White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1328 The ancient country is lost, and the power of martial arts, immortals, and immortals is

Back in the day, people from the Criminal Investigation Department investigated the case, and there was no ambiguity at all. Someone discovered another detail under the tree.

"Have you noticed that there are no footprints here?"

Everyone lowered their heads and looked around, but there really were no footprints. Now is the time when the snow melts and the muddy ground is most likely to leave footprints.

"I heard that more than ten years ago, evil occurred in a quarry not far from here. It was so violent that even Dali Temple was alarmed."

Someone immediately retorted: "The quarry is a quarry, and the quarry village is a quarry village. These two places are not in the same place, how can they be related. I have also heard about the quarry case you mentioned. It was snowed at that time." Mountain, it’s just that all the people in the quarry disappeared mysteriously, and the quarry has always been peaceful."


"Who is there!"

Lao Zhang suddenly shouted at the mill vigilantly.

In the dark night, the torch in my hand was so erratic that I could vaguely see two black figures grinding the mill in the mill. For a moment, I couldn't tell whether they were the grinders or the donkeys.

There were no new clues under the tree for the time being, so Jin An came to the mill.

The appearance of this mill is dilapidated, just like those washboards under the trees, giving off a sense of desolation after being abandoned. The mill is leaking from all sides. Previously, no abnormalities in the mill were noticed due to the angle. The mill can only be seen by standing under the trees. The scene inside.

When we arrived at the entrance of the mill and stood downwind, we could smell the pungent smell of decay. I couldn't tell for a moment whether it was the smell of decaying food or the smell of decaying corpses.

Lao Zhang stood at the door and shouted at the black shadow inside again. The big stone in the mill was still turning, and the two black shadows were still grinding.


Jin An kicked open the rotten wooden door and walked into the mill with his right hand pressing the handle of the knife. The other brothers from the Criminal Investigation Department followed and saw clearly the true identities of the two black figures.

The stone mill is still turning, and a few pieces of clothes are hanging on the wooden handle extending from the stone mill. It is not a grinding wheel pulled by a person or a donkey.

Jin An seemed to have expected that there would be no people or animals in this mill. His eyes did not stop at the wooden handle of the stone mill, but went straight to the stone mill. The smell of corruption was emanating from the stone mill.

"What, it shocked us, it turned out to be just a few pieces of laundry hanging to dry."

"Lao Zhang was so startled that everyone was in a false alarm."

The people from the Criminal Investigation Department put down their long knives and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The quarry case more than ten years ago happened in winter, with snow and rain at times. Such weather was not suitable for drying clothes outside. This mill does not need to grind grain in winter, but it has become a good place to dry clothes."

With everyone's words, we quickly analyzed the reason.

"But wherever the rotten smell comes from, the house smells pungent and rotten. The smell has not dissipated even after it has been abandoned for so long."

Brother Criminal Inspector covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves.

"Master Commander, you have been standing in front of the stone mill since you entered the mill. Are there any new clues here?" Several people came over to take a look, and at first sight they saw a thick layer of black mud compacted under the stone mill. I carefully put down my sleeves and smelled it, and found that the rotten smell was coming from here.

Upon closer inspection, I found that there were some incompletely crushed white bones in the black mud.

Black mud!


Corruption stinks!

The expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

You can immediately guess the true origin of this black mud.

There was no need to wait for Jin An to give an order. Everyone consciously picked out the bone fragments in the rotten meat with the tip of their knives. As they picked out the bone fragments, everyone murmured about how the bones here were so small. The ribs and arm bones were bigger than those of a child. thin……

As the number of bone fragments picked out by the tip of the knife increased, an adult cat bone gradually took shape on the ground. At the same time, a small piece of unfinished cat skin lay flat on the ground. These bone fragments did not come from the same cat, but from the bones of several cats.

"Kill the cat?"

"What is the reason for killing cats in such a cruel way? Are all the cats in Zhuangzi thrown into a stone mill and crushed to death?"

Everyone took a breath and felt a chill running down their spines.

"Cats can go to the underworld. Maybe they have listened to some folk remedies, thinking that if they kill enough cats, they can see their dead husband." Jin An has experienced so many absurd things in the past year or so that he can guess it at a glance. Seven or eight.

"Killing so many cats with such a cruel method, if you don't get to see your deceased husband in the underworld in the end, it's understandable that the widows in the Widow's Manor will go crazy." The person from the Criminal Investigation Department had a complicated look on his face, and finally sighed.

They then continued to dig through the rotten and blackened meat with the tip of their knives, but this time they found nothing new.

In fact, the biggest clue is the meat paste under the stone grinder. It has not been rotten for so long, there are no maggots, and it keeps smelling. This is the biggest abnormality in itself.

The group walked out of the mill and continued to search for the missing person.

The missing group of people disappeared when they reached the stream. They did not enter Yizhuang, nor did they swim to the other side.

Everyone looked at Jin An and asked if they wanted to separate into two teams to search. One team would search in the bushes on the other side of the stream, and the other team would go into the village to search.

