White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 243 The unfinished mausoleum and painted murals


"Take a photo?"

"Little brother, are you saying that this mountain is alive and can record the people and events of a thousand years ago, as well as the voices of people talking, to this day?"

The old Taoist priest was a little confused.

Not only the old Taoist priest was confused, but everyone present was confused for a moment, including the abbot of Bailong Temple, monk Kongming, and monk Hongzhao.

Look at the confusion in everyone's eyes.

Jin An thought for a while.

So I reorganized it into more understandable language.

"To take the simplest example, there are many similar rumors among the people, saying that on a thunderstorm night, a maid saw the apparition of the maid from a hundred years ago and heard sounds on the wall of the mansion. Another example is that near a mine, whenever there is a thunderstorm Together, you can always hear the sounds of many soldiers fighting on the battlefield."

"These incidents seem to be supernatural incidents, but inviting Taoist priests and mages to do things has no effect. On the contrary, supernatural incidents are prone to occur every night when there are thunderstorms, but everything is normal."

"This is how magnetic fields leave pictures and sounds."

"Because during thunderstorms, the heaven and earth fields are disturbed, so it is easy to form a strong magnetic field. The situation in front of us is the same, because there are likely to be large magnet mines in the deep mountains, and it is easy to form a large magnetic field. In addition, the environment in the tomb has always been closed and has not been disturbed by the outside world, so the magnetic field here has been able to keep the photos and sounds for thousands of years until now, and can be reflected over and over again."

Although everyone still heard Jin An's words in confusion, everyone understood it more or less. These had nothing to do with supernatural events, and were mainly extremely rare phenomena caused by the special field of heaven and earth.

In Feng Shui.

As long as there are mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, there is a field.

People have aura.

There is a field in Feng Shui.

By controlling the aura, people can control blessings and misfortunes. Feng Shui masters find dragon acupoints in special places in the mountains and rivers of Kanyu, and indirectly affect the living or the dead by building mansions or cemeteries on the sites.

"Little brother, do you think the coffin that the Teng Kingdom general from a thousand years ago brought in from outside with his troops could contain the body of the Teng Kingdom leader?"

In the dark cave, the old Taoist priest looked in the direction where General Teng Guo had disappeared and asked the question in his heart.

Jin An also looked at the old Taoist priest and looked into the darkness in the distance: "You will know if it is the body of the Lord of Teng Kingdom."

"These magnetic field photos from thousands of years ago have left us clues, indicating the burial place of the leader of Teng Kingdom."

As they spoke, the group began to walk, groping forward in the dark and empty cave, following the echoing footsteps.

By now their feet were dry.

The sound of water flow that I heard before and the pool that I saw have all disappeared along with the magnetic field photo.

As they got closer to their destination, what they saw along the way was beyond everyone's expectations, because they saw that many places were still half-finished tomb passages, stone carvings, and stone gates. It seemed that they had not yet been completed, and the tomb in front of them was abandoned. Abandoned.

"Look at these half-finished tomb passages and tomb doors. How come this mausoleum was only half-built and not built anymore? There are still many tools of the craftsmen left on the ground... Is this a mausoleum that was half-built and then abandoned?"

Under the weak illumination of the torch, Jin An looked at the semi-finished mausoleum building in the cave with a red face, and said with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"What am I saying, old man? Good and evil will eventually be rewarded. This leader of the Teng Kingdom is cruel and stupid, killing people without restraint. He even killed his own son without letting go. This is retribution, and even God can't stand it. So. Let the leader of the Teng Kingdom not be able to build a mausoleum and just lie in a half-finished coffin, and not let him sleep in the earth."

The old Taoist priest spit the thick phlegm on the ground and cursed angrily.

Everyone was more and more surprised as they walked further.

I saw too many semi-finished tomb buildings along the way. There were tomb passages with stone strips that had not yet been fully inlaid, there were stone passages that were only half paved, exposing uneven dirt roads, and there were stone carvings of mythical beasts that were only half polished...

It's just like……

This is just a rough mausoleum that has begun to take shape. Construction was stopped only halfway through, and many of the buildings inside are still rough stone embryos.

Looking at the abandoned scenes he saw along the way, General Duwei listened to the old Taoist priest's words and said thoughtfully: "It is a big taboo to build a mausoleum in half. No tomb owner will build it in half because he found If the feng shui is better, stop halfway and build the mausoleum elsewhere. Not to mention the folk taboo of temporarily changing the tomb. Just the large-scale construction of a mausoleum often takes 20 to 30 years to build in advance, and the financial resources to rebuild a second mausoleum are It can no longer be consumed.”

"So I guess that the construction of the mausoleum of the Lord of Teng Kingdom stopped in the middle of the year because of some natural disaster or man-made accident that forced him to abandon it..."

