White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 479 Pigs and dogs are worse than beast masks

Click click click——

In the darkness, there seemed to be the sound of bones and joints twisting, and it seemed like someone with a stiff body was approaching with difficulty.


In the other direction, there was a sound of chattering teeth, as if someone was turning livid from the cold, holding his body with his hands and chattering teeth. But if you listen carefully, it seems that the sound of teeth grinding is not from the cold, but from being too hungry.

In addition, there were several people's strange mutterings, which came from the invisible dark corners, as if they were discussing something.

In short, this hell is not peaceful.

There are many bad neighbors living nearby who are not good friends.

These evil neighbors were awakened from their slumber by the bloody smell of dead heads, and pairs of cold and ruthless eyes stared here.

This mysterious night scared the scalps of the people at the door. Their banging on the door became more and more urgent, and the sounds in their throats could not help but rise several degrees. They urgently shouted to Master Tashi to open the door first.


A gust of wind suddenly blew up in the night, and the wind roared. I don't know when it started. The surroundings suddenly became very quiet. The evil neighbors who were waking up one by one suddenly became quiet.

The few people knocking on the door just looked hesitant. Suddenly, somewhere under the dark night, a thin and hunched figure appeared... At this time, the surroundings became dead silent, so quiet that you could hear the figure walking from a distance. The sound of approaching footsteps.

The hunched figure seemed terrifying, and it was unclear whether it was a man or a woman. Wherever it passed, all the weird noises in the darkness suddenly stopped.

It's like all the weird things are being held by the throat and hanging in the air, not daring to struggle.

The few people who were knocking on the door also noticed the ominous aura gradually filling the air. They were paralyzed with fear, and their already bloodless dead faces turned pale with fear. They leaned against the doorman and trembled like chaff.

Just when these people were frightened and collapsed to the ground, forgetting to escape and put away the dead heads in the box, the door behind them opened quickly. Before these people could react, the person was dragged into the house, and the door opened again. Close instantly.

At the same time, the box in their hands was instantly closed.

When the figure reached a fork that led to many plank roads, it may have been attracted by the smell of blood that had not completely dissipated in the air, so it stopped at the fork.

After standing for a while, it seemed that they had found the direction from which the smell of blood was coming, and the figure actually walked towards Jin An and their hiding place.

It is getting closer and closer to Master Tashi's residence.

As they approached, the sound of slamming doors could be heard from the buildings along the road, as if the figure was searching from room to room.

During this period, there were also screams from several evil neighbors, which suddenly stopped.

It was in this tense atmosphere with a full sense of oppression and urgency that the footsteps gradually approached Master Tashi's residence, accompanied by the sound of mutual accusations and abuses between a man and a woman.


The door of Master Tashi's residence was opened, and standing outside the door was a stooped, headless old man with a pair of heads fused on his chest. The heads were arranged up and down.

Men go up and women go down,

Their faces are all wearing masks that are inferior to pigs and dogs,

A couple was heard cursing and accusing each other under the mask.

Although I couldn't understand it, I could tell that the tone was very vicious.

The headless old man also held a lantern in his hand, but that lantern was not an ordinary lantern, but a human skin lantern made from the faces of a man and a woman sewn together.

Soon, the couple's curses and accusations gradually faded away, until finally they were no longer heard at all.

In the back room of Master Tashi's residence, Jin An saw that there was no sound at all outside. Jin An waited for a while, and when he saw that the strange thing was not cunning, he came back. Then he walked out carefully, and the door of the house was not locked. , still ajar.

Jin An first came to the half-open door and took a careful look at the ruins of several buildings outside. He closed the door again with a heavy expression.

"You, are you Master Tashi?"

"Thank you so much to Master Tashi for saving your life, otherwise we would all have died at the hands of the headless old man."

The people who had been knocking on the door were now kneeling on the ground, kowtowing to Jin An and Mr. Yiyun, thanking them for saving their lives.

They didn't realize that Jin'an and the others were all living people with yang energy.

Because at this moment, Jin'an and the others are all wearing the skin of a dead person temporarily refined by Mr. Yiyun, using the death energy, yin energy, corpse energy, and burial energy of the tomb to temporarily cover their yang energy and use it to deceive. Lihun.

Master Yiyun's skills are very good. In such a hurry, she can paint the same painting as Master Tashi.

These painted skins are not living people, to put it bluntly, they are dead objects. Therefore, Master Yiyun can paint the facial features however she wants, and disguise herself however she wants. As long as she is willing, she can paint any person, male or female, old or young, no matter what the appearance is. Painted skin.

Just now, Jin An thought that their whereabouts were going to be exposed, and they would inevitably have to become enemies of the underworld and fight their way out. Fortunately, Mr. Yiyun's painting skin helped them hide it.

Jin An couldn't help but sigh in his heart again, Mr. Yiyun is really awesome.

"What's going on with that headless old man? Why do I think it's looking for something?" Mr. Yiyun asked the people who were still kowtowing on the ground.

Those people looked up in surprise and looked at Mr. Yiyun in front of them: "Who is Master Tashi?"

These people from the Buddhist country came from the Tubo migration clan. Jin'an didn't understand Tubo at all, so he asked Mr. Yiyun to come forward to negotiate.

Facing the doubtful looks of several people at this time, Jin An couldn't understand what they were talking about, and naturally he had no way to answer.

Fortunately, Mr. Yiyun responded calmly without any panic: "Master Tashi is practicing a powerful Buddhist method called 'closed mouth meditation' recently. He cannot speak easily. If you have anything to say, just tell me directly and I will help you convey it to From Master Tashi.”

The method of communication Mr. Yiyun mentioned was actually communication by note.

Jin An took the note handed over by Young Master Yiyun. He nodded his head slightly, indicating that Young Master Yiyun was solely responsible for the communication.

These people still looked at "Master Tashi" and Mr. Yiyun with some doubts: "The headless old man is not a big secret. Master Tashi, how come you and your disciples don't even know this?" Know?"

These people regard everyone in the room as disciples of "Master Tashi".

Facing doubts, Master Yiyun was calm enough, and her face darkened: "It's a bit uneasy tonight. We just killed a few outsiders. You said you wanted to ask Master Tashi to save you, but the headless old man is You took the initiative to attract him, which makes us have to wonder if you are the headless old man deliberately attracted by outsiders in disguise? Only people in the Buddhist country know about the headless old man. Can you tell us about the headless old man? Only by proving that you are not outsiders can Master Tashi consider whether to save you!"

After listening to Mr. Yiyun's words, several people quickly shook their heads and waved their hands, saying that they were definitely not outsiders. In order to prove their innocence, they anxiously told the origin of the headless old man...

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