Jin An said there was no need to go to such trouble, and then he took out Luo Geng's jade plate artifact.

When it comes to excluding the soul from leaving the body to find someone, what is the fastest way to find someone, that is Luo Geng Jade Pan.

Everyone in the Criminal Investigation Department carries an exorcism talisman drawn by an old Taoist priest. Jin An asked Lao Zhang for a folded yellow talisman and placed it on Luo Geng's jade plate. The artifact immediately responded.

The direction points directly to Yizhuang.

Jin An's eyes were cold and he took the lead into Yizhuang.

There is an archway at the entrance of Yizhuang. The plaque of Caishizhuang on the archway is blocked by a wooden plaque with white characters on a black background that reads "Yizhuang". There are many white lanterns with the word "Dian" hanging on the archway. However, these white lanterns have long been Just in tatters.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered Yizhuang, the Luo Geng jade plate was spinning around in his hand.


Jin'an withdrew from Yizhuang, and Luo Geng's jade plate returned to normal.

Jin'an stopped and thought. He looked at Yizhuang. The Yizhuang was very desolate. The weeds were tall. Many houses were more or less collapsed. Several carts had broken wheels and were lying on the road. At first glance, it was like It has been abandoned for a long time, and there is no trace of human habitation at all.

After thinking for a moment, Jin An quickly came up with an idea.

"Who is the oldest among you?" Jin An suddenly asked everyone confused.

"Lao Zhang?"

This time everyone was surprisingly unanimous.

Lao Zhang: "?"

Jin An asked Lao Zhang to leave the team and walk into Yizhuang alone to see if anything unusual happened to him.

At the same time, he took off the exorcism talisman on Luo Geng's jade plate and replaced it with Lao Zhang's belongings, which he would use to locate Lao Zhang later.

Lao Zhang: "?"

He walked into Yizhuang alone after being ordered, stood alone in the cold wind, shivering, and shook his head at Jin An to indicate that nothing was wrong.

Jin An: "Old Zhang, stand under those dead trees, and then look towards Yizhuang to see if there is anything abnormal."

Lao Zhang: "?"

Lao Zhang stood under the dead tree and looked at Yizhuang, but he still shook his head. On the contrary, his lips turned purple from the cold, and the Yang fire in his body was gradually weakening.

Jin An: "Lao Zhang, go into the mill alone, and then look at Yizhuang to see if there is anything unusual. This time, you put out the torch and go into the mill."

Lao Zhang: "?"

Looking at the dark mill, Lao Zhang thought of the cats that died tragically under the stone mill and the rotten and stinky meat. Although he was a little discouraged, when he thought that the commander would not harm him, he gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and walked alone in the dark. Enter the mill.

This is a very strange experience. It's dark in front of you and you can't see anything. The only way you can perceive the environment is through the vague outlines of your hands. The smell of putrefaction constantly stimulates the nasal cavity and swirls in the lungs. The cold wind flows along the wall. The hole blew into the room and made a whining and screaming sound. It felt like the mill was full of people...



The strange noises of the decaying waterwheel, and the sound of the nearby stone mill repeatedly crushing meat and mud, are constantly challenging the limits of Lao Zhang's nerves...

Lao Zhang swallowed in the darkness, and touched with fearful hands in the darkness. Finally, he found the direction towards Yizhuang. He carefully stuck it behind the hole in the wall and took a sneak peek in the direction of Yizhuang.

"Master Commander, when I see Yizhuang from here, it's only pitch black, and I don't notice anything unusual." Lao Zhang's trembling voice came from inside the mill.

Jin An lowered his head and glanced at the Luo Geng jade plate in his hand. There was nothing unusual about the Luo Geng jade plate with Lao Geng's personal belongings on it. It pointed directly at the location of the mill where Lao Zhang was at this time.

Jin An frowned, thinking that shouldn't be the case. At this time, Lao Zhang's voice came from the mill, asking him if he could come out?

Jin An: "Old Zhang, try bending down and looking at Yizhuang from your crotch."


After a while, Lao Zhang gritted his teeth and made up his mind in the mill: "Okay! Today, I, Lao Zhang, will risk my life for my brothers!"

Jin'an always pays attention to Luo Geng's jade plate.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Time passed little by little, and Luo Geng's jade plate remained motionless, still pointing directly at the location of the mill...


Luo Geng's jade plate was spinning like crazy, and the previous scene in Yizhuang reappeared again. It was at this moment that a red light of Qi and blood burst out of Jin An's head. The sun was so hot that it could already affect the physical objects in the world, and there was snow under his feet. Instantly melted into snow water.

No one could see clearly when Jin An's figure rushed out or when he took action. There was only an explosion in the air where Jin An had rushed into the mill to fish out Lao Zhang.

At this time, Lao Zhang's face was very pale, not because of the cold weather, but because he was so scared that he was pale and bloodless.

However, under the strong blood of the martial arts immortal, the color on his face quickly recovered, his frightened soul was also soothed, and his frightened eyes quickly calmed down.

