Whispering Verse

Chapter 955 The Rat in the Cage

The [Fish Training Ring] was not suitable for the white mouse's paws or head. Shade grabbed the mouse with one hand and used the mouse's slender tail as a rope to tie the ring. As the relic comes into play, the mentally retarded rat gradually stops struggling, because clever wisdom is occupying the high ground of the mind.

It raised its head and looked at Shade. Shade looked into the eyes of the tiny black mouse. He could clearly feel the emergence of wisdom from the trembling of the fur on the mouse's head and the "look" of its eyes.

After a while, the white mouse spoke:

"Oh, you ****, you are so damned, are you trying to **** me, I curse you, you are so ****, *****."

Its voice is not loud. Judging from the voice, it is a male mouse and is an adult mouse. It cursed Shad, who was holding it, in Kasenric with a heavy accent, using words that Shad couldn't even fully translate:

"The owl I met at Fort Midhill last time seemed to be very good at swearing in Kasenric."

He thought in his mind and slightly increased the grip of his right hand. The mouse squeaked, but no longer cursed. Compared to the owl Shade met at Fort Midhill, this rat in the lower town was really rude.

"You hate me so much?"

He asked with a smile, and the mouse in his hand replied angrily:

"I can smell the cat smell on you through a door. It's simply worse than Old John's athlete's foot!"

"John" is a very common name, so "Old John" here is certainly not Tobesk's stingy pawnshop owner.

"Cat smell?"

Shade looked at himself and realized that the mouse was talking about Mia:

"Are you afraid of cats?"

"Aren't you afraid of man-eating beasts?"

The white mouse asked back, wagging the ring on its tail, and its tone showed that it was very angry:

"But I am a brave mouse. Call that cat out quickly. I will defeat it with my wisdom! Yes, I have wisdom now, and wisdom is my wealth and power!"

Shade suppressed his laughter. With little Mia's wisdom, the cat could easily play with this overestimating white mouse:

"Back to business, let me ask you to answer. First of all, have any strange strangers been here in the past week or two?"


"Except me."

"Fifteen sun-moon cycles ago there were strange people."

"How many people are there in total?"


"What did they ask?"

"Similar to the question you just asked, if you would give me some cheese, I would..."


"I mean, they asked similar questions to you and then knocked the unfortunate guy unconscious."

The unlucky guy is the owner of the white mouse.

"When the two humans left, they chatted about a place name. Yes, that name was 39 Matilda Street!"

The mouse said quickly, as if he was really worried about being crushed to death by Shade's palm. In fact, its worries are completely unnecessary. For any humans and creatures with the same intelligence as humans, Shade will carefully consider whether to kill them.

This is respect for life.

"39 Matilda Street..."

Shade knew this street, but he had only seen it on a map. He hadn't even been to Huntington half a month ago. Shade couldn't confirm what the two people who found Rust Alley knew before he launched Operation Huntington.

With his left hand, he found a piece of Xiao Mia's cat food from his pocket and threw it on the table. Then, amidst the pitiful cry of the white mouse, he put the mouse down.

The white mouse did not run away, but sniffed the expensive cat food. It did not eat immediately, but said to Shade again:

"My hearing is much better than that of humans. After they walked outside, I still heard a few words. Voodoo society, relics, sacrifices, wasting time, once-in-a-century opportunities."

The white mouse described that the pronunciation of several of the words was very inaccurate, and it was obvious that it had not remembered clearly.

"The Voodoo Club? The Pantanal Voodoo Club again?"

Shade was very surprised:

"They are so imprudent, talking about this kind of topic in the alley."

[Don’t you often talk about sensitive topics with your friends on the street? 】

"She" asked with a smile. Shade touched his nose and pretended not to hear, and then said to the mouse that was getting ready to eat:

"Mr. Mouse, thank you very much for your help. I'm leaving. Do you want to go back to the cage, or do you want me to help you get free?"

[Fish Training Ring] Shade will definitely take it off, but he can let the mouse go and leave some money for the boss here.

The white mouse stepped on the wood grain on the counter, raised his head in fear, and said in an accent mixed with slang:

"Please don't put me outside, those wild cats and mice will eat me!"

"So, you want to go back to the cage?"

"Does that need to be said? Oh, humans like you who have never lived in a cage will not understand how comfortable life is with a stable cage and food at a fixed time. Just like I can't understand that you always like It's like walking around outside. For me, life in a cage is..."

Seeing that the mouse had a tendency to turn into a philosopher, Shade took off the ring. While the white mouse was squeaking, he put it back into the cage and threw in the grain of Xiao Mia's high-end cat food.

"These animals are really interesting."

Shade thought to himself.

