Taking a carriage from the Prophet's Association, we headed to Dawn Square in the snow. Even in snowy weather, there are still people coming and going in Dawn Square. The heavy snow overnight has covered the ground, and the young priests of the church are clearing the snow at the door together with the believers who volunteer to help. Therefore, two large snowdrifts more than one meter high have been piled up on the left and right sides of the church's grand steps.

The children who came to the church with their parents, wearing hats and scarves, happily grabbed the snow and threw it to each other near the snowdrift. Shade, who got off the carriage, saw that little Mia was very interested in the snowdrift, so he gently placed the cat on the snowdrift.

Of course, since it wasn't clear whether the cat would "sink" into the snowdrift, Shade didn't let go completely.

When the curious cat's little paws completely touched the cold snow, it immediately meowed for Shade to pick it up. It wasn't that the cat was frightened, it was just that its paws felt cold.

"Sir, what kind of cat is your cat?"

Shade smiled and put little Mia on his shoulders. Among the children playing in the snow, a bold boy came over and asked politely. Judging by their attire, you can tell that they all come from relatively affluent middle-class families. The children of poor believers will not waste their time making money during the day.

"It's a Tobesk native cat."

"Can he play with us for a while? Oh, sir, we promise not to let him get lost."

"That's not okay. This cat is very timid."

Shade immediately shook his head. Although the children were disappointed, they soon started playing around the snowdrift again. Shade also grabbed a handful of snow and clenched his palms to feel the cold temperature.

[Are you recalling your childhood? 】

"She" asked softly in Shade's ear, softer than the sound of snowflakes falling to the ground.

"of course not."

Feeling that his hands were cold enough, Shade shook off the snow and water, and then pressed his cold hands on Mia's body:


Amid "her" laughter, little Mia's claws almost destroyed Shade's coat.

On the surface, this compensation negotiation is between the Prophets Association and Shade, but in fact, the Prophets Association is negotiating with Shade on behalf of the church.

The reason why the negotiation venue was chosen at Dawn Church was ostensibly to prevent the Prophet Association from "using its power to suppress others." Therefore, Dawn Church took the initiative to take over this matter. This can be regarded as the church's special care for its core believers. But in fact, in order to prevent the leakage of the [Wise Man's Pyroxene], the church's protective measures are much stronger than those of the Prophet Association.

The meeting was held in an office on the east side of the church. President Stan of the Tobesk branch of the Prophets Association attended with his secretary and vice-president Mr. Judit, while the Dawn Church was represented by Father Andrei.

It is worth mentioning that Father Andrei is a nine-ring warlock. Unlike the field team, this sturdy old man wearing a white robe is only responsible for the security of the church and generally does not move around the city.

It is very simple to compensate Sha De for the mental loss caused by the "gas leak". Sha De never thought of "blackmailing" the Prophet Association, so the two parties only discussed it for more than ten minutes and came up with a one-time payment from the Association. Shade was given 60 pounds in cash in exchange for Shade's promise not to talk about the matter under any circumstances.

Of course, the issue of compensation is only a reason for Shade to participate in the negotiation, and is not the key point. Otherwise, the church and association would not have sent high-level warlocks to participate.

After the compensation package was agreed upon, the real topic was officially introduced.

"That's right, Mr. Hamilton, we heard that you have a blue teardrop-shaped crystal in your hand?"

Mr. Judit, the vice president of the Prophet Association, asked while putting away his pen after Shade signed the document. This Vice-President with Mediterranean alopecia areata is different from Shade’s friend, Vice-President Mark, who is just an ordinary person. He is a three-ring warlock.

"Oh? How do you know? Miss Carina just gave it to me last night."

Shade asked pretending to be surprised. Mr. Judit nodded cautiously and glanced at President Stan and Father Andre. On the surface, the priest appeared for the benefit of Shad, but in fact everyone here was acting together to make the "ordinary man" Shad Hamilton voluntarily give up the [Wise Man's Pyroxene].

"We knew before that the gem was in the possession of Duchess Carina, but she refused to sell it to us."

Mr. Judit showed an embarrassed smile:

"When the Duke was in the city this morning, he told the Countess of Orleans that the gem was given to you, and we learned the news. In fact, the gem is a somewhat special mineral, which is dangerous in itself. It needs to be stored in a special lead box. This gemstone has some origins with us. It is a relic left by a president around 400 years ago in the Universal Calendar. It can play a great role in ancient ore divination. It also has a very important commemorative significance for the association.

