Whispering Verse

Chapter 950 Another Angel

Iluna was much busier than Shad, so Shad did not stay at Blackstone Security Company for long and left soon.

He did not go home after that, but took advantage of the time he had to go out today and went to Dawn Church to visit Priest Augustus. It happened that today was Sunday, so the priest took Shade to attend the service, talked about some religious topics with Bishop Owen, and let Shade have lunch in the church at noon.

After lunch, Shade had time to talk about his own affairs. First of all, he naturally entrusted Priest August to investigate the order of the Old God [The Uncertain Wise Man]. Then he handed the notebook to the priest, with Miss Violet's improved version written on it. The recipe for "Fire Resistance Potion". Shade has changed the names of materials from the Fifth Age to those from the Sixth Age based on the content of [Witch's Reverberation].

Priest August took a look:

"Oh? Did you copy this from an ancient book?"

"Do you know the recipe?"

"Sure, but it's a recipe that's gone."

Priest August said, the two chatted in the priest's room in the church, and the priest returned the notebook to Shade.

"It has been eliminated."

Shade sighed slightly, but he was also quite pleased. This meant that potion science was constantly developing, and even the formula of the Thirteen-ring Great Witch would one day be eliminated.

"Although the details are different, it is indeed that formula. Oh, it was eliminated not because it was not effective. In fact, this is the most effective method of preparing fire-resistant agents so far. It is even called in some books It is [Extremely Effective Fire Resistance Potion]. From the perspective of potions alone, this formula has almost reached the pinnacle of fire resistance potions."

Priest August said with a sigh.

"Then why were you eliminated?"

Shade asked curiously, and the priest pointed to the formula on the open notebook:

"Too expensive."


"There is no conclusion yet on who invented this formula, but the other person was definitely a great figure in the Fifth Era. The formula fully utilizes the role of each material, and the preparation method is extremely sophisticated. The combination of different materials The reaction is exquisite. But the problem is that this formula is too expensive.”

After finishing speaking, he paused and added:

"It's just too expensive."

Shade showed a clear expression, which was consistent with his impression of Miss Violet. The other party is the witch emperor who is in charge of a country. She has amazing knowledge and will not worry about the cost of materials even if she improves the formula. I just didn't expect that this formula is still being circulated in the sixth era.

It was originally a formula modified in order to cope with God's test and under mental pressure and dangerous environment, but it is still praised by today's ring magicians. Although the Witch Emperors were arrogant and extravagant, their strength and wisdom were indeed consistent with their status.

While Shade was thinking, Priest Augustus suddenly frowned and sniffed at Shade.

Seeing his appearance, the cat who was taking a nap in Shade's arms squinted and sniffed.

"Shad, do you still remember when I smelled a familiar smell on you at the train station this Monday? I forgot to ask you at Dr. Schneider's yesterday. How come this smell has become stronger than it was on Monday?"

After speaking, he glanced at Shade’s cat:

"And your cat has that familiar smell too."

Shade and his cat traveled to strange places this week, except for one visit to the Lake of the Cherubim with Sister Devlin. Combined with the last time the priest noticed the smell, it was after he saw the Lake of Cherubim but failed to board it, so he raised his eyebrows and immediately knew what the priest Augustus smelled.

"Do you know the Lady of the Lake?"

"Shadow, are you talking about the fairy tale "Water of Wisdom"?"

"No, no, this is not a fairy tale, I really encountered it."

Shade explained his experience in Huntington to the priest in detail. The old priest was quite surprised:

"When you say that, I seem to have some clues. Although I can't be sure, the so-called 'Lady of the Lake' is most likely an angel."

Xia De was not too surprised:

"This should be correct. The other party is not a relic, but it is definitely not a real great person. I am sure of this. If it is an angel, then it makes sense. Priest, do you know which angel the other party is?"

Now in the Sixth Era, the angels of the good gods only appear on special occasions. The angels of the old gods have long since left with the gods, and the angels of the evil gods are even rarer. Therefore, Shade does not know much about angels.

"It should be an ancient person who survived from ancient times."

The priest thought for a while and said that he had the power of the "First Angel" to tell the angels to death. The angels he could call "the ancient ones" must also be related to the ancient gods.

"It's really interesting that there are such ancient angels in this era."

Priest Augustus made up his mind and said to Shade:

"Let me help you find out who this angel is. Since he calls himself 'Cherub', then this word must have a corresponding meaning. If you can determine the identity of the other person, you may be able to touch it when you are tested. Knowing what the other person is thinking can help you solve problems faster."

"Priest, don't you want to see that angel?"

Shade suggested that although priests cannot use the [Magician's Escape Box] that only high-level warlocks can use, as long as they look hard enough, there is always a way to get priests to appear in Huntington City.

