White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 504 Thirty-two rooms, thirty-two stories

Although the shopkeeper is blind and cannot see all things with and without form, he can tell everything about this old inn without thinking.

"The previous tenant of Room No. 5, Qiu Zi, on the second floor, moved in a month ago. He was a rough-and-tumble man with a rough voice and a vulgar personality. He didn't know how to be polite when talking to others. On the first night he stayed, he... He had a quarrel with the tenant next door. He said that the tenant next door stayed up all night and was demolishing the wall. He smashed the wall with a sledgehammer endlessly, disturbing people's sleep. He almost got into a fight with the tenant next door. But the tenant next door kept defending. It was said that he was sleeping quietly after nightfall, and it was impossible to make any noise, and this is an inn, so where could he find a sledgehammer to smash the wall."

"The argument went back and forth like this, and the grumpy man drove away the tenants on both sides. However, he still complained that there was always a sound of a sledgehammer hitting the wall every night. The man said that the sound of the sledgehammer hitting the wall was still at the door at first. But every day it gets closer and closer to the bedside. It seems like someone is smashing the wall looking for something. Tonight, he is going to smash the wall at his bedside. He has a very bad attitude and asks me if this inn is a black shop. Wall After saying that, he turned around and went to the back yard of the inn to find a big hammer and smashed open all the walls of Room No. 5, Qiuzi, but he found nothing."

Jin An: "He checked out later?"

The shopkeeper shook his head expressionlessly.

Jin An guessed: "He didn't check out, so he continued to live in Room No. 5 Qiuzi. That night, the sound of smashing the wall finally hit his bedside, and his head was smashed in his sleep. In the end, Will the inn collect his body?"

The shopkeeper still shook his head numbly and expressionlessly.

"He's missing."

"You can't see people alive, you can't see corpses after death."

Although it is two short sentences, it has a strange ending.

Jin An: "Didn't the inn report to the official?"

The shopkeeper numbly said: "What does the reporter do? One more thing is worse than one less thing. I saw that he didn't come to renew the room fee for ten days, so I directly used the luggage he left in the guest room as room fee and compensation for breaking the wall."

Jin An frowned.

What a cold-blooded and insensitive answer.

Jin An: "What about Room No. 7 Dongzi?"

The shopkeeper continued with his empty eyes: "The last tenant of Dongzi Room No. 7 was very special. He was one of the tenants who had lived in the inn for the longest time. They were a couple. Later, the wife went crazy and ate her husband. I also ate several tenants next door.”


This time it was short and clear, but it sent a chill down the spine.

Jin An: "How did you find out that the wife was crazy and started eating... er cannibalism?"

Shopkeeper: "The first two days were normal. The two of them were very affectionate and couldn't see anything unusual. About the third day, the couple suddenly closed the door and didn't go out for two consecutive days. . On the fifth day, the door to the Dongzi No. 7 room finally opened, but only the wife came out. That day, the wife of the couple suddenly came to me and said that her husband was weak and wanted to use the kitchen to stew a bowl of broth by herself. I agreed to take her back to the guest room to replenish her husband's health. It was strange to say that I had never seen her leave the inn, but she had fresh meat and offal stewed in soup every day and brought it back to her room to replenish her husband's health. Sometimes I would also improve the food and make pig blood soup, and it lasted like this for about a month..."

The shopkeeper seemed to be deep in thought and did not say anything further.

Jin An: "A woman who has never been out of an inn can borrow the kitchen to make soup every day. There is clearly something weird and fishy about it. As the owner of this inn, didn't you become suspicious and investigate from the beginning? "

The shopkeeper still responded numbly: "Control? Why do you care? She pays, I borrow the kitchen, and when I buy it, I sell it. Why should I care? As long as I have money, I can do anything."

Jin An frowned: "Is money more important than human life in your eyes?"

Shopkeeper: "When you spend money to buy beef, are you more pitiful than the old cow that kneels down and sheds tears under the butcher's knife? If you don't do it for yourself, God will kill you."

Jin An did not defend himself: "Then how did you find out later that she...killed her husband and other tenants?"

Shopkeeper: "As the number of tenants disappearing on the second floor increased, one tenant noticed something strange about the wife of the couple. After breaking in, they found human bones that had been picked out all over the floor. The room was very clean, with even a little bit of meat, internal organs, There’s no blood.”

No wonder no one smelled the strange smell even after killing so many people. This was such a complete destruction of corpses and traces. After hearing the story that happened in Dongzi Room No. 7, I shuddered.

Jin An: "There are still room No. 8 with the hidden character on the second floor and room No. 10 with the character Yu on the third floor. Could it be that people have died in these two rooms?"

