Whispering Verse

Chapter 995 Poetry and Pre-Test Anxiety

Shade lowered his head to read the text that Iluna had transcribed:

“One, the angelic relic [Fountain of Youth], controlled by the Witch Council, has been lost;

Second, the liquefied sage-level relic [Philosopher's Stone], a few organizations such as the Church of Creation and Destruction, the Church of the Sun and the Earth, Zarath School of Conjuration, and St. Byrons Comprehensive College, retain precious samples and cannot be loaned out;

Third, moonlight water, the purest liquid condensed by moonlight;

Fourth, the water pool in the World Tree can be traded with the elves in the fifth age, but the water pool in the sixth age has dried up;

5. Event-type relics - rainwater of the unknown level [Holy Rain]. The occurrence of this event has a probability of leading to the end of civilization, and is suspected to be related to the end of the Third Age. "

Shade paused:

"What relic is this?"

Iluna added:

"The incident manifested itself as golden rain falling from the sky. This liquid is extremely lethal to any evil force. Any creature that comes into contact with this water will turn into a cannibal with wings on its back within two to three hours. Monsters, this kind of creature cannot be destroyed. After being killed, even if the body is burned to ashes, it will be resurrected within 24 hours. There is no way to reverse this effect."

Shade glanced at this text with some uneasiness. Every unknowable relic is directly related to God. Although "holy" can expel evil, "too holy" is obviously wrong.

"Six, Pool No. 13. Huh? Why doesn't this have any description?"

Shade asked suspiciously, and Iluna shook her head regretfully:

"Although I have high authority, I can't see any information. I wrote to ask the teacher I followed when I was in the Holy See, and she told me that 'Pool No. 13' is the same as the relic [Itch]. I know it. Specific information will be haunted by a curse or something more terrifying than a curse. I only have five rings now, and the Holy See does not open this kind of information to me... But Mr. Hog Rendell, the Sunshine Sword, told me that the first Pool No. 13 is related to the devil's deal, so let me not be interested in it."

"Devil, you really need to be careful."

Shade nodded:


He just read out the numbers and saw behind them a row of sentences smeared with pen ink. Those letters were covered with standard rectangles of equal height and black ink. Even if Shade tried to draw them, he would not be able to draw such a standard rectangle.

"What does it mean?"

"Restrict the content to only those who are allowed to read the information. When I want to speak, write, or spread the information in other ways, the information will be automatically hidden. The seventh kind of sacrifice involves some secrets of the church , I don’t have the authority to say it.”

Iluna said, adding with some regret:

"I know the content, so I'm pretty sure that even if we tell you, we won't be able to find it."

"So that leaves the last two."

Shade continued to read very worriedly:

"The eighth type is the morning lake water soaked in the Secret Keeper-level relic [Water Cube]."

"This relic can produce an infinite source of clean water. As long as you do not drink large amounts of water continuously, the water produced will not even cause much harm to the human body. The negative characteristic is that although the relic effect can be turned on at any time, to stop the relic effect, you need to at least Sacrificing 1,000 human beings. Yes, 'at least', you know what that means."

Iluna continued to inform Shade about the characteristics of these strange relics.

"Where is this relic now?"

Shade asked again:

"I don't need it to generate water, just soak it."

"The crater of Fatis Volcano between the New World and the Old World is used to suppress the ancient evil beings sealed in the crater..."

She hesitated for a moment and did not tell the evil thing's true name:

"Even if we can think of other ways to seal the sealed evil things in other ways, it will still take several weeks to travel between the archipelago and the old continent."

Iluna knew that Shade wanted to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

"The ninth type, the water of the mysterious lake."

This sentence has been written at the bottom of the notebook page. Shade continued to turn the pages and found that there was a small poem at the back. The written text was the text at the end of the Fifth Era that Shade had learned.

"'Mysterious Lake' is not a name, but the original members of the Old God Cult did not inform the church of the true name of the lake. It is reported that it is a lake hidden in an unknown space. Once certain conditions are met, it is considered a lake. Ordinary people can also enter directly from the material world. The following poem is a description of the lake. My ancient Chinese is not very good, I hope I have copied it correctly."

The seventeen-year-old girl said embarrassedly. Shade shook his head and read out the poem:

"The lake in the woods,

island in the lake,

The water in the island.

Open the way with wisdom,

With courage as evidence,

Led by talent,

The wise man in white robe,

Waiting for the soul to arrive. "

After Shade finished reading, he looked at the words in the notebook hesitantly, and Iluna asked cautiously:

"Why, are there any clues to this description? If there are no clues, I'm afraid we need to check more information. Compared to the first eight, at least the ninth type of sacrifice seems to be possible to find."