Priest August shook his head slightly:

"For the other party to be able to survive to this day, there must be abnormal means, and it may even be just a manifestation of some kind of power, definitely not the true nature. We all have our own responsibilities and purposes, so I don't want to see him. Besides, I'm just Mortals who have inherited some of the powers of angels, we are different.”

Priest August is very worried about the appearance of ancient angels. In his opinion, the appearance of any ancient one means that something big is about to happen. But he did not stop Shade from continuing to contact the "Lady of the Lake". As long as the angels of the ancient gods did not go crazy because they lost control, most of them would not have direct malice towards humans.

"this is for you."

The priest stretched out his hand to Shade, and in his old palm lay a familiar burnt feather:

"Next time you see that lady, give this feather to Him. For the sake of being an angel, He will slightly reduce the difficulty of your trial."

"Does this count as cheating?"

Although he said this, Shade still took the feather over and used it to scratch the cat who was lying on the table and taking a nap. Mia squirmed, turning her body in the other direction and lying on her back, ignoring Shade at all.

"What kind of cheating is this? Just give the feather to the lady. What He wants to do is His business."

said the priest, waving his hand.

Sunday was the church's Sunday, and Shade spent the entire afternoon in the church. After all, he was ostensibly a core believer in Dawn Church in this parish. Although Priest Augustus was temporarily called away at three o'clock in the afternoon because of something, Shade still held the cat in the church and listened to the old priest's sermon. An activity to distribute relief food to homeless people.

This made Xia De, who almost received relief food in the summer, very emotional.

The so-called relief food is black bread and dried seasonal vegetables packed in paper bags. It can be eaten raw or soaked in hot water. The paper bags used to hold food in the church are also good things for the poor. When Shade helped distribute the food, he heard from the old monk in charge of transporting the goods that these paper bags could be cut and used as filters for hand-rolled cigarettes, or they could be kept. Come down and use it as an excellent source of fire.

Of course, outsiders would not ask silly questions such as "Why do you still smoke if you have trouble eating?", but he knew that with the arrival of winter, the church would increase the frequency of releasing relief food. The first snow has arrived, and according to previous years’ experience, the city will be covered in silver in at most two weeks. This year's weather is not extreme so far, but even if it is, many people will not be able to survive this winter.

Foreigners who stand in the light of civilization can certainly see those who stand in the shadow of civilization. The age of steam is rolling in like a wave, no matter which side it is, it is part of the era. I had heard the saying "the best and the worst of times" in my hometown, but for Shade, who is standing on the earth, all he is doing now is reaching out to help those he meets.

Shade did not have dinner in the church. After saying goodbye to the August priest, he returned to Saint Teresa Square. In the evening, I officially received Lesia's invitation to attend Lesia's reading salon on Wednesday night. The venue was the Prophet's Society, which, although not generally conducting business in the evenings, was able to offer its services as a club.

As for Lesia's direct invitation to Shade, it was at the request of Princess Margaret, so the invitation was not unexpected. Shade held the invitation and thought about the tasks surrounding Princess Margaret, and then thought about whether there was really someone who wanted to harm the princess.

"Although the people of the Truth Society look vicious, Miss Paavo has already stated that she just wants to ask Princess Margaret some questions and does not want to hurt her. They are also afraid of the Church's Inquisition. Therefore, it is possible at present It was only ordinary people who were a threat to Margaret of Anjou.”

Princess Margaret's recent itinerary in Tobesk has been quite complicated. The princess did not come to Tobesk just for travel. The security pressure on MI6 is very high. Although Shade is not involved in direct security work, he also knows that the work of his colleagues is not easy.

Shade, who received the task personally arranged by the king, was actually the most relaxed one among them.

Just like that, it’s another Monday, the 25th day of the Frost Moon. After waking up early in the morning, Shade excitedly got out of bed and reached out to touch the wall, and sure enough he felt the temperature of the wall.

Although this heating method is unremarkable in the hometown of outsiders, it still surprises outsiders to experience steam pipe heating in this era.

Before breakfast, Shade also followed the notice issued by the St. Teresa Square neighborhood, followed by the sleepy little Mia, and checked from the basement to the attic, confirming that no one appeared after the steam heating started in his home this winter. Water leakage.

After confirming that the heating was on, Shade even hugged the cat in a good mood and let the cat's little paws touch the warm part of the wall.

Little Mia was also very surprised that the walls were heating up. This cat was born in the spring of 1853 and had probably never seen urban heating. It stretched out its claws and kept scratching the wall, as if it wanted to know what else was inside the wall. That look made Shade feel even better.

But his mood was about to sour.

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