White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 146 The Hidden Disaster of Obscene Sacrifice (5k big chapter, please subscribe and vote mont

Chapter 146: The Hidden Disaster of Obscene Sacrifice (5k big chapter, please subscribe and vote monthly).

Visualize the eyes and thunder symbols in the palm of the great demon god Tuotian.

The Jin'an people were slightly startled.

Then everyone was happy.

This is obvious.

The spiritual martial arts he cultivated will eventually lead to a total of six martial arts skills.

According to Taoism, one will eventually develop the six magical powers.

"It seems that the magical power mastered by the third arm, if there is no accident, will be a shocking disaster."

Jin An thought about this and then thought about another thing.

"The thunderbolt I heard before woke me up from the gradually blurring boundary between reality and reality. Could it be that the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman that had been placed close to me helped me?"

"It is precisely because I have the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman to help me that my Holy Blood Tribulation is to practice the thunder method?"

Think about this.

Jin An clenched his palm, then opened it again, crackling, and lightning flashed between his fingers.

It's just that those electric lights are weak.

It is not enough to cause real damage to the opponent when facing the enemy.

This is to be expected.

After all, he just mastered the Holy Blood Tribulation today.

Then, Jin An cut off a corner of the table with a knife in his right hand. There were black marks on the wooden table that were obviously struck by lightning.

He held the claw in his left hand and scratched five-finger holes on the wall. There was also a circle of black marks around the five-finger holes on the wall.

Whether it was the electric light on the palm knife or the electric light on the finger claws, they only left black marks, which were wiped away with a swipe from the corner of the clothes. It was like an electric spark flashing out, without any power.

It's not the kind of high-temperature scorch that causes real damage.

sulfuric acid!

Jin An unsheathed the sword, and the electric light pulsed on the palm of the hand holding the knife. The electric light traveled along the metal blade and quickly spread throughout the knife.


The electric light from the blade jumped back and forth, and the arc of electricity flowed like a thin snake.

Looking at the lightning on the palm and the blade, Jin An grinned, and he smiled happily.

Although the power is still very weak now.

But the days are long.

According to the records in "The Holy Art of the Demon", the easiest magic skills to practice during the Holy Blood Tribulation are water control, wind control, and earth control, because these three are everywhere around you.

People can come into contact with water, wind and earth at any time and at any time.

The hardest things to train in the second tier are gold, fire, etc.

Fire is the most domineering, the most difficult to master, and the most dangerous. If you are not careful, you will set yourself on fire.

The third tier is the most difficult: Thunder, Light, and Darkness.

Because Thunder combines the dominance and red sun of fire, and the killing and danger of gold, it is the leader of all laws.

Light and darkness are ethereal, invisible and intangible. One is a thing in the clear void, and the other is a thing in the dark void.

The reason why Jin An guessed at the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman was because the thunder talisman held by the six arms was clearly the Five Thunder Diagram!

After spending so much money to finally master the inner demon tribulation and the holy blood tribulation, Jin An couldn't wait to leave his body, wanting to see the results of his mental martial arts training.



Perhaps because this time was different from the past, people were a little too excited. It took Jin An a little more effort to calm down, enter concentration, and get out of his body.

The person is light.

I feel as light as a feather.

The next moment, Jin An had successfully left his body.

But at this time, Jin'an Yuanshen still looked like himself, still in a normal human form.

But at the next moment, when he visualized the portrait of the Great Demon God Tuotian, his soul suddenly changed in countless ways. In an instant, he transformed into the Great Demon God Tuotian with three heads and six arms. His body was majestic and burly, rising from the ground like a huge shadow. , upright.

Among them, the three heads and six eyes are the most realistic.

Every inch of flesh, flesh, and skin is shown to every detail, lifelike.

Especially the palms of the two arms at the top, holding up a glance in the void, one or five thunder diagrams.

That eye seems not to be a dead thing, but a living thing. It blinks from time to time, staring into the surrounding void, gaining insight, stirring up the surrounding reality, attracting demons, depravity, and full of illusions.

The thunder talisman held on the other hand is surrounded by electric snakes. Ordinary evil spirits dare not look directly at this thunder talisman, because thunder is the nemesis of all evil spirits and evil spirits in the world.

Thunder method is the first of all methods.

Dedicated to eradicating all evil and sycophants in the world.

Jin An's head moved.

As he thought about it, click!


The thunder talisman held in the palm of the Great Demon God Tuotian actually hit a lightning bolt in the air, directly splitting a large hole in the roof of Jin An's room.