Huntington, the wine capital, has a dense water network, and Matilda Street is a street directly leading to the second largest river in the city, the Thomson River. The eastern part of this street starts from a five-way intersection, and the western part leads directly to the river bank. Overall, it is not long.

Shade believed that the white mouse was not lying, but when he came to Matilda Street at three o'clock that afternoon, he unexpectedly discovered that there was no No. 39 on this street at all.

The house numbers of Matilda Street are odd numbers on the north side and even numbers on the south side. Numbers 1 and 2 are respectively the flower shop and the law firm next to the five-way intersection. The last two house numbers at the end of the river are No. 37 and No. 38, which is the end of Matilda Street.

In order to prevent mistakes, Shade also specifically inquired in the taverns on this street and confirmed that there has never been a number 39 on Matilda Street. Although the street has been renovated many times in the past ten years, the number of house numbers has always been no change.

There are not even rumors about "invisible shops" and "number 39 appearing at night" here. This means that, whether from the perspective of normal people or from the perspective of urban legends, the Mattie mentioned by the white mouse No. 39 Alda Street does not exist at all.

Shade did not rush back to Rust Alley to find the white mouse that was unwilling to get out of the cage to continue talking about philosophical topics. Instead, he took advantage of the heavy fog to emerge again in the afternoon and left Matilda Street and came to the bank of the Thomson River that intersects with it.

In the afternoon, there were only a few women in headscarves washing clothes below the river bank. The heavy fog on the river made it possible to see only the outlines of buildings on the other side of the river.

"This also makes it easier to move around."

Shade carefully walked along the slope and descended from the river bank street to the river. Of course, the city hall will not waste manpower on repairing the river bank. The bank is overgrown with grass, and huge pipes continuously discharge sewage from unknown sources into the river. The shore is full of mud and garbage, and occasionally there are iron cans and broken kerosene lamps that may scratch the soles of shoes.

There are probably scavengers who pick up garbage here regularly, so the footprints on the river bank are very messy.

Shade searched back and forth for several times at the location facing Matilda Street, and indeed found traces under "her" guidance.

It was an uneven stone wall on one side of the river, located exactly on the odd-numbered side of Matilda Street. There are very slight traces of elements on the stone wall. After Shade's judgment, there should be an entrance covered by ritual and thaumaturgy.

Someone must have been here recently, and the person was so sure that no one would find out that they didn't even clean up the footprints.

Shade touched the stone wall with his hand and roughly confirmed the covered entrance. After careful observation on the stone wall, I found a small trace among the normal cracks and stains on the stone wall. If I understand it as text, the meaning is roughly:

[The great Pantanal will eventually regain its lost territory. 】

"It's indeed a voodoo society."

Shade thought in his mind, and then used the thaumaturgy [Echoes of the Past] to try to find the voices of the people who came here to determine the way to open the covered entrance. But it's a pity that after trying many times, all I could hear was the urban noise coming from above the river. The only sound was the chasing children discussing fishing.

"That is to say, this may be a local stronghold of Halder Ondiba, the owner of 'Arrow' decades ago. The ring warlock who came to look for him visited Rust Alley fifteen days ago. Came here again after finding no clues, but that was 48 hours ago, so I didn't hear the sound."

There are no traces of damage here, indicating that the first comers most likely knew how to open the entrance a long time ago. There is reason to believe that those two people are also members of the Voodoo Society.

[So how do you open the entrance? 】

"She" whispered softly in Shade's ear.

Shade turned around and glanced at the sun in the sky at five o'clock in the afternoon. He looked left and right to make sure there was no one nearby:

"This is not simple. The other party only covered the entrance, but did not hide the space itself. I don't believe that the other party has this ability. Since there must be space behind the stone wall, then..."

He pressed his right hand on the stone wall:

"Feliana's Witch's Light!"

Golden light radiated from the palm of his hand. As Shade's hand pressed firmly against the stone wall, the golden light was like a flame melting ice, causing Shade's arm to penetrate into the stone wall.

Obviously, the ring warlock who made this place his base also thought that someone would use violence to destroy the stone wall. Therefore, when Shade's wrists completely entered the stone wall, he felt that he had touched something extremely cold.

The cold air and curse rushed towards Sha De's heart along the palm of his hand. Sha De suddenly froze on the spot, and then trembled suddenly:

"Oh, it's so cold."

He complained in his heart, and after confirming that the remaining curse had been completely suppressed by divinity, he continued to reach towards the stone wall. After encountering the curse three times in a row, one-third of his arm was already submerged into the stone wall. Only then did he finally feel that his palm had completely penetrated the stone and entered the space behind the stone.

He retracted his arms and squatted slightly, looking into the dark space inside the hole:

"It's so thick. Do you think this is the safehouse of the Bank of the Kingdom of Kasenlik?"


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