White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 43 Taoist Priest and Sheep

Although I couldn't say goodbye to Zhang Lingyun for the last time.

But Jin An didn't think much about it.

It's not like he left Chang County.

We can see each other anytime in the future.

And he also left a new address for Shopkeeper Zhang.

Jin An asked the old Taoist priest to help him find the place he was looking for.

The location isn't busy, but it's not too remote either.

It's suitable for him to practice martial arts quietly without disturbing the people around him.

It mainly has two courtyards, one large and one small, and three empty rooms. The small courtyard in the backyard is just suitable for him to practice martial arts.

This private house was rented, not bought by Jin An.

Even Jin An doesn't know whether he will always live in Chang County in the future, so there is no need for him to buy real estate.

House prices were cheap in ancient times.

And there is no such thing as a real estate speculator group.

He wants to buy real estate, but he can't wait for the value to rise.

When Jin An walked to the door, he saw the courtyard door open. There was a bamboo and rattan chair in the front yard, and the old Taoist priest was lying leisurely on the bamboo and rattan chair to bask in the sun.

"Old magician, you are quite free."

"I tell you to breathe in more Yang Qi, so that the frightened three souls and seven souls can recover quickly."

"Then why don't you say that it will be dried for seven or forty-nine days to produce delicious food?"


Baa baa baa baa——

"Huh?" The old Taoist priest, who was originally lying on a bamboo and rattan chair basking in the warm sun, suddenly sat up and looked at the goat that Jin An was holding behind him in wonder.

"This sheep is so fat and strong. It's twice as big as any other goat I've ever seen."

"Little brother, you are still considerate and know how to take care of the elderly. I am weak. I know that I have been weak recently and urgently need to cook mutton hotpot to replenish my essence and blood and strengthen my yang. In this wet and cold season when it is easy to get cold legs, it is best to cook mutton. It’s perfect for hot pot.”

"My little brother bought such a big sheep, it's enough for you and me to eat mutton hot pot for half a month..."

The old Taoist priest couldn't help but salivate, and his Adam's apple slid up and down.

Especially when he saw the two lumps of sheep's eggs that were twice as big as ordinary sheep, the old Taoist priest's eyes widened in surprise.

This man is middle-aged...

It is easy for me to have sore waist and soft legs, and to urinate frequently at night.

Need aphrodisiac supplements!

Looking at the old Taoist priest who was drooling, Jin An looked happy.

He handed the rope of the goat to the old Taoist priest and said, if you have the ability to slaughter this goat and make mutton hot pot, I will not only give you the goat, but I will also give you the rent for living here with him. Everything is free, and you will get a free mutton-shabu hotpot for half a year, so you can eat it until you get tired of it.

The old Taoist priest is a wandering Taoist priest.



Wherever he goes, that's his home.

This time he accidentally injured his soul and suffered a severe loss of energy and spirit. He had to stay in Chang County until he recovered from his injuries before he could continue on his journey.

When the old Taoist priest heard that Jin'an was looking for a new residence during this period, he took the initiative to take over the job of finding a new address.

So there is this new address in front of him, which he found for his own benefit under the guise of public service.

And the old Taoist priest stayed there shamelessly and got free rent.

Since the white coffin was successfully buried and the Lin family's affairs were settled, the old Taoist priest left the Lin family. You can’t just live there forever after the master’s affairs have been taken care of, right?

After hearing Jin An's words, the old Taoist priest's eyes immediately gleamed. He was holding the rope and thinking about which part of the mutton should be rinsed today. As a result, the goat was very strong, and even the old Taoist priest's arms and legs were unable to hold the fat and strong goat. It was knocked to the ground by its head, and it fell on all fours in disgrace.

Jin An no longer paid attention to the old Taoist priest and the greedy sheep who were coming and going in the yard, each showing off their magical powers, and went back to the house to put away his luggage.

The Greedy Sheep came to him every day to eat and drink century-old medicinal soup and century-old medicinal wine. Its bones had to be washed several times every day. It was stronger than a calf, and even a few big men couldn't hold it back.

What's more, the old Taoist priest is alone.

When Jin An put away his things and walked out of the house, he saw a person and a sheep in the yard, staring at Mung Bean at the tortoise. What are you looking at? I'm just looking at you. If you try to look at me again, you will die...

