White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 274 Things are about to change


Jin An's eyes moved.

The rainy night was cold and windy, and there was a strange sound coming from the roof tiles.

In this restless rainy night, there is another pair of strange twin children.

The pair of twin children were wearing little brats.

Bare little feet.

Running in the rain with bare buttocks and back.

His skin was livid, like that of someone who had been dead for a long time.

Their bellies are as big as water tanks.

The mouth was hideously stitched shut with black stitches.

The neck is as slender as the eye of a needle.

This appearance is really weird, and it doesn't seem to be the right way at first glance.

As soon as the twin children appeared, a strong smell of corpses began to float in the air.

Looking at the twin children's detailed necks and big bellies, Jin An's first thought was of starving ghosts.

Among folk legends, starving ghosts are people who committed karma or were greedy during their lifetimes. After death, they become starving ghosts. In simple terms, they are people who deserve to die.

The physical characteristics of a starving ghost are a small mouth, a thin neck, and a big belly. They can never satisfy their desires, but they are unable to eat because of their small mouth and thin throat, and they suffer from hunger.

The biggest difference between these twin children and starving ghosts is that these children are alive, not dead.

Although they carry a strong smell of corpse.

But they are indeed living people.

Because Jin An recognized that these two people had living yang energy.

"A living person? Is that a person from the evil path?"

Jin An looked at the pair of twins running around naked in the rain without restraint.

The smell of corpses on their bodies is so strong, it seems that the direction of their evil cultivation is related to corpses. Only people who hang out with the dead all year round can have such a strong smell of corpses.

This reminded Jin An of the corpse-carrying craftsman he met not long ago.

But this pair of twin children were obviously not corpse-carriers, because corpse-carriers never leave their bodies, but these two children, who were scarier than dead children, did not carry corpses on their bodies.

"It's a bit interesting..."

"A stone cow is suspected to have come to life. It has not yet been confirmed, but it has already attracted the attention of so many demons and ghosts..."

"One person has even died..."

Jin An became interested.

I wonder if catching one of them will yield any useful clues. At least, knowing some information about Cave Heaven Paradise in advance can help avoid more risks.

Just when Jin An was about to take action, four more people appeared on the rainy night. As soon as these four people appeared, they stood together and were obviously accomplices.

They are respectively a charming and beautiful woman.

The charming and beautiful woman, wearing revealing clothes and gauze, looked like a prostitute, but she had two greedy mouths.

There is one mouth on the front of her face, and another mouth on the back of her head. The black hair on the back of her head is as flexible as human claws. It is tearing the body of an adult man into six pieces, with blood dripping all over the floor. The mouth on the back of her head is devouring the hands, feet, and body. , and head.

Ming Ming looked at the small mouth.

But it can easily swallow a whole human head.

And flying in the mid-air next to the charming and beautiful woman was a flying-headed man.

When I saw that flying head man.

Jin An's expression changed.

He thought of the dead head in the golden coffin in the Headless Village, the Human Head Gu King.

Standing next to Feitouman was a hunchbacked man covered in black robes, with a pair of giant full-moon scimitars on his back.

The pair of full-moon scimitars were as big as door panels, but the stature of the hunchbacked man was also unusually tall and burly. Even though the black robe on his back had a huge hump and his body was slightly stooped, he was still one or two taller than an adult man. Size.

Following the dark curtain of the rainy night, when Jin An saw the last person, he saw a familiar figure. The man was wearing black clothes and a long coat, with an elegant face, harmless to humans and animals, and was middle-aged.

It was the interrogator who went to the Yinyijiang Ancient Tomb with them not long ago!

The four people lined up in a row, looking at the stone cattle and the imperial army in the square in the distance.

They seemed to feel the gaze coming from not far away from them, and turned to look at Jin An. These people's gazes were evil, some were expressionless, some were elegant and gentle... I don't know if it was because of the distance, the hazy light on the rainy day, or Because these three people are stronger than Jin An, they are not afraid to look at Jin An.

The questioner nodded and smiled lightly at Jin An. It was obvious that he recognized Jin An at a glance.

The moment he saw the questioner, Jin An's eyes turned cold.

It seems that the only survivor of the group of antique dealers who smuggled the water beads out of the imperial mausoleum and went down to the Yinyi River is this interrogator.


There is another look!

Jin An followed the fifth gaze, and suddenly, there was a slightly startled expression on his face.


It was an absurdly huge figure.

The dark night is the best disguise. In the haze of the night, a tall red-robed figure like a giant stands.

