White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1167: Resurrecting the soul through the corpse, possessing the soul of the dead person

These tomb robbers were focused on the tunnel inside the coffin and did not pay much attention to the sudden drop in temperature around them.

For these tomb robbers, they are not afraid of encountering a large tomb, but they are afraid that the tomb is not big enough. The bigger the tomb, the more mysterious it is, which means that risks and benefits coexist.

The lifelong dream of a tomb robber is to rob a large tomb and become famous in the circle.

Tomb robbers are also human beings, and they also covet fame and fortune.

Therefore, these tomb robbers did not hesitate and unanimously decided to go down to the tunnel to see what was going on inside.

"Do you still remember the faceless human figurines we dug outside? In order to prevent the existence of poisonous insects at the bottom of the pit, we will prepare some insecticide and sprinkle it. The coffin has been sealed, and the tunnel must be rotten to the sky. No one has ever entered the tunnel, and the Yin Qi down there is so cold that I don’t know how many poisonous insects have been nourished over the years.” Before going down into the tunnel, the deputy leader suggested killing the poisonous insects first.

Fortunately, some of the insecticide prepared before was still left, in order to prevent the ancient tombs from becoming insect nests. This has been encountered in the past few tomb robberies.

The effects of these insecticides were very strong. The only drawback was that the smell was too pungent. It took a while before the smell in the tunnel was dispersed by the wind.

Next, Xu San took the lead and went down into the tunnel, followed by the deputy leader, followed by the two geotechnical masters and apprentices, and finally the logisticians also followed. If there is really any valuable treasure down there, more people will have to move it. Come up.

"In order to prevent some poisonous gas from underneath, everyone soaked the cloth covering their mouth and nose with water from the kettle,"

Of course, Jin An also followed him down into the tunnel.

The tunnel was deep and not tortuous. Everyone grabbed the rope and descended vertically. With the help of the torch light, everyone saw many poisonous insect corpses hanging on the cave wall. They were all the poisonous centipedes from the faceless figurines, but the drama here was The poisonous centipede is bigger than the ones in the faceless figurines, and looks even more chilling and terrifying.

"The deputy leader still had the foresight. He knew that the heavy Yin energy in this tunnel would definitely breed a large number of poisonous insects, so he put in insecticides in advance. Otherwise, if we went down directly like this, I am afraid that except for the third brother who is more capable and could be spared, all of us would have to answer. It's down here." Looking at those poisonous centipedes as thick as fingers, someone said with lingering fear.

However, this man's flattery hit the horse's leg. Xu San, who was responsible for exploring the road at the bottom, scolded in a low voice: "The tunnel is narrow and there is an echo. Please be quiet and stop talking!"

This was because he was worried that he would attract something dangerous waiting below, and Xu San would be the first to be hit. No wonder he had to scold him.

Everyone kept their mouths shut and descended in silence for a while. After a while, they finally landed on solid ground.

There were more insect corpses at the bottom of the pit, and almost every foot stepped on them and they would feel like they were exploding. Xu San, the deputy commander, and the earthworker were all okay. These were all experienced people, and they were somewhat famous in the tomb robbing circle. , not surprised at seeing these insect corpses, the one holding a torch walked at the front.

Those logistics personnel are only peripheral personnel, usually responsible for collecting water, or occasionally going to the tomb to help carry funerary objects. How can they have the opportunity to follow the tomb robbers, which is an eye-opening opportunity, so these logistics personnel step on the corpses of blasting insects and walk away. Reserved and very slow and careful.

Sometimes fortune comes in the opposite direction, or it can be said to be bad luck. Someone is walking slowly, and an insect corpse happens to fall from the top of the hole above his head onto his hair.

He noticed something was wrong with his hair and subconsciously patted it with his hand and then scratched it.

After doing this, he realized that this was an ancient tomb, and there were no mosquitoes or flies perching on his head. He held his palm up to look at it, and saw that the palm was black, with veins clearly visible, and there was still a piece of blood stuck in the palm. Beaten insect corpses.

He suddenly looked horrified.

No one can forget how the second geotechnical apprentice died.

The poison on the palm spread quickly, and soon spread to the arms and then the whole body. From the onset of poison to death, it only took a few breaths, and he fell down before he could even make a frightened cry for help.


Hearing a strange noise behind him, the person walking in front turned around and saw that someone was dead.

The team immediately caused a small commotion, and everyone stayed away.

"We must have been bitten by those poisonous insects. There must be still poisonous insects left. We will definitely die here too!"

"Shut up and keep quiet." The deputy commander glared at the support staff, saying that if their noise attracts anything dirty, don't blame them for abandoning them. They will only yell incompetently and disrupt the morale of the team. people.

Under the usual sternness and intimidation of the deputy leader, these logisticians finally became quieter.

Xu San squatted in front of the corpse, held it with a handkerchief and checked it back and forth, and then said: "Liu Guang did not die from the bite of a poisonous centipede. The real reason was that he smashed a poisonous insect that fell from his head with his palm. ."

It was okay for Xu San not to explain this, but once he explained it, everyone became suspicious, always feeling unsafe above their heads, panic, and low morale, sweeping through the entire team.

At this time, people were really panicked, and everyone began to pay attention to the top of their heads to prevent other poisonous insects from accidentally falling on them.

They had already experienced the poisonous insect's poisonous nature twice. This time, they did not dare to overestimate it. Some people even used long robes to block their heads. This way, the protective surface would be larger and more effective in preventing fish from slipping through the net. Falling on people.

Xu San stood up and said, "Everyone, hurry up and follow us later. Stop walking slowly. The slower you walk, the greater the chance of poisonous insects falling on you."

"What should I do with Liu Guang's body? Is it just dumped here?" A logistics staff member said sadly.

"We will take him away with us when we return." The deputy leader stabilized the team's morale.

So next, under the leadership of Xu San and the deputy leader, everyone deliberately accelerated their pace and wanted to get out of this wormhole corridor as soon as possible.

Only Jin An, invisible to the naked eye, floated beside Liu Guang's body and did not leave. He pondered for a short time before making an unexpected decision.

The ghost lay on Liu Guang's body and possessed the dead person.

The next moment, Liu Guang stood up from the corpse. Someone who saw this scene would definitely scream in horror and scream!



Liu Guang twisted his neck, limbs and joints to get familiar with his new body for a while. Jin An possessed Liu Guang and followed the tomb robbers from a distance.

The clear air rises and the turbid air sinks. There are too many dead people buried in Daheishan. The burial soil and burial air accumulated over time have caused some discomfort to the soul. The deeper you go, the more discomfort you feel. So he thought Borrowing corpses to resurrect souls, it is convenient to continue deep under the burial soil.

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