White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1408 Elder Mo will definitely suffer a bloody disaster

Looking at the surprised looks of the Tianshi Mansion Feng Shui masters, Jin An pondered.

Under the eyes of a pair of expectant eyes, he finally said: "This matter is a long story, so let's make it short. It's okay not to say it."



The emotion of anticipation has been brewing for so long, so you just said this?

Everyone in the Tianshi Mansion looked unhappy and did not dare to complain against Jin An. He was a martial arts immortal. Who dared to be disrespectful to a martial arts immortal.

Although this martial arts immortal is too young, and he is his elder at his own age, his cultivation only depends on his realm, regardless of his seniority.

Suddenly, there was movement from the charred lightning-struck tree behind him that had been split in half by thunder, attracting everyone's attention, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.


The feng shui formation of the dragon-nailed stakes that locked the lightning-struck wood, the iron chains shook violently, and sand and rocks flew in place, as if the abnormal magnetic field here caused strange phenomena in the sky and the earth. Heavy dark clouds rumbled overhead, and lightning and thunder thundered, giving people a sense of oppression. Bigger.

The yellow talismans all over the lightning struck wood shone brightly one after another, and Jin An's eyes narrowed.

Someone from the Tianshi Mansion exclaimed: "The passage is opening. Someone is passing through the Yin House of the Widow's Manor in the middle of the Yang Dynasty, intending to enter the Taoist Yellow Courtyard!"

People were in an uproar, speculating who else would enter the Taoist Yellow Courtyard at this point?

Could it be that Zhenguo Temple has already cleared its doors?

But it hasn’t been a long time, so it shouldn’t be so fast?

The most likely reason is that the other Feng Shui masters of the Tianshi Mansion who are guarding the Widow's Manor are staying behind to enter. Unless there is a major change, those who stay behind in the Yang Realm will not come in easily.

"Could it be that something big has happened in the world of the underworld?"

"Think about it, everyone, apart from Zhenguo Temple, which sect or sect did not come in after receiving the invitation?"

The people in Tianshi Mansion were all shaking their heads, and they couldn't think of anyone else.

Jin An stared at the lightning strike wood with thoughtful eyes. As for the candidates who have entered the Taoist Yellow Courtyard this time, there is only one person who has not come yet, and that is the pseudo-fourth realm powerful man from Tianzhu who has never appeared. .

The incarnation of King Hari walking on earth.

The messenger of Surya's resurrection.

"Why are you panicking? Marquis Shenwu is here. I'm not afraid of letting Marquis Shenwu see the joke."

A master of the Three Realms with a golden Feng Shui bell on his waist stood out from the Tianshi Mansion, stopping everyone's random thoughts and calming people's hearts: "What is going on outside will become clear after we see who is coming."

At this time, the flying sand and rocks were at their most intense, and the thick dark clouds in the sky turned into funnel clouds. Accompanied by the chaotic magnetic field, lightning and thunder, a dark and blurry light and shadow was reflected in the middle of the lightning-struck wood that was split in two, and the time was filled with a mouthful of light. The coffin with a black mouth can be vaguely seen as the layout of the wing room of the yin house in the yang world.

The ear room of the Yin House in the Widow's Manor is the entrance to the Taoist Yellow Courtyard.

The ear room was dark, there was no candle, and I could only vaguely see a figure standing in the ear room.

Due to environmental problems, it was difficult to see clearly the identity of the other party for a while, whether he was a man or a woman.

Suddenly, the light and shadow among the lightning-struck trees were distorted, and someone entered the interior of the Taoist Huangting. Before seeing him, he first heard the crisp sound of Feng Shui bells being blown by flying sand and stones.

The visitor was wearing the familiar gold-lined jade garment used to shroud the dead.

Speaking of the Golden Jade Clothes, Old King Ling and Elder Luo Tian both borrowed this thousand-year shroud artifact to enter the Taoist Yellow Courtyard.

