White Bone Monkey King

Chapter 573: Offering the incense of evil for the second time

"Return to the ancestral hall!"

"Everyone should go back to the ancestral hall first!"

Jin An couldn't care less about the terrifying legend behind the footsteps, and quickly urged everyone to retreat back to the Chen clan's ancestral hall.

The crisis came too quickly.

At this time, everyone was in danger, even Sangmen was trembling unintentionally. He stood on the roof and looked at the night sky in the distance with a solemn expression.

Jin'an lifted up the corpse-killing talisman affixed to the lintel of the ancestral hall, and retreated into the ancestral hall with Qi Bo and the red umbrella girl Zhizharen, and retreated all the way into the Yin Tower of the ancestral hall.

There is a tunnel there. If everyone hides in the tunnel, they may be able to escape.

It wasn't that they didn't want to escape, but that the attackers were unkind and had blocked the roads on both sides, so they could only retreat to the ancestral hall.

As for why the corpse-suppressing talisman was torn off, it was because these two terrifying legends overflowed with terrifying Yin Qi that made even the void tremble. A corpse-suppressing talisman would never stop these two terrifying legends, so now I can just keep a low profile. Keep a low profile as much as possible, and definitely don't draw attention to the two terrifying legends to the ancestral hall.

Because the situation was so urgent, Jin An didn't even have time to exchange greetings with Qi Bo about the joy of meeting again after a long absence. The two just nodded solemnly, which was regarded as greeting each other. Jin An gathered everyone in the ruins of the Yin Tower and hurriedly stated his plan.

"Girl in red, this headless and limbless human torso belongs to Taoist Crow. You come to interrogate the information and find out as soon as possible where the ghost mother's second personality is hidden in the underworld."

"Once you asked for the information, you directly absorbed his Yin Qi and did everything possible to strengthen the team. If we are really targeted by those two terrifying legends, we will have to rely on everyone to fight together to fight a bloody path. ”

When everyone was sent to hide in the tunnel, the others discovered that Jin An did not go down into the tunnel with everyone, and urged Jin An to come down and hide together.

Jin An shook his head: "There must be someone on the ground responsible for diverting those two terrifying legends to prevent Sangmen from suddenly killing us and deliberately diverting things from outside towards the ancestral hall."

Hearing this, everyone changed their color.

Of course they know how dangerous this kind of thing is.

They all refused to let Jin An do such a dangerous thing. Jin An is the backbone of everyone, and no one can lose Jin An.

"Taoist Master Jin'an, I should be responsible for leading the funeral door away." A Ping took the initiative to step forward at this time.

Others also stepped forward to replace Jin An.

"No, Aping, you are too weak." Now is a life and death crisis. Jin An didn't have time to explain in detail, so he interrupted bluntly.

Jin An hurriedly urged everyone to go down and hide in the tunnel: "You have your things to do, and I also have my own things to do. My purpose of going this time is not only to divert danger, but more importantly, the third person, the Ghost Mother, The character is still with Sangmen, and the third personality of the Ghost Mother must not fall into the hands of the Sangmen. We must find the kindness, happiness, and happiness of the Ghost Mother. This is the most urgent thing at the moment!"

"After you hide in the tunnel, take the opportunity to interrogate Taoist Crow for clues about the hiding place of the second personality of the Ghost Mother. I suspect that the second personality of the Ghost Mother is hidden under this Yin Tower. Girl in red, as soon as you interrogate the information, you will Immediately lead everyone to find the second personality of the Ghost Mother!"

"Now that we have found the kind-hearted personality of the Ghost Mother, and the happy personality of the Ghost Mother is also hidden in the underworld, it means that we have found the two personalities of the Ghost Mother, and now only the last key personality is missing! No matter what, we We all have to snatch the Ghost Mother’s third personality from Sangmen!”

The umbrella girl in red was worried about Jin An's safety. She just took a step forward and wanted to go with Jin An, but Jin An pushed her back: "Girl in red, the most critical part of this plan is you. You can't leave. If you really want to help me and support me as soon as possible, promise me to find the second personality of the Ghost Mother as soon as possible in front of the funeral gate. Only then can you bring everyone to support me."

Jin An didn't wait for the other party to agree or not, and turned to look at Qi Bo: "Qi Bo, I'm in such a hurry this time that I don't have time to say too much. It's urgent. I hope you understand. Qi Bo, you know that Sangmen is looking for the happy personality of the ghost mother. In the Taoist temple in his memory, in addition to the soul-summoning bell and the straw man's talisman, did he also get any Taoist magic weapons?"

