Whispering Verse

Chapter 973: Margaret Anjou’s Commission

The two held hands together and looked at Shade at close range again. Margaret Anjou subconsciously did not look into his eyes. She thought this was an instinctive reaction caused by the subconscious fear of the powerful ring warlock.

Before meeting with Shade alone, Princess Margaret thought about many situations after the meeting, but she did not expect that Shade would be so calm:

"Hamilton of Rejed, you don't seem surprised at all that I am a student of Serkses? Did you recognize me last week?"

She asked softly, speaking first to seize control of the conversation.

"No, no, Your Highness, of course I didn't recognize you. But whether you are a ring magician or not, what impact does it have on me?"

Shade let go of his hand, because through a layer of gloves, the princess, who had only a slight witch power, still didn't notice anything was wrong with Shade:

"Furthermore, I think that since you have revealed your identity as a ring wizard to me, you won't threaten me with words like 'Knight, you don't want your identity to be exposed either'."

He half leaned against the wall and looked at the princess:

"I think I can trust you. Miss Carina has praised you. You are a very qualified royal lady."

Princess Margaret was a little surprised by the sudden compliment. She had thought that the handsome gentleman opposite would be as afraid of the strange ring wizard as she was.

The princess still maintains the elegance and dignity of a noble girl:

"Mr. Hamilton, yes, we all come from the three major colleges, and there is no conflict between us. This is enough for us to trust each other. I even want to thank you for helping me capture the head last week."

Thinking of the scene in a foggy alley, where Shade swung the terrifying black chain and hit the wall with people's heads, the corner of Princess Margaret's mouth twitched. She didn't know what level Shade was, but she thought it must be the middle level, which was much stronger than her fourth level:

"Detective, I invite you here this time because I want to give you a commission. Yes, I will give you a commission as a ring magician."

Shade raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect to call him out for this matter:

"It's really interesting. For your commission, can you first introduce what you need to do? Under normal circumstances, I will not do anything illegal."

"I would like to entrust you to help me find a sorceress."

Under the gaslight, she lowered her voice subconsciously, as if she was afraid of someone:

"Yes, a sorceress. I know some information about her, but I can't go to her personally, or even let people who are obviously related to me go to her, otherwise once discovered..."

She hesitated, but still said her goal:

"Residing in Saint Teresa Square and surrounding neighborhoods, female, age should be no more than 30 years old, career may be related to mathematics, or at least proficient in mathematics. The other party should have a very good personality, with first-class appearance and figure, and does not like to make friends with men. "

It was impossible for the princess to tell Shade. She was afraid that Miss Sylvia would discover her "little tricks", so she randomly found a reason to explain why she entrusted Shade to do this:

"Saint Teresa Square and nearby blocks are home to many nobles and high-ranking officials from your Delrayon. It is impossible for me to check it myself. Once a diplomatic issue occurs, it is not a trivial matter. Detective, you live in Saint Teresa Square , it should be very convenient for investigation. Help me find the sorceress, you can pay the commission fee as you like, gold pounds are not a problem."

Although she didn't say it, Shade subconsciously understood that the other party was looking for him, or in other words, he was looking for Miss Sylvia's nominal "apprentice". He heard the witch tell the lies she told the princess. :


Seeing Shade's hesitant look, the princess frowned slightly:

"Sorry, what's the problem?"

"There's no problem, it's just that I'm not sure..."

If Shade refuses at this time, maybe the princess will find someone else to investigate, which will cause more trouble. But the problem is that Shade is very sure that he can't find anyone according to the other party's description. If he really finds a target like "Miss Pavo", it will definitely be the wrong answer:

"I'm not sure if I can really find it. If it's really a sorceress living nearby, she must be well hidden."

"Yes, the other party's ability is not weak, so I don't ask you to find it, just try it. Mr. Alan Madison thinks highly of you. He has heard a lot about you from Dr. Schneider and knows that you are He is a kind, upright and resolute gentleman, and he has never had any accidents in the cases he handles.”

Shade wasn't sure how the doctor evaluated him, but obviously there was something wrong with the "second-hand evaluation" the princess heard. It was just the four cases left by Detective Sparrow, and the other three except for little Mia had big problems. accident.

After thinking for a while, he finally nodded:

"I can take on this task, and I will give you an answer before you leave the place."

He was wondering whether to compile an investigation report according to the tradition of Detective Sparrow, or to tell the young witch directly about the matter:

"As for the reward, I don't think there will be any need for gold pounds."

The princess quietly took a step back, and calculated that there were less than four minutes until the salon started at seven o'clock, she spoke slightly faster:

"You are a distinguished guest from afar, so there is no need to mention the gold pound. Your Highness, I currently have a commission regarding Sir Prisha, which was initiated by his local admirers. I would like to know more about it from you. Regarding Sir Prisha, this will be very useful for me to complete the commission."

Sir Priscilla and Princess Margaret were a team, but of course, in her opinion, Shade didn't know that. Upon hearing Shade's request, she breathed a sigh of relief, and sincerely praised the gentleman in front of her for his demeanor.

The rumored Shad Hamilton first seduced the Duchess's maid with sweet words, and then made his fortune by getting close to Carina Cavendish. But based on what she learned after coming to Tobesk and what she saw at Lakeview Manor, maybe the fact is that Carina Cavendish fell in love with this young and promising ring warlock:

"That's no problem, Chevalier. I could tell you something about him, but not now. How about Sunday? I'll go to your house to see you on Sunday. I've always heard about the reputation of Saint Teresa Square. I haven't visited yet. , and I only have some free time on Sunday.”

After a short pause, he added:

"Chevalier, you have won my friendship, the friendship of Margaret Anjou."