The captain continued to ponder and said: "I am familiar with history books and the art of war, and I have some knowledge of the history of the Warring States period when the vassal states fought each other thousands of years ago. If I remember correctly, not long after the death of the leader of the Teng Kingdom, the small country of Teng Kingdom The country was destroyed and annexed by other vassal states."

"Perhaps the reason lies in the subjugation of the country."

"Tengguo is a small country with limited national power. Building a mausoleum is already a waste of money and a drain on the national treasury. After so much effort and effort to build such a large mausoleum, in the end the national treasury should no longer be able to get any money. On the contrary, it will be a serious exorbitant tax. Too many coolies were collected from men, which led to the destruction of many families and the people's livelihood. The king did not govern the country with benevolence, but foolishly built a mausoleum for himself after his death. The fate of the country was dragged down by life and death, and soon it embarked on the road of national subjugation, so this mausoleum also We had to stop the construction half way through.”

"Or maybe the leader of the Teng Kingdom was secretly building his mausoleum when he first became the leader. However, the mausoleum was not completed when the leader of the Teng Kingdom died. Because the death of the leader of the Teng Kingdom caused the enemy to take the opportunity to attack. Tengguo, as a small country, could not withstand the attack of external and internal troubles. Not long after the death of the leader of Tengguo, Tengguo was destroyed. Even the country was gone. People were panicked, so this cave was Naturally, there is no national power to continue the construction..."

Everyone listened to the captain's words.

They all nodded in deep agreement.

Only this explanation can explain why the construction of this mausoleum abnormally stopped halfway through.

"Little brother, come and take a look, there is actually a glass bottle here!"

The old Taoist priest, who was looking around curiously, suddenly called to Jin An, interrupting everyone's thinking.

"Mom, this is the first time I've seen such a big glass bottle!"

The old Taoist priest, holding a torch in his hand, squatted in front of a transparent object and stretched out his hand to touch it in wonder.

Under torchlight.

The glass bottle was so crystal clear that it looked as if it had been polished directly from crystal. Its surface was as smooth and clear as a mirror, flawless, and reflected the oily face of the old Taoist priest who was close to him.

The dragon is carved into a glass vase and looks majestic, about one person tall.

"A glass bottle of such good quality, little brother, tell me, is this thing really polished from the rare Western Region crystal stone? Let alone such a big glass bottle, even if you break off a scale and a half of it, If we take them out, it will be enough for us to open ten and eight five-viscera Taoist temples."

The old Taoist priest said that he would reach out and touch it.

Jin An frowned and stopped: "Old Taoist, you are so blind, be careful of touching the mechanism."

The old Taoist priest held a torch with one hand and continued to touch the glass bottle with the other hand. He said nonchalantly: "This mausoleum will not be built in the middle of the construction. The mausoleum is not yet completed. If there is any mechanism, it must not be done yet." Set it up."

Jin An heard this.

So he got closer.

Everyone also gathered.

As a result, the torch gathered a larger light source and illuminated the darkness farther away, allowing them to see more glass bottles.




The old Taoist priest reached out and touched the glass bottles in front of him, but no mechanism was touched. When he stood up and saw a dozen crystal glass bottles in front of him, his mouth opened in surprise.

"So many glass bottles!"

"The mausoleum of the Lord of Teng Kingdom is really priceless! How much people's wealth and anointing were collected to build such a luxurious and luxurious mausoleum for him!"

However, Jin An made a new discovery.

"These glazed bottles don't seem to be ordinary furnishings. There seems to be a layer of wax oil and wicks in the glazed bottles. These glazed bottles should be everlasting lamps used to guard the tomb."

Jin An walked to a tall glass bottle and tried to light the wick with the torch in his hand. The flames crackled and danced violently, first burning away the dust on the surface of the wick. Finally, with a pop, a bright, ever-burning lamp lit up in the dark cave.

Under the firelight, these crystal clear glass bottles shine with bright and dazzling brilliance, colorful and flashing with colorful divine light, as if they have walked into the mythical and legendary Heavenly Palace, dispelling the emptiness in the tomb, and bringing a few... A ray of warm firelight is no longer the cold tomb.

Under the slow light of the fire, the glass bottle looks even more perfect and beautiful.

When everyone saw this scene, they all exclaimed in surprise, and then started to light up the glass bottles along the way.


The glazed bottles were lit one after another, with colorful lights and brilliant colors, like perfect crystal lanterns. The illumination range of each glazed bottle was very wide, illuminating all the steps at your feet and also illuminating the steps on both sides. Mountain wall.

There are painted murals on the mountain walls.


