants entangled with disgusting vines and covered with green flames. After those monsters were born, they had conflicts with the eight witches, and a fierce battle ensued.

The thorn bushes all over the island are the products of that battle. Although Miss Violet seems to be fine, she is actually seriously exhausted. In addition, in the Lost Lake area, the recovery of spiritual and physical strength will become extremely slow. If it weren't for the packet of holy water that Shade brought last time, Miss Violet might not be able to maintain her current dignity.

But no matter what, relying on Xia De to "overcome obstacles" along the way, the three of them safely arrived at the center of the island in the middle of the lake. The hard yellow thorn bushes everywhere, like the thick fog on the island, have not invaded the surroundings of the Obsidian Tower. Therefore, after arriving at the foot of the tower, the three of them could finally take a short rest.

Miss Violet adjusted her condition, while Miss Teresa panicked and prepared herself to meet God again. She hung the relic [Proof of Faith] around her neck and whispered a prayer.

Only Shade looked up at the obsidian tower in front of him. Miss Violet didn't pay attention to him at first, but suddenly realized something:

"I remember that the last time you came with us, you didn't dare to look directly at this tower."

She stood behind Shade and said softly, fearing to disturb the beings in the tower.

"People always make progress. It's really interesting that the person I was last time was not the person I am now. God is not on the first floor now, but on the second floor."

Shade frowned slightly:

"What does this mean? Does it symbolically show that we have to complete the trial step by step? Or does it mean that God is leaving this land, so we have to hurry up?"

He turned around and asked the witches, but they didn't know the answer either. Even though they had been living by the bonfire by the lake, and could see the silhouette of the obsidian tower in the lake from the corners of the fog and thorn bushes, they did not always pay attention to the tower.

"Yes, hurry up. I really don't want to stay here for a moment longer. I miss my soft bed."

Miss Violet said softly, and the three of them adjusted their makeup. The Witch Emperor wanted to push away the old wooden board under the tower, but was stopped by Shade:

"No, I'm in better condition this time, I'll come. Miss Violet, you'd better save some strength, you'll have to live here for a long time."

Shade left the [Night Watchman] outside and walked out first. Miss Violet did not fight with him, but watched Shade step forward and open the door. There is wind in the closed space inside the door, and the moist water vapor blows against the face with the wind. Being breathed into the lungs makes people feel that the brain suddenly calms down, as if all the worries in the heart have been let go.

Miss Violet was about to step forward, but she saw a crack in Shade's side face, as if blown by the wind. Then, golden light poured out from the cracks on the side of the face, and little particles of light dragged out the golden remnants.

Shade turned around and waved to the witches:

"Ladies, I'm at the front, come with me."

Miss Theresa was surprised to see Shade, whose body was covered with golden cracks, like golden flames burning:

"Wasn't it red flames last time?"

"No, this is not a flame."

Miss Violet stared at Shade cautiously:

"Although I don't know what this is, it is much greater than the last flame. Okay, sir, you go at the front. This time we are going to the second floor of the tower. You are in front. Be careful."

"No problem. Although I don't mean to brag about myself, I have experienced this kind of thing more than once."

"Sir, we don't know your name yet."

Miss Teresa still remembers it.

Shade hesitated for a moment:

"Shad Suellen Hamilton."


Miss Violet looked at him in surprise, and Miss Theresa nodded to show that she remembered.

[Did you say your real name just like that? 】

"Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode also know, besides"

Shade stepped into the tower, and the abundant water vapor almost made him think he was soaking in water:

"[The Father of the Infinite Tree] seems to be deliberately erasing my traces in the past era. Otherwise, Saint Byrons should have discovered something was wrong with me long ago."

The first floor of the tower is still the small lake, and the thick mist ripples on the calm lake surface, but the table and the god behind the table are missing in the center of the tower.

"Sure enough, we went to the second floor."

Shade thought in his mind and turned to look behind him. Miss Violet and Miss Theresa had also followed.

"God is not here."

Shade said softly, and the two witches nodded slightly.

The three of them looked around the first floor of the tower, but did not see any upward stairs. Looking upward, you can't see the ceiling at all, only the thicker fog.

"There's something wrong there."

The thirteenth-level Witch Emperor was still very perceptive. She pointed to the area opposite the door. After the three of them approached, Shade also discovered that the water mist in that area was not dispersing normally.

Reach out to touch, and when your fingers touch the solid, the shape of the steps appears in the mist like mercury texture. But when Shade retracted his finger, the steps disappeared again.

"Invisible stairs?"

Shade asked in surprise, and Miss Violet nodded:

"I have seen a relic [Stairway to Heaven], very similar to the one in front of me."

As she spoke, a ball of light flew out of Miss Violet's right hand. The ball of light appeared from where the stairs had just appeared, and then completely penetrated through it. Shade frowned, retracted his hands into his sleeves, and then touched that area with his clothes, but he didn't touch anything. He touched it with his hand again, but he touched it again.

"It will only appear if there is direct physical contact. Without contact, it is equivalent to non-existence. Something is wrong with the water mist. It should be a clue left by the great one specially for us. Otherwise, it will take a lot of effort to find the ladder."

He came to a conclusion.

“But why would God do this?”

Miss Teresa asked softly.

"Do you think meeting the gods means visiting your neighbors?"

Miss Violet asked back, then looked at Shade:

"You come first or me first?"

"I'll go first."

Shade said, bending down slightly and touching his hands in front of him. After a few attempts, the mercury reverberated with the touch of my palm, once again outlining a small part of the staircase. Shade memorized this position, but when he raised his foot and stepped on it again, he found that he was still stepping on the air.

"Yes, shoes."

Shade understood immediately and took off his boots and socks.

He turned to the two ladies and said:

"You guys should take off your shoes and socks like me. Oh, this really feels like going on a pilgrimage. Some time ago, I went to visit a lady in white robes who lived in the lake, and the blind nun who accompanied me took off her shoes. Boots; and I have heard that in some places country people clean their feet before entering a church, and I should turn my head when approaching the Holy Emblem barefoot."

He patted his head, and Miss Teresa, whose face was slightly red, sheepishly bent over and took off her shoes and socks. Miss Violet glanced at Shade's back with great interest. This was the first time she had seen such a man.

Even in the Fifth Age, women's feet were still a part that could not be looked at casually.

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