White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 13 Drowning Case

At this time, people were watching outside the medical center.

Looking at the woman who fell into the water and drowned.

Rumors of water ghosts seeking their lives have quietly spread among the people.

The commotion made some timid women so frightened that they were afraid to go to the river to wash clothes.

Jin An didn't pay attention to the chaotic sounds around him.

He frowned slightly and looked at the woman's wet body on the bamboo bed with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Just when Jin An saw something was wrong with the woman's body.

Just then.

When the two government officials were about to seal the coffin and rule the matter as an ordinary case of drowning, one of them saw Jin An in the crowd.

"Master Jin An."

The yamen servant with a simple sword on his waist cupped his fists and greeted Jin An politely.

Another government official who was traveling with him also saw Jin An at this time, and he also cupped his fists and said hello.

Jin An is now also a well-known person in Chang County.

Everyone has a profit-seeking tendency.

So when the two government officials met Jin An, they were willing to make a friendship.

The most important thing is that Jin An still has some friendship with the magistrate of Chang County and can talk to Magistrate Zhang. As a member of the yamen, everyone wants to embrace Jin An's thick thigh.

In any case, there is no harm in not being against others.

"I noticed Mr. Jin An was frowning just now, but do you have anything to say?" One of the government servants, who was good at wiping his eyes to see what was going on, suddenly spoke cautiously to Jin An.

Jin An hesitated for a moment: "Two officers, I do have some suspicions, but I am still a little unsure about this matter. Can you please let me go forward and carefully inspect the female body, and I can inform the two officers?"

The two government officials were just talking politely, but when they heard that Jin An really noticed something was wrong with the female corpse, and then remembered that Jin An had just solved a private gunpowder case not long ago, the two did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly invited Jin An forward. .

And when Jin An stood out from the crowd, he noticed a small detail. The husband's family of the woman who fell into the water and drowned had a slightly strange look on their faces.

Jin An didn't point it out and continued to step forward.

Then he squatted down next to the woman's body on the bamboo bed and carefully inspected the body surface of the woman's body.

From time to time, he also touched the female body.

"You're a prodigal, you're a thief! Go, go, go!"

The woman's husband suddenly got up with splitting eyes and anger, and pushed Jin'an away who was doing the autopsy.

"You're not investigating a case. You're clearly molesting my deceased wife's body before she died! You've all seen it, these two official masters. You're not investigating a case. You're clearly molesting my deceased wife! How are you investigating a case? He touched my hands, took off my deceased wife's embroidered shoes, and even put his hand into my deceased wife's clothes and touched her. But when he felt it wasn't enough, he started touching my deceased wife's face again!"

"Everyone has seen it. This person is obviously pretending to investigate the case, but in fact he is molesting the body of my dead wife under the guise of public benefit! The dead man is the most important. If you desecrate my dead wife like this, I will fight with you today!"

During the pushing and shoving, the woman's father-in-law and mother-in-law were also trying to tear and beat Jin An with their sharp teeth.


Fortunately, the three of them were pulled away by the two government officials in time.

"Whoever dares to cause trouble again will be detained in the Yamen with a stick of thirty pieces!" The older, more mature, and more stable Yamen servant shouted loudly.

The majesty of the official family cannot be violated!

It's just that although the two government officials saved Jin'an, they couldn't prevent everyone from talking about it.

The surrounding people all saw the scene. Jin An had indeed touched and stripped off the female body, and they began to get angry.

When the three members of the woman's husband's family saw that the surrounding villagers sympathized with them, they began to roll around on the ground, crying and shouting that they were wronged and would not die in peace.

Seeing the people around them getting angry and the situation getting out of control, the two government officials looked embarrassed and advised Jin An to leave first. If there is really something hidden in this case, wait until they get to the government office...

The two government officials also wanted to do good for Jin An.

For his safety.

How should I deal with people in the world who bully me, slander me, insult me, laugh at me, belittle me, and despise me?

Jinan: hetui! Of course, fuck him!

There is no overnight feud!

Jin An looked at the farce in front of him, and once again realized the malicious intent of Zhongkou Shuojin.

People in this world are terrible.

Because everyone cherishes his reputation.

That’s why there are so many “rare and confusing cases” in this world!

Jin An ignored the three ugly faces rolling around on the ground and asked the two officials beside him: "Two officers, may I ask what are the characteristics of a person after he drowns?"

"That's not hard to answer."

One of the officials replied.

"First, because I swallowed a lot of water, my abdomen would be bloated like a ball."

"Second, the lips are blue."

"Third, the whole body was white and swollen from the soak."

"Fourth, there will be a lot of water spillage in the eyes, ears, mouth and nose."

"Fifth, because the skin will get goosebumps when stimulated by cold water."

"Sixth, the hair stands on end."

If there was a police academy in this world, then this officer's theoretical knowledge test score would be perfect.

It seems that Kang Dingguo already has a complete set of crash courses for the theoretical knowledge training of the government officials, which can enable the government officials to quickly start solving cases.

However, a crash course in theoretical knowledge can only solve small cases quickly and become an ordinary small-time police officer.

Because the ancients lacked systematic teaching concepts and were unable to study cases from all over the country due to inconvenient information, they had to rely on their own exploration and experience. Therefore, once the case was complicated, unjust, false, and wrongful convictions would easily occur due to lack of professional knowledge.

Speaking of the underdeveloped information of the ancients, Jin An had to thank so many detective novels and detective TV series that he had seen in his previous life!

Especially since I haven’t watched more than a thousand episodes of Bleach Conan in vain!

The various unimaginable criminal methods that challenge the limits of people's IQ, I guess even the ancients couldn't figure it out even if they racked their brains.

After all, the ancient people’s culture was not very popular, and the cost of studying was too high.

It's not like in the past life, where you were always committed a crime with high IQ. For example, the boyfriend of a female medical doctor cheated on her, and the boyfriend was stabbed more than a dozen times by the female doctor who was studying medicine. The knife avoided the vital points, and in the end he couldn't even be judged as a minor injury.

After the yamen officer answered Jin An's questions, he looked slightly proud, thinking that he would get a few words of praise from Jin An, and then help him put in a few nice words in front of the county magistrate, which would hopefully lead to a promotion in his official career in the future.

Jin An: "Indeed, whether the person drowned in the river or drowned in the well at home and then dumped the body in the river to pretend to have slipped and drowned, the above corpse characteristics will appear."

Wha, what?


Jin An's words suddenly silenced the noise around him.

"I'll add a few more points to the police officer. If I'm wrong, I hope the two police officers can give me some advice. After all, the professional work of solving crimes and apprehending people still relies on professionals like the police officer."

Jin An's words are neither humble nor arrogant, advance and retreat in a measured manner, and fully give others face.

You give others face.

Only others will give you face.

Face is given to each other, and everyone likes to eat rainbow farts.

Jin An walked to the corpse of the woman on the bamboo bed and continued: "I was standing in the crowd before and noticed a detail. Although this woman did die of falling into the water and drowning, she had abdominal distension, white skin, and water stains flowing out of her seven orifices. There are a few minor doubts.”

"The river water is filled with gravel and silt. People will struggle desperately after falling into the water, so their clothes, mouth and nose will be stained with sand. But have you noticed that this woman died...too cleanly?"

"Not only are my clothes not stained by the mud in the river, but my mouth and nose are also clean."

"These are all conjectures I made when I saw them from a distance in the crowd, and I don't dare to confirm them 100%, so I just got closer and examined the autopsy carefully to verify my conjectures..."

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