Qi Bo also knew that the situation was urgent. He already knew that Jin An would ask him about the situation of the mourning family. He had already thought of the answer in his heart, so he could answer immediately without thinking: "He has an exquisite jade Ruyi on him, which is very magical and can resolve the problem." The fire of karma has turned misfortune into good luck, and has prevented him from many disasters. There is also a ghost picture sutra. All the resentful spirits uniformed by Taoist temples in the past are sealed in the ghost picture sutra. How powerful it is, I have never seen him use it. ."

Jin An nodded, leaving the little girl Youyou and Hui Daxian in the basket, and after briefly covering up the tunnel entrance, he ran out of the ruins of the Yin Tower without looking back.

At this time, the commotion outside the ancestral hall became louder and louder. The sound of empty footsteps and the sound of iron chains and shackles had entered the neighborhood and could be heard clearly. The dark wind howled in the sky, like a hurricane sweeping through, and the air was filled with a terrifying gloomy air.

The fact that those two terrifying legends appeared at the same time was definitely not a coincidence, or they came straight to the news here.

At the critical moment, Jin An had no time to pay attention to the traces of Sangmen, so he solemnly took out a stick of incense from his arms.

"Brother Xiang, Taoist Brother Xiang, I didn't want to bother you with this little thing, but this time, junior brother, I encountered an unprecedented crisis. Someone came to the door and bullied the people in our Fushou store. I, the girl in red, and Aping were all People are being bullied at our door. This is too much. We all came from Fu Shou shop together. Fu Shou shop is our home and we are a family, so this time we have to ask Brother Xiang and Taoist friend Xiang to spend the time for us. Only Brother Xiang, who is the only one in heaven and earth, can save us all."

The incense stick in his hand was clearly the incense of evil in "Forty-Eight Incenses of Good and Evil".

At the beginning, he got a total of three sticks of evil incense at Fu Shou shop. He used one before and still has two sticks of evil incense.

Jin An knew very well that now that the situation was at its most critical, their small number of people would not be enough to avoid the crisis, so he immediately took out the evil incense.

In this world, not only Sangmen is lucky to find a Taoist temple that hides the memory of the ghost mother's happy personality, Jin'an also has good luck and adventures along the way.

Evil deeds smell good, enemies will come to your door within seven days, or there will be a bloody disaster within seven days!

Jin An still clearly remembered that when he met the coffin spirit who screamed for souls and ate people, he couldn't cope with it. Not long after he lit a stick of evil incense, the coffin spirit was immediately found by his enemies, and even the coffin boards were removed by the enemies. .

That scene made such a deep impression on him.

At that moment, Jin An lit up the incense of evil without hesitation.

Then insert it in front of the threshold of the Yin Tower of the ancestral hall.

From now on, whoever wants to step into the Yin Tower of the ancestral hall must first go through the incense of evil deeds.

Evil people need to be punished by evil people.

Let's see if the fragrance of evil can wear these bastards to death.

But Jin An had just lit the incense of evil deeds, and before he could squat down and put the incense in his hand in front of the threshold, a sound of empty footsteps sounded in the ancestral hall. In an instant, his heart skipped a beat, and the sound of footsteps It's like stepping heavily on the heart, making people's blood surge, their faces turn red, and their whole body feels uncomfortable.

It seemed that the next moment his heart would be unable to bear it and burst to death.

They were a pair of embroidered shoes that would only be worn by brides on the bridal night. The embroidered shoes were dusty, dirty, old, and covered with a lot of dust. They looked like they were dug out of a grave. The embroidered shoes were empty, no one was wearing them, but they were like fine shoes. You can learn how to walk.

Wherever the empty embroidered shoes walked, they would leave a string of dark shoe prints.

These shoe prints are the remnants of yin energy, which emit a chill and pollute the surrounding vegetation, wells, and houses.

At this moment, Jin An was covered in the golden light of thunder, fire, merit, and even he could feel a slight chill. It is conceivable that if someone with a little knowledge comes across him, his mind will probably be polluted from the very beginning.

Although it is still unclear how this pair of embroidered shoes ran into the ancestral hall on its own, it is certain that these embroidered shoes have become a spirit, and it is not simple. They can appear quietly in the ancestral hall. Even Jin An, who seems to have divine help at this moment, Careless and unaware.

He had a worse guess in his mind...

These don't look like very vicious embroidered shoes. Once the Yin Qi breaks out, will it be infinitely close to the third realm?

Or, it is already the third realm!

Now that he had been exposed, Jin An's eyes were sharp. He looked directly at the pair of embroidered shoes that suddenly appeared walking in the ancestral hall, intending to confront them head-on. No matter what, he was definitely not someone who would sit back and wait for death.

Just when Jin An was about to take action, he unexpectedly discovered a small detail. The embroidered shoes seemed to have not seen him. They kept approaching slowly, walked past the Yin Tower, and then walked past a few steps away from him. There was no pause from beginning to end.