Shade nodded slightly and asked again before the princess was about to leave:

"I heard that Sir Prichard is a distant relative of the Anjou royal family. His maternal grandmother and your grandmother are twin sisters. I don't know if there is anything special about his paternal lineage, that is, the Prichard family."

"Would an admirer still ask you to investigate this?"

The light-blond haired princess asked curiously, and then answered casually:

"Plisha is a very old surname, and it was a noble before the founding of the United Kingdom. I have heard that a long time ago, this surname represented a very ancient family of ring magicians, and extraordinary and sacred power was passed down in the bloodline. Of course, this is just a rumor. If you are curious about this, we can talk about this topic on Sunday."

After saying that, he was about to turn around and leave, but hesitated and asked again:

"Excuse me, Mr. Hamilton, who did you learn mathematics from? A certain scholar, or a certain college?"

Shade blinked:

"Have you not investigated my identity? I don't have any diploma or graduation certificate. I learned mathematics by myself after becoming a ring magician."

Margaret Anjou was of course unable to find out the exact date on which Shade became a ringmancer, and Mr. Alan Madison would not tell her this.

"Talent and years of study? I understand."

She took a deep breath, looking shocked. After saying goodbye to Shade, he left the stairs and led his maid quickly to the room at the other end of the corridor where the reading salon was held. She could not be late for such an occasion.

Shade stood in the shadow of the stairs and looked at Princess Margaret's back:

"Generally speaking, when it comes to the so-called 'ancient family', there must be many stories behind it. Originally, I just wanted to see if I could start from the princess's point of view and try to collect the aura of the 'Guiding Moon'. I didn't expect that there is such a thing. rumor."

[Are the rumors about the ancient family relevant to you? 】

"It has nothing to do with it."

He is also ready to go back:

"At least, it's irrelevant right now."

The time came to seven o'clock in the evening, all the invited guests arrived on time, and Shade, who had polished his shoes, sat down again next to Sir Prisha.

Lesia smiled and clapped her hands, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and then stood in front of the fireplace and took out a book. She thanked everyone for coming, and especially thanked Princess Margaret, and then the book salon officially began.

The reading salon is not a particularly serious activity. People can enjoy tea and desserts while participating in interesting activities.

The salon is hosted by Lesia, who first invites people to share the books they have been reading recently. People who are willing to share can get up and come to the fireplace, turn their backs to the fireplace to show the books they brought, and share the interesting content they have read or the knowledge they have learned from the books. The book Shade brought was Dorothy's "Hamilton Detective Stories". This kind of popular book was not suitable for appearing in such an "elegant" reading salon, so Shade did not take the initiative to share it.

Princess Margaret brought Kassenlick's collection of traditional fairy tales "Dream Poem". The 1853 edition added fifteen new fairy tales, among which the story about the mermaid princess was her focus.

Baron Laraire of Tobesk shared a book called "Lightning on the Mountain Top". People arranged an array of iron rods on the top of the mountain in order to attract lightning, so as to deduce the specific cause and estimate of lightning. power.

It's just a pity that this book is not a popular science book, but a first-person disaster biography. Most of the bodies of those who encountered misfortune in the mountains have not yet been found.

Sir Prisha, who was beside Shade, shared the collection of essays "Song of the Moon" that he read in Tobesk. This book was published this spring by an unknown author. The collection of essays is divided into three chapters: "Chapter of the Yellow Moon", "Chapter of the Red Moon" and "Chapter of the Silver Moon". Each chapter contains prose corresponding to a specific moon. There are 17 articles in the whole book. It can be seen that Sir Prisha likes this book very much and especially shared the "Chapter of the Yellow Moon".

Sharing their own books made the atmosphere in the salon more lively. Among the well-dressed gentlemen and ladies, some actually brought out popular science books or even popular books. Lesia intended for Shade to participate in the speech, but Shade shook his head slightly, so the princess did not mention Shade's name.

After sharing the books, people gathered together in twos and threes to talk about their favorite topics.

Of course, Princess Margaret sat with Lesia, surrounded by noble ladies of the same age; Prince Nasser Cavendish summoned familiar friends to chat and laugh on the other side; and Shade originally wanted to continue with Sir Prisha was talking about the scenery of Kasenlik, but unexpectedly the little princess Agelina came over:

"Knight, do you mind if I sit here?"

She took her friend Lisa Asberg, the youngest daughter of the Asberg family, and sat on the sofa to Shade's right:

"Knight, what are you talking about?"

"Good evening, Your Highness, we are talking about scenery and detective stories."

Sir Prisha said respectfully, and Shade also added:

"Yes, Sir Prisha also asked me why I didn't write my own story myself. Oh, writing a book is very troublesome. Besides, even if I were asked to write it, I would not use my own name as the protagonist of the story. Name, it makes people think I’m bragging.”

"So what's your name going to be?"

The little princess said happily, Lesia is not here now, but she is sitting next to Shade, which is a very good progress.

"What about the name 'Angie'? I've always liked that name."

Sir Prisha suggested.

"I think the name Hamilton Knight is better."

Miss Lisa Asberg said with a blushing face.

Shade thought of his friends in his hometown, and then thought of a name:


Then I thought of my friend’s hobbies, so I made up a random last name and added a background:

"Jenkins Willamette, with a cat named Chocolate. The name sounds good, but your highness, don't tell me the detective story. People have read my story in books and newspapers. What books have you been reading recently? ?I heard that the royal family’s grammar teacher is a very serious old gentleman.”

March is high in the night sky, and the atmosphere in the bright second-floor room is just right. Silver Cross Avenue was deserted, and the evening wind blew dead leaves into the alley. So far, Leziya's reading salon has not seen any disturbances.


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