Crash, rubble and debris fell to the ground. The rainwater outside the house suddenly leaked through the big hole in the roof, and it instantly became a water curtain hole.

This is a bit like Longhu Mountain's Chunyang Palm Thunder Immortal Technique, extremely domineering.

Not only can the Holy Blood Tribulation be used in reality, but even divine souls can use the lightning techniques developed by the Holy Blood Tribulation?

Jin An was happy first and then surprised.

Then he quickly returned to his shell.

And just when his soul returned to his physical body, the old Taoist priest and Xiejian who lived in the next room all ran over to check the situation.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Where was the thunder? Where was the Taoist temple struck by lightning? Where was there such a big commotion?"

When the old Taoist priest saw the big hole in the roof of Jin'an, he was immediately surprised and said: "Little brother, what are you doing so shamelessly? Even the God of Thunder and the Mother of Lightning will strike you with five thunderbolts from the sky?"

Jin An's face turned dark.

The old Taoist priest was scolding him.

"Why does being struck by lightning mean you have done something wrong, but it can't be someone who is jealous of a talented person?"

When the old Taoist priest faced Jin An's words, he obviously didn't believe it. The expression on his face was clearly that little brother, you are bluffing, so you should save some face.

After Jin An drove away the old Taoist priest and Jiajian, he saw that the house was leaking and could not be occupied tonight, so he simply picked up the bedding and moved to another clean side room.

Fortunately, there is not much else in the Taoist temple. The only ones left with bare walls are empty rooms.

This time, after Jin An came out of his body again, he became more careful. He didn't dare to play with electricity in the house rashly anymore. Playing with electricity on a rainy day is really easy to get struck by lightning.

When the spirit came out of the body again, the thunder talisman held in the six arms became much darker, no longer as bright as before, and it no longer gave people a sense of threat.

Jin An frowned.

He knew this was because he was practicing the Holy Blood Tribulation for the first time.

The thunder magic accumulated in the body is not enough.

According to the records in "The Holy Art of Heavenly Demon", the only way to practice the Holy Blood Tribulation or to restore thunder, fire, metal, etc. is to borrow methods to practice.

The so-called borrowing method to practice focuses on the word "borrow", which means practicing thunder method with the help of thunderstorm weather.

But this is no different from seeking death.

Jin An was afraid that he would be chopped into pieces the next moment he stood under the big tree, holding the iron rod as a human-shaped lightning rod.

If Jin An remembers correctly, the temperature of a random flash of lightning is comparable to tens of thousands of degrees Celsius.

The output power is equivalent to that of a small nuclear power plant.

No one can directly resist the power of the avenue.

That's why Jin An said that this is no different from seeking death.

This practice of borrowing the Dharma means borrowing without repaying it. Before borrowing the Dharma, you were a grandson, and after you borrowed the Dharma, you are an uncle.

If his Holy Blood Tribulation results in fire, earth, and metal arts...these are the most common in nature, and have the least risk factor, and they may be inexhaustible everywhere.

Although the thunder method is the first of all methods, it is also the most dangerous of all methods to practice.

Fortunately, Jin An quickly thought of a solution.

He plans to use human body bioelectricity to practice medicine.

As soon as I thought of it, I tried it. Jin'an Yuanshen returned to his place, and then tried to practice.

But not for long.

Jin An quit the practice of Holy Blood Tribulation.

The human body's bioelectricity was too weak and slow to show results. Jin An gave up the idea. This could only be used as a last resort.

"Do you really want to risk being a human body lightning rod during a thunderstorm?"

Jin An began to think hard, what is the principle of battery and direct current?

But soon he secretly cursed himself for forgetting the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman for saying "near the near"!

Jin An took out the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman and looked at the yellow talisman with five thunder pictures in his hand, beaming with joy.

"Brother Fu, can you borrow some thunder magic?"


A horrible scream on a rainy night.

There was a black man in the room, his hair was like a hedgehog ball, his whole body was blackened, and there was smoke coming from his mouth and nose.



The old Taoist priest next door tapped the wall and shouted: "Little brother, what are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Jin An: "..."

The old Taoist priest worriedly shouted through the wall again: "Little brother, are you going to be struck by lightning again?"

Jin An: "..."

"I don't!"

"I'm not!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Jin An denied three consecutive attacks and spit out black smoke every time he said a sentence.

Seeing that Jin An was still alive, the old Taoist priest finally felt relieved and stopped shouting against the wall.

