White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1368: Only those who work together are scary, the evil god will destroy the evil god

Just as Jin An said, with the water talisman of Lord Erlang, it was much easier for him to find water sources in the mountains than to find an ancient tree.

The closer we get to the water source, the more lush the shrubs grow in the forest, making the mountain road more rugged and difficult to walk.

However, this rugged mountain road is like walking on flat ground in front of martial arts immortals.

The statue of the Thousand-Eyed Dao Lord has a keen sense of consciousness. When he got to the end, he even noticed that the moisture in the air was getting heavier without Jin An's reminder.

One of the most striking features brought about by the increased humidity in the mountains at low temperatures is that a layer of clouds and mist begins to drift in the mountains.

This is no ordinary cloud.

The Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Dispelling Talisman reacted at this time. These were poisonous miasma in the mountains.

Wherever the Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Expelling Talisman passed, a large number of insects surged out from the ground beneath his feet. These insects were completely black and looked like highly poisonous things.

The statue of the Thousand-Eyed Dao Lord raised his hand and grabbed a ball of air from the void. The Thousand-Eyed Eyes shined divine light on the palm of his hand, and a cluster of flesh maggots and poisonous insects immediately appeared in the empty palm.


The Thousand-Eyed Dao Lord statue shook his hand casually, and all these poisonous insects fell to the ground, burrowed under fallen leaves, grass piles, and underground, and disappeared quickly.

"It is wrong for people to walk here and even take a breath of air. The poisonous miasma here is filled with a large number of invisible insects. Taking a breath of air here is equivalent to inhaling a mouth full of nose and lungs filled with insects. It will end your life." Thousand Eyes The statue of Daojun reminded Jin An to pay attention to safety with a solemn expression.

Jin An nodded.

Fortunately, he has the Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Expelling Talisman, so these poisonous diseases and insects cannot pose a threat to him.

The Six Hundred Thousand Yin De magic weapon-level Five Blessing Emperor Plague Exorcism Talisman is here, it is just overkill, and the plague and evil can't get close to him.

After walking for a while, a strange smell of decay began to fill the air. The Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue once again photographed a ball of air from the sky. With a thousand eyes, the number of insects in its palm increased several times than before.

Jin An noticed this scene. One person and one evil god didn't need to say anything, and he was already on alert.


The statue of the Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord suddenly let out a light sigh.

"Martial Arts Corpse Immortal, there is a situation."

Jin An stopped and looked sideways.

I saw the Thousand-Eyed Daojun statue raise its hand, and from an inconspicuous corner, a black stone appeared from a distance. After wiping off the dust, I saw that it was the small statues I had seen before.

Jin An was slightly surprised and said: "This time, Lord Thousand-Eyed Daoist, you discovered it in time. Even I didn't notice that there was this little statue here. No wonder it has been said since ancient times that the most terrifying thing in the world is the peer."

The main focus of peers is to undermine each other.

Big fish rolls small fish.

In the end only the big fish remained.

It's just like the evil gods are also involved in fighting for incense.

Jin An swept his sleeves and used his inner energy to cut through the bushes and clear the obstacles, revealing the direction in which the small statue of the god flew out. As expected, there was a small earth temple covered with dust and as big as a shrine. There was still a little bit left in front of the small earth temple. There were traces of incense and candles left long ago. The small earth temple was empty. The small statue enshrined in it had already been handed over to the statue of Thousand-Eyed Taoist Lord.

"Martial Arts Corpse Immortal, you see, this little statue is different from the ones we saw before. The joints of the arms and legs, and the direction of the head are all reversed."

As soon as he finished speaking, the small statue flew into Jin An's hands.

Jin An lowered his head and saw that the shape of the small statue was indeed reversed, with the face and soles facing the back.

"The realm of life and death, the reflection of life and death. Through previous conjectures and reasoning, every small reverse statue here corresponds to the small statues outside, with the intention of preventing the infected people from leaving here. No matter how far the infected people go, they will return to the original point. ." Jin An lowered his head and muttered.

The hands, feet, and head are all backwards, which just corresponds to the meaning of returning the same way.

In order to further verify his conjecture, Jin An used his hands hard to crush the small stone statue as easily as a tofu. As expected, a red cloth bag fell out. In the red cloth bag, there were also nails, hair, and birthday cards. strip.

"It seems we are not far from the truth and the plague-repelling tree."

Jin An threw away the gravel and continued to dig deeper with a stern expression.

During the next journey, the Thousand-Eyed Dao Lord statues kept finding smaller statues, each of which was smashed to ashes by Jin An. After doing this seven or eight times, one person and one evil god had become accustomed to these, and stopped paying attention to them, instead focusing on Look for the pestilence tree.

The poisonous miasma in the mountain became thicker and thicker as we walked, and the surrounding environment had already turned into ancient trees that blocked the sky. When we looked up, we couldn't see the sky, and the light was extremely dim.

In the darkness, there was a faint fire flickering in front of him.

"It looks like someone is walking in the night forest holding a torch." The Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue became interested.

There are no living people in the small underworld, they are all dead. The presence of dead people means that more eyeballs can be cut out to give magical powers.

Jin An did not hide his whereabouts, and chose to walk directly towards the direction of the fire. Now that the plague-repelling tree had discovered them, there was no point in hiding their whereabouts.

The Thousand-Eyed Daojun Statue was right. The fire was indeed a torch inserted on the slope. The flame flickered and flickered, barely illuminating a small area.

Beside the torch, there was a thin, middle-aged man dressed as a mountain man. He kept digging holes in the ground with his hands. This man had been digging holes here for a long time, because many pits were dug out here.

After digging so many pits with his hands alone, the thin middle-aged man's fingers were bruised and bloody, but he felt no pain or fatigue and continued to dig the pits.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear the thin, middle-aged man mumbling something while digging a hole. He looks like he is crazy and delirious.

Because the voice was too low and unclear, Jin An could not hear clearly what the thin middle-aged man was saying.

A lean, middle-aged man would dig a hole to a depth of about six feet, then abandon it on the spot and then find a new piece of land to continue digging the hole.

They say ten fingers connect to the heart.

However, the flesh and blood of the ten fingers were worn away, and the phalanges were exposed. It was horrifying to see the dripping blood. The thin middle-aged man continued digging without knowing the pain.

Thousand-Eyed Dao Lord Statue: "Martial Arts Corpse Immortal, please pay attention to the pits. They are all about six feet deep."


Jin An nodded and checked several pits one after another. They were all ordinary pits.

Then, he turned his attention to the lean middle-aged man: "What are you digging for? Do you need us to help you find it?"

Faced with someone approaching, the lean middle-aged man turned a deaf ear and remained immersed in his own world, digging into his own madness while muttering something in a low voice.

Jin An was also a very brave man. He actually squatted down and leaned close to listen. Their ears and mouths were almost touching. At this time, if the thin middle-aged man tried to hurt someone, he would definitely not be able to dodge.

The lean middle-aged man ignored Jin An and continued digging.

After listening for a while, Jin An stood up thoughtfully.

The statue of the Thousand-Eyed Dao Lord asked: "What did you hear, Martial Arts Corpse Immortal? What was he muttering like crazy?"

Jin An: "He kept repeating that he didn't want to die."

Thousand-Eyed Taoist Statue: "This is exactly the same as the village woman who was eaten by this Taoist."

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