White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 1626 Fatty Li licks the flesh and blood of the mountain god

Today, there was no outsider in the table of humans and animals. Jin An told him in detail what happened to him in the blessed land of Jiyang Cave.

It includes details such as the purple gold and red gourd, the Fa Tian Xiang Di, the bones of the mountain gods, the thirty earth temples, and the thirty mountain temples where the flesh and blood of the mountain gods are enshrined for human beings to eat.

Speaking of the flesh and blood of the mountain god, Jin An had a piece of it in his hand. He had picked up a piece of the flesh and blood of the mountain god on the ground of the Thirty Mountain Temple.

When he heard that the sword-cutting had such a big origin, it was most likely that he grew up eating the flesh and blood of a mountain god, or more likely that he was an ancient bloodline survivor in some cave heaven paradise, the old Taoist priest showed an expression that was true, as expected by the old Taoist. .

The old Taoist priest raised his tail and said proudly: "What did I say in Wuzhou Mansion? The background of sharpening swords is not simple. I am definitely not a corpse hunter who grew up eating human flesh. Look, what I said was right!" "

"I'm telling you, I've traveled all over my life and I've never seen anyone, whether it's a good person or an evil person. I can tell it with just one glance!"

"It's just the old Taoist. I didn't expect that the background of sword-cutting is bigger than the old Taoist. Mom, a corpse hunter who grew up eating the flesh and blood of the mountain god, isn't this the nemesis of the mountain god!"

The old Taoist priest was startled when he said this last sentence.

Not only was he shocked, but also Fatty Li and Lao Gou were shocked.

Even the Peacock Buddha Mother, who had the coldest and most lonely temperament, frequently looked sideways at Chi Jian in surprise.

Jin An raised his eyebrows: "Yes, what the old Taoist said is consistent with my guess."

He went on to say: "Folk corpse collectors kill young people and feed them with the flesh of dead people, cultivate corpse energy, and use corpse energy to suppress the yang energy of living people. Only by walking in the water or in the yin can they deceive the evil spirits and ghosts, and help their employers from the pile of dead people. Retrieve the body."

"The same principle applies to those Taoist boys in Cave Heaven Paradise who eat the flesh and blood of mountain gods. Only by feeding the flesh and blood of mountain gods since they were young can they accumulate enough aura of mountain gods in their bodies, so that they can hide the truth from the sky. Even mountain gods can deceive them and then plot big things."

Everyone at the table nodded, agreeing with what Jin An and the old Taoist said. Currently, this is the most logical explanation.

"I didn't expect you to be the most important back-up weapon to defeat the mountain god with the sharp sword. It is a ray of heaven and earth escape left by the ancient ancestors thousands of years ago." The people and animals at the table looked at the sharp sword with different eyes.

Jin An looked at Xiejian with concern and asked, "Have these clues helped Xiejian recall your life memories? Did Xiejian recall any new memories?"

Jiajian frowned and lowered his head seriously, then raised his head and shook his head dully.

"It doesn't matter if you don't think about it. Anyway, you will always be the sharp sword of the Five Zang Taoist Temple. You are the sharp sword that we are most familiar with." The old Taoist priest raised the greasy palm that had grabbed the roast chicken and patted the sharp sword on the shoulder to comfort him.

But the sword was cut sideways and he dodged.

Facing the disgusting looks of people and animals at the table, the old Taoist priest smiled shamelessly, without any embarrassment on his face.

Later, Jin An took out the piece of mountain god's flesh and blood that he picked up in the Thirty Mountains Temple, and looked at the dry, black mass, which was dehydrated and shrunk into a ball, with some signs of petrification, and looked like small black clods of soil. When the thing was the flesh and blood of the mountain god, the eyes of the people and animals on the table almost stared straight.

Jin An put the flesh and blood of the mountain god on an empty dinner plate so that everyone could circulate it for inspection.