The man was wearing a red robe and a black gauze hat with stiff wings on his head. His face was as pale as a dead person covered with thick white powder. He had a book of life and death in his left hand and a soul-stirring pen in his right hand. He looked like a judge from the underworld walking in the world of the underworld. He was... visually estimated to be two feet tall, larger than the surrounding buildings. Even higher.

This thing is no longer human.

Because it is impossible for normal people to grow to this height.

But Jin An could feel the yang energy of a living person from this person. This thing was actually a living person? It's not a cover-up.

But how is it possible for a living person to grow to such a huge size that he stands like a giant between heaven and earth?

The giant was high up, looking down at Jin'an with a condescending expression.

At this moment, when Jin An discovered the five people on the other side, the five people on the other side were also watching Jin An. The air seemed to be still at this moment, and the war was about to break out.


Jin An felt the pressure of the five gazes on him lighten up, and the gazes of the antique dealers all turned to look in the direction of the square.

Jin An also turned to look.

A Taoist priest came from the rainy night holding an umbrella and met up with the captains and others in the square. The Taoist priest was the Taoist master who had controlled the Xiaohanbao Damage on the Yinyi River and came from the Yujing Golden Tower in the capital.

But because of the distance and the umbrella blocking his face and facial features, Jin An couldn't see the other person's appearance.

When Jin An looked back at the group of antique dealers, the place was empty, and the five people on the other side had disappeared without a trace.

Jin An looked at the direction where the five people disappeared, his eyes pondering.

Originally, he had always thought that this group of antique dealers had left Fucheng, at least to avoid the limelight for a while, and would not return to the heavily guarded Fucheng so soon.

Who knew the other party was so courageous.

There was such a big commotion not long ago, and they immediately returned to Fucheng.

Thinking of this, Jin An looked back at the square where the torches were as bright as day, and at the stone cow...

"It seems that the Cave Heaven Paradise Passage will soon appear! It should be within the next few days!"

Jin An was curious.

Jin An already had some conjectures in his mind as to whether the Taoist master from Yujing Jinque was someone he knew. In order to get a definite verification, he began to move around the rooftops near the square, wanting to see clearly. The other person’s facial features.

But it has been in vain.

Instead, he discovered many sneaky people hiding in the dark in the vast rainy night, peering in the direction of the square.

As the age of great strife approaches...

All kinds of monsters and monsters began to surface uncontrollably, and the undercurrent was surging!

at this time.

Guanwai is thousands of miles away from Wuzhou Prefecture.

This is a bitter cold place.

From the point of view, the vast field of vision is filled with vast snow-capped mountains and the climate is harsh. However, this is the forefront of the invasion of Kangding Kingdom by the grassland tribes outside the pass.

Between the snowy peaks of these mountains, there is only a flat land that can enter the Kangding Kingdom. This is not only a trade route, but also the only channel for foreigners to invade the Central Plains. As long as you hold on to this channel, you can resist foreigners from the frontier. outside.

Therefore, since ancient times, successive dynasties have continuously strengthened this passage and created the Shanhaiguan Pass, the most powerful pass in the world.

Shanhaiguan is located on a narrow passage between mountains, with dangerous mountains and snow-capped mountains to the north and south. Therefore, as long as the few narrow passages are guarded with passes and fortresses, we can be in an invincible position that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Precisely because this is the only transportation route into the warm-climate Central Plains, Shanhaiguan has been invaded by foreign tribes almost every year in history. As long as the grassland tribes outside the pass can't survive, or the cold winter is unbearable and the food reserves are low. , they will come to harass the border, burn, kill and plunder the food rations of the people on the border.

Shanhaiguan is the first barrier against nomadic tribes outside the customs. It is the most powerful pass in the world. Since its establishment, it has been fighting against enemies outside the customs for thousands of years.

No matter how the heroes of the world compete for the throne, even during the most chaotic period of the Warring States Period a thousand years ago, this most powerful pass in the world has not been lost. It has always been a rock barrier against the tribes on the grasslands outside the pass.

Since ancient times, how many heroic sons and daughters have shed their blood here to fight against foreigners.

Protect every inch of mountains and rivers and every inch of land behind you.

Generations of people have paid blood for this.

Even in history, many three generations of ancestors and grandchildren fought against the enemy together and died on the battlefield. They would rather die in battle than live in an ignoble existence, writing tragic and bloody epics.