"It's me." As soon as the other party entered the Taoist Yellow Courtyard, he immediately took off his gold jade clothes to show his identity.

"Hey, why is it you, Elder Mo?"

"Marquis Shenwu, why are you standing here!"

One voice came from the senior executive of Tianshi Mansion, and the other voice came from Elder Mo, who had just entered the Taoist Yellow Courtyard.

Elder Mo's face at this time was uglier than eating a blowfly, and he looked at Jin An with his face turning green and then black.

As a long-established mid-term master of the three realms, among the people in the Tianshi Mansion who entered the Taoist Huangting inner scene this time, there were both Elder Luo Tian and Elder Mo.


He also knows that martial arts immortals will also come to the Taoist Huangting interior location!

The "one-year appointment" has always been a thorn in his side. In order to avoid the embarrassment of direct contact with Jin An, he specifically chose to go with the second echelon and enter the Taoist Huangting interior location late to avoid other people's eyes and ears.

After trying so hard to hide, he never expected that he could not escape Jin An in the end. As soon as he entered the Taoist Yellow Courtyard, he came face to face with Jin An.

"I haven't seen you for a long time since the last battle at Bulao Mountain. Elder Mo doesn't look good. The Yintang is black, the black air is red, and a trace of evil energy is lingering in his heart. This is a sign of a bad year and a bloody disaster." Jin An He was the first to speak, his tone was calm, and there was no emotion or sorrow.

The muscles in the corners of Elder Mo's mouth twitched. Jin An was a martial artist, and he was also the commander and supervisor of the Criminal Investigation Department. No matter how dissatisfied he was, he did not dare to show his anger in person. He swallowed his anger and saluted: "Thank you Lord Shenwu for your concern, Mo." I am grateful, but this is not a bloody disaster, but a way to enter the Taoist Yellow Courtyard through the Yin Mansion. When the thousand-year-old corpse energy stained by the golden jade clothes dissipates, it will recover on its own."

Unexpectedly, Jin An's eyes were meaningful and he said, "I know a thing or two about physiognomy. If Elder Mo listens to my advice, you will definitely suffer a bloody disaster."

Elder Mo's heart suddenly pounded, and he was almost frightened and blurted out subconsciously: "You can't kill me now!"

It can only be said that the pressure brought by martial arts immortals is too great, and it always affects the spirit and thinking of others.

After all, Elder Mo is a master in the middle stage of the third realm. He thinks quickly and responds promptly to suppress the urge to blurt out. He said with a gloomy expression: "Mo also has some experience in the art of physiognomy, so I won't bother Shen Wuhou about this matter."

Everyone in the Tianshi Mansion knew that Elder Mo and Jin An had a life-and-death fight for one year. The senior officials of the Tianshi Mansion stood between the two to smooth things over and said, "Elder Mo, why are you here? You don't seem to be on the list this time. ?”

Hearing this, Elder Mo's entry into the Taoist Yellow Courtyard this time surprised even the senior officials of the third level of Tianshi Mansion. Most people in Tianshi Mansion did not know that Elder Mo was also on the list.

Elder Mo didn't answer, just handed out a jade ring.

This jade ring seemed to be a token of some important person, because as soon as the senior officials of the Tianshi Mansion saw the jade ring, their expressions changed drastically. They bowed down and saluted in public, and spoke in a more respectful tone: "I will obey Elder Mo's orders in everything."

While he was talking, there was new movement on the other side of the Lightning Strike Wood, which once again reflected the scene in the Yangjing Room. It seemed that someone was about to enter the Small Underworld.

The senior officials of Tianshi Mansion asked cautiously: "Isn't Elder Mo traveling alone this time?"

Elder Mo's eyes were gloomy and uncertain, and he did not answer.

Jin'an's six senses are extremely sharp, and the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman that he carries with him can guard against all prying eyes. He sensed that Elder Mo glanced at him secretly, as if he was worried about him, so he did not answer.

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