White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1259 Elder Luo Tian, ​​you can recognize it at a glance even if you turn into a shoe print

The Immortal Chess game, in which black stones capture white stones, is like a martial arts performance between heaven and earth. The game is full of solemn killings. It includes shooting, guarding, and counting. The content is complex and exquisite, and one chess game contains thousands of changes.

As soon as he saw the fairy chess game, Jin An was obsessed with it, imagining that he was the white piece and was in a desperate situation, how to struggle to survive.

This fairy chess game seemed to have a kind of magic power. He was instantly involved in it, and he was the one who died if he made a wrong move.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his heart, which brought him back to reality from the fairy chess game, and his eyes regained clarity.

Jin An covered his heart with his hands and looked at the Immortal Chess Game in front of him in surprise. The world is so big and full of wonders. No wonder it is called the Immortal Chess Game. Unexpectedly, even he, a martial arts immortal, almost fell into it.

Then he looked at Shan Bo in surprise, who was not affected by the immortal chess game. After thinking about it for a while, he probably guessed the reason. It should be that Shan Bo was unconscious and did not have many worldly thoughts. He was thinking about how to solve the chess game and only had hatred in his eyes. So it is not affected by the Immortal Chess Game.

Thinking of this, when Jin An watched the Immortal Chess game again, he was no longer affected.

A unique change of mind arises spontaneously: "Looking at mountains is not mountains, water is not water, looking at mountains is still mountains, water is still water".

Jin An temporarily looked away from the Immortal Chess Game and began to look at the surrounding environment. There were two stone benches beside the Immortal Chess Game. The stone benches were covered with dust, and a large amount of dust could be blown away with a touch of his palm. Not only did the stone bench look like no one had sat on it for a long time, but even the chessboard looked like it hadn't been moved for a long time. The chessboard was also covered with a lot of dust.

However, Jin An then discovered a pair of shoe prints beside the immortal chess game.

The chessboard and the stone bench were covered with thick dust, but a pair of shoe prints were left next to the chessboard. The shoe prints were very new, which was in sharp contrast to the chessboard and the stone bench.

Jin An smiled: "Since Elder Luo Tian came here one step ahead, there is no need to hide anymore."

The Feng Shui Lingzhu opened the chaotic space, and the figure of Elder Luo Tian came out of it.

"It turns out to be Marquis Shenwu. I thought his whereabouts were exposed and attracted the people from Bulao Mountain."

"How did you know, Lord Shenwu, that I was here?" Luo Tian looked straight at Jin An, as if to see how Jin An would tell lies next.

Jin An laughed loudly: "What's so difficult about this? Elder Luo Tian, ​​I can recognize you at a glance even if you turn into a shoe print."

Luo Tian's face was dark. What kind of adjectives were these? He actually compared him, the elder of the Tianshi Mansion, to the sole of a shoe that was stepped on by thousands of people. It was simply arrogant and arrogant.

"Marquis Shenwu is really joking. You can identify a person just by his shoe prints." Luo Tian stared at Jin An in disbelief, trying to see signs of lying in Jin An's eyes.

Jin An laughed again: "Elder Luo Tian is not a woman with small feet. There is only one pair of shoe prints here, not a group of people. Who else can stay if not Elder Luo Tian?"


He was actually being mocked as a woman with small feet. This was a deliberate attempt to mock him as a sissy. Luo Tian was so angry that he could only wave his sleeves and said, "Marquis Shenwu is so eloquent that I can learn from you again."

Jin An: "Haha, it's easy to talk. Elder Luo Tian doesn't need to belittle himself. Elder Luo Tian found the Immortal Chess Game before me. It seems that Elder Luo Tian or Tianshi Mansion is very familiar with Little Divine Dragon Mountain?"

Luo Tian: "It's just that I had a little better luck than Shenwuhou. I didn't practice my skills on my words, so I took less detours. Shenwuhou was not bad either. As soon as he arrived at Little Shenlong Mountain, he found another rare treasure for the Five Zang Taoist Temple. A big exotic pet.”