Since the three-time imperial Five Thunder Evil Killing Talisman was not working and was too powerful for his current body of flesh and blood, Jin An had no choice but to think of other methods.

Fortunately, when Jin An was in Chang County before, the big bag of yellow talismans he bought from the old Taoist priest was still there, and there was still a lot left.

Jin An hurried back to the original room, carried a sack of yellow talismans, and returned to the new wing.

Shortly after.

Imperial seal!

Jin An began to pick up the wool of the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman that had been sealed once.

His method of collecting wool is simple.

Constantly try to figure out the aura of the Pure Yang Thunder Method on the Five Thunder Map, and use the Holy Blood Tribulation to eat away at the Pure Yang Thunder Method on the Thunder Map bit by bit, like peeling off a cocoon.

People were shocked again and again.

My hair stood on end again and again.

Again and again, I continued to gather wool and practice with Dharma.

At this time, Jin An began to be grateful for the benefits of practicing "Black Mountain Kung Fu" and training his muscles, skin and periosteum. His body was tough and strong, and he was not afraid of the thunder method training again and again.

Jin An discovered another benefit of this Holy Blood Tribulation.

That is, when practicing with Dharma, the Thunder Method has the effect of refining the body and tempering the impurities in the body, making the progress of Heng Lian Kung Fu faster.

The thunder technique practiced by the Holy Blood Tribulation actually still has this effect. This is really an unexpected surprise.

Jin An felt that he needed to think more about other uses of this thunder method.

As the head of all methods, its uses should not be just that simple.

Lingqian Township.



"I am starving……"

In the middle of the night, a hungry woman tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

She covered herself with the quilt at first.

I want to try my best to forget this feeling of hunger.

But the more she covered her head, the paler her complexion became. Her stomach cramped and her body twitched from hunger.

Finally, the hungry woman was so hungry that she started to get out of bed and walk out of the house in the dark without even lighting an oil lamp.


She pushed open the door.

It was pattering, and the plum rain was still falling outside the house. This was a large village owned by a wealthy family. There were no fewer than dozens of wing rooms in the large village, and many people lived there.

The hungry woman, whose body was cramping with hunger, no longer cared whether it was raining outside or not. She braved the rain and her whole body was soaked by the rain. Her clothes clung to her body tightly, highlighting her mature and exquisite curves.

With her hair disheveled, she stumbled into the kitchen in the rain and started rummaging around.

The body becomes hungrier.

The crazier she gets.

She opened the lid and ate all the leftovers in the pot.

But the hunger in the body still cannot be stopped.

Then she started to eat the fruits, vegetables, bacon, ham, etc. stored in the kitchen.



Gobble it up like a glutton.

After rummaging through the kitchen and finding nothing to eat, she began to eat swill from the barrel.

Dazhuangzi had a large population, so there were several barrels of swill, pieces of rotten vegetable leaves, and fish bones. She grabbed them all by the handful, and stuffed them into her mouth hungrily without caring about the taste or the rancid, sour stench.


"I'm still so hungry..."

After eating several buckets of swill, she was still very hungry. The hungry woman, with her hair disheveled and her body dripping wet, began to look for all the edible things in the kitchen.

There was a sound of pots and pans being tossed and smashed in the kitchen.

The commotion in the kitchen soon woke up the servants living nearby.

In the lower room, several servants were awakened by the noise in the kitchen. At first, they thought it was some wild cat that ran along the wall of Zhuangzi's courtyard and ran into the kitchen to cause trouble. They got up and went to the kitchen to drive away the wild cat, cursing.

In order to avoid being discovered by the boss tomorrow, wages will be deducted again. Ever since the eldest lady went crazy and was divorced by her husband’s family recently, the boss’s family has become increasingly difficult to take care of. They will hit and scold the servants at the slightest displeasure, so that They are walking on thin ice.

But when they just opened the door to the lower room, the movement in the kitchen suddenly disappeared.

"Could it be that the wild cat that broke into the kitchen ran away when it couldn't find anything to eat?"

After some discussion, they decided to continue going to the kitchen to take a look.

As a result, when several people came to the kitchen, they saw the kitchen door wide open. The inside was in a mess, as if a hurricane had swept across it. Pots and pans fell to the floor, and everything edible inside was eaten. .

Even the swill bucket was eaten.

There was a look of surprise on the faces of these servants: "What kind of wild cat has such strength and stomach, can break open the door? And drink all the swill buckets?"

"The key is to eat all the fruits, vegetables, raw fish and meat prepared in the kitchen for tomorrow's cooking? When did cats also like to chew corn cobs and bitter melons?"

