White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1347: The Protector of the Nation Sect and the Five Zang Taoist Temple flourish in the Weste

"Who is this?"

Looking at Fatty Li, who showed concern and greetings to them as soon as he arrived, Ai Maimaiti and the others looked at Jin An.

Fatty Li rushed to introduce himself in a familiar manner: "Fat Master, my surname is Li. Isn't this Li? Li should be Li, whose full name is Li Que. You are the old friends of Taoist Priest Jin'an, and also my old friends, Fatty Li. Everyone can call me Fatty Li or Fatty."

The princes of the small princes of the Western Region, such as Ayimaimaiti, Benny, and Aheqi, were stunned by Fatty Li's enthusiasm.

"It turns out it's Mr. Li who is unreasonable, Esalaam." Several people put their right hands on their left chests and nodded to Fatty Li to express their friendship.

"Aisalam, Aisalam, when you meet outsiders, please call me Fatty Li or Fatty." Fatty Li also followed the same example of friendly salutes.

Then Fatty Li couldn't wait to see the phoenix of Guchi Kingdom. The owner of the phoenix, Aheqi, smiled and replied kindly: "The phoenix sleeps during the day and comes out at night."

Oh, Fatty Li nodded slightly disappointed.

Ayimaimaiti suddenly blinked mysteriously at Jin An: "Taoist Master Jin An, not only are we here this time, but there is also a person with a special status who followed us to the capital of the Han people."

"Who?" The first person to ask was Fatty Li.

Several people smiled mysteriously, and then collectively saluted behind them a beautiful woman wearing a white robe and a veil, who exuded the refreshing fragrance of flowers: "Princess Gulizar."

This Gulizar is the princess of Yueqiang Kingdom.

When leaving Yangguan in the west of Jin'an, the first country in the Western Region that we passed was the Yueqiang Kingdom. The old king of Yueqiang Kingdom, Ilham, also transformed into a sheep together with old Sadiq and young Sahab, and followed Jin'an into the desert to atone for his sins.

The princess of Yueqiang Kingdom took off her veil, revealing skin as delicate as mutton-fat white jade from the Western Regions.

She was tall and graceful, and her skin was so delicate that it didn't look like she had grown up in the desert. She didn't have the dark skin and rough weathered skin of other desert people.

Gulizal means the gorgeous flowers blooming in the desert.

Jin An cupped his fists and smiled warmly: "I have met Your Highness the Princess. Is the old king in good health?"

Princess Gulizal looked at Jin An quietly, and really saw Jin An standing in front of her. Like the imihua in the desert when she saw the sun, she burst into a gentle smile that was refreshing: "My father is in good health. He often I miss you, Taoist Master Jin An, and said that he misses the experience of following Taoist Jin An on an adventure in the desert to hunt for treasures. That experience was something he would never forget. Every time my father mentioned it, he seemed twenty years younger. I haven’t seen him for a long time. I have never been as happy as my father."

When he heard about the Yueqiang Kingdom, Fatty Li was still a little doubtful. When he heard Princess Gulizar mention that the old king went into the desert with Jin'an, Fatty Li was finally convinced, with a shocked expression on his face. Sure enough, it was the Sheep King. , I didn’t expect that the daughter of the Sheep King was so beautiful, and she was also a beautiful Sheep!

On the contrary, Ai Maimaiti and the others looked at Jin An and Princess Gulizal as if they were hearing riddles: "Has His Majesty the King followed Taoist Jin An into the desert? This happened when we met Jin An Taoist at Xiaoshi Village. Did it happen before or after the Laughing Corpse Manor?"

Haha, Jin An laughed it off.

On the other hand, the other officers in the Criminal Investigation Department all looked at Jin An with great admiration, thinking that our commander really has a wide range of friends. He has friends from all over the world. The people he knows are either high-level officials of the big Tubo families or people from all the countries in the Western Regions. Princes, princesses, old kings.

They suddenly had the illusion that this time the envoy came to visit their commander, it was true, and the mission was incidental.