It is precisely because of the sacrifices of so many unknown heroes that this most majestic pass in the world, soaked in blood and fire, can stand for thousands of years without falling despite being burned by blood and fire. It has only been lost once in history. It is said that Thousands of years ago, some people collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country, colluded with internal and external forces, and allowed foreigners to enter the country. Thousands of loyal souls would rather die than surrender and were slaughtered.

But that history is too long.

After several dynasty changes...

The cycle of history...

Many unofficial and official histories have disappeared...

And the only people who remembered that period of history were turned into bones and loess...

History has forgotten who that traitor was.

Outside the First Hero Pass, this is a high place in the mountains. At this moment, nearly a hundred big men are lined up side by side.

The skin of these big men is rough and dark, and their cheeks have a slightly reddish-black complexion that only comes from living outside the customs all year round. Their clothing is different from that of the people in Kangding Kingdom, with an obvious prairie tribe style.

These people are warriors from the northern steppe tribes.

The northern grasslands have the coldest winters and the most scorching summers, so the skin of the people in the northern grasslands is particularly rough and dark, lacking the fine skin and tender flesh of the people of Kangding.

In front of these foreign men, there were several people in gorgeous clothes.

The clothes of these people are made of very luxurious materials. Even in the country of Kangding, which is rich in products, they are all fine silk pieces that only princes and nobles can afford. After traveling long distances, these silks were brought by merchants outside the customs to areas where products were scarce. The price of these silks increased several times, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were equivalent to gold.

The status of these people in the grassland tribe is obviously very high.

You can tell something from the respectful manners of the hundreds of men outside the customs.

The direction they were looking at right now was Shanhaiguan, the most powerful pass in the world.

"The sky is going to change..."

This was a blind old man wearing a stone mask with turbid white pupils. He looked in the direction of Shanhaiguan and remained motionless.

"Wizun, the weather is indeed going to change. This year the temperature will drop earlier than before. This year's grassland winter will be very difficult. Many old people, women, children, cattle and sheep will die..."

Next to the blind old man stood a tall and burly man who was seven feet tall and wearing a metal armor. His voice was dull, and the breath between his mouth and nose was as thick as a pillar of air.

The energy and blood all over his body burned like the hottest scorching sun above his head.

A suit of golden armor shines like the sun on the snowy peak.

This majestic man is like the sun god of the northern grassland tribe.

"Lord Nalan, things are indeed going to change. The era of great conflict is coming soon... According to the information I brought back from a recent business trip, the first tunnel to the Heaven and Paradise in Kangding Kingdom will be opened soon. We need to make plans early. Buy some time for the people we have placed in Kangding."

"If the celestial beings in the Cave Heaven Paradise cannot be used by the men of my grassland tribe, then we will destroy those celestial beings so that Kang Dingguo will not be able to obtain them. This will prevent Kang Dingguo from fueling his arrogance and attacking our children in the future."

"...When we are staring at the cattle, sheep, gold and women of Kangding Kingdom, Kangding Kingdom is also peeping at the cattle, sheep, land and women of our various tribes."

The blind old man wearing a stone mask had a heavy but decisive breath.

Nalan, in the northern grasslands, means the sun.

Lord Nalan, who was wearing a metal armor, looked at the Kangding Kingdom's first pass in the distance with sharp eyes, and his voice was strong but without emotion: "Since ancient times, these weak Han people have been sitting on the richest pass in the world. Resources, water, medicine, no fear of hunger, no fear of illness, endless food to eat, endless cattle and sheep to slaughter..."

"The bravest and most unafraid of death, the vigorous man from the prairie has the strongest physique. He can easily kill ten or twenty Han people with his bare hands, but his ancestors have been trapped in this barren land for generations!" Replace the nomadic migratory life with no fixed abode!”

"The grassland has the most ruthless drought, the barren land, and the coldest winter in the world. Most of the cattle and sheep that have worked hard to raise them for a year will freeze to death in the winter. All this is because of a pass. It is unfair to prevent us from having the most delicious food, the most beautiful women, and the most gorgeous silk like the Han people."

"Since the world is unfair, the Sun Khan of the grassland will lead the warriors of several major tribes, and unite the countries in the western regions and the Rakshasa Kingdom further north to attack the Kangding Kingdom in advance before the heavy snow closes the mountains in winter, and jointly contain it All the masters of Kangding Kingdom, fight for opportunities for our prairie warriors who are lurking in Kangding Kingdom, and let this era of great strife become a stepping stone for my prairie men to take over the Central Plains!"

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