Elder Luo Tian had long noticed the huge black shadow hidden behind the mist.

The two foxes, one big and one small, were testing each other's details at this time.

Jin An frowned: "This is Shan Bo. Shan Bo gave a friendly greeting to Elder Luo Tian."

Shan Bo lowered his head and looked at the humans at his feet. Is this the Luo Tian that Taoist Jin An loves and hates?


Shan Bo lowered his head and roared like thunder at Luo Tian, ​​his bloody mouth spewed out stinky saliva. Luo Tian's expression changed, and he used Feng Shui spirit beads to resist the saliva sprayed all over the sky.

Jin An was amused. It seemed that Shan Bo was becoming more and more humane. He didn't expect to be so disrespectful to him. Even he felt that this greeting was too warm.

"Elder Luo Tian came into contact with Shan Bo for the first time. He may still be a little unaccustomed to Shan Bo's enthusiasm. He will gradually get used to it." Jin An said cheerfully.

Luo Tian snorted coldly but did not dare to get angry. He took a deep look at the huge black shadow behind the mist: "Why does Marquis Shenwu call Shan Bo?"

Jin An: "If Elder Luo Tian can get here, he must have met many people like Shan Bo on the way. Does Elder Luo Tian know that these people are the result of mutations from the living dead?"

Next, Jin An briefly talked about what he saw on the road and Shan Bo's life experience.

Luo Tian frowned and his face darkened: "I didn't expect there to be such a deep relationship between the two. Bulaoshan is indeed guilty of many evil deeds, which is not allowed by nature."

Luo Tian was filled with indignation as he spoke, and turned to ask Jin An about another matter: "Speaking of the living dead, did Marquis Shenwu come across the Earth Temple built on Little Shenlong Mountain and full of incense on the way?"

Jin An blinked: "Temple of Earth? What Temple of Earth?"

Luo Tian explained the relationship he discovered between the Earth Temple and the living dead. After explaining, he looked at Jin An suspiciously: "Marquis Shenwu really didn't see the Earth Temple when he came?"

Jin An shook his head confidently: "Absolutely not."

"If it's not, then it's not. Why add "absolutely not"." Luo Tianduo glanced at Jin An.

"Since Marquis Shenwu met the living dead when he came, how could he not encounter the Earth Temple?"

Jin An raised his head and asked the giant shadow behind him: "Shan Bo, have you seen the Earth Temple?"

The giant shadow was hidden behind the thick night fog and remained motionless. Only the shadow could be seen twisting as the clouds and mist rolled around. It was impossible to see whether Shan Bo nodded or shook his head.

Jin An turned to look at Luo Tian again, and said with his usual expression: "Even Uncle Shan said he didn't see it. It seems that after we got separated in the basin, we took a different path."

Seeing Luo Tian frowning, as if he was thinking, Jin An interrupted his thinking: "Elder Luo Tian, ​​tell us about the situation of the Earth Temple. How can there be a Earth Temple in the realm of Bulao Mountain... Could it be that Elder Luo Tian is doubting that during the day we Is the ashes of the Zhengshen incense burner discovered related to this Earth Temple?"

The more Jin An talked, the more surprised he became, shouting how could this be possible with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Seeing Luo Tian nodding in confirmation, Jin An asked, "What happened next? Elder Luo Tian did justice for Tian?"

Luo Tianping replied calmly: "No."

"Finding the Immortal Chess Game is the first priority. Before finding the gate of the Immortal Mountain and attacking the Immortal Mountain, we can reduce the risk of unintended consequences and avoid exposure."

Jin An nodded in agreement: "Elder Luo Tian is right. This is not about being greedy for life and afraid of death."

Luo Tiantian's teeth were about to fall apart from the bite. This Shenwuhou kept saying venomous words, which was simply unreasonable and a child could not be taught.

Jin An seemed not to notice Luo Tian's unkind gaze, and walked to the Immortal Chess Game and asked Luo Tian, ​​"Since Elder Luo Tian arrived early, he must have been observing the Immortal Chess Game for a while. What does Elder Luo Tian think of the Immortal Chess Game?"

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