"Is this the original text?"

Shade asked, and Iluna nodded:

"Yes, that's what the parchment photos I saw said, but those photos can't be borrowed either."

"Look, what's the pronunciation of the first letters of this short poem?"

Shade handed the notebook to Iluna. Under the gaze of Shade and Cat, the girl who was not good at ancient Chinese blushed and spent a lot of effort before reading out:

"Record book?"

"This is the second age pronunciation of the word, cherubim."

If Priest August hadn't read out the name of "cherubim", Shade wouldn't have been able to tell what the pronunciation of these letters pointed to. If Iluna's pronunciation is like little Mia trying to imitate a dog barking, then Shad is Huntington's white mouse speaking in a human way.

"Lake of the Cherubim?"

Iluna also knew what Shade was looking for some time ago, and she gave Shade many clues at that time.

"Yes, the lake in the center of the lake of Cherubim. I happen to have it, just in the basement, but...is it too much of a coincidence?"

He couldn't believe it and handed the notebook back to Iluna. This time it was Iluna who comforted Shade:

"Luvia told me that there are no coincidences in this world, only the inevitability of countless inevitabilities. Did someone instigate you to visit the Lake of Cherubim?"

"of course not."

Shade immediately shook his head, and the seventeen-year-old brown-haired girl smiled and said:

"When the chosen one appears, it seems that everything around him will become related to him. Cherubim, the test of the wise, wisdom, maybe this is not a coincidence caused by you, but an inevitable result caused by the fourth chosen one."

Shade understood what Iluna meant. He looked at the latter in surprise. Iluna looked away embarrassedly:

"Are you surprised that I would say such a thing? Shade, although I don't understand fate as well as Luvia, but I am also the chosen one after all... Luvia is not the only one who can give you guidance. "

You could tell it made her happy to say that.

The seventeen-year-old girl pointed to her head:

"Wisdom, I also have it."

"You're right, there's no point in thinking about these things."

Shade smiled and nodded:

"With this, the second test of the Time Key is over... Iluna, how can I thank you?"

Iluna was about to say that there was no need to thank her, but suddenly she caught sight of the clock in the corner of the room, so she hesitated and changed her words:

"Since it's almost noon, how about you treat me to lunch? Even if it's snowing, you don't have to go too far. I remember there is a good restaurant at the corner of the street. We can go for a walk together. The weather is not good today. ..."

Just when I was about to say yes, my peripheral vision caught the heavy snow outside:

"This is the biggest snow I have seen since I came to Tobesk. My hometown is in the interior of the Kingdom further south, and it rarely snows in winter."

After finishing speaking, he pursed his lips and looked at Shade with his smart eyes. At this time, Mia probably understood the word "lunch", stood up and called to Shade, and then was hugged by Iluna.

Shade couldn't refuse Iluna and Orange Cat's offer.

The heavy snowfall, which started on Thursday afternoon, lasted until Saturday afternoon when Shade went to Dr. Schneider's clinic to completely stop. Although the falling snow is beautiful in the poet's writing, it will actually cause big problems to the city.

Tobesk has officially entered the cold winter season, and this snow-covered appearance will last until March of 1854. It will become harder and harder to find jobs in the city, and for the poor living at the bottom of the city, it will be another difficult time.

Shade never went out on such a snowy day. He stayed at home after having lunch with Iluna at noon on Friday. Except for Saturday morning, when Lesia sent her maid to come with condolences to apologize for his coma caused by gas poisoning in the Prophet's Association, no one visited No. 6 Saint Teresa Square during this period.

As for the Saturday afternoon study session, nothing interesting happened. People in the group didn't talk about what happened Wednesday night, they just acted like nothing happened.

Dr. Schneider emphasized again that today is the thirtieth day of the Frost Moon, which is also the end of the penultimate month of the year:

"I haven't received the specific timetable for this year's exam week, but it will be either the last week of this year or a day during the year-end holiday. This year is very important for our group, although we have agreed not to set off in these years. Go to St. Byrons, but the promotion exam is still important, which will determine the status of our group in the region and the strength of the college's training for us. Gentlemen and ladies, please pay attention!"

The doctor looked more agitated than anyone else, but the rest of the group was used to it.

"He does this every winter."

Except for the doctor, Dorothy, the senior one, whispered to Shade:

"Once Priest August gives the doctor a sedative potion, there will be no problem. Doctor Schneider is obviously a psychiatrist, but he is always so anxious when facing exams."

This phenomenon is called "pre-test anxiety" in psychology of this era, and it is a problem that serial sorcerers cannot avoid.


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