"Look at the shoe prints on the ground. Someone probably broke into the kitchen secretly to eat. Moreover, the shoe prints are quite small. It should be a woman who entered the kitchen to eat." Another person observed carefully and pointed to the ground with a lantern in his hand. shouted.

So, several people held lanterns and began to search in the pitch-black kitchen.

As a result, no thieves or thieves were found.

Just when a few people were wondering whether to report this matter to the steward and search the whole compound to see if the thief was still hiding in the village, suddenly, click!


The sound of chewing bones and flesh came from the back of the kitchen.

"It seems like it's coming from the chicken pen?"

Every big family has some poultry and pigs they raise. A few people holding lanterns and umbrellas quietly went to the chicken coop behind the kitchen.

The rainy night is dark.

A drenched woman with disheveled hair was squatting in the chicken coop, holding something in her arms and munching on it.

These servants were immediately frightened by this ghostly scene, and their blood ran cold, and they all thought that they had struck an evil spirit.

Just at this time, the woman squatting in the chicken coop raised her head and looked over, revealing a pale face that was familiar to these servants.

"Big, eldest lady!"

The servants all looked at the woman squatting in the chicken coop in surprise. Instead of breathing a sigh of relief, they all had their scalps exploded, looking frightened and uneasy.

It was like seeing some terrible scene.

The young lady of Dazhuangzi who was squatting in the chicken coop now looked like a cat-faced old lady who was twenty or thirty years old. Her face was covered in blood and covered with chicken feathers, and she had killed all the live chickens raised in the chicken coop.

In her hand, she held a dead chicken whose neck had been bitten off by her. The head of the chicken was missing. Her face was covered in blood. She was still chewing a large mouthful of bloody flesh. The dead chicken in her hand had already disappeared. She ate most of it alive and bit into the bloody raw chicken in her mouth.

Her belly was round and swollen, as if she had been pregnant for several months.

This bloody scene of Xue Linlin frightened these servants, and they were stunned. When had they ever seen such a bloody scene?

Fucheng half a month later.

Taoist temple of the five internal organs.

"Taoist Jin'an, Taoist Chen!"

"Taoist Jin'an, Taoist Chen!"

Before arriving at the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, Jin An first heard a hurried shout from outside the Taoist temple, and a maid hurriedly ran into the Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

"Donor Xiaolian, why are you so panicked?"

The first person to greet him was the old Taoist priest who had been drawing talismans in the main hall, and then Jin An also walked out from the private backyard.

The maid who ran into the Taoist temple in a panic was none other than Xiao Lian, the maid serving Mrs. He's family.

"Taoist Priest Jin'an and Taoist Chen, something happened, something happened. My eldest wife has something urgent to ask the two Taoist Priests to go to He Mansion!"

"The eldest lady asked me to tell you something, do the two Taoist priests still remember the eldest lady's aunt who was sent back to the countryside? Something happened to her family!"

The maid Xiaolian said out of breath because she ran too fast.

The eldest lady’s aunt?

That eldest aunt who failed to seek help from the Five Powers God, but was instead attacked by the sinister and lustful priest?

Jin'an and the old Taoist priest knew that this matter was not trivial, so they told him to sharpen their swords and left him to look after the house, and immediately followed the maid Xiaolian to He Mansion.

The large study room of He Mansion.

When Jin An and the old Taoist priest arrived, they found that in addition to the eldest lady and Guard Li, there was another strange man in the big study.

The man had strong muscles and a calm expression. Jin An could tell at a glance that this man was a famous trainer.

This person did not sit down, but stood aside honestly. Jin An guessed that the other person was also a servant of Ming He Mansion?

Jin An and the eldest lady are old acquaintances, and they don't stick to trivial matters.

Then, the eldest lady waved away the two maids who were waiting beside her, and asked them to close the study door and guard outside the study, preventing anyone from approaching the study.

At this time, there were only five people left in the study, the eldest lady, Li Huwei, Jin An, the old Taoist priest, and the servant of He Mansion.

Seeing how dignified and cautious the eldest lady was, Jin An immediately knew that this matter would probably be serious.

But what the eldest lady said next made Jin An and the old Taoist priest stunned.

"I wonder if Master Jin'an or Master Chen have ever heard that a living person can be pregnant with a ghost?" the eldest lady asked hesitantly.

Jin An was surprised: "Could it be that the person the eldest lady pointed out to be pregnant with a ghost fetus is Mr. He's aunt?"

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