Xiejian was the first to get the flesh and blood of the mountain god. Jin An asked him with concern whether he felt how he felt after getting the flesh and blood of the mountain god and whether he recalled any clues.

Chi Jian shook his head first, then nodded.

Jin An was delighted: "Seeing the flesh and blood of the mountain god again, does it bring back your memories of sharpening swords?"

Chi Jian replied dully: "My body is telling me that this is a piece of mountain god's flesh and blood."

The words "sharpening the sword" immediately aroused everyone's curiosity. The old Taoist priest stretched out his finger and poked the mountain god's flesh and blood, his eyes puzzled: "Is this really the mountain god's flesh and blood? It looks weird and ugly, and it feels like a stone in a pit, as black, hard and Ugly..."

As soon as the old Taoist priest finished speaking, he immediately reacted, slapped his mouth, and quickly spit out the unlucky words.

If Chi Jian really grew up eating the flesh and blood of the mountain god, wouldn't he be scolding Chi Jian if he said that the mountain god's flesh and blood in front of him was a pit stone?

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and swallowed it in a hurry.

Jin An looked at the old Taoist priest speechlessly. This old Taoist priest was used to playing tricks, and his mouth was faster than his brain.

But what follows is even more speechless.

When the mountain god's flesh and blood was passed to Fatty Li, Fatty Li actually used his tongue to gently lick the ball of mountain god's flesh and blood that was drier than mummified corpse meat, then smashed it into his mouth several times, and replied with a serious tone: "It doesn't taste like anything." , only smells of sand and earth.”


Everyone at the table was collectively shocked.

Even the old dog looked at Fatty Li in shock.

It thought it could eat anything and was never picky about food, but it would never dare touch the mountain god's flesh and blood in front of it. It turned out that Fatty Li was more of a dog than he was, and he even dared to taste the meat of a thousand-year-old zombie with his tongue.

Not to mention that it is the flesh and blood of a mountain god, it is simply zombie meat that has been dried for thousands of years. Who dares to try it easily? Maybe it was the corpse poison.

Jin An and the old Taoist priest, who knew Fatty Li's character best, quickly recovered from the shock and gave a thumbs up to Fatty Li: "Fat Li, you are still the cruelest! I admire you!"

Ever since they met Fatty Li in Wuzhou Prefecture, Fatty Li has always wanted to slay evil spirits. Others only want to get rich. Fatty Li has always wanted to slay evil spirits. Wherever there are corpses running around, he will join in the fun, wishing he could follow the dead. Sleep together.

So if Fatty Li could lick the flesh and blood of the mountain god today, they would be able to figure it out quickly.

After repeatedly confirming that Fatty Li had no symptoms of corpse poisoning, Jin An said: "I picked up this mountain god's flesh and blood from the ground. It has been so long, and the smell of sand and earth is normal."

"In the dry air environment of the Flaming Mountains, flesh and blood will only become dehydrated mummy. It is really not that easy to eat the rotten smell of carrion."

The old Taoist priest nodded. He had been to the Northern Desert and Tubo and had done research on the mummies in these places.

The mountain god's flesh and blood continued to be circulated. Fortunately, no one was as curious as Fatty Li to lick the mountain god's flesh and blood. After one round, it returned to Jin An's hands.

Seeing the mountain god's flesh and blood returned to his hands safely, even Jin An himself didn't understand why he was secretly relieved. Maybe it was because Fatty Li suddenly licked the mountain god's flesh and blood, which shocked him so much that he was a little surprised. I feel like I've reached God, so my emotions are a bit ups and downs...

Jin An could only find such an explanation for himself.

"Little brother, what are you going to do with this mountain god zombie meat?" the old Taoist priest asked in surprise.

Jin An thought for a while, and then said: "I plan to sacrifice and practice."


"Little brother, you are talking about burning the corpse."

The old Taoist priest nodded in understanding and said that the flesh and blood of the mountain god cannot be left behind. Burning it clean with fire will prevent future troubles, and it must be burned with lychee tree branches.