Jin'an is the three yang fires that rekindle Lao Zhang. If the yang fire is strong, the life spirit will be strong and ghosts and gods will not invade.

"Lao Zhang, what did you see just now?" Jin An waited until Lao Zhang calmed down before asking.

Lao Zhang took a deep breath: "Many, many people..."

"Sir, Commander, I know where the missing people are! They are in an ancient country, and the clothes of the people there are completely different from ours. The Wang Zan we are looking for has been circling around an old locust tree that can be hugged by several people. , the exorcism charms on their bodies will burn out soon!"

"Master Commander, you must save them!"

After listening to Lao Zhang's explanation, Jin An's eyes lit up. As he expected, there was an enchantment space here in Yizhuang that people with strong yang fire could not see. It's just that he only guessed half of it, but not the other half. Unexpectedly, the ancient country's vision of the quarry reappeared again.

Didn’t it mean that the Dali Temple has been disposed of and the quarry has been blown up and closed down?

Regarding the details, it seems that only when he returns to the capital can the people of Dali Temple give him the answer, but the top priority is to save people first.

Jin An: "Lao Zhang, do you still remember where they are?"

Lao Zhang has obtained the martial arts immortal masculine blood and temperature nourishment. At this time, his energy and energy are strong, and his complexion is better than that of other people present. If his energy and spirit are strong, his soul will be stable. If his soul is stable, his mind will be quick and he will be smarter than ordinary people. At this time, Lao Zhang felt that his condition was better than ever, and he nodded firmly and said: "Remember!"

With Lao Zhang leading the way, the group came to a house.

This house is the only large house in Yi Zhuang. It is particularly conspicuous. It should be the temporary residence of the owner of the quarry.

Today, this largest house has become a righteous village. The open space is filled with black wooden coffins, which are stacked on top of each other if they can’t fit any more.

Some coffins were stacked too high and collapsed, with the coffin lids falling open. It can be seen that these coffins are all cemeteries, with only clothes and spiritual tablets inside, but no bones.

Jin An thought of what the old housekeeper of the Imperial Prefecture said. Because they could not find the bones, the widows erected many tombs in the Caishizhuang and changed the Caishizhuang into a charity village. It seems that all the tombs are placed in the mansion of the owner of the quarry, and all the grievances are directed at the owner, and the owner is looking for people.

Passing through the pile of coffins, Jin An and the others saw many broken coffins, all of which were burial tombs.

Passing through the house door, the hanging flower door, the courtyard, and through the wooden windows that were broken by the strong wind, I saw that even the east and west wing rooms were filled with black wooden coffins.

After bypassing the main room, Lao Zhang took Jin An to an ant room. After confirming the position, he said: "Master Commander, they are probably wandering in this ant room. It's strange. In the ancient country, this is not an ant room, but an ant room." It is an old locust tree with a lush crown that cannot be hugged by several people."

One of the doors to the penthouse was missing, and I saw that the penthouse was also filled with tombs and coffins.

"This penthouse is small in area, but it is a place where wind and energy are collected. It is suitable for the elderly in the family to live." Jin An walked into the penthouse with a stern expression.

He looked around, perhaps because there had been no living activity for a long time, the yin energy in this wing was particularly strong, harboring evil winds and accumulating evil spirits.

Thinking of the old locust tree described by Lao Zhang, this wing room should have been used by the elderly in the family in the past.

Jin An is now a martial artist in the fairy queen realm, and his energy and blood are too strong. At this time, there is no magic weapon on his body that can suppress his three Yang Fires, allowing him to enter the ancient kingdom in a weak and dying state, so through Lao Zhang Find someone for him.

Since he couldn't enter the ancient country's barrier, he planned to rescue people by force.

Jin An hung the King of Qin bone mirror above the door frame, which could illuminate the auricle. The next moment, his energy and blood surged with red light, and the power of Yang thoughts dispersed the evil energy in the auricle, filling the small space where wind and energy were stored. The power of thought forcibly reverses the universe, reverses yin and yang, and reverses the Feng Shui pattern of this place.

The King of Qin's bone mirror was originally a magic weapon to suppress evil. At this moment, under the red light of his energy and blood, the scene in the mirror changed, and the auricle was revealed in its original form!

The ear room in Jin An's eyes disappeared, leaving only a huge old locust tree!

As expected, several missing people were found under the old locust tree. They kept spinning around the tree, and the exorcism charms they wore were about to burn out.


The martial arts immortal shouted loudly, which was like the sound of thunder on the ground. There was light in his body, and his strong Yang thoughts swept across the world. His ears shook violently and collapsed.

With just one sound, the penthouse of the brick wall structure collapsed.

As the ear room collapsed, King Qin's osteoscope shifted, and the scene in front of him changed. The old locust tree disappeared. When he returned to the ear room, he saw Jin An and the missing people standing on the ruins of the ear room.

Lao Zhang and the others were shocked when they saw the commander just yelling angrily and rescuing the missing people before taking action.

"Wang Zan!"

"I finally found you, I'm worried about you all!"

"What happened to you!"

Everyone gathered around, showing concern and nervousness.

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