The shopkeeper still had that numb and merciless expression, especially after listening to two horror stories, one more terrifying than the other, and then looking at his pair of dark eye sockets without eyeballs, it felt like he was standing next to an abyss and staring into the abyss. .

Shopkeeper: "The previous person who stayed in Room No. 8 with Tibetan Characters was a woman who was trapped in love. She had a sad face and shed tears every day. But since she moved into Room No. 8 with Hidden Characters, she was radiant and full of energy. Finally, she died suddenly. Exhausted."

Jin An: "What kind of strange way to die is this?"

Shopkeeper: "There is only one woman in Room No. 8 with hidden characters. Since she moved in, she has been singing and dancing every night. When she goes out during the day, her face becomes more radiant every time, with happiness on her face... Let's call it a happy smile for now. Some people say this is After a long drought, she was nourished by men, and secretly scolded her for cheating on men in the guest room and not keeping up with women."

"But not long after this happened, there were noises in Room No. 8 not only at night, but sometimes even during the day. At this time, she was no longer radiant, but looked pale and ugly, and she was extremely energetic. It’s ugly, and it looks like a serious loss of energy and spirit.”

Jin An: "You still refuse to save me this time?"

Shopkeeper: "I reminded her that it's time to renew the room."

Jin An glanced at the other person's empty eyes: "You are really blinded by money."

Shopkeeper: "After she renewed her room payment, she went back to room No. 8 with hidden characters. A few days later, I reminded her again that it was time to renew her room payment. At this time, her energy and energy were even worse. She was thin and her skin was dull. Like fields that were dry and cracked due to lack of water during the drought season, and she no longer had any money to pay for the house renewal, she decided to find a pawn shop to sell off all the jewelry she had to pay for the house renewal, telling me not to return the house with hidden characters No. 8, I must. Leave her the hidden room No. 8."

"I asked her why, and she said that a few days ago it was supposed to be her wedding day to her fiancé, but when her fiancé was hanging a lantern with the character "囍", he accidentally fell off the ladder and hit the back of his head hard and died. She felt sorry for her. Her heart was dead, but she dreamed of her fiancé in Room No. 8. She had too many things to say to her fiancé. Her already dead heart was rejuvenated by love. As long as she could see her fiancé again, she was not afraid of carrying the burden. The name of impurity."

Shopkeeper: "I asked her if she wasn't even afraid of death? She said, 'I can't be with the one I love in life, but I hope both of us will turn into butterflies after we die. If you ask me what love is in the world, I can tell you that life and death are mutual commitments.'"

"She died of love and came to Tibetan Room No. 8, took on new life in Tibetan Room No. 8, was reborn for love, and finally died for love in Tibetan Room No. 8, which can be regarded as a new chapter in life. Happy ending, why should I save her? As long as she pays enough for the room."

Jin An sneered disdainfully: "It's just some monsters and monsters messing with people's minds. Where can two people be happy and treat each other sincerely? The wish that was exchanged for dreams will eventually be shattered one day."

Jin An: "What about the last room No. 10 on the third floor?"

Shopkeeper: "Several guests who have stayed in Room No. 10 on the third floor all said that they heard footsteps upstairs when they went to bed at night, as well as the sound of tables and chairs moving and the sound of things falling on the floor. But there are only three rooms in the inn. It’s a three-story building, how could the fourth floor disturb them?”

Jin An: "Are these people also dead?"

The shopkeeper shook his head: "All the tenants are just like the previous tenants in Room No. 5, Qiuzi. They disappeared for no reason, and no one is alive or dead."

Jin An frowned.

This is not an inn.

This is clearly a haunted house.

Who lives and who dies.

Each guest room has its own story. There are thirty-two guest rooms here. Aren’t there thirty-two supernatural stories?

If this place is so dangerous, why do those veterans of Laughing Corpse Village have to come here? Is it as simple as coming here to take refuge just because I'm passing by?

The shopkeeper, who had finished telling four stories at this time, saw that Jin An did not make a sound. He looked directly at the direction where Jin An was standing with his dark eyes, and repeated: "There are still four empty rooms. Qiu Qiu on the second floor." Room No. 5 with the word "Dong", Room 7 with the word "Dong", Room 8 with the word "Zang"...and Room 10 with the word "Yu" on the third floor...Which one do you want?"

Jin An thought about it and finally decided to pick it on the second floor. Anyone leaving the inn would pass by the second floor, and he could always pay attention to the movement.

"Which guest room on the second floor is closest to the stairs going downstairs?" Jin An asked the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper said without hesitation: "Room No. 5 with the character Qiu."

It was the room where there was the sound of hammers hitting the wall every night.

Jin An didn't think for long before he chose this room: "Okay, it's room No. 5, Qiu Zi. How much does it cost to stay for one night?"

