Whispering Verse

Chapter 990: The Witch’s Reward

After waking up from a long sleep, when Shade opened his eyes and saw a familiar ceiling, the time had changed from Wednesday night to seven o'clock on Thursday evening.

After twenty hours of sleep, he was in good spirits. Underneath him was an unusually soft bed. The soft quilt was purple, and the light tulle hanging from the golden bedpost told Shade that this was not his home. Wearing silk pajamas that I have never seen before, the room exudes a reassuring scent of incense, and the indoor temperature is also particularly suitable:

"Miss Carina's manor?"


The familiar cat meowing made Shade turn to the side. Little Mia, who was huddled up next to the pillow like a cat ball, stared at him with wide eyes. The cat brought its furry face close, rubbed Shade's face affectionately, and then jumped on Shade's belly when he sat up from the bed.

Opening the curtain beside the bed, Shade stroked the cat and turned to look out the window. At seven o'clock in the evening, the sun had completely set. He was somewhat surprised to find heavy snow falling outside the window. Relying on his dark vision, he saw that the vast wilderness outside the manor had been dyed silvery white, and even there was snow outside the window sill. .

"Is it snowing again?"

The heavy snowfall symbolizes the complete arrival of winter. Xia De looked at the snow blankly, feeling as if he had slept for a season.

"Are you awake?"

The door was opened a crack, and the young maid with brown hair carefully put her head in. After getting Shade's affirmative reply, she turned on the gas light in the room for him, then quickly held up her skirt and went to inform the master of the manor of this good news. information.

"The maid just now is called Wendy Marcus. She is sixteen years old. She became a level sorcerer this spring. She is now a level 1."

Shade recalled in his mind, and looked down at the pajamas he was wearing. Just as he was about to get off the bed, hurried footsteps had already appeared at the door.

The maid with long black hair opened the door. Her eyes were a little anxious at first, but when she saw Shade sitting up holding the cat, she smiled relaxedly.

Tifa, wearing a black and white maid dress, said:

"Mr. Hamilton, you're awake."

She would only call Shade by his name directly when she was alone with him. The maids filed in from behind her, either opening the curtains, helping Shade choose clothes in the closet, or carrying dinner plates. Stand aside.

"Miss has gone to the parliament and will be back soon. Do you want to lie down for a while and have dinner here, or wash up and prepare for dinner now? Miss will be back in twenty minutes."

Tifa asked.

"Good evening, Tifa. It feels good to see you right after waking up. Let's have dinner together. I'll be up soon."

Shade said, hesitating for a moment:

"The [Wise Man's Pyroxene] is here now"

Tifa walked to the bed, bent slightly and opened the drawer of the bedside table. While Shade withdrew her gaze, she took out the wooden box in the drawer. The box contained the gems and jewelry in the broken jewelry box, and lying on the top was the Teardrop shaped blue spar:

"This belongs to you. Of course, in name only, the church asked the lady to tell you that this box of jewelry is a gift from her to you."

she said with a smile.

Shade also laughed. The church's arrangement not only allowed him to get back these jewels, but also explained the origin of these jewels. It could even give Miss Carina an extra favor. This was really the best arrangement.

Putting the cat that was rubbing against his arms on the quilt, Shade took the box of jewelry. After thinking for a while, he said to the maid:

"Just pick one."

Tifa blinked, bent slightly, reached out and pulled out a pearl the size of a fingernail. She did not straighten up immediately, but gently kissed Shade on the side of his face, while the maids standing behind the head maid just pretended not to notice.

A lot of things actually happened on Wednesday night. Due to the influence of "Dice Stories", Shade just walked back to St. Teresa Square from Silver Cross Avenue. But in fact, in order to contain the church, including Miss Pavo, the vice president of the Truth Society, , many illegally organized ring warlocks fought with the ring warlock teams of the Righteous God Church in various areas of Tobesk, east, west, north and south. However, because they were concerned about being in the city, the intensity of the battle was not strong.

While [Dice Story Collection] was unfolding in the core area of ​​Tobesk, in the north district of the city on Wednesday night, the cult organization [Ten Thousands of Unity Association] encountered a humanoid sage-level (level 2) relic, which can also serve as a secret keeper. [Potion Master Jagula] started the trial of "Making the Abyss Sin Potion"; in the east of the city on Wednesday night, [Truth Society] Miss Pavo had a conflict with the ring magician organization [Jade Alchemy Association]. When the church's thirteen-ring warlock "Iron Right Hand" Mr. Sari Pilot arrived, the melee between the two sides caused a fire in the city, but fortunately it was extinguished in time.

On the Thursday day when Shade woke up, the Orthodox Church found the secret-keeper-level relic [Human Puzzle] in the ancient sewers of Tobesk based on the brand-new chapter fragments provided by Zaras Conjuration Academy.