Jin An: "Absolutely."

He was very curious about whether this piece of mountain god's flesh and blood had been cut off for thousands of years. He wondered whether there would still be any virtue after being sacrificed and refined. Will it become the next fragment of the great magic treasure of the underworld, with a lot of virtues revealed every time it is sacrificed?

This matter can only be confirmed when he is alone.

Next, Jin An also reported to the Shaoyang Bureau, the Six Saints of Huangfeng, the identity of the new national master is Yuan Ban, the corpse immortal heavenly officer who had resurrected from the dead, and the fact that Zhao Zhu Zhenren suspected that the person who broke the Shaoyang Bureau was a foreigner. Let’s analyze it.

Hearing that the new Imperial Master was resurrected from the dead, everyone gasped: "What are the origins of these people who destroyed the Shaoyang Bureau? Even ancient people who have been dead for hundreds of years can be resurrected!"

"Fat Li, you are from the Criminal Investigation Department. You should have met the new Imperial Master a few times. Did you notice anything strange?"

The old Taoist asked Fatty Li.

Fatty Li frowned and thought hard for a moment, then sighed and said, "Fat Master, I have only met the new Imperial Master once from a distance. Anyway, from a distance, he looks like a living person."

After finishing speaking, Fatty Li looked at Jin An with a very solemn expression: "Taoist Master Jin An, you mentioned these clues at the same time. Do you have some clues about the identity of these foreigners?"

Jin An nodded: "Yes, it doesn't matter."

"My biggest suspicion now is that those white-skinned Rakshasa people are leading all this behind the scenes, so I plan to deal with the matter in the capital as soon as possible, and then go to the Rakshasa Kingdom in person to investigate the clues."

Jin An did not say that he suspected the Rakshasa people through the Dao Sensing. He only said that he could see a little bit about the Rakshasa people through the details of the fighting.

Unexpectedly, Fatty Li said, "I'm afraid Taoist Priest Jin'an won't be able to leave the capital or go to the Rakshasa Kingdom in a short time."

Jin An's expression changed: "Why?"

Fatty Li: "Because the seals of the Four Symbols Bureau of Duotianjiedi were broken, there were either severe droughts or heavy rains in various places, and natural and man-made disasters and monsters occurred frequently. In the days when Taoist Priest Jin'an entered the Cave Heaven Paradise, the Holy One had already agreed to the report of the Manchu officials. , hold an ancestor worship ceremony to pay homage to our ancestors and continue to ensure peace and stability for the country for generations to come. "

"The specific auspicious day of the zodiac will be determined through consultation with the Tianshi Mansion after the new Imperial Master returns to Beijing."

Fatty Li also brought another news: the new Imperial Master will return to Beijing soon, so the date of the ancestor worship ceremony will not be too far away.

Jin An nodded, showing no surprise on his face that Emperor Kang Zhao finally agreed to hold the ancestor worship ceremony.

When he returned to the capital, he had already noticed that all the damage to the city walls caused by several great wizards from the Prairie Khanate had been repaired.

At that time, he had already guessed that the day when Emperor Kang Zhao would hold an ancestor worship ceremony was not far away.

To put it bluntly, the ancestor worship ceremony is to tell the world about the achievements of Emperor Kangzhao, and to build a golden statue of his achievements in the ancestral temple. Only a wise ruler can live in the ancestral temple. Not to mention that Emperor Kang Zhao couldn't resist this temptation, it was placed in all dynasties and generations. Every emperor wanted to enter the Ancestral Temple and spread the word for thousands of years.

Everyone knew this kind of thing. Fatty Li couldn't say it openly due to his status, but Jin Anxin was like a mirror and had already seen through Emperor Kang Zhao's thoughts.

"The Rakshasa Kingdom is separated from the Kangding Kingdom by the Northern Desert, grasslands, snowy mountains, snow forests, and plateaus. How do they know everything about what is happening in the Kangding Kingdom and are still involved with the mountain gods? Even the most hidden Duantianjiedi Can they find the Four Symbol Bureau?" The old Taoist frowned and raised a question.