The shopkeeper stood up and went to get the iron key hanging on the wall behind him.

There are obviously no eyes.

But he can accurately touch the iron key.

"The girl next to you has already paid for the room." The shopkeeper's words made Jin An surprised and looked at the red umbrella girl Zhizharen who had always been quiet next to him.

Next, the shopkeeper held an oil lamp and led them up to the second floor.

The light on the second floor was very dim, and the few light windows in the corridor were all boarded up tightly.

Jin An looked at the guest rooms on both sides and asked curiously: "Why are these windows nailed shut? If the inn catches fire, wouldn't there be no chance of escape?"

The guest rooms on the second floor are arranged according to the order of winter and summer, autumn harvest and winter storage, and the order of leap year and year old and lulu tiaoyang.

The one closest to the corridor is "cold comes and summer comes, autumn harvests and winter hides".

The inn was in disrepair, and the door cracks leaked a lot of light. When he passed through Room No. 2, he noticed a flicker of light and shadow under the door crack. It seemed that the people in the room had heard the movement in the corridor and were walking cautiously. Get to the door location.

When he looked at Room No. 1, which was opposite Room No. 2, he found that the door of this room was sealed with wooden bars. When he accidentally got a little closer, the amulet hidden in his collar was surprisingly hot.

Jin An asked calmly: "Why is this room sealed?"

The shopkeeper still leads the way with an oil lamp in his hand. He has an attitude of not bothering to pay attention to the customers after taking the money. He has no service at all and wants to attract repeat customers.

When passing by Room No. 3, the light leakage under the door was half blocked, and someone was already hiding behind the door to eavesdrop.

When passing by Room No. 4, there was candlelight leaking from the door, but no one was hiding behind the door to eavesdrop. However, there was a painful low sound coming from the room, as if the mouth was blocked and someone was being beaten painfully.

Finally arriving at Room No. 5, Qiu Zi, Jin An curiously took a look at Room No. 6, Shuzi Zi, which was opposite to his own. He found that there was no candlelight leaking from under the door, and the room was very quiet. There was no sound at all, and he didn't know what it was. I didn't blow out the candle on purpose. I was hiding behind the door and eavesdropping.

Each of these rooms has a special feature. Whenever he approaches, the amulet on his chest will feel warm, but the reaction is not as intense as in the sealed Hanzi Room No. 1.

He also didn’t know which house the bloody handprints and the two veterans of Laughing Corpse Village he was looking for were hidden in.

Jin An turned his head thoughtfully, well, he was almost so frightened that he subconsciously punched the two eyeless black holes that were approaching.

There was no strange expression on the face of the shopkeeper who was very close. He still said numbly: "You seem to be interested in every guest room?"

If Jin An hadn't been so courageous, a less courageous ordinary person would have been frightened to the point where at least one of his souls would have left his body, and he would have been weak and feverish for several days.

Jin An answered truthfully: "I was thinking, there are thirty-two guest rooms in the inn. Does each room have its own story?"

The shopkeeper did not answer, but said without the slightest apology: "I forgot that the renovation of Room No. 5 Qiuzi has not been completed after the previous tenant smashed the wall. Now there are only Rooms 7 and 8 left on the second floor. Vacant room.”

Hearing this, Jin An frowned and glanced at the Qiu Zi Room No. 5 in front of him. He couldn't see anything unusual at this moment.

Jin An: "Shopkeeper, are you sure the repairs haven't been completed yet?"

This shopkeeper didn't seem to be a kind person at first glance. He always felt that the other party was deliberately trying to trick him.

The shopkeeper nodded.

Jin An frowned slightly and looked at the Dongzi Room No. 7 and the Hidden Character Room No. 8 next to him. Because there were no guests staying, they were both dark, dead, and quiet. The only difference between the two was that the door of Room No. 7 looked like I once had my door hacked and broken into, and then someone casually nailed it up with a few wooden boards, which was a perfunctory matter.

Although he felt that there was a big problem with the shopkeeper, he was not suitable to break up with others right now. Without thinking for a long time, he decided to change to room No. 7.

It was the guest room where the couple had stayed. According to the shopkeeper, the couple was one of the longest-serving guests in the inn.

He was a little helpless in choosing this room, because it was the only room where he could notice the direction of the stairs.

Then the shopkeeper went downstairs to change the iron key and asked Jin An to wait for him where he was. Before leaving, he specifically told him not to run around as some tenants were not friendly.

While the shopkeeper went downstairs to get the iron key, Jin An immediately quickly looked at the remaining guest rooms on the second floor. As a result, he found that most of the remaining "leap Yu Cheng Sui, Lu Lu Tiao Yang" were sealed. , the remaining other guest rooms are too far away and the light is too dark to see clearly.

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