He had a surprised expression on his face, and then looked down at the evil scent of the cigarette in his hand. He thought to himself that Brother Xiang heard his sincere voice and was moved by him. It worked so quickly?

They say that sincerity leads to spiritual success.

Believers burn incense and pray to the Bodhisattva, and when it reaches the ears of the Bodhisattva, and then the Bodhisattva has time to descend to help you solve your problems and fulfill your vows, at least the Bodhisattva should be given a few breaths to take a breath. For more people, it takes ten days and a half. Can't even be ranked.

It's good for him, he can do it at any time.

It's a pity that I only have one pair of shoes, I can't see the person, I can't see the expression, I just don't know if the other person has seen him? Or have you seen it but ignored it?

No matter what the outcome is, today's matter must be related to the evil incense in his hands!

Jin An once again thanked the evil deeds devoutly eight or nine times in his heart!

After walking through Jin'an, the two empty shoes went straight out of the Chen Ancestral Hall. Next, footsteps were heard from several buildings next door, and the two embroidered shoes were searched from house to house.

During this period, there were also several screams. They were some lonely ghosts who had participated in the siege of the ancestral hall. They were found hiding in the surrounding houses and torn into pieces.


At this time, the sound of the prison car dragging the chained shackles of the condemned prisoners on the ground was heard, and it also approached the ancestral hall. It was deathly quiet at first, and just when Jin An was about to quietly jump to a high place to see what was going on outside, roar!

A roar ripped through the sky, releasing an eerie chill that made even Jin An's hair stand on end. The sound was cruel and terrifying, and even the air vibrated with terrifying sound waves visible to the naked eye.


The prison cart swallowed up the dead for ten miles and turned into a huge hellfire chariot burning with hellfire. The chariot wore a thick and huge bronze mask, with a green face and fangs, and was ferocious. The chariot was sprinkled with blood and covered with crossbows. The siege crossbow and a row of serrated knives were covered with human flesh and blood tissue. The flesh and blood tissue had turned black and smelly. It was unknown how many people had been slaughtered to leave so much residual flesh.

Those repeating crossbows are not ordinary crossbow arrows, but soul-killing crossbows that can pierce a person's soul, and can damage the human body and three souls and seven souls at the same time.

The row of ferocious serrated knives at the front of the car is not only a meat grinder, but also a bone grinder and a soul grinder. It is indestructible.

As soon as the bronze Nuo-faced chariot appeared, the ferocious bronze Nuo-faced chariot appeared like a human, with an angry look, and spouted out green fire from the underworld, burning in all directions and fighting with other things.

The chariot was as huge as a siege chariot. It could attack cities and strongholds, and crash into mountains and rift valleys. Wherever it passed, there were ruins. It was either crushed by wheels weighing thousands of kilograms or burned to ashes by the green fire of the netherworld. block.

The sky is full of green fire.

Flames burn the sky.

"Is it because of the two embroidered shoes just now? Or did another enemy appear on the way?" Jin An just looked up at the green fire in the sky, but he happened to see a group of black figures jumping over the wall into the ancestral hall. , is a zombie giant spliced ​​together by the Zangmen family.

But this time the corpse monster giant is a little different from the previous ones. A head appears between the eyebrows, and that head is clearly the Sangmen.

Now this zombie giant finally has the heads of a family of seven people.

I don’t know how this zombie sect escaped the search of two terrifying legends... Maybe it escaped with the help of the death energy on the zombie giant, or maybe it escaped with the help of the exquisite jade Ruyi, which can turn disaster into good luck... But no matter which one it is, the complete zombie monster that has merged with the Sangmen will directly kill Jin An when it sees it.

From the moment it comes on, it's murderous and ice-cold.

Want a quick victory.

Facing the zombie giant who was killing him, Jin An had a strange look on his face. He had just planted the evil incense, but the zombie giant who wanted to kill him quickly had already arrived in an instant.


The steps were shattered with heavy soles of his feet, causing waves of dust and dirt to be thrown up. The stones slapped against the surrounding ruins and door frames, making holes in the wooden door frames.

At its feet, there was an isolated stick of incense, curling and burning. It was just a hair away from stepping on the incense stick.

In front of its huge body, the incense stick was as small as a toothpick or an ant. The giant never cared whether the ant would be crushed under his feet. The giant would not lower his head to look at the ants under his feet. The corpse monster giant smashed the door frame of the underworld with one palm. , the huge press on the body was as agile as lightning and it shot out, chasing Jin An instantly.

In the explosion of earth and rocks that shattered the door frame, the incense stick on the ground was almost knocked down by rocks several times, but it was always safe. Only the light smoke still floated into the sky and spread, causing and effect like light smoke, wrapping around it. The zombie giant and the humanity between the eyebrows annihilate the zombies.

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