I don’t know whether it’s because the air circulation in the tomb is slow and these painted murals have been kept dry, so they oxidize very slowly, or whether it’s because of the use of special pigments. In short, after thousands of years, these painted murals are not too damaged except for being a little dull. .

These murals depict palace life and record important events such as a tall and powerful human-dragon king with a long tail, handling state affairs, conducting military campaigns in person, and discussing national affairs with civil and military officials.

"This human dragon is exactly the same in shape and expression as the human dragon in the mural we saw on the fake tomb above. It should be the leader of the Teng Kingdom."

These murals are painted on the mountain walls on both sides at a very high angle, just like the Lord of Teng Kingdom is high above, inspecting the subjects at his feet. The old Taoist priest raised his neck to look up at the exquisite murals, his neck was almost stiff.

It was not just the old Taoist priest who felt pain in his neck when he looked up.

Jin An also felt uncomfortable holding the torch in his neck and hand.

What we saw in the fake tomb before were stone murals, not painted murals. This time, through the painted murals, everyone can more intuitively see what the leader of the Teng Kingdom looked like.

"The face of the Lord of Teng Kingdom is so long, actually longer than a horse's face." The old Taoist priest muttered.

Jin An cried and laughed and said: "You can say that he is a human dragon who claims to be the reincarnation of a real dragon. How can he be called Ma Mian? He should be called Long Yan."

"Whether it's a dragon or a snake, the face is always very long, so this mural is in line with the facial features of a human and dragon."

The old Taoist priest was happy: "You can pull me down, little brother. The Lord of Teng Kingdom is so bad that he can return a human dragon. Old Taoist, I compare his face to a horse's face. This is the greatest respect for the owner of the tomb when standing in his tomb." Actually, I want to say that the face of the Lord of Teng Kingdom is longer than the soles of my shoes."

As the old Taoist priest spoke, he raised his foot and gestured to the soles of his own thousand-layer soles. They were smelly and long. After finishing speaking, the old Taoist priest did not forget to say cheerfully to the country goddess, "You think so, sister?"

Jin An: "..."

Captain: "..."

Country Goddess: "..."

other people:"……"

Everyone ignored the old Taoist priest and continued to look up at the murals on the mountain wall above their heads with neck pain. As a result, when they looked at the face of the Lord of Teng Kingdom, they could not get rid of the soles of the old Taoist priest's shoes...

In addition to being painted as a human-dragon with towering horns and a long tail, the leader of the Teng Kingdom also has a few exposed skins covered with dragon scales like snake scales, which makes him look quite majestic.

Looking at this human-dragon appearance, Jin An, who had seen the real corpse of a human-dragon in the fake grave above his head, once again had a look of contemplation and doubt in his eyes.

Jin An suppressed his thoughts, followed the mural, and continued to look back.

In addition to depicting the luxurious life of the palace and the Lord Teng and his civil and military officials dealing with national affairs, these murals also focus on depicting the Lord Teng personally going to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Every time the leader of the Teng Kingdom goes to the battlefield to kill the enemy, he can always call the wind and rain. As long as he casts a spell, a flash flood will break out in the enemy's camp or the enemy's city, flooding the enemy's city, and easily defeat other vassal states without a single blow.

If God helps.

It seems like it is really the reincarnation of a real dragon.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be fully believed. Kings in history like to exaggerate their great achievements and leave their names for eternity, which can be regarded as full of bad deeds.

However, not in every war, the leader of the Teng Kingdom would call for the wind and rain to flood the enemy's city. There were also many battles. After the city was captured, the leader of the Teng Kingdom would lead his troops to massacre the city, and the blood would flow into rivers, showing cruelty and cruelty.

The people in one city after another were slaughtered.

Even children are not spared.

Everyone looked at the murals one by one, and before they knew it, they had walked a certain distance. Suddenly, the vision in front of them darkened, and the murals on the mountain wall were broken.

"Why did it suddenly turn dark?"

The old Taoist priest was startled. He turned around and looked around. It turned out that the glass bottle in front of him had not been completed, and it had not been filled with wax oil and wick.

And because the torches in their hands were dim and the illumination was limited, the mural was cut off at this point.

Out of curiosity about the murals at the back, everyone continued to walk forward. As a result, the several glass bottles they encountered along the way were all unfinished semi-finished products.

There are many glass bottles that have not even finished carving the dragon shape.

The old Taoist priest who was looking at it with interest couldn't help but curled his lips and muttered, "This solemn-faced Lord of Teng Kingdom is really disappointing!"


Ps: Pfft, I said earlier that Zhu Yintai is Zhu Yingtai’s boss, you’re going too far! Especially the boss who said that the graveyard still lacks a Liangshanbai is even more outrageous. He is obviously a very serious and nervous thief atmosphere QAQ. .

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