White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 457 The Ears of the Desert God! Desert fire! Desert Temple!

Under the illumination of the torch in Jin'an's hand.

You can see this is another spiral stone staircase.

Hidden on the back of the stone staircase overhead.

Because the environment in this sinkhole was dim and the vision was poor, they did not discover that there was another cave behind the spiral stone staircase at first.

Although it is a bit inappropriate to say this, if no one goes crazy this time, they will not be able to discover the real secret of the Desert Ear sinkhole.

"I didn't expect those Wuer clans to build the Yin and Yang Road here." Young Master Yiyun was surprised.

As Jin An and Young Master Yiyun came down, others also landed smoothly one after another. When they saw that only Jin An and Young Master Yiyun were waiting for them, they were startled subconsciously: "Why are there only you two here, where are the others? "

As they talked, they used their torches to illuminate the road ahead and back. However, when the light from the torch reached the tiankeng, the lighting effect was really limited. If you were more than a few steps away, you would not be able to see your hand, which gave people a very dark feeling. Feel.

At this time, Mr. Yiyun knelt down to check the footprints on the ground. He quickly stood up, pointed forward and said, "The footprints on the ground all went in the same direction."

Hearing this, someone immediately urged: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and catch up with them. Is there something unexpected going on? That's why Aheqi and the others didn't stand there waiting for us!"

They chased all the way out, and the sound of their footsteps echoed far away in the empty tiankeng. Jin An found that the depth of this spiral stone staircase was far beyond his imagination. He silently calculated that the depth of this underworld staircase hidden in the back was already Far more than the balcony above the head.

Unfortunately, when he looked up, he could only see pitch black darkness and could not verify his conjecture.

When Jin An felt that they were at least two or three kilometers deep into the tiankeng, there were only a handful of tiankengs of this depth, but here, it still seemed bottomless, as if this place was really a bottomless abyss. If you stay here for a long time, you will be mentally numb and depressed. In the end, your sense of time, space, and direction will definitely become disordered.

Jin An was thinking wildly as he ran. Could it be that this was the reason why the Wu'er family was mentally distorted and perverted, believing that cutting off one's ears would allow one to hear the so-called will of the gods?

This desert is short of material, vast and sparsely populated. Hundreds of kilometers of uninhabited land are commonplace. A group of people lack communication with the outside world, which leads to ignorance. It is normal for people living here to have stubborn ideas for thousands of years.

Just when Jin An was using his random thoughts to get rid of the sense of spatial oppression along the way, suddenly, with sharp eyes, he noticed a few faint firelights flashing in the lower corner opposite the sinkhole, and he cheered up: "They are there!"

After hearing this, everyone looked carefully and saw the faint flash of fire, and shouted happily: "It is indeed them!"

This sinkhole is very big. It seems that the fire is diagonally opposite, but people can't fly over immediately. Finally, they ran around the rotating stone staircase for several times before arriving at the location. There is a crack in the mountain here. Behind the crack in the mountain It seems that there is another cave.

Judging from the blood stains on the ground, Abbas, who had both ears cut off, ran in here. There were also many people's messy footsteps on the ground, and people like Ah Heqi and Yan Kuan also chased here.


Jin An suddenly asked in surprise: "Have you noticed that it feels very hot when we are standing here, and there is a hot wind blowing out of the cracks in the mountain?"

Jin An and Master Yiyun looked at each other and pursued into the cracks in the mountain without hesitation. Later, they even saw the light of burning fire.

The cracks in the mountain became wider and wider as we walked, and the fire became more intense. When we reached the end, we found a very huge cave. There were several pools of black water gushing out from the ground in the cave. In addition to the black water, there were several burning places in the huge cave. The fire pits that never go out, the hot wind and fire light come from these fire pits.

Deeper in the cave behind the flames, a majestic palace built against the mountain could be vaguely seen.

"This is the blood of the devil! Could it be that we have descended so deep that we have already entered the legendary fiery hell!"

"Fierce oil!"

There were two kinds of exclamations in the crowd. Those from the Western Regions recognized the black water as the devil's blood in hell, while Jin An and Mr. Yiyun recognized at a glance that the black water was actually fierce fire oil.

Looking at several natural oil wells, Jin An looked gloomy: "It seems that we have to be more careful next time. We are walking on hot oil. If there is too much movement or explosion here, we will all die." land."

He also popularized what fierce fire oil was to those in the Western Regions.

After listening to Jin An's explanation, those people from the Western Regions were still a little doubtful and did not fully believe Jin An's words. However, in order to save Ayimaimaiti, Aheqi, and the seriously injured Abbas, they still chose to enter "hell" Save people.

Although these people were a little ignorant, Jin An was still moved by these desert people who valued love and justice.

Desert people treat friendship as hot as the sun in the sky.

Carefully walking through the fire pits and looking at those fire pits that seemed to last forever, those people from the Western Regions had a look of taboo on their faces: "Why are there so many fire pits here? Are these fire pits lit by Ayimaimaiti and others for thousands of years?" Was it lit by the Wuer clan before? Is there really a flame in this world that will burn for thousands of years? Then this must be the divine fire that has wandered into the world!"

Jin An glanced at the fire pits and said casually: "Things that can burn for thousands of years are not necessarily sacred fires. There is a description in "Hanshu Geography" that Hongmen has Tianfengyuan and Huojing Temple. , Fire comes out of the earth.”

"Where there is strong fire oil, there will be fire wells. These two things go hand in hand. Fire wells are nothing new. Among us Han people, there have been records of people using fire wells to boil salt."


"It's a new thing to have fire wells that can burn for thousands of years. Maybe it's because these fire wells themselves are not big, and secondly, because there is probably an amazing amount of fire oil stored under the Wuer clan. It's a pity. These pearls are covered in dust from the fierce oil of fire.”

At this time, they had walked through several fire pits, and the appearance of the magnificent hall in front of them gradually became clearer. Jin An curiously looked at this hall built deep underground.

"These Wu'er clan are quite smart. They know how to use the fire well to obtain the 'divine fire', which can be as bright as daylight in the underground cave, and they can also solve the crisis filled with poisonous gas here. I didn't expect that the Wu'er clan thousands of years ago already had such far-sighted insights. ."

At this time, he could already clearly see the main hall in front of him. The main hall was grand, majestic, and tall. Standing at its feet, one felt as if he was being overlooked by a giant.

The entrance hall of this hall is huge, and the main body is tall. It does not look like it is for people to live in, but it looks like a temple for gods to live in or to worship gods. Moreover, the architectural style is also in line with the style of the temple.

Those people from the Western Regions were stunned by Jin An's words: "Taoist Master Jin An, how do you know so many strange things?"

Jin An didn't answer. He chased a few drops of fresh blood on the ground into the temple.

Why did Abbas, who was possessed by evil and crazy, bring them to this Wuer's building hidden deep underground?

The earless Abbas was talking nonsense and calling gods all the way. Is there really any ancient god living in this ancient temple to lure people to the temple?

The answers he wanted were all in this temple.

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