It was one hundred and eight thousand small pieces of human skin. The fragment of the poem pointed out that this puzzle was also related to the ancient god [Secret Keeper], who could also be regarded as a kind of secret keeper.

In short, during the day when Shad was comatose, the story of Tobesk City did not stop without him. While waiting for Miss Carina to return from the Witch Council, Tifa told Shade these things.

And when the slightly tired Great Witch came to the restaurant to have dinner with Shade, Shade finally knew what happened to "Jack the Thief" and "Dice Stories" after he fell into a coma.

"The church has confirmed that you were just involved in an accident, and they fully believe that you are an ordinary person. Their physical examination, with the cooperation of Yin Luna, found nothing. I have to admit, Shade, even I can't do it. I'm better than you in this matter. You and Yin Luna performed well together, and I want to teach you that from now on, unless you take the initiative to expose your identity, you will never be suspected of being a ring warlock."

The maids pushed the dining cart into the restaurant, and the Duchess joked after a busy day. When she is tired, her usual gorgeous appearance will not be compromised. On the contrary, her lazy look makes the red-haired duchess even more charming.

She chuckled and said:

"In the end, I picked you up. Although Yin Luna helped you block some unnecessary inspections, she couldn't take the initiative to propose sending you to No. 6 St. Teresa Square. Shade, you have to thank me. Your cat is also feeding Yin Luna for you, although she was a little unhappy, but as soon as Tifa appeared, your cat ran to her side."

In fact, it was Tifa who fed the cat, but the black-haired maid stood behind the duchess, smiling and not pointing this out.

"How do you explain why so many people fell unconscious at Lesia's literary salon?"

Shade, who was eating pre-dinner dessert, was very concerned about this. There were snowflakes outside the window. Being able to enjoy delicious food in a warm room on such a cold winter night would put anyone in a good mood.

Although there were only two people dining, there were quite a few maids serving on the side. In the past, outsiders would still feel that the Duchess was sometimes too extravagant, but in 5177 of the Fifth Era, when he saw the witch emperor Miss Violet, who had to bring a team of beautiful maids with her when she went on adventures, he felt that the great witch of the Sixth Era was They are so frugal.

"You don't need to worry about this. The gas pipeline leaked in the Prophet's Association, causing slight gas poisoning. Except for a certain unlucky gentleman, the others were only unconscious for a short time and were revived. The church took them away before waking them up. Everyone's timekeeping tool kept them in the Prophet's Association for a long time after they woke up, so they couldn't find anything wrong with the time.

So Shade, who is that unfortunate gentleman? "

Carina Cavendish smiled happily. She held a goblet in her right hand, and her wanton smile made her beautiful face even more beautiful.

"I think it's probably me."

After saying this, he even laughed:

"So the information I should know is that I unfortunately suffered from gas poisoning and was taken to your place for recuperation?"

The baked snails had been brought to the table. The cat, who was lying on the table to show that he would not move, remained motionless, and his head turned towards the steaming dinner plate like a pulley.

"Yes, and this also involves the conflict between me and Lesia. You met with misfortune in her salon, which made our relationship even more tense. It is common knowledge that she and I don't deal with each other, so everyone knows Believe it."

Miss Carina put down her wine glass and picked up the silver table knife:

"Gas poisoning, there are several such accidents every year, but this time it happened to the Prophet's Association. The church has already discussed it, and the Prophet's Association will be responsible, but except for you, no one else suffered any fatal injuries. . They predict that you will wake up late tonight or tomorrow morning, and there will be no sequelae. The Prophet Association asked me to tell you that you go to Dawn Church tomorrow morning, and Dawn Church will be responsible for helping you negotiate with the Prophet Association. The issue of compensation this time. Of course, we still need to discuss this."

The witch said, looking at the box in Shade's hand with her golden eyes:

"You should keep this [Wise Man's Pyroxene] yourself. Although I don't know why you want to expose it, you must have your own idea. The church asked me to tell you that this box of gems was given to you by me. Among the gifts, the blue crystal is the most expensive, more expensive than the others combined. They asked me to emphasize this point in front of you and never give it to anyone else."

"Then why did you give me this box of jewelry?"

Shade asked curiously, and the witch thought for a moment:

"The church didn't say anything about this. Let me think of the reasons myself. Let me think about it."

She snapped her slender white fingers in an unladylike manner, smiled and waved to Tifa, and the maid brought a cup filled with water. After rinsing her mouth, the witch looked at Shade with a slight smile in her eyes.

The beautiful lady in a red and white dress waved to Shade again. Shade stretched out his head suspiciously, so the red-haired witch held the back of his head with one hand and kissed him under Tifa's gaze.

"This is your reward for this."

Carina Cavendish carefully wiped her lips with a napkin, and the gas lamp illuminated her golden eyes with a slightly charming smile.

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