With all due respect, would you like to sell it to us? "

Miss Carina told Shade the above words last night, so before this negotiation started, everyone here actually knew these lines.

Shade rolled up the two copies of the contract and put it in his pocket, touched his cat, and said with some embarrassment:

"Mr. Judit, I have always had a good impression of the Prophet Association. Vice President Mark even teased me by going to the association eight times a week. Since this is an important item that the association has lost, I also intend to return it. To you, but”

Mr. Judit nodded understandingly and continued:

"Then please make an offer."

Shade shook his head:

"But it really makes me embarrassed. I want to help the association, but after all, it was a gift given to me by Duchess Carina Cavendish. I can't sell it easily. This is disrespectful to the Duke." respect."

Although Shade wanted to put forward his conditions immediately, he still wanted to maintain his character setting of "Miss Carina's lover" after all.

"I'm not very short of money. Even if I am short of money, I can't do this kind of thing. The knight sells the gifts given by the lady in exchange for money. Oh, what kind of person can do this? Sorry, this is a matter of reputation."

Shade emphasized, carefully observing Mr. Judith's expression. The latter glanced at the old priest sitting next to Shade, and then looked at President Stan.

The best fortune teller in the Tobesk region coughed:

"Mr. Hamilton, you are right. I understand your thoughts and appreciate your virtue.

Rather, you name a number and I have a bearer draft that can be cashed at the King's Bank of Delrayon, two streets away. Moreover, we can sponsor you for a summer trip next summer to Laien, the capital of the Principality of Lagson, where the General Assembly is located. We will pay for two of you, and you can invite your female companion to go with you. I heard from Anat that you have always been interested in the scenery of the South. "

Shade showed an excited expression, and shook his head quickly amidst the laughter in his ears:

"No, no, I'm serious. This is a gift from Miss Carina. I can't sell it."

His expression was serious. President Stan nodded slightly. After a simple test, he decided to throw out the real weight:

"Mr. Hamilton, I remember you said some time ago that you wanted to buy the two founding series of Rhodes cards from the Federation."

Shade was still controlling his expression, but when he heard this, he finally couldn't help but look up with an expression of surprise.

The thirteen [Impermanent Cards] do not have any extraordinary abilities, and will make people assume that they are ordinary items. For the Prophet Association, [Origination Knowledge] and [Origination Destiny] are indeed very precious association symbols and souvenirs, but they are not completely untradeable.

It is not the Prophet Association that wants to get the [Wise Man's Pyroxene] in Sha De's hands, but the Church of the Five Gods. The church just asked the Prophet Association to purchase it from Shade, and the church would naturally compensate for the purchase price. Coupled with what Yin Luna mentioned in front of Miss Green, Shade's desire for the [Original] series of divination cards, that's why President Stan proposed this condition at this time.

"You want to exchange two cards for this gem? Is it so valuable?"

Shade asked pretending to be stunned. President Stan immediately shook his head:

"No, no, it's just a card. You can choose one of the two founding cards collected by the association."

"In exchange for this teardrop-shaped crystal?"

President Stan shook his head regretfully again:

"It's not an exchange. Pick a founding card. This card belongs to you until you die. But you can't use it as a bet, collateral, or trade it to others in other ways. After you die, we will Repurchase this card from your heirs. You must promise that we are the only ones who can reclaim this card."

This is equivalent to the permanent ownership of [Wise Man's Pyroxene] in exchange for "ordinary person" Shad Hamilton holding a certain Rhodes card in his life.

President Stan looked at Shade seriously:

"Mr. Hamilton, although this means you can't keep that card as a family heirloom, you are still a legend among Lord's players. Silver Moon, Balance, Darkness, Death, and the fifth one coming soon, since the release of Lord's Since then, you are the first legendary player to hold five Founding Series cards at the same time."

Shade made an expression of careful consideration, and after a long time he nodded slightly:

"The gold pound is indeed not important, but the 'legendary player' is indeed important."

Father Andre, who had been silent all this time, also smiled and suggested:

"Mr. Hamilton, although this is a deal between you and the Prophet Association, since it is discussed in the church, it is better for me to make a contract for you. I will permanently transfer the blue teardrop crystal in exchange for the Rhodes card before death. Ownership. In addition, I think the Prophet Association can give you some other compensation. People know that the prophets are quite wealthy."

It seems that he is helping Xia De to obtain other bargaining chips, but in fact it is a tacit agreement that Xia De has agreed to the transaction. This is not only a push for Sha De, but also a step for Sha De, so that Sha De can say that he did not actively agree to it.

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