"Ayimaimaiti, didn't you say you had a surprise for Taoist Jin'an?" Gulizar laughed softly.

The Ayimaimaiti people have not changed, and they still worship Jin An as they did in the desert. Several desert princes looked at Jin An with admiration: "Compared with the achievements of Taoist Jin An, our little surprise is just like in the Gobi Desert." There is no shame in mentioning a grain of sand in the wind."

Jin An looked at Gulizar curiously: "What's the surprise?"

Princess Gulizal smiled and said, "Taoist Master Jin'an, do you still remember the yellow talisman you used to separate them before leaving the desert?"


Jin An remembered this.

There was a shortage of water in the desert, so before he left, he gave Ai Maiti and each of them a water talisman from the Emperor Erlang.

Princess Gulizal laughed out loud: "The yellow talisman is very effective. They built many Wu Zang Taoist temples in the desert for you, Taoist Master Jin'an. Today, the Five Zang Taoist temples are very popular in several desert countries and have many believers."

As soon as these words came out, the way the Criminal Inspector looked at Jin An changed again.

Our commander is so stupid that we have driven the Taoist temples into the desert. And according to the opinions of the princes and princesses of several kingdoms, there are quite a lot of Taoist temples.

Jin An was startled, this was indeed a surprise, and he once again clasped his fists at Ayimaimaiti and the others one by one, expressing his solemn thanks.

"Taoist Jin'an saved us in the desert. We saw with our own eyes that Taoist Jin'an was a man of real ability. Taoist Jin'an saved us, but no matter what we did, we couldn't repay him... There is a saying among the Han people, What you ask for is what you pay for..." Aiyimaimaiti and the others were so anxious that they scratched their heads and thought of idioms.

Princess Gulizal is not only the most beautiful flower in the desert, but also the wisest flower. She is familiar with Han culture and helpfully said: "Repay kindness with gratitude."

"Yes, it's just repaying the favor!" The princes of Ayimaimaiti nodded heavily.

"Princess Gulizar just talked about us, you also talk about yourself."


Ayimaimaiti: "Taoist Master Jin'an is not being modest like us. When it comes to surprises, Princess Gulizal brings you the biggest surprise. The Wu Zang Taoist Temple is so popular in Yueqiang Kingdom that it has been regarded as the state religion, and the royal family takes the lead. , the whole country believes in the Five Zang Taoist Temple. Next time Taoist Jin An goes to Yueqiang Kingdom, he will know that the state religion we said is not an exaggeration. Yueqiang Kingdom now has the Five Zang Taoist Temple."

Benny nodded and answered: "Taoist Master Jin'an, don't worry. When our father gets old and we take the position of king, we will definitely regard the Five Zang Taoism as the state religion, so that all the people in the country will believe in your Five Zang Taoism. None of us believe it." , I will only believe you, Taoist Priest Jin An, who has seen it with his own eyes. My father has never seen Taoist Priest Jin An’s abilities with his own eyes. If they had seen it, they would definitely agree with my decision."

Several princes said at this time that they had discussed it on the road, and as soon as they became king, the whole country would believe in Wu Zang Taoism.

Everyone in the Criminal Investigation Department looked shocked again.

After listening to these words, these princes can't wait to succeed as kings and help their commanders promote the Taoist temple of the five internal organs.

Their command has enabled you to make many friends.

And he convinces people with virtue.

So many people are willing to believe and follow him.

Just like them, they truly convinced the commander.

"Taoist Priest Jin'an, where is the cow and sheep you led into the desert? From now on, the Five Zang Taoist Temple will be the guardian of the country, and the mount of Taoist Jin'an will be the guardian beast. In order to get the blessing of the guardian beast, he must let his people eat more Mutton." Several people patted their chests and turned their heads back and forth to look for the goat.

Jin An was both amused and moved when he heard this: "It is in the Five Zang Taoist Temple, not in the Criminal Investigation Department."

After listening to the cult of the God of Protecting the Country, Fatty Li sighed and sighed: "The Five Zang Taoist Temple is booming in the Western Regions."

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