Jin An was confused and asked what the old Taoist priest was looking at.

Can a sheep still make you see flowers?

Unexpectedly, the old Taoist priest looked at Jin An with a serious face: "Little brother, where did you get this sheep? Old Taoist, I feel that this guy has become a spirit."

Jin An was shocked when he heard this. Did he make a mistake?

The sheep raised by the Taoist priests of the five internal organs have actually inherited the Taoist incense and have become spirits?

After all, the old magic stick can be considered a member of the famous Taoist sect. Could it be that he saw the clues?

Jin An thought about this and asked the old Taoist priest: "This greedy sheep just uttered human words, has it spoken?"

The old Taoist priest shook his head angrily: "That's not true. The main reason is that the goat always looks at me sideways, as if he is mocking me for being stupid."

Looking at the old naughty old Taoist priest who was getting angry with a beast, Jin An shook his head: "When a pig or dog encounters a butcher ten feet away, they still know how to tuck their tails and turn around and run for their lives. Old Taoist priest, if you want to kill it and eat its meat, what will happen to it?" Don’t you understand?”

"Domestic cats, dogs, and mice have been around people for a long time. Under the influence of their ears and eyes, they can gradually understand people's words and deeds. Sometimes they will imitate people's words and deeds, and gradually understand people's spirituality. This is normal. thing."

"Okay, old bastard, don't worry about eating it anymore. I didn't buy this greedy sheep from the market to eat meat. It's something I put my thoughts on to a benefactor who saved my life, and it will be the same in the future. Be part of the family."

The old Taoist priest was just moved by Jin An's words, but Jin An changed the topic: "Well, old magic stick, please clean up the dust on your clothes. Let's go have mutton hot pot in the evening. I'll treat you."

"Ouch! Old Taoist priest, my waist was caught. Little brother, hurry up and help old Taoist me..."

The old Taoist priest put his hands on his waist and screamed in pain.

Because he was thinking about the mutton hot pot, the old Taoist priest quickly dusted himself off and left the goat tied under an old pear tree in the yard. After leaving enough carrots, Jin An and the old Taoist priest locked the door and went out.

Walking on the streets of Changxian County.

Lively lanterns can be seen scattered on both sides of the street.

The pier was densely populated, with more than 20 large and small boats parked there. Many young ladies from out of town, as well as family members of large families on board the boats, crowded off the boats. The porters working hard at the pier, the horse-drawn carriages, donkeys, ox-carts and wheelbarrows carrying people's greetings, all kinds of people crowded the pier to attract business, and it was very lively and bustling with people.

Pedestrians in the market are crowded one after another, and the flow is endless.

There are many strangers with unfamiliar faces.

The teahouses and wine shops on both sides of the street are doing a booming business.

The most lively temple fair in Chang County once a year, as it gets closer and closer, Chang County also begins to become lively.

"Old magician, have you ever participated in a temple fair in Chang County before?"

"Old Taoist, I am a traveling Taoist priest, and it is my first time to come to Chang County. Naturally, I have never seen the grand annual temple fair in Chang County. However, when I lived with the Lin family, I heard the Lin family talk about it. The reason why the county temple fair is so grand and attracts countless rich men, young ladies and gentlemen is probably because there is a thousand-year-old sacred tree in Chang County that can bear fruits of copper coins. Gee, even the old Taoist I am moved, I can't help it. I want to see what this Qingqianliu tree, which is regarded as a sacred tree by the locals in Chang County, looks like?"

"Speaking of the temple fair, I wonder how Feng Baotou's arrangements are going?"

Jin An had just talked about Capt. Feng. When the two of them, smelling of mutton, returned to their new address after eating the mutton, they saw a Capturing Officer wearing a yamen official uniform with a knife waiting at the gate. outside.

Take a closer look.

It was Feng Baotou.

"Fortunately, Mr. Jin An left a new address with shopkeeper Zhang, otherwise Feng would have had a hard time finding him. Mr. Jin An, Mr. Chen, are you free tonight?"

"We will go to prison immediately tonight to investigate the real cause of Li Dashan's death!"

Feng Baotou said straight to the point.

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