Jin An: "This is exactly what I am wondering about, so I want to go to Rakshasa Kingdom in person to find out the truth."

"Zhao Zhuren, let the people out."

Jin An said this to Da Qing Niu.

The big green cow mooed, then opened its mouth and spit out a big living person from the cow's mouth. The whole body of this living man was covered by the yellow wind, and he stood there stupidly without moving.

Jin An explained: "This is what I said. King Huang Feng, one of the Six Saints of Yellow Wind, was kidnapped by me. The yellow wind on his body is the divine wind of Samadhi. You should not be contaminated by the divine wind of Samadhi."

"This King Huang Feng is a breakthrough. I will keep him by my side until I find a way to safely interrogate his remaining soul without touching the restriction."

"Old Taoist priest, I asked you to prepare a dead turtle that just died a day ago."

The old Taoist priest moved quickly and went to the kitchen to bring a wooden basin.

Not long after, there was one less Yellow Wind King in the backyard of the Wuzang Taoist Temple, and one more turtle that had come back to life and lay motionless on the ground.

Everyone was curious about the transformation of a living person into a turtle. Although it was not the first time that Jin An had used the animal-making technique, every time they saw the corrupt and magical power of the animal-making technique, they could not help but exclaim in amazement, and were glad that the only two people in the world who knew how to make animals were friends rather than enemies.

One was born in the Wuzang Taoist Temple, and the other had been subdued and entered the Wuzang Taoist Temple, abandoning darkness and joining the light.

If you offend someone who knows how to make animals, you will be turned into a muddleheaded animal for the rest of your life, which is more painful than death.

Before, Jin An used Dao Qi to make an animal for the Yellow Wind King, which was a bad idea. It consumed his Dao Qi every moment, and it was easy to reveal flaws when he was not around.

It's definitely not as good as using real turtles to make livestock.

Fatty Li asked cautiously at this time: "Master Jin'an, this one can't be... a Feng Shui turtle, right?"

Huh? Jin'an looked at Fatty Li in surprise: "Okay, Fatty Li, you guessed it so quickly, how did you know I wanted to keep him in the Feng Shui pond of the Criminal Investigation Department as a Feng Shui turtle?"

Fatty Li smiled bitterly: "Because the nobleman next to the Queen has been made an idiot by you, Master Jin'an, and is still a Feng Shui turtle in the Feng Shui pond of the Criminal Investigation Department."


Jin'an was speechless.

The old Taoist priest, the old dog, and the big blue ox were all grinning. The old Taoist priest looked at Jin'an with a teasing smile: "How can there be only Feng Shui turtles in the Feng Shui pond? It will be more perfect if we raise a few more Feng Shui koi fish in the future."

Listening to the old Taoist priest's words, Fatty Li seemed to have seen that one day in the foreseeable future, the Feng Shui pond of the Criminal Investigation Department would be filled with a pool of stupid turtles and fish.

Thinking that every time Jin'an tried an idiot, Fatty Li began to sympathize with Jin'an's enemies.

Then they talked about some details, and only when they heard the sound of the night watch outside the Taoist temple at the hour of Chou did they leave.

And when they packed up their things, and Xue Jian and the old Taoist went back to the wing to rest, another half an hour had passed.

At this time, it was late at night, and Jin'an performed the eighteenth transformation of the earth-walking technique, all the way out of the capital, deep into the mountains, and finally appeared in the hidden cave where he used to retreat.

Because it is located in the depths of the mountains, it is rarely visited by people. Except for the activities of wild beasts in the mountains, almost no one can go so deep into the mountains. The layout of the cave is the same as before he left last time, and has not changed.

After returning to Beijing for so many days, there has been no time to sacrifice the mountain god's flesh and blood. Jin'an first took out the dry mountain god's flesh and blood, and prepared to try to sacrifice it...

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